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Created September 3, 2020 14:37
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2020-09-03 Eth2 Call 47.txt
- Highlighted several potential for malicious attestations or blocks
to exhaust the system memory, so now use bounded buffer and explicit drops
when late
Current focus:
- Log file filling disk -> moving default logging for something suitable to end user
- also differentiating own attestations/blocks vs the noise of the network
- DB filling disk: working on pruning
- NBC RAM usage: still having a resource leak, likely libp2p or asynchronous timers holding objects forever.
Multinet scripts:
-> small network with 8x64 LH, 8x64 nim, 8x64 pry
phase 1: getting ready for testing
Scoring parameters for Gossip 1.1
Next Thursday networking call
Testnet launch once again but no commitment to maintain the net up.
-> hard fork practice
-> network testing revamp
- feedback on DOS vectors, addressing them
- explorer API
- research on weak subjectivity sync
- slashing bug and optimising to avoid the slashing bug from Medalla
- Fixed memory issue that preventing syncing Medalla
now pruning and can finalize test
- recursion in fork choice, reached in long period of non-finality
- will move the fork choice in a separate manner
- Trying to sync medalla and propose a block
- Unicode password uniformization format
- Slashing protection interchange format
(was interrupted :/ couldn’t get the info)
For now folding Eth2 project, focusing on launch
Contact them if interested
Leo: building a crawler using rumor
Q: weak subjectivity sync:
requirement for launch or soon after
—> standardise flag names, API between clients?
Networking call next wednesday
Spec discussion
Closing remarks
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