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Created December 17, 2022 09:33
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Cuda 11.5 or lower muladd-carry bug
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <memory>
inline void mac_with_carry(uint64_t &lo, uint64_t &hi, const uint64_t &a, const uint64_t &b, const uint64_t &c) {
if (blockIdx.x == 0 && threadIdx.x == 0) {
printf("GPU calculation input: a = %lx b = %lx c = %lx\n", a, b, c);
asm(" %0, %2, %3, %4;\n\t"
"madc.hi.u64 %1, %2, %3, 0;\n\t"
:"=l"(lo), "=l"(hi): "l"(a), "l"(b), "l"(c));
if (blockIdx.x == 0 && threadIdx.x == 0) {
printf("GPU calculation result: hi = %lx low = %lx\n", hi, lo);
void test(uint64_t *out, uint32_t num){
unsigned int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (tid >= num) {
uint64_t a = 0x42737a020c0d6393UL;
uint64_t b = 0xffffffff00000001UL;
uint64_t c = 0xc999e990f3f29c6dUL;
mac_with_carry(out[tid << 1], out[(tid << 1) + 1], a, b, c);
int main() {
uint64_t *d_out;
uint32_t num = 1;
cudaMalloc(&d_out, num * 2 * sizeof(uint64_t));
const uint32_t BLOCK_SIZE = 256;
uint32_t block_num = (num + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE;
test<<<block_num, BLOCK_SIZE>>>(d_out, num);
unsigned __int128 a = 0x42737a020c0d6393UL;
unsigned __int128 b = 0xffffffff00000001UL;
unsigned __int128 c = 0xc999e990f3f29c6dUL;
unsigned __int128 result = a * b + c;
printf("Cpu result: hi:%lx low:%lx\n", (uint64_t)((result >> 64) & 0xffffffffffffffffUL), (uint64_t)(result & 0xffffffffffffffffUL));
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