_________ _____ _______________ _____
\_ ___ \\ \\___________ \____ / ____\ ~/.bash/cliref.md
/ \ \/| | | || _/ __ \ __\ copy/paste from whatisdb
\ \___|__ |_|_ || | \ __/|_ | http://pastebin.com/yGmGiDQX
\________ /_____ \_||____|_ /____ /_| [email protected]
20160515 \/ 1527 \/ \/ \/
alias CLIRef.txt='curl -s "http://pastebin.com/raw/yGmGiDQX" | less -i'
alias CLIRef.md='lynx "https://gist.github.com/yunga/b036ac9749524e312fb8#file-cliref-md"'
manpages /usr/man/ /usr/share/man/
infopages /usr/info/ /usr/share/info/
packages /usr/doc/ /usr/share/doc/
linux doc prj /usr/doc/ldp/ /usr/share/doc/ldp/
howtos /usr/doc/howto/ /usr/share/doc/howto/
mini howtos /usr/doc/howto/mini/ /usr/share/doc/howto/mini/
kernel /usr/src/linux/documentation/
x window /usr/x11r6/lib/x11/doc/
apache /home/httpd/html/manual/ /var/www/html/manual/
latex doc /usr/share/texmf/doc/latex/latex2e-html/
tex /usr/share/texmf/doc/
- [The Linux man-pages project] (https://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/)
- [Linux Manpages Online] (http://man.cx/)
- [Ubuntu Manpage Repository] (http://manpages.ubuntu.com/)
- [ArchWiki] (https://wiki.archlinux.org/)
- [Debian Wiki] (https://wiki.debian.org/)
- [Debian Admin's Handbook] (https://debian-handbook.info/browse/stable/)
- [The Linux Documentation Project] (http://tldp.org/)
- [GreyCat's wiki] (http://mywiki.wooledge.org/)
- [Bash Hackers Wiki] (http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/)
- [Rosetta Stone for Unix] (http://bhami.com/rosetta.html)
- [Unix Toolbox] (http://cb.vu/unixtoolbox.xhtml)
- [Inconsolation] (https://inconsolation.wordpress.com/)
- [Command Line Kung Fu] (http://blog.commandlinekungfu.com/)
- [CommandLineFu] (http://www.commandlinefu.com/)
- [Unix Mages] (http://unixmages.com/)
- [SuperUser] (https://superuser.com/)
- [Ask Ubuntu] (https://askubuntu.com/)
- [Unix on StackExchange] (https://unix.stackexchange.com/)
- [Shell subreddits] (https://www.reddit.com/r/bash+bashtricks+commandline+scriptswap+shell+zsh)
- ShellCheck (http://www.shellcheck.net/)
- [ExplainShell] (http://explainshell.com/)
- [Coding Ground] (http://www.tutorialspoint.com/codingground.htm)
Section | General use on various unix platforms |
0 | c library header files
1 | general commands
1c | communications
1g | graphics
1m | maintenance, system administration commands and daemons
2 | system calls
3 | library functions, in particular the c standard library
3c | c programming language
3f | fortran programming language
3m | miscellaneous programming routines
4 | special files, devices, drivers, formats and conventions
5 | file formats and conventions miscellanea
6 | games and screensavers
7 | miscellanea, special files, devices and drivers
8 | system administration commands and daemons
9 | kernel routines
l | local, some programs install pages here instead of (1)
n | tcl/tk keywords
x | the x window system
?p | perl scripts man pages
?posix | posix man pages
?fun | funny command lines
Command | Description |
man | an interface to the on-line reference manuals |
apropos | search the manual page names and descriptions |
whatis | display manual page descriptions |
whichman | search for a man page using a fault tolerant search |
info | read info documents |
help | shell built-in help |
debmany | show documentation from installed packages |
debian-reference | open the post-installation user's guide in browser |
type | display information about command type |
konqueror | browse man:/info:/perldoc:/etc. thanks to kio |
popbugs | find release critical bugs in packages you use |
Manpage | Description |
intro.1 | user commands |
intro.2 | system calls |
intro.3 | library functions |
intro.4 | special files |
intro.5 | file formats |
intro.6 | games |
intro.7 | overview/conventions/miscellany section |
intro.8 | administration and privileged commands |
undocumented.7 | no manpage for this program, utility or function |
missing | missing manual pages |
LDP | linux documentation project with help and guides |
man-pages | conventions for writing linux man pages |
environ | user environment |
hier | description of the filesystem hierarchy |
file-hierarchy | file system hierarchy overview |
capabilities | overview of linux capabilities |
signal | overview of signals |
standards | standards - c and unix standards |
units.7 | units, kilo/kibi/mega, decimal and binary prefixes |
libc | overview of standard c libraries on linux |
posixoptions | optional parts of the posix standard |
errno | look up errno names and descriptions |
errno.3 | number of last error |
undocumented.3 | undocumented library functions |
printf | formatted output conversion |
strftime | format date and time |
acl | access control lists |
ascii | report character aliases |
ascii.7 | ascii characters in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal |
unicode | universal character set |
locale.7 | description of multilanguage support |
readline | get a line from a user with editing (inputrc) |
terminfo | terminal capability data base |
bash | gnu bourne-again shell |
zsh | the z shell |
glob | globbing pathnames |
regex | posix.2 regular expressions |
pcrepattern | pcre - perl-compatible regular expressions |
pcresyntax | pcre - perl-compatible regex syntax summary |
perlintro | brief introduction and overview of perl |
perlcheat | perl 5 cheat sheet |
gittutorial | a tutorial introduction to git |
random | kernel random number source devices |
Command | Description |
sh | shell, the standard command language interpreter |
bash | gnu bourne-again shell |
fish | the friendly interactive shell |
zsh | the z shell |
fizsh | friendly interactive zshell |
ksh | kornshell, a command and programming language |
pdksh | legacy kornshell built on mksh |
mksh | mirbsd kornshell |
csh | a shell with c-like syntax |
tcsh | c shell with file name completion and cli editing |
ash | the almquist shell |
dash | the debian almquist shell |
rc | a shell for plan 9 and unix systems |
git-sh | a git shell (bash) |
shellcheck | analyzes shell scripts and points out typical issues |
Command | Description |
screen | screen manager with vt100/ansi terminal emulation |
tmux | terminal multiplexer |
byobu | wrapper script for seeding configuration to screen/tmux |
dvtm | dynamic virtual terminal manager |
twin | textmode window environment |
dtach | program that emulates the detach feature of screen |
reptyr | reparent a running program to a new terminal/screen |
kibitz | allow two people to interact with one shell |
script | make typescript of terminal session |
scriptreplay | play back typescripts, using timing information |
ttyrec | a tty recorder |
ttyplay | player of the tty session recorded by ttyrec |
clear | clear the screen |
reset | terminal initialization |
openvt | start a program on a new virtual terminal (vt) |
chvt | change foreground virtual terminal |
deallocvt | deallocate unused virtual terminals |
tty | display the name of the terminal connected to stdin |
stty | change and print terminal line settings |
tabs | set terminal tabs |
setterm | set terminal attributes |
tput | change terminal characteristics |
tic | the terminfo entry-description compiler |
toe | table of (terminfo) entries |
infocmp | compare or print out terminfo descriptions |
captoinfo | convert a termcap description into terminfo description |
infotocap | convert a terminfo description into termcap description |
Command | Description |
apt-get | apt package handling utility (debian) |
apt-config | apt configuration query program |
apt-cache | query the apt cache |
apt-file | apt package searching utility |
dlocate | program to view debian package information |
whohas | find packages in various distributions repositories |
apt-mark | mark/unmark a package as being automatically-installed |
debfoster | weed unnecessary debian packages |
deborphan | orphaned package finder |
dgrep | grep through files belonging to an installed package |
dglob | expand package names or files matching a pattern |
dpigs | show which installed packages occupy the most space |
popularity-contest | list the most popular packages on the system |
popcon-largest-unused | list size of unused packages on the system |
popbugs | find release critical bugs in packages used |
which-pkg-broke | find which package might have broken another |
dpkg | package manager for debian |
dpkg-reconfigure | reconfigure an already installed package |
debconf | run a debconf-using program |
debconf-get-selections | output contents of debconf database |
debconf-set-selections | insert new values into the debconf database |
update-alternatives | maintain symlinks for default commands |
update-manager | graphical management of software updates |
dselect | debian package management frontend |
aptitude | high-level interface to the package manager |
synaptic | graphical management of software packages (xwindows) |
alien | convert or install an alien binary package (rpm, deb) |
smart | the smart package manager (apt/rpm/yum/etc) |
yum | yellowdog updater modified (redhat) |
rpm | rpm package manager (redhat) |
urpmi | rpm downloader/installer/dependency solver (mandriva) |
zypper | interface to zypp system management (opensuse) |
pacman | package manager utility (archlinux) |
yaourt | more than a frontend to pacman (archlinux) |
stow | software package installation manager (with symlinks) |
checkrestart | check which processes need a restart after an upgrade |
Command | Description |
inxi | lists kernel/drivers/cpu/ram/gcc/xorg/desktop/etc. |
nmon | systems administrator, tuner, benchmark tool |
collectl | collects data that describes the current system status |
binstats | display statistics about programs and libraries |
uptime | view the system load and how long it has been running |
times | show process times for the shell and its child |
lsb_release | print distribution-specific information |
uname | print system/kernel information |
arch | print machine hardware name (same as uname -m) |
nproc | print the number of processing units available |
procinfo | display system statistics gathered from /proc |
mpstat | report processors related statistics |
saidar | a curses-based tool for viewing system statistics |
perf-top | system profiling tool |
lmbench | system benchmarks |
sysbench | a modular, multi-threaded benchmark tool |
sar | collect, report, or save system activity information |
hostid | print the numeric identifier for the current host |
free | display amount of free/used/swap memory in the system |
swapon | enable device and file for paging and swapping |
swapoff | disable devices and files for paging and swapping |
vmstat | report virtual memory statistics |
dstat | versatile tool for generating system resource stats |
iostat | report cpu and io statistics for dev, part and nfs |
iotop | simple top-like i/o monitor |
fio | flexible i/o tester |
blktrace | generate traces of the i/o traffic on block devices |
blockdev | call block device ioctls from the command line |
slabtop | display kernel slab cache information in real time |
tload | graphic representation of system load average |
logger | a shell interface to the syslog system log module |
logwatch | system log analyzer and reporter |
swatch | simple watcher |
imvirt | detects several virtualizations |
Command | Description |
lsmod | program to show the status of modules in linux kernel |
insmod | simple program to insert a module into the linux kernel |
rmmod | simple program to remove a module from the linux kernel |
modinfo | program to show information about a linux kernel module |
modprobe | program to add and remove modules from the linux kernel |
modconf | a module configuration utility |
depmod | program to generate modules.dep and map files |
sysctl | configure kernel parameters at runtime |
Command | Description |
initctl | upstart service configuration |
start | init daemon control tool |
stop | init daemon control tool |
status | init daemon control tool |
chkconfig | enable or disable system services |
service | run a system v init script |
sysv-rc-conf | run-level configuration for sysv like init script links |
runlevel | output previous and current runlevel |
telinit | change system runlevel |
checkrestart | check which processes need a restart after an upgrade |
systemctl | control the systemd system and service manager |
journalctl | query the systemd journal |
loginctl | control the systemd login manager |
halt | reboot or stop the system |
reboot | reboot or stop the system |
shutdown | shutdown or restart the system |
poweroff | reboot or stop the system |
Command | Description |
x86info | display x86 cpu diagnostics |
dmesg | print kernel and driver messages |
hdparm | get/set sata/ide device parameters |
smartctl | control and monitor utility for smart disks |
badblocks | search a device for bad blocks |
setserial | get/set linux serial port information |
wvdial | ppp dialer with built-in intelligence |
lshw | list hardware |
lshal | lists all devices the hardware abstraction layer knows |
lsdev | display information about installed hardware |
lsblk | list block devices |
lsusb | list usb devices |
lspci | list all pci devices |
setpci | configure pci devices |
pnpdump | dump isa plug-and-play devices resource information |
isadump | examine isa registers |
scsiinfo | query information from a scsi device |
sginfo | access mode page information for a scsi/atapi device |
sg_map | displays mapping between linux sg and scsi devices |
udevadm | udev management tool |
ethtool | query or control network driver and hardware settings |
mii-tool | view, manipulate media-independent interface status |
dmidecode | dmi table decoder |
hwinfo | probe for hardware |
acpitool | acpi client, allowing you to query or set acpi values |
apm | interface with the apm subsystem |
alsamixer | soundcard mixer for alsa driver |
aumix | adjust audio mixer |
pactl | control a running pulseaudio sound server |
rexima | a curses-based (and command-line) mixer |
alsactl | advanced controls for alsa soundcard driver |
showkey | examine the codes sent by the keyboard |
loadkeys | load keyboard translation tables |
dumpkeys | dump keyboard translation tables |
setleds | set the keyboard leds |
imvirt | detects several virtualizations |
Command | Description |
df | report file system disk space usage |
discus | print a report of disk space usage |
mount | mount a filesystem |
umount | unmount file systems |
mhddfs | combines a several mount points into a single one |
fusermount | mount and unmount fuse filesystems |
findmnt | find a filesystem |
mountpoint | see if a directory is a mountpoint |
sync | flush disk caches |
mkfs | build a linux file system |
tune2fs | adjust tunable filesystem parameters on ext2/ext3/ext4 |
fsck | check and repair a linux file system |
badblocks | search a device for bad blocks |
debugfs | ext2/ext3/ext4 file system debugger |
fdisk | partition table manipulator for linux |
cfdisk | curses/slang based disk partition table manipulator |
parted | a partition manipulation program |
fdformat | low-level format a floppy disk |
mtools | utilities to access dos disks in unix |
lilo | install linux boot loader |
grub | install grand unified bootloader |
dd | convert/copy a file, write disk headers, boot records |
ddrescue | data recovery tool |
dcfldd | enhanced version of dd for forensics and security |
foremost | recover files using their headers/footers/structures |
photorec | recover lost files from hdisk, digital camera and cdrom |
safecopy | data recovery tool |
Command | Description |
quota | display disk usage and limits |
repquota | summarize quotas for a filesystem |
setquota | set disk quotas |
edquota | edit user quotas |
quotaon | turn filesystem quotas on |
quotaoff | turn filesystem quotas off |
quotacheck | scan for disk usage, create, check, repair quota files |
convertquota | convert quota from old file format to new one |
Command | Description |
ps | report a snapshot of the current processes |
w | show who is logged on and what they are doing |
top | monitor processes |
htop | interactive process viewer |
atop | at computing system & process monitor |
gitps | a visual process viewer/killer (gnu interactive tools) |
glances | a cross-platform curses-based system monitoring tool |
pidstat | report statistics for linux tasks |
powertop | program to analyze power consumption on intel laptops |
prtstat | print statistics of a process |
pstree | display a tree of processes |
whowatch | console, interactive, process and users monitoring tool |
kill | send a signal to a process |
killall | kill all processes named proc |
pidof | find the process id of a running program |
pkill | signal processes based on name and other attributes |
pgrep | lookup processes based on name and other attributes |
skill | send a signal or report process status |
snice | send a signal or report process status |
nice | set/run a program with modified scheduling priority |
renice | alter priority of running processes |
ionice | set or get process i/o scheduling class and priority |
cpulimit | limits the cpu usage of a process |
taskset | retrieve or set a process cpu affinity |
setuid | run a command with a different uid |
setsid | run a program in a new session |
nohup | runs a command immune to hangups, outputs to a non-tty |
disown | shell built-in, removes each jobs from shell |
jobs | lists the active jobs |
bg | lists stopped or background jobs, resume a stopped job |
fg | brings the most recent job to foreground |
time | time a simple command |
timeout | run a command with a time limit |
uux | remote command execution |
uustat | uucp status inquiry and job control |
ipcs | report interprocess communication facilities status |
ipcrm | remove message, semaphore, or shared memory identifier |
See Brendan D. Gregg [Linux Perf page] (http://www.brendangregg.com/linuxperf.html)
Command | Description |
collectl | collects data that describes the current system status |
glances | a cross-platform curses-based system monitoring tool |
uptime | view the system load and how long it has been running |
mpstat | report processors related statistics |
lmbench | system benchmarks |
sysbench | a modular, multi-threaded benchmark tool |
sar | collect, report, or save system activity information |
free | display amount of free/used/swap memory in the system |
swapon | enable/disable device and file for paging and swapping |
vmstat | report virtual memory statistics |
dstat | versatile tool for generating system resource stats |
iostat | report cpu and io statistics for dev, part and nfs |
iotop | simple top-like i/o monitor |
fio | flexible i/o tester |
blktrace | generate traces of the i/o traffic on block devices |
slabtop | display kernel slab cache information in real time |
sysctl | configure kernel parameters at runtime |
hdparm | get/set sata/ide device parameters |
ps | report a snapshot of the current processes |
top | monitor processes |
htop | interactive process viewer |
pidstat | report statistics for linux tasks |
nice | set/run a program with modified scheduling priority |
renice | alter priority of running processes |
ionice | set or get process i/o scheduling class and priority |
taskset | retrieve or set a process cpu affinity |
sysdig | a system-level exploration and troubleshooting tool |
ltrace | a library call tracer |
strace | trace system calls and signals |
errno | look up errno names and descriptions |
explain | explain system call error messages |
stap | systemtap script translator driver |
ktap | lightweight script-based dynamic tracing tool for linux |
llttng | tracer control command line tool |
perf | performance analysis tools for linux |
tiptop | display hardware performance counters for linux tasks |
ethtool | query or control network driver and hardware settings |
iperf | perform network throughput tests |
pchar | perform network measurements along an internet path |
ping | check if host is reachable |
hping3 | send (almost) arbitrary tcp/ip packets to network hosts |
traceroute | print the route packets trace to network host (see mtr) |
mtr | traceroute and ping programs diagnostic tool |
nicstat | print network traffic statistics |
netstat | print connections, routing, masquerade, multicast stats |
ss | another utility to investigate sockets |
socklist | display list of open sockets |
sockstat | list open sockets |
iptraf | interactive colorful ip lan monitor |
tcpdump | dump traffic on a network |
darkstat | network statistics gatherer |
justniffer | an extensive tcp flow sniffer |
snmpget | communicates with a network using snmp get requests |
lldptool | manage the lldp settings and status of lldpad |
tune2fs | adjust tunable filesystem parameters on ext2/ext3/ext4 |
dd | convert/copy a file, write disk headers, boot records |
siege | an http/https stress tester |
tsung | distributed multi-protocol load testing tool |
Command | Description |
adduser | add a user or group to the system |
useradd | create a new user or update default user information |
userdel | delete a user account and related files |
usermod | modify a user account |
newusers | update and create new users in batch |
groupadd | create a new group |
groupdel | delete a group |
groupmod | modify a group definition on the system |
newgrp | log in to a new group |
chage | change user password expiry information |
chfn | change real user name and information |
chsh | change login shell |
passwd | change user password |
Command | Description |
id | print real and effective user and group ids |
groups | print group names a user is in |
sa | summarizes accounting information |
ac | print statistics about users connect time |
who | print all usernames currently logged in |
whowatch | console, interactive, process and users monitoring tool |
whoami | print effective userid |
rwho | determine all users logged on your local network |
w | show who is logged on and what they are doing |
last | show listing of last logged in users |
lastb | show listing of bad loggin attemps |
lastlog | reports recent login of all users or of a given user |
lastcomm | print information about previously executed commands |
users | print the user names of users currently logged in |
logname | print the login name of a user |
talk | talk to another user |
ytalk | multi-user chat program |
write | send a message to another user |
wall | write a message to users |
mesg | control write access to your terminal |
Command | Description |
printenv | print all or part of environment |
env | run a program in a modified environment |
locale | get locale-specific information |
localedef | compile locale definition files |
Command | Description |
su | change user id or become superuser |
sudo | execute a command as another user |
sudoedit | edit one or more files as another user |
op | grant trusted users access to certain root operations |
runcon | run command with specified security context (selinux) |
chcon | change file security context (selinux) |
chroot | run command or interactive shell with special root dir |
schroot | securely enter a chroot environment |
rarun2 | run programs with different env/args/perms/dirs/etc |
Command | Description |
perl | the perl language interpreter |
perldoc | look up perl documentation in pod format |
perltidy | a perl script indenter and reformatter |
perlcritic | command-line interface to critique perl source |
perlbug | how to submit bug reports on perl |
cpan | easily interact with cpan from the command line |
txt2regex | a regular expression wizard |
ruby | interpreted object-oriented scripting language |
irb | interactive ruby |
gem | the front end to rubygems |
python | an interpreted, object-oriented programming language |
pydoc | the python documentation tool |
pycompile | byte compile python source files |
pychecker | program to check python scripts for common mistakes |
ghc | the glasgow haskell compiler |
ghci | the glasgow haskell compiler |
lua | lua interpreter |
luac | lua compiler |
luadoc | generate documentation from files |
luarocks | module deployment system for lua |
node | server-side javascript |
js_beautify | command tool to beautify your javascript files |
jq | command-line json processor |
jsoncat | display json data |
jsonlint | json syntax validator and formatter tool |
java | the java application launcher |
javac | java programming language compiler |
javadoc | the java api documentation generator |
jardiff | visualise api differences between two jar files |
php | php command line interface cli |
clisp | ansi common lisp compiler, interpreter and debugger |
fort77 | fortran compiler |
f2c | convert fortran 77 to c or c++ |
fc | frontend script to the f2c fortran compiler |
nasm | the netwide assembler, a portable 80x86 assembler |
yasm | the yasm modular assembler |
as | the portable gnu assembler |
rasm2 | assemble and disassemble files or hexpair strings |
gcc | gnu project c and c++ compiler |
gprof | display call graph profile data |
ld | the gnu linker |
c99 | compile standard ansi c programs |
cpp | the c preprocessor |
make | gnu make utility to maintain groups of programs |
dmake | maintain program groups, or interdependent files |
cmake | cross-platform makefile generator |
cxref | generate a c-language program cross-reference table |
ctags | generate tag file for emacs, vi |
cflow | generate a c-language flowgraph |
cscope | interactively examine a c program |
sloccount | count source lines of code (sloc) |
cloc | count lines of source code and comments |
pepper | repository statistics and report tool |
astyle | indentation and reformatting filters c, c++, c#, java |
indent | reformat a c program, inserting or deleting whitespace |
bcpp | make c++ beautifier |
uncrustify | c, c++, c#, d, java and pawn source code beautifier |
xmlstarlet | command line xml/xslt toolkit |
xmllint | command line xml tool |
xgrep | search content of xml file via xpath or curstom search |
xmlcatalog | parse and manipulate xml or sgml catalog files |
xalan | process xml documents with xslt stylesheets |
xmlindent | xml stream reformatter |
tidy | validate, correct, and pretty-print html files |
csstidy | css parser and optimiser |
highlight | universal code highlighter converter (html, rtf, ...) |
lex | generate programs for lexical tasks |
strip | remove unnecessary information from executable files |
m4 | macro processor |
yacc | yet another compiler compiler |
flex | lexical analyser, generates code for pattern-matching |
gencat | generate a formatted message catalog |
getconf | get configuration values |
errno | look up errno names and descriptions |
explain | explain system call error messages |
Command | Description |
gdb | the gnu debugger |
r2 | advanced hexadecimal editor, disassembler and debugger |
elfsh | the elsf shell |
e2dbg | the embedded elf debugger |
readelf | displays information about elf files |
rabin2 | get information about elf/pe/mz/class |
objdump | display information from object files |
objcopy | copy and translate object files |
nm | list symbols from object files |
lsof | list open files/streams/sockets/etc |
lslk | list local locks |
fuser | identify processes using files or sockets |
trace-cmd | interacts with ftrace linux kernel internal tracer |
trace-cmd-list | list available plugins, events or options for ftrace |
pstack | print a stack trace of running processes |
dtrace | tune and troubleshoot programs and system (systemtap) |
sysdig | a system-level exploration and troubleshooting tool |
etrace | the embedded elf tracer |
eresi | the eresi reverse engineering software interface |
errno | look up errno names and descriptions |
explain | explain system call error messages |
strace | trace system calls and signals |
ltrace | a library call tracer |
mtrace | interpret output from malloc_trace |
xtrace | trace communication between x11 client and server |
stap | systemtap script translator driver |
ktap | lightweight script-based dynamic tracing tool for linux |
llttng | tracer control command line tool |
perf | performance analysis tools for linux |
perf-stat | run a command and gather performance counter statistics |
perf-list | list all symbolic event types |
tiptop | display hardware performance counters for linux tasks |
babeltrace | babeltrace trace viewer and converter for (ctf) |
memdump | memory dumper |
scanmem | locate and modify a variable in an executing process |
crash | analyze linux crash dump data or a live system |
binwalk | binary image search tool |
strings | extract printable strings |
ident | identify rcs keyword strings in files |
pmap | report memory map of a process |
ldd | print shared library dependencies |
ldconfig | configure dynamic linker run-time bindings |
ld.so | dynamic linker-loader |
/lib/ld-linux.so.2 | dynamic linker-loader |
/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 | dynamic linker-loader |
Command | Description |
rcs | change rcs file attributes |
ci | check in rcs revisions |
co | check out rcs revisions |
git | the stupid content tracker |
tig | text-mode interface for git |
bzr | bazaar next-generation distributed version control |
cvs | concurrent versions system |
darcs | an advanced revision control system |
hg | mercurial source code management system |
svn | subversion command line client tool |
Command | Description |
sqlite3 | command line interface for sqlite version 3 |
sqlite | a command line interface for sqlite |
psql | postgresql interactive terminal |
mysql | the mysql command-line tool |
sql | execute a command on a database determined by a dburl |
rrdtool | round robin database tool and grapher |
Command | Description |
ip | show/manip routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels |
tc | show/manipulate traffic control settings |
ifconfig | set/display network information |
ifdata | get network interface info without ifconfig parsing |
ifstat | report interface statistics |
ifdown | stop a network interface |
ifup | bring a network interface up |
ethtool | query or control network driver and hardware settings |
mii-tool | view, manipulate media-independent interface status |
nmcli | command-line tool for controlling networkmanager |
nmtui | text user interface for controlling networkmanager |
nm-tool | utility to report networkmanager state and devices |
iperf | perform network throughput tests |
nuttcp | network performance measurement tool |
pchar | perform network measurements along an internet path |
route | show/manipulate the ip routing table |
hostname | print the system hostname |
domainname | show or set the system nis/yp domain name |
dnsdomainname | show the system dns domain name |
nisdomainname | show or set the system's nis domain name |
ypdomainname | show or set the system's yp domain name |
whois | client for the whois directory service |
dnstracer | trace a chain of DNS servers to the source |
ping | check if host is reachable |
hping3 | send (almost) arbitrary tcp/ip packets to network hosts |
traceroute | print the route packets trace to network host (see mtr) |
tracepath | traces path to a network host, discovering mtu along |
mtr | traceroute and ping programs diagnostic tool |
netstat | print connections, routing, masquerade, multicast stats |
lsof | list open files/streams/sockets/etc |
ss | another utility to investigate sockets |
host | dns lookup utility |
dig | dns lookup utility |
nslookup | query internet name servers interactively |
zonecheck | dns zone checking tool |
nc | netcat, arbitrary tcp and udp connections and listens |
cryptcat | twofish encryption enabled version of nc |
ncat | concatenate and redirect sockets |
socat | multipurpose relay (socket cat) |
faucet | a fixture for a bsd network pipe (netpipes) |
hose | the client end of a bsd network pipe (netpipes) |
arping | arp find out ethernet address by first arping then arp |
arp | manipulate the system arp cache |
arpwatch | keep track of ethernet/ip address pairings |
arpspoof | intercept packets on a switched lan |
rarp | manipulate the system rarp table |
ufw | program for managing a netfilter firewall |
iptables | administration tool for ipv4 filtering and nat |
ip6tables | ipv6 packet filter administration |
iptables-save | dump iptables rules to stdout |
ip6tables-save | dump iptables rules to stdout |
iptables-restore | restore ip tables |
ip6tables-restore | restore ipv6 tables |
iptstate | top-like display of ip tables state table entries |
ipchains | control the packet filter/firewall (see iptables) |
ipcalc | ipv4 netmask/broadcast/etc calculator |
ipv6calc | a small utility to manipulate ipv6 addresses |
sipcalc | ip subnet calculator |
subnetcalc | ipv4/ipv6 subnet calculator |
tcpkill | kill tcp connections on a lan |
tcpnice | slow down tcp connections on a lan |
sshow | ssh traffic analysis tool |
sshmitm | ssh monkey-in-the-middle |
smbclient | ftp-like client to access smb/cifs resources on servers |
ntptrace | trace a chain of ntp servers back to the primary source |
snmpget | communicates with a network using snmp get requests |
snmpwalk | retrieve a management values subtree using snmp getnext |
snmpcmd | behaviour common to most of the net-snmp commands |
lldpad | link layer discovery protocol (lldp) agent daemon |
lldptool | manage the lldp settings and status of lldpad |
suricata | next generation intrusion detection and prevention tool |
Command | Description |
iw | show/manipulate wireless devices and configuration |
iwconfig | configure a wireless network interface |
iwlist | detailed information about a wireless interface |
iwevent | show wireless events generated by drivers and hardware |
iwgetid | report essid, nwid, ap/cell address of wireless network |
wavemon | a wireless network monitor |
kismet | wireless sniffing and monitoring |
Command | Description |
ntop | display top network users |
ntopng | display top network users |
nload | displays the current network usage |
cbm | display the current traffic on all network devices |
sntop | top-like console network status tool |
iftop | display bandwidth usage on an interface by host |
jnettop | view hosts/ports taking up the most network traffic |
bmon | bandwidth monitor and rate estimator |
bwn-ng | a live monitor for network and disk io |
speedometer | display the rate of data across a network connection |
netload | network device load monitor |
nethogs | a small net top tool, displays usage per process |
slurm | yet another network load monitor |
vnstat | a console-based network traffic monitor |
nicstat | print network traffic statistics |
pktstat | display packet activity |
iptraf | interactive colorful ip lan monitor |
netwatch | ethernet internet protocol monitor |
trafshow | full screen show network traffic |
tcptrack | monitor tcp connections on the network |
tcpreen | tcp stream monitoring tool |
wavemon | a wireless network monitor |
Command | Description |
ip | show/manip routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels |
ip-tunnel | tunnel configuration |
stunnel | universal ssl tunnel |
ptunnel | tunnel tcp connections over icmp packets |
udptunnel | tunnel udp packets over a tcp connection |
Command | Description |
nmap | network exploration tool and security / port scanner |
ndiff | utility to compare the results of nmap scans |
scapy | interactive packet manipulation tool |
nping | network packet generation tool / ping utility |
arp-scan | the arp scanner |
sslscan | fast ssl scanner |
xprobe2 | a remote active operating system fingerprinting tool |
p0f | identify remote systems passively |
Command | Description |
wireshark | interactively dump and analyze network traffic |
tshark | dump and analyze network traffic |
scapy | interactive packet manipulation tool |
dumpcap | dump network traffic |
tcpspy | tcp/ip connection monitor |
tcpdump | dump traffic on a network |
tcptrace | a tcp connection analysis tool |
tcpick | tcp stream sniffer and connection tracker |
tcpflow | tcp flow recorder |
snort | packet sniffer/logger and intrusion detection system |
pcapdump | dedicated packet capture utility |
pcapip | filter a pcap for ip addresses |
pcappick | pick specific frames out of a pcap file by number |
pcapuc | filter a pcap for ip addresses |
ettercap | sniffer/content filter for man in the middle attacks |
ngrep | network grep |
tetheral | dump and analyze network traffic |
sniffit | packet sniffer and monitoring tool |
httpry | http logging and information retrieval tool |
dsniff | password sniffer (lots of protocols) |
kismet | wireless sniffing and monitoring |
Command | Description |
exportfs | maintain table of exported nfs file systems |
showmount | show mount information for an NFS server |
nfsstat | list nfs statistics |
nfsiostat | report input/output statistics for nfs |
sshfs | filesystem client based on ssh |
curlftpfs | mount a ftp host as a local directory |
flickrfs | virtual filesystem for flickr photosharing service |
Command | Description |
ssh | openssh ssh client (remote login program) |
cssh | cluster admin tool, multiple ssh connection |
ssh-copy-id | install public key in a remote machine authorized_keys |
ssh-keygen | authkey generation, management and conversion |
rsh | remote shell |
crsh | cluster admin tool, multiple rsh connection |
rlogin | openssh ssh client (remote login program) |
telnet | log into remote hosts |
ctel | cluster admin tool, multiple telnet connection |
ccon | cluster admin tool, multiple console connection |
uux | remote command execution |
uustat | uucp status inquiry and job control |
finger | user information lookup program |
Command | Description |
minicom | friendly serial communication program |
efax | send/receive faxes with class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem |
mgetty | smart data/fax modem getty |
fax | fax sending and receiving with mgetty+sendfax |
sendfax | submit a facsimile job for transmission |
sendpage | submit a pager job for transmission |
faxstat | for hylafax facsimile server status |
faxspool | queue and convert files for faxing with sendfax |
faxq | display fax jobs queued by faxspool |
faxrunq | send fax jobs queued by faxspool |
faxrm | remove fax jobs queued by faxspool |
faxalter | alter parameters of a queued hylafax job |
fax2ps | convert a tiff facsimile to compressed postscript |
faxcover | generate postscript cover page for outgoing facsimile |
faxmail | hylafax mail-to-fax (postscript) gateway application |
textfmt | convert ascii text to postscript for facsimile |
gammu | does some neat things with your cellular phone or modem |
Command | Description |
curl | transfer a url (swiss army tool) |
wget | the non-interactive network downloader |
httrack | offline browser : copy websites to a local directory |
linkchecker | check html documents and websites for broken links |
woof | a small, simple, stupid webserver to share files |
wput | wget-like ftp-uploader |
sftp | secure file transfer program |
ncftp | browser program for the file transfer protocol |
ncftpget | internet file transfer program for scripts |
ncftpput | internet file transfer program for scripts |
ftp | copy files between hosts |
lftp | sophisticated file transfer program |
scp | securely copy files between hosts |
rcp | remote file copy |
uucp | system-to-system copy |
mulk | parallel network downloader with filtering and metalink |
axel | light download accelerator (best imo) |
aria | fast download utility (http, ftp, bittorrent, metalink) |
aria2c | the ultra fast download utility http/ftp/bt/metalink |
ctorrent | download bittorrent files from command line |
rtorrent | a bittorrent client for ncurses |
mktorrent | simple bittorrent metainfo file creator |
bittorrent-downloader | download files using a scatter-gather network |
btdownloadcurses | download files using a scatter-gather network |
amulecmd | console-based program to control amule |
get_flash_videos | downloader for flash-based video sites |
rmtpdump | rtmp streaming media client |
youtube-dl | download video from youtube or other video platforms |
quvi | query media tool for parsing flash streams url |
cclive | downloading media streams from youtube and similars |
nc | netcat, arbitrary tcp and udp connections and listens |
cryptcat | twofish encryption enabled version of nc |
ncat | concatenate and redirect sockets |
socat | multipurpose relay (socket cat) |
faucet | a fixture for a bsd network pipe (netpipes) |
hose | the client end of a bsd network pipe (netpipes) |
trickle | a lightweight userspace bandwidth shaper |
Command | Description |
lynx | a general purpose, text-only browser for the www |
links | lynx-like alternative character mode www browser |
links2 | lynx-like alternative character mode www browser |
elinks | lynx-like alternative character mode www browser |
netrik | the antrik internet browser |
w3m | a text based web browser and pager |
edbrowse | text editor and web browser |
httrack | offline browser : copy websites to a local directory |
surfraw | fast search/bookmarks access to various www clients |
gopher | connect to gopher document server |
Command | Description |
newsbeuter | an rss feed reader for text terminals |
rsstail | console based rss news reader |
canto | an ncurses rss reader |
raggle | console rss aggregator |
olive | console rss reader |
rawdog | rss aggregator without delusions of grandeur |
nrss | an ncurses rss reader |
snownews | console rss newsreader |
Command | Description |
hpodder | scan and download podcasts |
podget | simple tool to automate downloading of podcasts |
podracer | a podcast aggregator with bittorrent support |
Command | Description |
centerim | text mode based im client for linux |
finch | instant messaging client (frontend to libpurple) |
pork | console-based aol instant messenger & irc client |
freetalk | a console based jabber client |
mcabber | a simple jabber console client |
ekg | gadu-gadu compatible client |
BitchX | an advanced internet relay chat client |
irssi | a modular irc client for unix |
weechat | wee enhanced environment for chat |
bitlbee | irc gateway to im chat networks |
epic5 | internet relay chat client for unix like systems |
tinyirc | basic irc commands and an curses-based interface |
ii | a minimalistic fifo and filesystem based irc client |
sic | an extremly fast, small and simple irc client |
tircd | an ircd proxy to the twitter api |
talk | talk to another user |
ytalk | multi-user chat program |
write | send a message to another user |
wall | write a message to users |
mesg | control write access to your terminal |
Command | Description |
minimal client to send and receive mail | |
mailx | send and receive internet mail |
msmtp | an smtp client |
mutt | text-based email client |
alpine | internet news and email |
notmuch | thread-based email index, search, and tagging |
cone | read and send e-mail messages |
elmo | the electronic mail operator |
fetchyahoo | retrieve mail from yahoo webmail service |
urlscan | browse the urls in an email message from a terminal |
Command | Description |
slrn | an easy to use nntp / spool based newsreader |
trn | threaded read news program |
tin | usenet newsreader |
nn | efficient net news interface (no news is good news) |
Command | Description |
shell-fm | console-based player for last.fm radio streams |
command-line access to (some) google services | |
gcalcli | google calendar command line interface |
episoder | tv show reminder from epguides.com and thetvdb.com |
youtube-dl | download video from youtube or other video platforms |
get_flash_videos | downloader for various flash-based video sites |
quvi | query media tool for parsing flash streams url |
cclive | downloading media streams from youtube and similars |
twyt | command line twitter client |
bti | send a tweet to twitter.com from the command line |
tircd | an ircd proxy to the twitter api |
twidge | microblogging client for twitter, identica |
weather | obtain weather conditions and forecasts |
Command | Description |
cd | change directory |
pwd | print name of current/working directory |
mkdir | make directories |
rmdir | remove empty directories |
tree | list contents of directories in a tree-like format |
dirdiff | display diff and merge changes between directories |
pushd | sh: add directories to stack |
popd | sh: remove dir from stack, changes to the new top dir |
dirs | display directory stack (pushd/popd) |
Command | Description |
ls | list directory contents and files |
dir | briefly list files |
vdir | verbosely list directory contents |
tree | list contents of directories in a tree-like format |
dircolors | color setup for ls |
df | report file system disk space usage |
dfc | display file system space usage using graphs and colors |
pydf | report colourised filesystem disk space usage |
du | estimate file space usage |
ncdu | ncurses disk usage |
agedu | correlate disk usage and last-access times |
touch | create file, change file timestamps |
fallocate | preallocate or deallocate space to a file |
truncate | shrink or extend the size of a file |
dd | convert/copy a file, write disk headers, boot records |
cp | copy files and directories |
mcp | copy files by wildcard patterns |
qcp | copy files editing the names in a text editor |
install | copy files and set attributes |
mv | move (rename) files |
mmv | move files by wildcard patterns |
rename | rename files by replacing expressions |
prename | renames multiple files with perl expression |
qmv | rename files editing the names in a text editor |
convmv | converts filenames from one encoding to another |
vidir | edit a directory in your text editor |
detox | clean up filenames |
rm | remove files or directories |
unlink | call the unlink function to remove the specified file |
shred | overwrite a file to hide its contents, and delete it |
wipe | securely erase files from magnetic media |
gitwipe | an utility for wiping files (gnu interactive tools) |
ln | make filesystem links |
mln | link files by wildcard patterns |
sln | link files (statically linked) |
link | create a hard link to a file |
readlink | print value of a symbolic link or canonical file name |
cleanlinks | remove dangling symbolic links and empty directories |
hardlink | Hardinks multiple copies of a file |
stow | software package installation manager (with symlinks) |
mkfifo | create named pipe |
mknod | make block or character special files |
mktemp | create a temporary file or directory |
flock | manage locks from shell scripts |
basename | strip directory and suffix from filenames |
dirname | convert a full pathname to just a path |
realpath | print the resolved path |
pathchk | check whether file names are valid or portable |
inotifywatch | gather filesystem access statistics using inotify |
inotifywait | wait for changes to files using inotify |
trash | trash utility compliant with freedesktop.org |
trash-list | list trashed files |
trash-restore | restore for command line trash utility |
trash-empty | empty for command line trash utility |
Command | Description |
tee | read from stdin, write to stdout and files |
multitee | send multiple inputs to multiple outputs |
pee | tee standard input to pipes |
xargs | build and execute command lines from standard input |
parallel | run programs in parallel |
mispipe | pipe two commands returning the exit status of the first |
pv | monitor the progress of data through a pipe |
sponge | soaks up all standard input and write to a file after |
stdbuf | run command with modified buffering for its stdstreams |
ifne | run command if the standard input is not empty |
ts | timestamp input |
vipe | insert a text editor into a pipe |
Command | Description |
umask | set default file protections |
stat | display file attributes or file system status |
touch | change file timestamps |
chown | change file owner and group |
chgrp | change group ownership |
chmod | change file mode bits |
chattr | change advanced file attributes on a linux file system |
lsattr | list advanced file attributes on a ext file system |
getfattr | get extended attributes of filesystem objects |
setfattr | set extended attributes of filesystem objects |
getfacl | get file access control lists |
setfacl | set file access control lists |
test | check file types and compare values |
Command | Description |
find | search for files in a directory hierarchy |
ftff | fault tolerant file find utility |
updatedb | update a database for m/slocate |
locate | locate files via index (m/slocate) |
doodle | a tool to search the meta-data in your files |
which | locate a command |
whereis | locate binary, source, and manual page for a command |
fdupes | finds duplicate files in a given set of directories |
rdfind | finds duplicate files |
findimagedupes | finds visually similar or duplicate images |
hardlink | Hardinks multiple copies of a file |
Command | Description |
diff | compare files line by line |
zdiff | compare compressed files |
bzdiff | compare compressed files |
diff3 | compare three files line by line |
diffstat | make histogram from diff-output |
rfcdiff | compare rfcs or internet drafts or any other text files |
merge | three-way file merge |
wdiff | display word differences between text files |
sdiff | side-by-side merge of file differences |
mcdiff | visual shell for unix-like systems |
ndiff | utility to compare the results of nmap scans |
bsdiff | generate a patch between two binary files |
rdiff | binary diff tool for signature-based differences |
quilt | tool to manage series of patches |
bspatch | apply a patch built with bsdiff |
patch | apply a diff file to an original |
unify | transforms context diffs into unidiffs, or vice-versa |
combine | combine lines from two files using boolean operations |
comm | compare two sorted files line by line |
cmp | compare two files byte by byte |
zcmp | compare compressed files |
bzcmp | compare compressed files |
cksum | checksum and count the bytes in a file |
sum | checksum and count the blocks in a file |
md5sum | compute and check md5 message digest |
md5pass | create an md5 password hash |
shasum | print or check sha checksums |
rhash | print or check ed2k, bittorrent, dc++, and other hashes |
rahash2 | block based hashing utility |
Command | Description |
file | determine file type |
mimetype | identify file types |
mimeopen | open files by mimetype |
mediainfo | display information about audio/video files |
rifle | ranger's file opener with special file type checking |
extract | determine meta-information about a file |
od | dump files in octal and other formats |
xxd | make a hexdump or do the reverse (patch) |
hexdump | ascii, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump |
mcview | midnight commander internal file viewer (ascii/hex) |
dhex | hex editor with a diff mode |
hexedit | view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ascii |
tweak | efficient hex editor |
hte | executable's editor |
bsdiff | generate a patch between two binary files |
bspatch | apply a patch built with bsdiff |
rafind2 | find byte patterns into files |
rahash2 | block based hashing utility |
radiff2 | unified binary diffing utility |
hexdiff | hexadecimal visual diff for binary files |
bbe | sed-like editor for binary files |
dd | convert/copy a file, write disk headers, boot records |
ddrescue | data recovery tool |
foremost | recover files using their headers/footers/structures |
Command | Description |
mc | midnight commander, visual shell for unix-like systems |
gitfm | gnu interactive tools file manager |
ranger | visual file manager |
vifm | a ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings |
clex | file manager |
vfu | text-mode file manager for unix/linux |
pilot | simple file browser in the style of the alpine composer |
Command | Description |
mcview | midnight commander internal file viewer (ascii/hex) |
gitview | an ascii/hex file viewer (gnu interactive tools) |
cat | concatenate files and print on the standard output |
mad | append files by wildcard patterns |
tac | concatenate and print files in reverse |
rev | reverse characters of lines in file or files |
spc | colorizes text for terminals and html (supercat) |
lolcat | rainbow coloring for text |
tac | concatenate and print files in reverse |
combine | combine lines from two files using boolean operations |
lnav | ncurses-based log file viewer |
ccze | a robust log colorizer |
zcat | expand and concatenate data (gz) |
bzcat | decompresses files to stdout (bz2) |
xzcat | decompresses files to stdout (xz, lzma) |
less | opposite of more |
zless | file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text |
bzless | file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 |
most | browse or page through a text file |
more | file perusal filter for viewing |
zmore | file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text |
bzmore | file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 |
pg | browse pagewise through text files |
Command | Description |
mcedit | internal file editor of gnu midnight commander |
vi | text editor |
vim | text editor |
cream | set of macros making vim easier to use for beginners |
emacs | gnu project emacs text editor |
nano | a small and friendly text editor |
jed | programmers editor |
aee | another easy editor |
diakonos | a customizable, usable console-based text editor |
pico | simple text editor in the style of the alpine composer |
zile | zile is lossy emacs |
Command | Description |
truncate | shrink/extend the size of a file to the specified size |
head | output the first 10 lines of file |
tail | output the last 10 lines of file |
multitail | browse through several files at once |
since | display content of a file since the last time |
split | split a file into fixed-size pieces |
lxsplit | a simple tool for splitting and joining split files |
nl | number lines of files |
wc | print newline, word, and byte counts for each file |
ex | text editor |
ed | the standard text editor |
red | line-oriented text editor |
edbrowse | text editor and web browser |
look | display lines beginning with a given string |
grep | search files for lines of text matching a pattern |
egrep | print lines matching a pattern (-e) |
fgrep | search files for lines that match a fixed string (-f) |
rgrep | print lines matching a pattern recursively (-r) |
agrep | search a file for a string with approximate matching |
sgrep | search a file for a structured pattern |
zgrep | search compressed files for a regular expression |
bzgrep | search bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression |
ack | ack-grep is designed as a replacement for grep |
ag | the silver searcher - like ack, but faster |
urlview | url extractor/launcher (see urlscan for mails) |
awk | pattern scanning and processing language |
gawk | pattern scanning and processing language |
mawk | pattern scanning and processing language |
sed | stream editor for filtering and transforming text |
psed | a stream editor |
a2p | awk to perl translator |
s2p | sed to perl translator |
cut | extract columns from files |
join | join lines of two files on a common field |
combine | combine lines from two files using boolean operations |
column | columnate lists |
colrm | remove columns from a file |
rs | reshape a data array |
csplit | split a file into context-determined pieces |
paste | append/merge columns |
tr | translate, squeeze or delete characters |
sort | sort lines of text files |
msort | sort records in complex ways |
tsort | perform topological sort |
shuf | write a random permutation of the input lines to stdout |
unsort | reorder lines in a file in semirandom ways |
tac | concatenate and print files in reverse |
rev | reverse characters of lines in file or files |
uniq | report or omit repeated lines |
tee | copy stdin to a file and to stdout simultaneously |
multitee | send multiple inputs to multiple outputs |
pr | convert text files for printing |
fmt | optimally reformat text |
par | filter for reformatting paragraphs |
fold | wrap each input line to fit in specified width |
expand | convert tabs to spaces |
unexpand | convert spaces to tabs |
uchardet | universalchardet (Universal Charset Detector) |
recode | converts files between character sets |
iconv | convert encoding of given files |
unaccent | remove accents from input stream or a string |
sq | squeeze a sorted word list |
unsq | unsqueeze a sorted word list |
csvtool | tool for performing manipulations on csv files |
xmlstarlet | command line xml/xslt toolkit |
Command | Description |
lp | send files to a printer |
lpr | print files |
lpq | show printer queue status |
lpstat | print cups status information |
lprm | remove print jobs |
lpmove | move a job or all jobs to a new destination |
cancel | cancel cups print jobs |
lpc | line printer control program |
ink | tool for checking the ink level of your printers |
lpadmin | configure cups printers and classes |
lpoptions | display or set cups printer options and defaults |
cupsaccept | accept jobs sent to a destination |
cupsreject | reject jobs sent to a destination |
cupsdisable | stop printers and classes |
cupsenable | start printers and classes |
paperconfig | configure the system default paper size |
Command | Description |
dtrx | cleanly extract many archive types |
atool | a script for managing file archives of various types |
patool | portable archive file manager |
gitunpack | gnu interactive tools - unified archive unpacking |
ar | create, modify, and extract from archives |
tar | the gnu version of the tar archiving utility |
cpio | copy files to and from archives |
7z | a file archiver with highest compression ratio |
gzip | compress files (gnu zip) |
pigz | parallel compress files (gnu zip) |
bzip2 | a block-sorting file compressor |
lz | provides a listing of a tar.gz archive |
gunzip | expand files (gnu zip) |
unpigz | parallel decompress files (gnu zip) |
bunzip2 | a block-sorting file decompressor |
gzexe | compress executable files in place |
bzexe | compress executable files in place |
compress | compress and expand data |
pbzip2 | parallel bzip2 file compressor |
lzip | reduces the size of files |
pax | portable archive interchange |
rar | archive files with compression |
unrar | extract files from rar archives |
compress | compress data |
uncompress | expand files |
shar | create shell archives |
unshar | unpack a shar file |
unace | extract, test and view ace archives |
uuencode | encode a binary file |
uudecode | decode a file created by uuencode |
base64 | encode/decode data and print to standard output |
xz | compress or decompress xz and lzma files |
lzma | lzma compression and decompression tool |
lzma2 | lzma compression and decompression tool |
zoo | manipulate archives of files in compressed form |
pxz | parallel lzma compressor compatible with xz |
zip | compress files (windows zip) |
cabextract | extract files from microsoft cabinet (cab) |
zrun | automatically uncompress arguments to command |
Command | Description |
gpg | openpgp encryption and signing tool |
gpgv | verify openpgp signatures |
crypt | encrypt or decrypt files (wrapper for mcrypt) |
mcrypt | encrypt files, several algorythms |
bcrypt | blowfish file encryption |
ccrypt | encrypt and decrypt using rijndael block cipher (aes) |
scrypt | encrypt or decrypt files |
aespipe | aes encrypting or decrypting pipe |
openssl | openssl command line tool |
enc | symmetric cipher routines |
stunnel | universal ssl tunnel |
cryptcat | twofish encryption enabled version of nc |
rsyncrypto | rsync friendly encryption |
encfs | mounts or creates an encrypted virtual filesystem |
encfsctl | administrative tool for working with encfs filesystems |
stegdetect | finds image files with steganographic content |
stegbreak | launches brute-force dictionary attacks on jpg image |
steghide | a steganography program |
Command | Description |
mt | control magnetic tape drive operation |
dump | ext2/3/4 filesystem backup |
restore | restore files or filesystem from backups made with dump |
tar | read write tape archives |
par2 | par 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool |
unison | user level file-synchronization tool |
rsync | a fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool |
rsyncrypto | rsync friendly encryption |
duplicity | encrypted incremental backup to local or remote storage |
backup-manager | an easy to use backup tool for your linux box |
rdist | remote file distribution client program |
rdup | generate a file list suitable for making backups |
tarsnap | manipulate remote encrypted backups |
vbackup | a modular backup program |
venti | client for sha1-addressed block storage server |
bbackupctl | control the box backup client daemon |
Command | Description |
mkisofs | create an hybrid iso9660 joliet hfs filesystem |
genisoimage | create iso9660/joliet/hfs filesystem |
growisofs | combined frontend to cd/dvd/bluray recording program |
cdw | frontend to cdrecord/mkisofs/growisofs and other tools |
cdrdao | reads and writes cds in disc-at-once mode |
cdrecord | burn a cd |
xorriso | creates and manipulates iso filesystem with rockridge |
bchunk | cd image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr |
burn | record from various sources to optical media (cd, dvd) |
mp3burn | burn audio cds from mp3, ogg vorbis, or flac files |
bashburn | a bash script cd burner writer |
mybashburn | burn data cds/dvds and create mp3/ogg/flac |
dvdauthor | assembles multiple mpeg into a suitable dvd filesystem |
cdparanoia | cdda reading tool with extra data verification features |
abcde | a better cd encoder, grabs cd to ogg/speex/mp3/flac/etc |
crip | a terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger tool |
jack | rip and encode cds with one command |
cdda2ogg | extract audio cd audio tracks and encode them in ogg |
cdda2mp3 | extract audio cd audio tracks and encode them in mp3 |
ripit | make flac/ogg/mp3/m4a/aac/als/mp4/mpc/wv/etc from cd |
ocp | open cubic music player |
cdcd | command driven cd player |
cplay | a front-end for various audio players |
mcdp | a small cdplayer for linux |
workbone | interactive text-mode program for playing audio cd |
cdctrl | command line cdrom control |
cdeject | ejects the current compact disc |
cdclose | closes the cdrom tray |
cdir | lists infos about the currently loaded audio cd |
cdinfo | print out the audiostatus (playing, etc) |
cdpause | pauses/resumes the currently playing compact disc |
cdplay | plays the compact disc |
cdstop | stops the compact disc |
cdvolume | sets the output volume level of the cd player (0-255) |
cdshuffle | plays the audio tracks on the disc in random order |
cdadd | add information for a new cd to .cdtooldb |
cdown | query cddb database for info on a disc |
Command | Description |
qalc | powerful and easy to use command line calculator |
bc | an arbitrary precision calculator language |
dc | an arbitrary precision calculator |
calc | arbitrary precision calculator |
mathomatic | a computer algebra system |
wcalc | a natural-expression command-line calculator |
numfmt | convert numbers from/to human-readable strings |
rax2 | convert between (signed) int, float, oct, bin and hex |
units | convert units from one scale to another |
numgrep | the numeric equivilent of the grep utility |
numprocess | this program mutates numbers as it encounters them |
numsum | take the first numbers on stdin and return the sum |
numaverage | find the average of a set of numbers |
numbound | find boundary numbers in files or stdin |
numnormalize | normalize a set of numbers, by default between 0 and 1 |
numinterval | show the numeric intervals between each line in a file |
numround | rounds off numbers it encounters. |
seq | print a sequence of numbers |
numrange | print out a range of numbers for use in for loops |
jot | print sequential or random data |
ent | pseudorandom number sequence test |
numrandom | print out a random number |
factor | factor numbers |
primes | display all primes (primes.pl) |
primes.6 | generate primes |
sc | spreadsheet calculator |
gnuplot | an interactive plotting program |
maxima | common lisp version of macsyma symbolic mathematics |
octave | matlab like language for numerical computations |
R | a language for data analysis and graphics |
Command | Description |
date | print or set the system date and time |
cal | displays a calendar and the date of easter |
ncal | cal with an alternative layout |
gcal | a program for calculating and printing calendars |
gcalcli | google calendar command line interface |
ddate | convert gregorian dates to discordian dates |
pcal | generate postscript or html calendars |
saydate | audio date/uptime check |
saytime | audio time check |
Command | Description |
sleep | wait for some time |
watch | execute a program periodically, showing output |
chronic | runs a command quietly unless it fails |
wait | await process completion |
flock | manage locks from shell scripts |
lckdo | run a program with a lock held |
shush | run a command and optionally report its output by mail |
inotifywait | wait for changes to files using inotify |
entr | run arbitrary commands when files change |
fsniper | watch directories and apply rules to created files |
timeout | run a command with a time limit |
crontab | maintain crontab files for individual users |
at | executes commands at a specified time |
atq | lists the user pending jobs |
atrm | remove jobs fom the later execution queue |
batch | executes commands when system load levels permit |
Command | Description |
wordgrinder | console-based word processor |
antiword | show the text and images of ms word documents |
abook | text-based address book program |
hnb | hierarchical notebook |
worklog | keeping track of time spent on different projects |
tpp | text presentation program |
xsw | slide show presentation tool |
ledger | command-line accounting |
sc | spreadsheet calculator |
slsc | s-langauge port of the sc spreadsheet |
teapot | table editor and planner |
oleo | the gnu spreadsheet program |
ssconvert | a command line spreadsheet format converter |
ssindex | generate index data for spreadsheet files |
ssgrep | search spreadsheets for strings |
ssdiff | compare two spreadsheets |
dbview | view dbase 3 files |
gv | postscript and pdf viewer |
xdvi | dvi previewer for the x window system |
For note-taking, you might also want to have a look at:
Command | Description |
spell | check spelling in batch |
aspell | check spelling interactively |
ispell | check spelling in batch or interactively |
goldendict | a feature-rich dictionary lookup program |
dict | dict protocol client |
sdcv | console version of stardict program |
aiksaurus | english-language thesaurus |
wtf | translates acronyms for you |
an | anagram generator |
wordplay | anagram finder |
Command | Description |
gs | ghostscript, a postscript and pdf interpreter/previewer |
fbgs | postscript/pdf viewer for the framebuffer console |
latex | structured text formatting and typesetting |
tex | text formatting and typesetting |
etex | extended tex |
latexdiff | determine and markup differences between two latex files |
latexmk | generate latex document |
dblatex | convert docbook to latex, dvi, postscript, and pdf |
psselect | select pages from a postscript file |
mf | metafont, a language for font and logo design |
pdftex | pdf output from tex |
mutool | all purpose tool for dealing with pdf files |
pdfjam | a shell script for manipulating pdf files |
pdftk | a handy tool for manipulating pdf |
pdfunite | pdf page merger |
pdffonts | pdf font analyzer |
pdfimages | pdf image extractor |
pdfinfo | pdf document information extractor |
pdfseparate | pdf page extractor |
pdftocairo | pdf to png/jpeg/pdf/ps/eps/svg using cairo |
pdftohtml | program to convert pdf files into html, xml and png |
pdftoppm | pdf to portable pixmap (ppm) converter |
pdftops | pdf to postscript converter |
pdftotext | pdf to text converter |
diffpdf | compare two pdf files textually or visually |
Command | Description |
task | taskwarrior, a command line todo manager |
tudu | command line hierarchical todo list |
remind | a sophisticated reminder service |
wyrd | front-end to remind |
gcalcli | google calendar command line interface |
calcurse | text-based organizer |
pal | calendar with events |
when | a minimalistic personal calendar program |
devtodo | a reminder/task program aimed at developers |
tdl | to do list manager |
todo.sh | minimal, todo.txt focused task manager |
w2do | a simple text-based todo manager |
yokadi | commandline todo system |
episoder | tv show reminder from epguides.com and thetvdb.com |
Command | Description |
dos2unix | dos/mac to unix text file format converter |
isutf8 | check whether files are valid utf-8 |
iconv | convert encoding of given files |
recode | converts files between character sets |
utf8tolatin1 | reads utf-8 encoded text and writes latin1 |
groff | front-end for the groff document formatting system |
troff | the troff processor of the groff text formatting system |
nroff | emulate nroff command with groff |
deroff | remove roff and preprocessor constructs |
eqn | format equations for troff or mathml |
neqn | format equations for ascii output |
tbl | format tables for troff |
col | filter reverse line feeds from input |
catdvi | dvi to plain text converter |
gv | postscript and pdf viewer |
odt2txt | a simple converter from opendocument text to plain text |
o3read | dump of an openoffice.org document parse tree |
o3tohtml | convert files in openoffice.org format to html |
o3totxt | convert files in openoffice.org format to text |
catdoc | outputs word doc file content as plain text |
docx2txt | convert microsoft ooxml files to plain text |
abiword | flexible word processor documents converter |
antiword | show the text and images of ms word documents |
xls2csv | output ms-excel file as comma-separated values |
xlsx2csv | convert xslx xml files to csv format |
xlhtml | convert excel xls files to html |
ssconvert | spreadsheet format converter (gnumeric) |
ppthtml | convert powerpoint ppt files to html |
stx2any | converter from structured text to multiple formats |
pandoc | general markup converter |
unhtml | strip the html formatting |
html2text | an advanced html-to-text converter |
html2markdown | converts html to markdown-formatted text |
asciidoc | converts an asciidoc text file to html or docbook |
markdown | convert markdown syntax to (x)html |
ttm | tex/latex to mathml converter |
txt2tags | text formatting and conversion tool |
txt2man | convert flat ascii text to man page format |
txt2html | convert plain text file to html |
textfmt | convert ascii text to postscript for facsimile |
txt2pdbdoc | text to doc file converter for palm pilots |
img2txt | convert images to various text-based coloured files |
cacaview | ascii image browser |
asciiview | a high quality ascii art image viewer |
gnuhtml2latex | html to latex converter |
csv2latex | convert a csv file into a latex document |
sgml2latex | create latex, dvi, ps or pdf output from an sgml file |
chm2pdf | a tool convert chm to pdf format |
unoconv | convert documents from/to libreoffice format |
jodconverter | import/export documents using the libreoffice filters |
ps2ascii | ghostscript translator from postscript or pdf to ascii |
ps2pdf | convert postscript to pdf using ghostscript |
vilistextum | html to ascii converter |
wvWare | convert msword documents |
rst2pdf | convert restructuredtext documents to pdf |
Command | Description |
figlet | display text with an ascii art charset |
toilet | display large colourful characters |
cowsay | configurable speaking/thinking cow (and a bit more) |
cadubi | creative ascii drawing utility |
lolcat | rainbow coloring for text |
cacaview | ascii image browser |
asciiview | a high quality ascii art image viewer |
linux_logo | color ansi penguin logo with system information |
screenfetch | the bash screenshot information tool |
Command | Description |
fbi | framebuffer imageviewer |
fim | fbi (linux framebuffer imageviewer) improved |
findimagedupes | finds visually similar or duplicate images |
identify | describes the format and characteristics of images |
fbgrab | takes a screenshot using the framebuffer device |
gifsicle | manipulates gif images and animations |
pngcrush | optimizes, or modifies, png files |
optipng | advanced optimization program for |
gm | graphicsmagick is a set of tools to manipulate images |
convert | convert/resize/blur/crop/despeckle/dither/etc image |
mogrify | inplace convert/edit/resize/blur/crop/etc an image |
icotool | convert and create win32 icon and cursor files |
rdjpgcom | display text comments from a jpeg file |
wrjpgcom | insert text comments into a jpeg file |
cjpeg | compress an image file to a jpeg file |
djpeg | decompress a jpeg file to an image file |
jpegtran | lossless transformation of jpeg files |
jp2a | convert jpeg images to ascii |
exif | shows exif information in jpeg files |
exiftool | read and write meta information in media files |
exiftran | transform/rotate digital camera jpeg images |
exifcom | set/display user comment tag contained in a jpeg exif |
exiftags | output the properties contained in a jpeg exif section |
exiftime | display/adjust the date and time exif tags |
exifprobe | probe and report exif structure and metadata content |
exifgrep | select and reformat the output of exifprobe |
jhead | digicam jpeg exif header manipulation tool |
gle | graphics layout engine |
simple-scan | scanning utility |
scanimage | scan an image |
gocr | command line text recognition tool |
tesseract | command-line ocr engine |
album | themable html photo album generator |
gphotofs | filesystem to mount digital cameras |
qrencode | encode data in a qr code as a png or eps image |
Command | Description |
dot | filter for drawing directed graphs |
neato | filter for drawing undirected graphs |
twopi | filter for radial layouts of graphs |
circo | filter for circular layout of graphs |
fdp | filter for drawing undirected graphs |
sfdp | filter for drawing large undirected graphs |
patchwork | filter for tree maps |
asy | asymptote: a script-based vector graphics language |
inkscape | svg (scalable vector graphics) editing program |
rasterizer | svg conversion to png, jpeg and pdf |
potrace | transform bitmaps into vector graphics |
Command | Description |
aqsis | aqsis renderer adhering to the renderman standard |
povray | the persistence of vision ray tracer |
Command | Description |
mplayer | video/audio player/streamer |
mencoder | video decoding, encoding and filtering tool |
vlc | video lan client, a media player/streamer/transcoder |
xine | a free video player |
xine-remote | a small tool to connect xine remote control server |
avplay | avplay media player |
avconv | avconv video converter |
avprobe | avprobe media prober |
avidemux | a free video editor |
mpgtx | manipulate mpeg files |
mplex | mpeg 1/2 program/system stream multiplexer |
ffmpeg | ffmpeg video converter |
mediainfo | display information about audio/video files |
imdb | calls any of the imdb functions |
imdb-get | looks up imdb data for a film |
imdb-link | links films based on their genre |
imdb-rename | renames files based on their title |
imdb-fxd | creates fxd files from the imdb cache for freevo |
imdb-update-cache | updates the imdb cache for a given directory |
Command | Description |
mplayer | video/audio player/streamer |
vlc | video lan client, a media player/streamer/transcoder |
sox | the swiss army knife of audio manipulation |
oggenc | encode audio into the ogg vorbis format |
flac | encoding, decoding, testing and analyzing flac streams |
lame | create mp3 audio files |
mediainfo | display information about audio/video files |
exfalso | tag editor for mp3/ogg/flac/musepack/wavpack/mod/xm/it |
id3 | id3 tag editor |
id3v2 | add/change/remove/view id3v2 tags, converts/lists id3v1 |
id3tool | a command line editor for id3 tags |
id3ed | edit id3 description tags in mpeg3 files |
mussort | sort music files into folders |
Command | Description |
mplayer | video/audio player/streamer |
vlc | video lan client, a media player/streamer/transcoder |
ocp | open cubic music player |
mpc | program for controlling music player daemon (mpd) |
ncmpc | curses music player daemon (mpd) client |
audtty | control audacious from cli with a ncurses interface |
xmms2 | command-line interface to the xmms2 daemon |
cmus | curse music player |
moosic | a command-line client for the moosic jukebox system |
play | sox invoked as play outputs to the default sound device |
bplay | buffered sound playing |
ogg123 | plays ogg vorbis files |
mpg123 | play audio mpeg 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream (layers 1, 2 and 3) |
mpg321 | simple and lightweight command line mp3 player |
splay | mpeg-1,2 audio layer 1,2,3 file player |
madplay | decode and play mpeg audio stream(s) |
audiopreview | play audio, video, and internet media streams |
herrie | interactive music playlist player |
mp3blaster | an interactive text-console based mp3 player |
mocp | console audio player |
mpc123 | your handy musepack audio player |
orpheus | text mode menu and window-driven audio player |
pytone | music jukebox for your audio files |
yauap | audio player based on the gstreamer framework |
mikmod | play soundtracker modules on a unix machine |
xmp | extended module player |
cdcd | command driven cd player |
cplay | a front-end for various audio players |
mcdp | a small cdplayer for linux |
workbone | interactive text-mode program for playing audio cd |
shell-fm | console-based player for last.fm radio streams |
Command | Description |
sox | the swiss army knife of audio manipulation |
ecasound | sample editor, multitrack recorder, fx-processor, etc |
rec | sox invoked as rec set default sound device as input |
brec | buffered sound recording |
snd | a sound editor |
gramofile | sample and process analog recordings |
quelcom | command line editing tools for mp3 and wav files |
qmp3check | check and clean mp3 streams |
qmp3cut | extract, delete parts of a mp3 file |
cutmp3 | a fast and leightweight mp3 editor |
fadecut | rip audiostreams, cut, fade in/out and tag audiofiles |
qmp3info | show info from mp3 files |
arename | automatically rename audio files by tagging information |
qmp3join | join mp3 files |
qmp3report | report mp3 files and directories |
qwavinfo | show info from wav files |
qwavjoin | join wav files |
qwavcut | extract, delete parts of a wav file |
qwavsilence | detect and shrink silence sequences in wav files |
qwavfade | fade in/out wav files |
qwavheaderdump | dump and fix wav headers |
normalize-audio | adjusts volume levels of audio files |
Command | Description |
timidity | midi-to-wave converter and player |
pmidi | midi file player for alsa |
playmidi | full-featured midi player using the voxware driver |
arecordmidi | record standard midi files |
abc2midi | converts abc file to midi |
midi2abc | program to convert midi format files to abc notation |
abcm2ps | translate abc music notation to postscript or svg |
Command | Description |
espeak | a multi-lingual software speech synthesizer |
festival | a text-to-speech system |
saydate | audio date/uptime check |
saytime | audio time check |
Command | Description |
adventure | an exploration game |
nethack | exploring the mazes of menace |
slashem | exploring the mazes of menace |
rogue | exploring the dungeons of doom |
crawl | the roguelike game of crawl |
battlestar | a tropical adventure game |
phantasia | an interterminal fantasy game |
wump | hunt the wumpus in an underground cave |
bastet | tetris(r) clone with "bastard" block-choosing ai |
pytris | two players console tetris game |
tetris-bsd | the game of tetris |
greed | eat a game field until you run out of moves |
moon-buggy | drive some car across the moon |
ninvaders | ncurses version of space invaders |
overkill | bloody 2d action deathmatch-like game in ascii-art |
worm | play the growing worm game |
snake | display chase game |
atc | air traffic controller game |
robots | fight off villainous robots |
hunt | a multi-player multi-terminal game |
wargames | shall we play a game? |
canfield | the solitaire card game canfield |
cribbage | the card game cribbage |
mille | play mille bornes |
monop | monopoly game |
backgammon | the game of backgammon |
sail | multi-user wooden ships and iron men |
trek | trekkie game |
boggle | word search game |
hangman | computer version of the game hangman |
gtypist | typing tutor for different keyboards and languages |
arithmetic | quiz on simple arithmetic |
quiz | random knowledge tests |
fortune | print a random, hopefully interesting, adage |
display-dhammapada | display a verse from the dhammapada |
Command | Description |
cmatrix | simulates the display from the matrix movie |
rain | animated raindrops display |
tty-clock | a terminal digital clock |
binclock | prints time in binary format |
Command | Description |
echo | display a line of text |
printf | format and print data |
getopt | parse command options |
expect | automate applications accessed over a terminal |
expr | evaluate expressions |
yes | output a string repeatedly until killed |
true | do nothing, successfully |
false | do nothing, unsuccessfully |
ifetch | image collection tool for ip cameras of ifetch-tools |
rig | random identity generator |
pwgen | generate pronounceable passwords |
makepasswd | generate and/or encrypt passwords |
pwsafe | password database utility |
gringotts | secure password and data storage manager |
clamscan | scan files and directories for viruses |
llines | lifelines genealogy program, gedcom format |
Command | Description |
xinput | utility to configure and test x input devices |
xvidtune | adjust x server origin and size |
xcalib | tiny monitor calibration loader for x |
xev | x event viewer |
setxkbmap | set the keyboard using the x keyboard extension |
xmodmap | set/modify keymaps and pointer button mappings in x |
xhost | server access control program for x |
xsetroot | root window parameter setting utility for x |
import | window/screenshot |
xset | user preference utility for x |
xrdb | x server resource database utility |
appres | list x application resource database |
listres | list resources in widgets |
editres | a dynamic resource editor for x toolkit applications |
xlsfonts | server font list displayer for x |
xfontsel | point and click selection of x11 font names |
xfd | display all the characters in an x font |
fc-scan | scan font files or directories |
fc-cache | build font information cache files |
fc-cat | read font information cache files |
fc-list | list available fonts |
fc-query | query font files |
fc-match | match available fonts |
fc-pattern | parse and show pattern |
mimeopen | open files by mimetype |
xdg-open | opens a file or url in the user preferred application |
exo-open | open urls and launch preferred applications (xfce) |
gnome-open | open files and urls using the gnome file handlers |
dmenu | dynamic menu, manages huge numbers defined menu items |
notify-send | a program to send desktop notifications |
xmessage | display a message/query in a window (x-based /bin/echo) |
dialog | display curses dialog boxes from shell scripts |
kdialog | show kde dialog boxes from shell scripts |
zenity | display gtk+ dialogs |
osd_cat | x on-screen file displayer |
xclip | command line interface to x selections (clipboard) |
xclipboard | x clipboard client |
devilspie | perform actions on windows as they are created |
xdotool | command-line x11 automation tool |
xnee | records, replays x11 data on multiple displays |
xbindkeys | grab key and mouse events in x and starts shell commands |
xte | generates fake input using the xtest extension |
x2x | use keyboard and mouse from an x display on antoher x |
wmctrl | interact with a ewmh/netwm compatible x window manager |
xtrlock | lock X display until password supplied |
dbus-send | send a message to a desktop bus |
dbus-monitor | debug probe to print desktop bus messages |
qdbus | a communication-interface for qt-based applications |
xrandr | primitive command line interface to randr extension |
xprop | property displayer for x |
xdpyinfo | display information utility for x |
xwininfo | window information utility for x |
xdriinfo | query configuration information of dri drivers |
xvinfo | print out x-video extension adaptor information |
glxinfo | show information about the glx implementation |
Xvfb | virtual framebuffer x server without the hardware |
trash | trash utility compliant with freedesktop.org |
trash-list | list trashed files |
trash-restore | restore for command line trash utility |
trash-empty | empty for command line trash utility |
xmag | magnify parts of the screen |
Command | Description |
axe | tools to improve network performance via snip |
baby | create new process from two parents |
bosskill | send a signal to your boss, or terminate your boss |
c | genericised softdrink generator (coffee, coke etc) |
celibacy | don't have sex |
chainsaw | tools to improve network performance via snip |
chastise | library function to punish users |
condom | protects against viruses and child processes |
ctluser | control lusers |
cutter | tools to improve network performance via snip |
egrope | massage a file for a while |
fgrope | massage a file for a while |
flame | reply to usenet news posting automatically |
flog | speed up a process |
gong | evaluate process performance |
grope | massage a file for a while |
guru | system administration |
knife | tools to improve network performance via snip |
lart | luser attitude readjustment tool |
luser | process to control the clueless individuals |
normality | defines types of normality different users may have |
nuke | launch nuclear weapons at mapped usenet sites |
party | set os responses mode |
people | fetch a list of all ttys behaving like a human |
pmsd | periodically manic system daemon |
rescrog | change something, make it different |
rtfm | a response for easy questions from clueless lusers |
sex | have sex |
slave | a semi-interactive command for the dirty work |
strfry | string operation |
sysadmin | responsible for everything imaginable |
think | you dont have to think, computers can think for you |
tm | meditate |
uubp | unix-to-unix beer protocol |
whack | mangle requests to a printer or damage a printer |
xkill | kill processes or users, including usenet poster |
xlart | interactive x interface to rlart |