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CRD and aggregation - future and pain points

CRD and aggregation - future and pain points

outlook - aggregation

  • API stable since 1.10

  • GSoC project with @xmudrii: share etcd storage

    • kubectl create etcdstorage your api-server
  • Store custom data in etcd

outlook custom resources


  • a: multiplier versions with conversion
  • a: pruning - blocker for GA - unspecified fields ar removed
  • a: defaulting - defaults from openapi validation schema are applied
  • a: graceful deletion - (maybe? PR exists)
  • a: server side printing columns for kubectl get customization
  • b: subresources - alpha in 1.10
  • will have additionaProperties with extensible string map
    • nutually exclusive with properties


  • multiple versions with declarative field renames
  • strict create mode

outlook be prepared for pruning

  • keep change of semantics for of custom resources
  • From JSON blob store to schema based store
  • current everything is allowed if its not specified

The Future: Versioning

  • Most asked feature, coming..but slowly

  • two types, "noConversion" and "Declarative Conversion"

  • "NoConversion" versioning

    • maybe in 1.11
    • ONLY change is apiGroup
    • Run multiple versions at same time, they are not converted
  • "Declarative Conversion" 1.12

  • declarative rename e.g

  version: v1
        from: v1pha1
        to: v1
        new: bar
  • Support for webhook?
    • not currently, very hard to implement
    • complex problem
    • current need is really only changing for single fields
  • Trying to avoid complexity by adding alot of conversions


  • When should someone move to their own API Server
    • At the moment, telling people to start with CRDs. If you need an aggregated API server for custom versioning or other specific use-cases.
  • How do I update everything to a new object version?
    • Have to touch every object.
  • are protobuf support in the future?
    • possibly, likely yes
  • update on resource quotas for CRDS
    • PoC PR current out, its doable just not quite done
  • Is validation field going to be required?
    • Eventually, yes? Some work being done to make CRDs work well with kubectl apply
  • Can CRDs be cluster wide but viewable to only some users.
    • It's been discussed, but hasn't been tackled.
  • Is there support for CRDs in kubectl output?
    • server side printing columns will make things easier for client tooling output. Versioning is important for client vs server versioning.
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