The CSS:
.simpleBar {
--barMax: 100;
--barCurrent: 0;
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 20px;
# frozen_string_literal: true | |
module StocksGames | |
class SendWrapped2020Emails < Micro::Case::Strict | |
attribute :file_path | |
def call! | |
parse_json | |
.then(apply(:group_by_user)) | |
.then(apply(:collect_name_and_valid_wallets)) |
The CSS:
.simpleBar {
--barMax: 100;
--barCurrent: 0;
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 20px;
it 'is a proper result' do
result = MyCase.(input)
expect(result).to be_a_result
.d-flex.align-items-center.justify-content-space-between | |
h3 | |
| Listando categorias | |
= button_to 'Nova Categoria', new_category_path, method: :get, class: 'btn btn-primary' | |
table.table.table-hover | |
thead | |
tr | |
th | |
| Descrição |
An operation using the module:
module Api
module V1
module Page
class Update
include Operation
attr_reader :resource
#!/bin/bash | |
# Ripped off from: | |
if [ ! -d ~/.config ]; then | |
mkdir ~/.config | |
fi | |
if [ ! -d ~/.config/nvim ]; then | |
mkdir ~/.config/nvim |
Cria os scopes lá no model de Coordinator, assim fica mais fácil organizar. PS: não esqueça de testar isso, não tenho certeza se está funcionando corretamente, só escrevi diretamente aqui no gist.
scope :assigned_to_project, ->(id) { left_outer_joins(:project).where(projects: { id: id }) }
scope :without_projects, -> { assigned_to_project(nil) }
scope :without_projects_or_assigned_to_project, ->(id) { without_projects.or(assigned_to_project(id)) }
No teu controller pode fazer algo assim:
#!/bin/bash | |
current=$(dconf read /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options) | |
swapped="['caps:swapescape']" | |
capslock="['caps:capslock']" | |
echo "Current status: $current" | |
if [ "$current" == "$swapped" ] | |
then | |
echo "Making caps and escape WORK NORMALLY" |
git clone [email protected]:solus-project/linux-steam-integration.git
cd linux-steam-integration
./ --with-real-steam-binary=/usr/games/steam --enable-frontend
sudo make
sudo checkinstall --pkgname=linux-steam-integration --pkgversion=0.2 --provides=linux-steam-integration