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Created October 18, 2016 17:17
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##### NOTE #####
# THIS MAY NOT BE THE BEST OPTION. I Would also look up subqueries.
# But this is an example of dynamically creating and executing queries with Python. So, this is a Cadillac solution to a
# Bicycle problem, but something that I think you should be aware of. It can simplify life SO MUCH more than PL/SQL, but
# as I was writing this, you might have better luck with a subquery.. oh well!
import sqlite3
# Python DOES NOT have constants. These are global variables, so don't copy this in super huge projects.
# the danger of doing this is that these variables are alterable, and if I alter it somewhere
# in my program then it breaks the program from that point on. You CAN do this in smaller applications
# but it is discouraged when you get to bigger, hairier solutions to problems. I do this in all my other
# programs because their languages have a CONST or a FINAL type of variable. It is an EXCELLENT practice
# in those programs, and you do them in ALL_CAPS in snake_case (underscores between words). that indicates to
# all other developers that these variables are not to be changed, or they can't be changed because of the CONST
# or FINAL declaration at the beginning of the program.
# But lets say that I decide to change the name of the DB_FILE, I can change it in one place and it changes everywhere
# at once. This is awesome because it's a one line adjustment, even if I use it in 500 places. I only have to change it in
# one place.
id integer primary key autoincrement,
name text,
description text
# this is a helper function. It's an example of 'Tight Coupling'. that means that this function is
# extremely specific for it's function. Not a good thing unless there is no other option.
# Usually, you want to make your functions very general rather than super specific so you can use it
# elsewhere. IF you need to do strong coupling (I did it because I'm lazy), make sure to name your function
# as specifically as the function is programmed. that's why I named it why I did. This doesn't make insert
# statements for any other table, so I want to make sure I only use it when I'm working with the Chemical table
def generate_insert_for_chemical_table(name, description):
return "INSERT INTO T_CHEMICAL (name, description) VALUES ('%s', '%s')" % (name, description)
def create_and_populate_chemical_table():
# the string is the name of the sqlite file
# if it doesn't exist, it creates one.
# in SQL terms, you could consider the file a 'schema' of sorts
conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE)
# all SQL languages works with cursors, but few expose them to the user.
# its a 'Pointer' that points to one specific record at a time.
# before pointing to it, it locks it, allows only us to see and modify it
# and if we do, then it makes the modifications, and then we commit
# and close it so others can see it. This is part of a principle called
# an ACID transaction, if you want to learn more about it.
c = conn.cursor()
# try and catch statements are extremely useful, especially in Python.
# Java and C languages are PRE-compiled, which means that the program
# will stop you during compliation and tell you where errors could arise
# Python compiles as it goes, which means its fast, but you can have your program
# running for hours and then randomly hit an error and fail. That can undo a lot of
# work. In this small setting, there is a lot more forgiveness, but I put it in to show
# you how you can use them in your work.
# They are best used when allocating memory (using the 'new' keyword), working with APIs
# (when they break, you want to be ready for it, and since they are out of your control,
# they probably don't have any favors in the way of error handling).
# BUT EXCEPTIONS ARE ONLY USED IN ... the exception case haha. If you're planning on there
# being a 'fork in the road' regularly, like a 404 error, then you would use an IF-ELSE statement.
# save try and catch for the aforementioned cases. I would look it up for more info.
# when working in a small environment, we drop the table and recreate it to
# avoid duplications in inserted rows. Also, if we adjust the structure of the
# table, we want to drop it so that we can create the new one that reflects the
# changes.
c.execute(generate_insert_for_chemical_table('Hydrogen', 'Flamable, use caution'))
c.execute(generate_insert_for_chemical_table('Oxygen', 'Flamable, use caution'))
c.execute(generate_insert_for_chemical_table('Aluminum', 'Oft mispronounced by Englishmen'))
except Exception:
# this saves the transaction
# this closes the transaction and the cursor. This also makes our saves
# permanent and visible to other users.
print(get_sql_results_as_array(DB_FILE, SELECT_ALL_FROM_CHEMICAL_TABLE))
print() # for formatting purposes
# this is just a helper function. it makes it so we can see what we put into the database to make
# sure that they're there. I have it save to array so they're easier to search and edit. You can
# select by 'ID' easily by getting the array index (list[id])
# THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF A WEAK COUPLING, which is a VERY GOOD THING. I can use this function for any table
# with any query. In fact, it is so weakly coupled, that I could use this in any project I do with SQL, and
# so I would save this in a special place where I could use it later.
def get_sql_results_as_array(db_file, query):
results = []
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
c = conn.cursor()
for row in c.execute(query):
return results
# This is a fake way to get recipes. I want you to have the adventure of making the recipe database.
# let me see what you can come up with. If you need help, I'll attach a file with an example structure
# that I would use, just for reference. But see if you can do it without looking.
def get_recipe_as_array_from_recipe_id(id):
# I'll just do it from an if-then statemenet
if id == 1:
return [1, 2]
elif id == 2:
return [1, 3]
elif id == 3:
return [2, 3]
# Another strongly coupled function, but it's okay in this case. I don't think you could
# get any less specific without getting ridiculous.
def make_select_query_from_chemcial_table_using_recipe_id(recipe_id):
ingredients_list = get_recipe_as_array_from_recipe_id(recipe_id)
# I'm starting with a basic 'SELECT ALL' query and then I'm going
# to append an 'IN LIST' filter in the 'WHERE' clause. The list
# can get long, but it shouldn't be bad.
recipe_query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id in (" % TABLE_NAME
# THIS PART IS TRICKY. SQL needs a comma separated list.
# this is a common way that programmers use to make a list with
# commas. The Logic is as follows: If not the first in line,
# prepend a comma.
first = True
for id in ingredients_list:
if first == True:
recipe_query += str(id)
first = False
recipe_query += ", " + str(id);
# the list needs to be parenthetically separated from the rest of the query.
# this closes the paretheses.
recipe_query += ")"
print("RECIPE NUMBER PROVIDED: %d" % recipe_id)
print("RECIPE QUERY: " + recipe_query)
# a simple driver function
if __name__ == "__main__":
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