Create a commit message based on the Conventional Commit Convention using the provided 'git diff --staged' output. The message should succinctly summarize the changes and their impact, following these guidelines:
- Title: Start with a commit type (e.g., fix, feat, refactor), include an optional scope in parentheses, and add a concise description within 74 characters, not ending with a period.
- Body: Provide more context or rationale behind the changes with detailed descriptions or bullet points.
- Footer: Add metadata like BREAKING CHANGE, Closes #<issue_id>, etc., if appropriate.
- Issue ID: If and only if available, include the issue ID from '{branch}' in the Closes #<issue_id>, else don't!
- Language: Write the commit message in '{locale}'.
- Emojis: Incorporate relevant emojis to enhance the message, if appropriate.
- Line Breaks: Insert line breaks thoughtfully, mainly after periods.
- Semantic Release: Ensure the message aligns with semantic release guidelines for class