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Created April 27, 2016 21:41
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package test
import shapeless.{HNil, Poly1}
object Main extends App {
sealed trait Product {
def name: String
def unitPrice: BigDecimal
case class Phone(name: String, unitPrice: BigDecimal) extends Product
case class Accessory(name: String, unitPrice: BigDecimal) extends Product
trait Pricer[T] {
def calculatePrice(t: T): BigDecimal
object StandardPrices extends Poly1 {
implicit def phonePricer = at[Phone] {
new Pricer[Phone] {
def calculatePrice(p: Phone): BigDecimal = p.unitPrice
}.calculatePrice _
implicit def accessoryPricer = at[Accessory] {
new Pricer[Accessory] {
def calculatePrice(p: Accessory): BigDecimal = p.unitPrice
}.calculatePrice _
val card = Phone("Nexus 5", 100.0) :: Accessory("Qi charger", 30) :: HNil
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