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Created August 12, 2012 08:57
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Quick bruteforcer. No results.
import sys
from keepass import kpdb
byte_strings = [hex(x)[2:].rjust(2, '0').lower() for x in range(255)]
pass_template = "%s3b140a6ec5%sec"
num_tried = 0
for s1 in byte_strings:
for s2 in byte_strings:
tmp_pw = pass_template % (s1, s2)
num_tried += 1
if num_tried % 1000 == 0:
print 'Trying %s, attempt # %s' % (tmp_pw, num_tried)
db = kpdb.Database("/home/ec2-user/3hzd3ob2wBBeMsmkUW1AHZH78TlgL1UMBVBL07mY.kdbx", tmp_pw)
print db
except IOError:
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