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Last active May 22, 2020 20:38
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Word Chain Homework Exercise
import sys
# Should return a set() of all words in the scrabble dictionary passed in at the given file path.
# You should implement this file loader.
def LoadWords(scrabble_dictionary_path):
# Return a set() of ALL valid words from the input set `all_words` that differ by exactly one letter from `word`
# Hint: you may want to try using regular expressions here.
def FindAllNeighbors(word, all_words):
# Use breadth first search to identify a path of legal words that link `input_word` and `target_word`.
# This function should return the words from the chain in a list.
def Chain(input_word, target_word, all_words):
# Search for the pair of words S and T with the longest "shortest path" between them - which words are really hard to navigate between?
# Called from command line like " path_to_scrabble_dict.txt"
if __name__ == '__main__':
scrabble_dict_path = sys.argv[1]
all_words = LoadWords(scrabble_dict_path)
print(Chain("TAP", "TOP", all_words)) # Should print ["TAP", "TOP"] as these words are already separated by only one edit.
print(Chain("CAP", "TOP", all_words)) # Could print ["CAP", "TAP", "TOP"], or any other valid sequence of words between these two.
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