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Created April 5, 2024 03:41
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# heinous zen koan: solve problem with as few indents as possible
import sys
import numpy as np
import itertools
def solve(puzzle):
other_sides = [set(puzzle[(i+1)%4] + puzzle[(i+2)%4] + puzzle[(i+3)%4]) for i in range(4)]
letter_neighbors = {letter: other_sides[index] for (index, side_string) in enumerate(puzzle) for letter in side_string}
constructible = lambda word: len(word) >= 3 and all([(first in letter_neighbors) and (second in letter_neighbors[first]) for (first, second) in zip(word, word[1:])])
constructible_words = set(filter(constructible, map(lambda x: x.rstrip(), open('dictionary.txt', 'r'))))
dominates = lambda first, second: first[0] == second[0] and first[-1] == second[-1] and all([c in first for c in second])
dominated_words = set([second for (first, second) in itertools.permutations(constructible_words, 2) if dominates(first, second)])
words = sorted(constructible_words - dominated_words)
letters_index = {c: i for (i, c) in enumerate(sorted("".join(puzzle)))}
bitsets = [np.bitwise_or.reduce([(1 << letters_index[c]) for c in word]) for word in words]
graph = {i: set([j for j in range(len(words)) if i != j and words[i][-1] == words[j][0]]) for i in range(len(words))}
paths = lambda node, depth: [[node]] if depth == 0 else [[node] + path for neighbor in graph[node] for path in paths(neighbor, depth-1) if node not in path]
depth = 1
while True:
for path in (path_collection for root in graph.keys() for path_collection in paths(root, depth)):
value = np.bitwise_or.reduce([bitsets[element] for element in path])
if value >= 4095:
print([words[ix] for ix in path])
depth += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 5:
print("Input format: python3 [TOP] [RIGHT] [BOTTOM] [LEFT]")
# mrdmnd@DESKTOP-L66AT6T:~$ python3 INP VEX AMR TOH
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