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Last active March 10, 2020 19:39
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Small Hello World repeater
; nasm -f elf64 -g -F dwarf repeat_hello.asm && gcc -g -no-pie repeat_hello.o -o repeat_hello && ./repeat_hello 5
; Intended for use on linux x86-864 machines; to run on OS X you'd have to change the syscalls.
extern atoi
global main
section .data
message: db "Hello, world!", 0x0A
length: equ 14
err_msg: db "Wrong!", 0x0A
err_msg_len: equ 7
section .text
main: push r12 ; Make an odd number of pushes to align stack to 16 byte boundary (call gives you one).
push r13
push r14
cmp rdi, 2 ; Argc goes into RDI. Test for two arguments, if not two, jump to error message.
jne error ; Jump to error if we don't have two arguments.
mov rdi, [rsi+8] ; Load the string at argv[1] (address [rsi+8]) into rdi - this should be the number of iterations.
; Note: argv[0] is at [rsi], but that's the name of the program, not the actual number of iters.
call atoi ; Convert the string stored at rdi to an integer in eax using the C library function atoi().
; Make sure you use GCC and link against the C library.
cmp eax, 0 ; Gotta make sure that we have a positive number of times to print.
jl error ; If the value is too small, go to the error block.
; Now we're confident that EAX >= 0.
mov r15d, eax ; Set the iteration cap to EAX.
cmp r15, 0 ; Compare against zero.
je exit ; If the iteration cap is zero, go to exit; we've got no work to do.
mov r14, 0 ; Otherweise, we'll set a counter variable in r14 to zero.
display: ; Main "write" loop. Prints `message` zero or more times.
mov rax, 1 ; Set up syscall WRITE with it's magic number 1 on linux.
mov rdi, 1 ; We're writing to the special STDOUT file, so put it as the first parameter in RDI.
mov rsi, message ; Set RSI to address of message.
mov rdx, length ; Set RDX to length of message.
syscall ; Fire syscall for WRITE.
; Now we handle loop logic.
inc r14 ; Increment count variable, we've done a run through the code.
cmp r14, r15 ; Check if count is greater than the iteration threshold.
je exit ; If count = iters, we're done. Jump to exit label.
jmp display ; Otherwise, jump back to display label.
error: ; Print out "Wrong!" when we jump here.
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1
mov rsi, err_msg
mov rdx, err_msg_len
jmp exit
exit: ; Send EXIT syscall (different magic number than OS X) with return code zero.
mov rax, 60
mov rdi, 0
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mrdmnd commented Mar 9, 2020

mrdmnd@supernova:~/code/arch_demos$ ./repeat_hello 
mrdmnd@supernova:~/code/arch_demos$ ./repeat_hello -1
mrdmnd@supernova:~/code/arch_demos$ ./repeat_hello 0
mrdmnd@supernova:~/code/arch_demos$ ./repeat_hello 5
Hello, world!
Hello, world!
Hello, world!
Hello, world!
Hello, world!

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