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Created October 6, 2020 20:41
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var t = function(e) {
while (--e)
)(_0x5e6a, 254);
var _0x177b = function(x, e) {
x -= 0;
var t = _0x5e6a[x];
return t
(function(x) {
function e(e) {
for (var b, n, i = e[0], r = e[1], o = e[2], c = 0, u = []; c < i[_0x177b("0x0")]; c++)
n = i[c],
a[n] && u[_0x177b("0x1")](a[n][0]),
a[n] = 0;
for (b in r)
Object[_0x177b("0x2")]["hasOwnProperty"]["call"](r, b) && (x[b] = r[b]);
s && s(e);
while (u[_0x177b("0x0")])
return _["push"][_0x177b("0x4")](_, o || []),
function t() {
for (var x, e = 0; e < _[_0x177b("0x0")]; e++) {
for (var t = _[e], b = !0, i = 1; i < t[_0x177b("0x0")]; i++) {
var r = t[i];
0 !== a[r] && (b = !1)
b && (_[_0x177b("0x5")](e--, 1),
x = n(n["s"] = t[0]))
return x
var b = {}
, a = {
app: 0
, _ = [];
function n(e) {
if (b[e])
return b[e][_0x177b("0x6")];
var t = b[e] = {
i: e,
l: !1,
exports: {}
return x[e][_0x177b("0x7")](t[_0x177b("0x6")], t, t[_0x177b("0x6")], n),
t["l"] = !0,
n["m"] = x,
n["c"] = b,
n["d"] = function(x, e, t) {
n["o"](x, e) || Object[_0x177b("0x8")](x, e, {
enumerable: !0,
get: t
n["r"] = function(x) {
"undefined" !== typeof Symbol && Symbol[_0x177b("0x9")] && Object[_0x177b("0x8")](x, Symbol[_0x177b("0x9")], {
value: "Module"
Object[_0x177b("0x8")](x, _0x177b("0xa"), {
value: !0
n["t"] = function(x, e) {
if (1 & e && (x = n(x)),
8 & e)
return x;
if (4 & e && typeof x === _0x177b("0xb") && x && x[_0x177b("0xa")])
return x;
var t = Object[_0x177b("0xc")](null);
if (n["r"](t),
Object[_0x177b("0x8")](t, _0x177b("0xd"), {
enumerable: !0,
value: x
2 & e && typeof x != _0x177b("0xe"))
for (var b in x)
n["d"](t, b, function(e) {
return x[e]
[_0x177b("0xf")](null, b));
return t
n["n"] = function(x) {
var e = x && x["__esModule"] ? function() {
return x[_0x177b("0xd")]
: function() {
return x
return n["d"](e, "a", e),
n["o"] = function(x, e) {
return Object[_0x177b("0x2")][_0x177b("0x10")][_0x177b("0x7")](x, e)
n["p"] = "/";
var i = window[_0x177b("0x11")] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []
, r = i[_0x177b("0x1")][_0x177b("0xf")](i);
i["push"] = e,
i = i["slice"]();
for (var o = 0; o < i[_0x177b("0x0")]; o++)
var s = r;
_["push"]([0, _0x177b("0x12")]),
0: function(x, e, t) {
x["exports"] = t(_0x177b("0x13"))
"0613": function(x, e, t) {
"use strict";
var b = t(_0x177b("0x14"))
, a = t(_0x177b("0x15"))
, _ = t(_0x177b("0x16"))
, n = t["n"](_)
, i = t(_0x177b("0x17"))
, r = t["n"](i)
, o = (t(_0x177b("0x18")),
, s = (t(_0x177b("0x1b")),
, c = t["n"](s)
, u = t(_0x177b("0x1e"))
, d = t(_0x177b("0x1f"))
, f = t(_0x177b("0x20"))
, l = t["n"](f)
, h = t(_0x177b("0x21"))
, v = t["n"](h)
, p = t(_0x177b("0x22"))
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p["c"]["setCookie"](p["a"][_0x177b("0x26")], "lk")) : t = p["c"][_0x177b("0x24")](p["a"][_0x177b("0x27")]);
var b = p["c"][_0x177b("0x24")](p["a"][_0x177b("0x28")])
, a = p["c"][_0x177b("0x24")](p["a"][_0x177b("0x29")])
, _ = _0x177b("0x2a");
if (a)
_ = ""[_0x177b("0x2d")](_)[_0x177b("0x2d")](a);
else {
var n = btoa((new Date)[_0x177b("0x2b")]()[_0x177b("0x2c")](36));
_ = ""[_0x177b("0x2d")](_)[_0x177b("0x2d")](n),
p["c"][_0x177b("0x2e")](p["a"][_0x177b("0x29")], n)
var i = p["c"][_0x177b("0x24")](p["a"][_0x177b("0x26")])
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VUE_APP_API_URL: _0x177b("0x30"),
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NODE_ENV: _0x177b("0x33"),
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return (t || b) && (null !== t && void 0 !== t && "" !== t ? o += _0x177b("0x34") + t : null !== b && void 0 !== b && "" !== b && (o += ";Authorization:Basic " + b)),
function y() {
return m || (m = v["a"]["create"]({
baseURL: ""["concat"](_0x177b("0x30"))[_0x177b("0x2d")]("v1"),
headers: {
Accept: g()
p["c"][_0x177b("0x24")](p["a"][_0x177b("0x35")]) && (m["defaults"][_0x177b("0x36")][_0x177b("0x37")] = p["c"][_0x177b("0x24")](p["a"]["userGroup"]))),
m[_0x177b("0x38")][_0x177b("0x39")] = {},
m[_0x177b("0x38")][_0x177b("0x39")][_0x177b("0x3a")] = (new Date)[_0x177b("0x2b")](),
var w = m
, P = window[_0x177b("0x40")] || window[_0x177b("0x41")] || window[_0x177b("0x42")] || window[_0x177b("0x43")]
, k = function() {
function x() {
Object(u["a"])(this, x),
this[_0x177b("0x44")] = [],
this[_0x177b("0x45")] = !1,
this[_0x177b("0x46")] = _0x177b("0x30")
return Object(d["a"])(x, [{
key: _0x177b("0x47"),
value: function(x) {
console.log('x', x)
var e = this;
return this[_0x177b("0x48")] = x,
new c["a"](function(t, b) {
console.log('t b', t, b)
e[_0x177b("0x49")]()["then"](function(a) {
console.log('keys', a)
e[_0x177b("0x4a")] = a,
e[_0x177b("0x4b")](e["keys"])[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(a) {
var _ = a
, n = _0x177b("0x4d")[_0x177b("0x2d")](_)
, i = ""[_0x177b("0x2d")](e[_0x177b("0x46")], "v1/reader/publications/") + ""["concat"](x["publicationId"], _0x177b("0x4e")) + ""[_0x177b("0x2d")](x[_0x177b("0x4f")], _0x177b("0x50"));
console.log('api url', i)
w["interceptors"][_0x177b("0x51")][_0x177b("0x52")](function(x) {
return x[_0x177b("0x36")][_0x177b("0x3b")] += ";"[_0x177b("0x2d")](n),
x["headers"]["Accept"] = x[_0x177b("0x36")][_0x177b("0x3b")][_0x177b("0x53")](_0x177b("0x54"), _0x177b("0x55")),
w[_0x177b("0x56")](i)[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(x) {
e[_0x177b("0x44")] = x[_0x177b("0x28")]["result"][_0x177b("0x57")],
e["partialKeyFromAPI"] = x[_0x177b("0x28")][_0x177b("0x58")][_0x177b("0x59")],
e[_0x177b("0x45")] = 2 === x[_0x177b("0x28")][_0x177b("0x58")]["pdfVersion"],
}, function(x) {
}, {
key: "loadPage",
value: function(x) {
var e = this;
return this[_0x177b("0x5a")](x)[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(t) {
return new c["a"](function(b, a) {
console.log('url', e[_0x177b("0x44")])
e[_0x177b("0x44")] && v()({
method: _0x177b("0x56"),
url: e[_0x177b("0x44")][x][_0x177b("0x5b")],
responseType: _0x177b("0x5c")
})["then"](function(x) {
console.log('x', x)
var a, _, n = e["arrayBufferToBase64"](x[_0x177b("0x28")]);
console.log(a, _, n)
console.log('t', t[_0x177b("0x5f")](0, 16))
console.log('l', l["a"][_0x177b("0x5d")][_0x177b("0x5e")]["parse"](t[_0x177b("0x5f")](0, 16)))
e[_0x177b("0x45")] ? (a = l["a"][_0x177b("0x5d")][_0x177b("0x5e")]["parse"](t[_0x177b("0x5f")](0, 16)),
_ = l["a"][_0x177b("0x5d")]["Utf8"][_0x177b("0x60")](a)) : (a = l["a"][_0x177b("0x5d")][_0x177b("0x5e")]["parse"](t),
_ = l["a"][_0x177b("0x5d")]["Utf8"][_0x177b("0x60")](t[_0x177b("0x5f")](0, 16)));
var i = {
iv: _,
mode: l["a"][_0x177b("0x61")][_0x177b("0x62")]
console.log('i', i)
var r = l["a"][_0x177b("0x63")][_0x177b("0x5a")](n, a, i)[_0x177b("0x2c")](l["a"][_0x177b("0x5d")]["Base64"]);
// console.log('r', r)
data: atob(r)
}, function(x) {
}, {
key: _0x177b("0x66"),
value: function(x) {}
}, {
key: _0x177b("0x67"),
value: function() {
return !!navigator[_0x177b("0x68")][_0x177b("0x69")](/Trident\/7\./)
}, {
key: "exportKeyIE",
value: function(x) {
return new c["a"](function(e) {
var t = P[_0x177b("0x6a")][_0x177b("0x4b")]("spki", x[_0x177b("0x6b")]);
t[_0x177b("0x6c")] = function(x) {
console["error"](_0x177b("0x6d"), x)
t[_0x177b("0x6e")] = function(x) {
var t = String[_0x177b("0x6f")]["apply"](String, Object(o["a"])(new Uint8Array(x["target"]["result"])))
, b = btoa(t);
}, {
key: _0x177b("0x4b"),
value: function(x) {
var e = this;
return new c["a"](function(t) {
e[_0x177b("0x67")]() ? e[_0x177b("0x70")](x)["then"](function(x) {
}) : P[_0x177b("0x6a")][_0x177b("0x4b")](_0x177b("0x71"), x[_0x177b("0x6b")])["then"](function(x) {
var e = btoa(String[_0x177b("0x6f")][_0x177b("0x4")](String, Object(o["a"])(new Uint8Array(x))));
}, {
key: _0x177b("0x72"),
value: function(x) {
for (var e = "", t = new Uint8Array(x), b = t[_0x177b("0x73")], a = 0; a < b; a++)
e += String[_0x177b("0x6f")](t[a]);
return btoa(e)
}, {
key: _0x177b("0x74"),
value: function(x) {
var e = 10
, t = x[_0x177b("0x2c")](16)[_0x177b("0x75")]();
return null === t || "" === t ? "" : t[_0x177b("0x76")](20, "0")[_0x177b("0x77")](0, e)
}, {
key: _0x177b("0x78"),
value: function(x) {
if (this["issueRef"] && this[_0x177b("0x79")]) {
var e = r()(this[_0x177b("0x48")]["issueId"], void 0) * "#"["charCodeAt"](0)
, t = r()(this[_0x177b("0x48")][_0x177b("0x7a")], void 0) * "*"[_0x177b("0x7b")](0)
, b = this[_0x177b("0x74")](t)
, a = this["toPaddedHexString"](e)
, _ = b["toString"]() + x + a[_0x177b("0x2c")]();
return _
}, {
key: _0x177b("0x7c"),
value: function(x) {
for (var e = new Uint8Array(x), t = "", b = 0; b < e[_0x177b("0x73")]; b++)
t += n()(e[b]);
return t
}, {
key: _0x177b("0x7d"),
value: function() {
if (this["partialKeyFromAPI"]) {
for (var x = atob(this[_0x177b("0x79")]), e = new ArrayBuffer(x[_0x177b("0x0")]), t = new Uint8Array(e), b = 0, a = x[_0x177b("0x0")]; b < a; b++)
t[b] = x[_0x177b("0x7b")](b);
return e
}, {
key: "stringToArrayBufferV2",
value: function(x) {
if (this["partialKeyFromAPI"]) {
for (var e = atob(x), t = new ArrayBuffer(e[_0x177b("0x0")]), b = new Uint8Array(t), a = 0, _ = e[_0x177b("0x0")]; a < _; a++)
b[a] = e[_0x177b("0x7b")](a);
return t
}, {
key: _0x177b("0x7e"),
value: function(x, e, t, b, a) {
var _ = this;
return new c["a"](function(n) {
var i = P["subtle"][_0x177b("0x5a")](x, t, e);
i[_0x177b("0x6e")] = function(x) {
if (_["isFormerPublication"]) {
var e = ""[_0x177b("0x2d")](a, "-")[_0x177b("0x2d")](b)[_0x177b("0x2d")](_[_0x177b("0x7c")](x[_0x177b("0x7f")][_0x177b("0x58")]));
} else {
var t = _[_0x177b("0x7c")](x[_0x177b("0x7f")][_0x177b("0x58")])
, i = _[_0x177b("0x78")](t);
}, {
key: _0x177b("0x5a"),
value: function(x) {
console.log('decrypt', x)
var e = this;
console.log('e', e)
if (this[_0x177b("0x4a")] && this[_0x177b("0x48")] && this[_0x177b("0x79")]) {
var t = this["keys"]["privateKey"]
, b = this["issueRef"]["issueId"];
return new c["a"](function(a) {
var _ = e["stringToArrayBuffer"]()
, n = {
name: "RSA-OAEP",
hash: _0x177b("0x80")
if (!e[_0x177b("0x67")]())
return P["subtle"][_0x177b("0x5a")](n, t, _)[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(t) {
if (e[_0x177b("0x45")]) {
var _ = ""[_0x177b("0x2d")](b, "-")["concat"](x)["concat"](e[_0x177b("0x7c")](t));
} else {
var n = e[_0x177b("0x7c")](t)
, i = e[_0x177b("0x78")](n);
}, function(x) {
console[_0x177b("0x65")](_0x177b("0x81"), x)
e[_0x177b("0x7e")](n, _, t, x, b)[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(x) {
return new c["a"](function(x) {
}, {
key: "GenerateKeyCryptoRSAIE",
value: function() {
return new c["a"](function(x, e) {
var t = P[_0x177b("0x6a")][_0x177b("0x82")]({
name: _0x177b("0x83"),
modulusLength: 1024,
publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1, 0, 1]),
hash: {
name: _0x177b("0x80")
}, !0, [_0x177b("0x84"), _0x177b("0x5a")]);
t["onerror"] = function(x) {
console[_0x177b("0x65")]("error in GKCIE : ", x),
t[_0x177b("0x6e")] = function(e) {
}, {
key: "GenerateKeyCryptoRSA",
value: function() {
var x = this;
return new c["a"](function(e, t) {
if (x[_0x177b("0x67")]())
x["GenerateKeyCryptoRSAIE"]()[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(x) {
else {
var b = {
name: _0x177b("0x83"),
modulusLength: 1024,
publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1, 0, 1]),
hash: {
name: _0x177b("0x80")
P[_0x177b("0x6a")][_0x177b("0x82")](b, !0, [_0x177b("0x84"), _0x177b("0x5a")])[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(x) {
}, function(x) {
, E = (t(_0x177b("0x85")),
, O = (t(_0x177b("0x86")),
, S = t("5d73")
, C = t["n"](S)
, T = (t("5df3"),
, j = [];
T[_0x177b("0x8a")][_0x177b("0x8b")] = "";
var A = {
loadIssue: function(x, e) {
var t = x[_0x177b("0x8c")]
, b = x[_0x177b("0x8d")];
return new c["a"](function(x, a) {
t(_0x177b("0x8f"), e),
b[_0x177b("0x90")][_0x177b("0x47")](e)[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(e) {
0 === e["pdfVersion"] ? a({
pdfVersion: 0
}) : (t(_0x177b("0x91"), e),
M["dispatch"]("getIssueInfos")[_0x177b("0x4c")](function() {
}, function() {
getIssueInfos: function(x) {
var e = x[_0x177b("0x8c")]
, t = x["state"];
return new c["a"](function(x, b) {
t[_0x177b("0x92")] && t[_0x177b("0x48")] ? w["get"](_0x177b("0x93")["concat"](t[_0x177b("0x48")][_0x177b("0x4f")]))[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(t) {
var b = t[_0x177b("0x28")]["result"];
e("SET_READING_DATE", t[_0x177b("0x28")][_0x177b("0x58")][_0x177b("0x94")]),
b[_0x177b("0x95")] > 1 ? (e("UPDATE_ISSUE_INFOS", b),
x()) : (e(_0x177b("0x96"), _0x177b("0x97")),
}, function(x) {
}) : (e(_0x177b("0x96"), "next"),
setIssueInfos: function(x) {
var e = x[_0x177b("0x8d")]
, t = e[_0x177b("0x98")];
e[_0x177b("0x48")] && (t[_0x177b("0x4f")] = Number(e[_0x177b("0x48")][_0x177b("0x4f")]),
t[_0x177b("0x95")] = e[_0x177b("0x99")],
t[_0x177b("0x9a")] = e[_0x177b("0x9a")],
t[_0x177b("0x9b")] = 0,
w[_0x177b("0x9c")](_0x177b("0x9d"), [t]))
getPage: function(x, e) {
var t = x["commit"]
, b = x["state"];
return new c["a"](function(x, a) {
b[_0x177b("0x9e")][e - 1] ? x() : b[_0x177b("0x90")] && b[_0x177b("0x90")][_0x177b("0x44")] && b[_0x177b("0x90")][_0x177b("0x44")][e] && b["issueClass"][_0x177b("0x9f")](e)[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(b) {
if (b) {
var _ = b
, n = T["getDocument"](_);
n[_0x177b("0xa0")][_0x177b("0x4c")](function(b) {
b[_0x177b("0xa1")](1)["then"](function(b) {
j[e - 1] = n,
t(_0x177b("0xa2"), {
numPage: e,
page: b
}, function() {
}, function() {
console[_0x177b("0x65")]("error get document"),
}, function() {
getPrintStatus: function(x) {
var e = x[_0x177b("0x8c")]
, t = x[_0x177b("0x8d")];
if (t["issueRef"]) {
var b = _0x177b("0xa5")["concat"](t[_0x177b("0x48")][_0x177b("0x4f")]);
w[_0x177b("0x56")](b)[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(x) {
e("SET_PRINT_ENABLE", x[_0x177b("0x28")]["result"])
setPrintStatus: function(x) {
var e = x[_0x177b("0x8c")]
, t = x[_0x177b("0x8d")];
if (t["issueRef"]) {
var b = _0x177b("0xa5")[_0x177b("0x2d")](t[_0x177b("0x48")][_0x177b("0x4f")]);
w[_0x177b("0x9c")](b)[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(x) {
e(_0x177b("0xa6"), x[_0x177b("0x28")][_0x177b("0x58")])
createCanvas: function(x, e) {
var t = x[_0x177b("0x8c")]
, b = x[_0x177b("0x8d")]
, a = (x[_0x177b("0x8e")],
, _ = !0
, n = !1
, i = void 0;
try {
for (var r, o = function() {
var x = r[_0x177b("0xa7")]
, e = b[_0x177b("0xa8")][x - 1]
, t = e["getViewport"]({
scale: b[_0x177b("0xa9")] + b["improvment"]
, _ = document[_0x177b("0xaa")](_0x177b("0x9e"));
_["mozOpaque"] = !0,
_[_0x177b("0xab")] = t[_0x177b("0xab")],
_[_0x177b("0xac")] = t[_0x177b("0xac")],
_[_0x177b("0xad")]["width"] = _0x177b("0xae"),
_[_0x177b("0xad")][_0x177b("0xab")] = "100%";
var n = _[_0x177b("0xaf")]("2d", {
alpha: !1
, i = document[_0x177b("0xaa")]("div");
i["id"] = "canvas"[_0x177b("0x2d")](x),
var o = {
canvasContext: n,
viewport: t
a[_0x177b("0x1")](new c["a"](function(x, t) {
var b = e["render"](o);
b["promise"][_0x177b("0x4c")](function() {
}, function() {
}, s = C()(e); !(_ = (r = s[_0x177b("0x97")]())["done"]); _ = !0)
} catch (u) {
n = !0,
i = u
} finally {
try {
_ || null == s[_0x177b("0xb4")] || s[_0x177b("0xb4")]()
} finally {
if (n)
throw i
return new c["a"](function(x, b) {
c["a"][_0x177b("0xb5")](a)[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(b) {
t(_0x177b("0xb6"), b);
var a = !0
, _ = !1
, n = void 0;
try {
for (var i, r = C()(e); !(a = (i = r["next"]())[_0x177b("0xb7")]); a = !0) {
var o = i[_0x177b("0xa7")];
j[o - 1][_0x177b("0xb8")]()
} catch (s) {
_ = !0,
n = s
} finally {
try {
a || null == r["return"] || r["return"]()
} finally {
if (_)
throw n
}, function() {
consume: function(x, e) {
w[_0x177b("0x9c")](_0x177b("0xb9"), [e])[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(x) {}, function(x) {
pageTurn: function(x) {
var e = x[_0x177b("0x8c")]
, t = x[_0x177b("0x8d")];
w[_0x177b("0x9c")](_0x177b("0xba"), [t[_0x177b("0x4f")]])[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(x) {
}, function(x) {
getConfigPartner: function(x) {
var e = x[_0x177b("0x8c")]
, t = p["c"]["getCookie"](p["a"][_0x177b("0x26")]);
void 0 !== t && "" !== t || (t = "lk");
var b = new c["a"](function(x, b) {
v["a"]["get"](""[_0x177b("0x2d")](_0x177b("0xbc"), _0x177b("0xbd")))["then"](function(b) {
var a = b["data"][_0x177b("0x58")][_0x177b("0xbe")][t];
e("SET_CONSUME_ISSUE_DELAY", a[_0x177b("0xbf")]),
})[_0x177b("0xc0")](function() {
return b
showCurrentPage: function(x) {
var e = x[_0x177b("0x8c")]
, t = x[_0x177b("0x8d")]
, b = (x["rootState"],
, a = 4
, _ = t["canvas"][_0x177b("0xc1")](function(x) {
return !!x && r()(x["id"][_0x177b("0x5f")](6), void 0) === t[_0x177b("0x99")]
, n = t[_0x177b("0xc2")][_0x177b("0xc1")](function(x) {
return x === t[_0x177b("0x99")]
if (_ || n || b["push"](new c["a"](function(x, e) {
t["pdfPages"][t[_0x177b("0x99")] - 1] ? x(t["currentPage"]) : M[_0x177b("0xc3")]("getPage", t["currentPage"])["then"](function() {
}, function() {
!t[_0x177b("0xc4")] && t[_0x177b("0x99")] > 1 && t["currentPage"] < t["maxPage"]) {
var i = t[_0x177b("0x9e")][_0x177b("0xc1")](function(x) {
return !!x && r()(x["id"][_0x177b("0x5f")](6), void 0) === t[_0x177b("0x99")] + 1
, o = t[_0x177b("0xc2")][_0x177b("0xc1")](function(x) {
return x === t[_0x177b("0x99")] + 1
i || o || b[_0x177b("0x1")](new c["a"](function(x, e) {
t["pdfPages"][t[_0x177b("0x99")]] ? x(t[_0x177b("0x99")] + 1) : M["dispatch"]("getPage", t[_0x177b("0x99")] + 1)[_0x177b("0x4c")](function() {
x(t["currentPage"] + 1)
}, function() {
var s = function() {
for (var x = 0 === t[_0x177b("0xc2")][_0x177b("0x0")], b = t["listPages"][_0x177b("0xc5")](function(x) {
return r()(x, 10) === t[_0x177b("0x99")]
}), _ = b + 1; _ <= b + a; _++)
t[_0x177b("0xc6")][_] && function() {
var x = r()(t[_0x177b("0xc6")][_], 10)
, b = t["queue"][_0x177b("0xc5")](function(e) {
return e === x
-1 !== b || t["pdfPages"][x - 1] || e(_0x177b("0xc7"), x)
x && M["dispatch"](_0x177b("0xc8"))
return new c["a"](function(x, e) {
c["a"][_0x177b("0xb5")](b)["then"](function(b) {
b[_0x177b("0x0")] > 0 ? M[_0x177b("0xc3")](_0x177b("0xc9"), b)[_0x177b("0x4c")](function() {
}, function() {
console["error"](_0x177b("0xca"), t[_0x177b("0x99")]),
}) : (s(),
}, function() {
loadingQueue: function() {
var x = Object(E["a"])(regeneratorRuntime[_0x177b("0xcc")](function x(e) {
var t, b;
return regeneratorRuntime[_0x177b("0xcd")](function(x) {
while (1)
switch (x[_0x177b("0xce")] = x[_0x177b("0x97")]) {
case 0:
t = e["commit"],
b = e[_0x177b("0x8d")];
case 1:
return x["next"] = 3,
new c["a"](function(x, e) {
M[_0x177b("0xc3")](_0x177b("0xa1"), b["queue"][0])[_0x177b("0x4c")](function(e) {
M["dispatch"](_0x177b("0xc9"), [e])[_0x177b("0x4c")](function() {
}, function(x) {
}, function() {
case 3:
if (b[_0x177b("0xc2")][_0x177b("0x0")] > 0) {
x[_0x177b("0x97")] = 1;
case 4:
case _0x177b("0xd2"):
return x["stop"]()
}, x, this)
function e(e) {
return x[_0x177b("0x4")](this, arguments)
return e
, I = t(_0x177b("0xd3"))
, R = t["n"](I)
, U = {
SET_ISSUE_REF: function(x, e) {
x["issueRef"] = e
SET_ISSUE_ID: function(x, e) {
x[_0x177b("0x4f")] = e
SET_ISSUE: function(x, e) {
x[_0x177b("0xc6")] = R()(e[_0x177b("0x57")]),
x[_0x177b("0xd4")] = r()(x["listPages"][x[_0x177b("0xc6")][_0x177b("0x0")] - 1], 10),
x[_0x177b("0xd5")] = e[_0x177b("0xd5")],
x[_0x177b("0xd6")] = R()(e[_0x177b("0x57")])[_0x177b("0x0")],
x[_0x177b("0xd7")] = e[_0x177b("0xd7")],
x["isPurchased"] = e["isPurchased"],
e["consumedDate"] && (x[_0x177b("0xd8")] = e["consumedDate"]),
e["pageTurnedDate"] && (x["pageTurnedDate"] = e["pageTurnedDate"]);
for (var t = 0; t < x[_0x177b("0xd9")][_0x177b("0x0")]; t++)
x[_0x177b("0xd9")][t] = unescape(x[_0x177b("0xd9")][t])[_0x177b("0x53")](_0x177b("0xda"), "/");
x["onReadTrackingUrls"] = e[_0x177b("0xd9")],
x[_0x177b("0xdb")] = e[_0x177b("0xdb")]
SET_PRINT_ENABLE: function(x, e) {
x[_0x177b("0xdc")] = e
SET_PAGE_TURN_DATE: function(x) {
x["pageTurnedDate"] = (new Date)[_0x177b("0x2c")]()
UPDATE_ISSUE_INFOS: function(x, e) {
x["infosPage"] = e,
x["maxReadPage"] = e[_0x177b("0x9a")],
x[_0x177b("0xc4")] ? x[_0x177b("0x99")] = e["lastReadPage"] : x["currentPage"] = e["lastReadPage"] % 2 === 0 ? e[_0x177b("0x95")] : e["lastReadPage"] - 1
UPDATE_CURRENT_PAGE: function(x, e) {
e === _0x177b("0x97") ? x[_0x177b("0xc4")] || x[_0x177b("0x99")] <= 1 ? x[_0x177b("0x99")] = r()(x["listPages"][x[_0x177b("0xc6")][_0x177b("0x23")](x[_0x177b("0x99")][_0x177b("0x2c")]()) + 1], 10) : x[_0x177b("0x99")] = r()(x[_0x177b("0xc6")][x["listPages"][_0x177b("0x23")](x[_0x177b("0x99")][_0x177b("0x2c")]()) + 2], 10) : e === _0x177b("0xdd") ? (x["singlePage"] ? x["currentPage"] = r()(x[_0x177b("0xc6")][x["listPages"][_0x177b("0x23")](x[_0x177b("0x99")][_0x177b("0x2c")]()) - 1], 10) : x[_0x177b("0x99")] = r()(x[_0x177b("0xc6")][x[_0x177b("0xc6")][_0x177b("0x23")](x["currentPage"][_0x177b("0x2c")]()) - 2], 10),
isNaN(x["currentPage"]) && (x[_0x177b("0x99")] = r()(x[_0x177b("0xc6")][0], 10))) : x[_0x177b("0x99")] = r()(e, void 0),
x[_0x177b("0x99")] > x[_0x177b("0x9a")] ? x[_0x177b("0x9a")] = x[_0x177b("0x99")] : x[_0x177b("0x9a")] = x["infosPage"]["maxReadPage"]
SET_READING_DATE: function(x, e) {
x[_0x177b("0x94")] = e
ADD_CANVAS: function(x, e) {
var t = Object(o["a"])(x[_0x177b("0x9e")])
, b = !0
, a = !1
, _ = void 0;
try {
for (var n, i = C()(e); !(b = (n = i[_0x177b("0x97")]())[_0x177b("0xb7")]); b = !0) {
var s = n["value"]
, c = r()(s["id"][_0x177b("0x5f")](6, s["id"][_0x177b("0x0")] - 1), 10);
t[c - 1] = s
} catch (u) {
a = !0,
_ = u
} finally {
try {
b || null == i["return"] || i[_0x177b("0xb4")]()
} finally {
if (a)
throw _
x[_0x177b("0x9e")] = t
REMOVE_CANVAS: function(x, e) {
x["canvas"][e] = void 0,
x[_0x177b("0xa8")][e] = void 0
ADD_PDF_PAGE: function(x, e) {
x[_0x177b("0xa8")][e["numPage"] - 1] = e["page"]
SET_SINGLE_PAGE: function(x, e) {
x[_0x177b("0xc4")] = e,
x[_0x177b("0xc4")] || 1 === x[_0x177b("0x99")] || x["currentPage"] % 2 === 0 || x[_0x177b("0x99")]--
UPDATE_SCALE: function(x, e) {
x[_0x177b("0xa9")] = e
ADD_TO_QUEUE: function(x, e) {
SHIFT_QUEUE: function(x) {
UPDATE_COUNTRY: function(x, e) {
x[_0x177b("0xde")] = e
SET_CONSUME_ISSUE_DELAY: function(x, e) {
x[_0x177b("0xdf")] = e
TOGGLE_COOKIES_STRIP: function(x, e) {
x[_0x177b("0xe0")] = e
, D = {
getPreviousPage: function(x) {
return "P "[_0x177b("0x2d")](String(x[_0x177b("0xc6")][x[_0x177b("0xc6")][_0x177b("0x23")](x[_0x177b("0x99")][_0x177b("0x2c")]()) - 1]))
getNextPage: function(x) {
return x["singlePage"] || 1 === x["currentPage"] ? "P "[_0x177b("0x2d")](String(x[_0x177b("0xc6")][x[_0x177b("0xc6")]["indexOf"](x[_0x177b("0x99")][_0x177b("0x2c")]()) + 1])) : "P "[_0x177b("0x2d")](String(x["listPages"][x[_0x177b("0xc6")][_0x177b("0x23")](x[_0x177b("0x99")][_0x177b("0x2c")]()) + 2]))
var L = {
country: "",
printEnable: !1,
issueClass: new k,
title: "",
totalPages: 0,
ratio: 0,
currentPage: 0,
infosPage: {},
maxReadPage: 1,
readingDate: new Date,
isPurchased: !1,
singlePage: !1,
cookiesStrip: !1,
canvas: [],
pdfPages: [],
listPages: [],
maxPage: 0,
queue: [],
scale: 1,
improvment: 1.8,
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getters: D
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"06fd": function(x, e, t) {
"use strict";
var b = t("b62b")
, a = t["n"](b);
"2f77": function(x, e, t) {
"use strict";
var b = t("4489")
, a = t["n"](b);
"30c4": function(x) {
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"3da6": function(x, e, t) {
"use strict";
t["d"](e, _0x177b("0xec"), function() {
return s
t["d"](e, "init", function() {
return c
var b = t(_0x177b("0xed"))
, a = t["n"](b)
, _ = (t("2b0e"),
, n = (t["n"](_),
, i = t(_0x177b("0xf0"))
, r = function() {
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var x = arguments;
window[_0x177b("0xf1")] = void 0;
var e = window[_0x177b("0xf1")] = window[_0x177b("0xf1")] || [];
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if (e[_0x177b("0xf3")])
window[_0x177b("0xf4")] && console["error"] && console[_0x177b("0x65")]("Segment snippet included twice.");
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e["factory"] = function(t) {
return function() {
var b = Array["prototype"][_0x177b("0x102")]["call"](x);
return b[_0x177b("0x103")](t),
for (var t = 0; t < e[_0x177b("0x104")]["length"]; t++) {
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e[b] = e["factory"](b)
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e[_0x177b("0x10b")] = t
e[_0x177b("0x10c")] = "4.1.0",
, o = function() {
console["info"]("init analytic"),
, s = function x() {
_[_0x177b("0x121")](n["a"][_0x177b("0xe0")], {
path: "/",
domain: _0x177b("0x31")
document["body"]["removeEventListener"](_0x177b("0x122"), x),
i["a"][_0x177b("0x8c")]("TOGGLE_COOKIES_STRIP", !1);
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if ("" === e) {
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analytic: !0,
ads: !0
n["c"][_0x177b("0x2e")](n["a"][_0x177b("0x123")], btoa(a()(t))),
, c = function() {
var x = n["c"][_0x177b("0x24")](n["a"][_0x177b("0x123")]);
if ("" !== x && void 0 !== x) {
_[_0x177b("0x121")](n["a"][_0x177b("0xe0")], {
path: "/",
domain: _0x177b("0x31")
var e = JSON[_0x177b("0x60")](atob(x));
return e["analytic"] && o(),
var t = n["c"][_0x177b("0x24")](n["a"][_0x177b("0xe0")]);
return "" !== t && void 0 !== t ? (s(),
!0) : (document[_0x177b("0x124")]["addEventListener"](_0x177b("0x122"), s),
4227: function(x, e, t) {
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detail: {
open: x
, a = document["createElement"](_0x177b("0x126"))
, _ = function() {
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x !== _0x177b("0x129") && x !== _0x177b("0x12a") && -1 === x[_0x177b("0x23")](_0x177b("0x12b")) && b(!0)
, n = setInterval(function() {
var x = window[_0x177b("0x12c")] && window["Firebug"]["chrome"] && window[_0x177b("0x12c")]["chrome"]["isInitialized"];
x && _()
Object[_0x177b("0x8")](a, "id", {
get: function() {
"42e2": function(x, e, t) {},
4489: function(x, e, t) {},
5860: function(x, e, t) {
x["exports"] = t["p"] + _0x177b("0x12d")
"5c0b": function(x, e, t) {
"use strict";
var b = t(_0x177b("0x12e"))
, a = t["n"](b);
"5e27": function(x, e, t) {},
"5f86": function(x, e, t) {
"use strict";
var b = t(_0x177b("0x15"))
, a = t(_0x177b("0x131"))
, _ = function() {
var x = this
, e = x[_0x177b("0x132")]
, t = x["_self"]["_c"] || e;
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print: x[_0x177b("0xe9")],
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value: !x[_0x177b("0x13e")],
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open: x[_0x177b("0x13f")]
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innerHTML: x["_s"](x["$t"](_0x177b("0x146")))
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name: _0x177b("0x13c"),
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click: function(e) {
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staticClass: _0x177b("0x14f")
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staticClass: "mark"
}, [x["_v"](x["_s"](x[_0x177b("0x150")]))])]) : x["_e"](), x["_m"](0), x[_0x177b("0x99")] < x[_0x177b("0xd4")] - 1 ? t(_0x177b("0x14a"), {
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class: x["getClass"],
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click: function(e) {
}, [t(_0x177b("0x14e"), {
staticClass: "mark"
}, [x["_v"](x["_s"](x[_0x177b("0x152")]))]), t("span", {
staticClass: _0x177b("0x14f")
})]) : x["_e"]()]), x[_0x177b("0x153")] ? t(_0x177b("0x126"), x["_l"](x[_0x177b("0xdb")], function(x, e) {
return t(_0x177b("0x154"), {
key: e,
attrs: {
height: "0",
width: "0",
src: x[_0x177b("0x155")]
}), 0) : x["_e"]()], 1)
, n = [function() {
var x = this
, e = x["$createElement"]
, t = x[_0x177b("0x156")]["_c"] || e;
return t(_0x177b("0x126"), {
attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x157")
}, [t(_0x177b("0x126"), {
attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x158")
}), t(_0x177b("0x126"), {
attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x159")
, i = (t("20d6"),
, r = t(_0x177b("0x15b"))
, o = t["n"](r)
, s = (t(_0x177b("0x15c")),
, c = t["n"](s)
, u = (t("7514"),
, d = t["n"](u)
, f = t(_0x177b("0x1e"))
, l = t(_0x177b("0x1f"))
, h = t(_0x177b("0x15d"))
, v = t("6bb5")
, p = t("4e2b")
, m = t(_0x177b("0x15e"))
, g = t("60a3")
, y = t(_0x177b("0x15f"))
, w = t(_0x177b("0x160"))
, P = t["n"](w)
, k = function() {
var x = this
, e = x["$createElement"]
, b = x["_self"]["_c"] || e;
return b("div", {
attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x161")
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attrs: {
id: "reader_header_content"
}, [b(_0x177b("0x126"), {
attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x162")
}, [b(_0x177b("0x14a"), {
staticClass: _0x177b("0x163"),
attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x164")
on: {
click: x[_0x177b("0x165")]
}), b("h1", {
attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x166")
}, [x["_v"](x["_s"](x[_0x177b("0xd7")]))])]), x["error"] ? x["_e"]() : b("div", {
attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x167")
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attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x168")
}, [b(_0x177b("0x14a"), {
staticClass: _0x177b("0x169"),
attrs: {
disabled: x[_0x177b("0xa9")] <= 1
on: {
click: function(e) {
x["$emit"](_0x177b("0x13a"), "minus")
}, [b(_0x177b("0x154"), {
attrs: {
src: t(_0x177b("0x16a"))
})]), b(_0x177b("0x14a"), {
staticClass: _0x177b("0x169"),
attrs: {
disabled: x["scale"] >= 7.5
on: {
click: function(e) {
x["$emit"](_0x177b("0x13a"), "plus")
}, [b(_0x177b("0x154"), {
attrs: {
src: t("5860")
})])]), x[_0x177b("0xdc")] ? b("button", {
staticClass: _0x177b("0x16b"),
attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x16c")
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [x["_v"](x["_s"](x["$t"](_0x177b("0x16d"))))]) : x["_e"](), x[_0x177b("0x16e")]() ? x["_e"]() : b("button", {
staticClass: "btn btn-secondary",
attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x16f")
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [x[_0x177b("0x172")] ? b(_0x177b("0x154"), {
attrs: {
src: t(_0x177b("0x174")),
alt: x["$t"]("header.buttonfullScreen")
}) : b(_0x177b("0x154"), {
attrs: {
src: t("898f"),
alt: x["$t"](_0x177b("0x173"))
, E = []
, O = function(x) {
function e() {
return Object(f["a"])(this, e),
Object(h["a"])(this, Object(v["a"])(e)[_0x177b("0x4")](this, arguments))
return Object(p["a"])(e, x),
Object(l["a"])(e, [{
key: _0x177b("0x165"),
value: function() {
}, {
key: "checkAndroidOrIOS",
value: function() {
var x = navigator["userAgent"] || navigator["vendor"];
return !!/android/i[_0x177b("0x176")](x) || !!/iPad|iPhone|iPod/[_0x177b("0x176")](x)
m["a"]([Object(g["b"])()], O[_0x177b("0x2")], "error", void 0),
m["a"]([Object(g["b"])()], O["prototype"], _0x177b("0x172"), void 0),
m["a"]([Object(y["d"])(_0x177b("0xd7"))], O[_0x177b("0x2")], _0x177b("0xd7"), void 0),
m["a"]([Object(y["d"])(_0x177b("0xdc"))], O[_0x177b("0x2")], "printEnable", void 0),
m["a"]([Object(y["d"])(_0x177b("0xa9"))], O[_0x177b("0x2")], _0x177b("0xa9"), void 0),
O = m["a"]([Object(g["a"])({})], O);
var S = O
, C = S
, T = (t(_0x177b("0x177")),
, j = Object(T["a"])(C, k, E, !1, null, "3fc15d64", null)
, A = j["exports"]
, I = function() {
var x = this
, e = x["$createElement"]
, t = x[_0x177b("0x156")]["_c"] || e;
return t(_0x177b("0x126"), {
attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x179")
}, [t("div", {
attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x17a")
on: {
click: x[_0x177b("0x17b")]
}, [t(_0x177b("0x14e"), {
staticClass: "icon-lk-arrow-light"
})]), t(_0x177b("0x126"), {
attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x17c")
}, x["_l"](x[_0x177b("0xc6")], function(e) {
return t(_0x177b("0x126"), {
key: e,
staticClass: _0x177b("0x17d"),
class: {
active: x["isActive"](e)
attrs: {
id: _0x177b("0x17e") + e
on: {
click: function(t) {
}, [t(_0x177b("0x154"), {
attrs: {
src: x[_0x177b("0x180")](e),
alt: ""
}), t("p", {
staticClass: _0x177b("0xcc")
}, [x["_v"](x["_s"](e))])])
}), 0)])
, R = []
, U = t("cffa")
, D = function(x) {
function e() {
var x;
return Object(f["a"])(this, e),
x = Object(h["a"])(this, Object(v["a"])(e)["apply"](this, arguments)),
x[_0x177b("0x181")] = !1,
return Object(p["a"])(e, x),
Object(l["a"])(e, [{
key: _0x177b("0x182"),
value: function(x) {
var e = !1;
return this["currentPage"] === c()(x, 10) && (e = !0),
!this["singlePage"] && this[_0x177b("0x99")] > 1 && this[_0x177b("0x99")] + 1 === c()(x, 10) && (e = !0),
}, {
key: _0x177b("0x180"),
value: function(x) {
if (this[_0x177b("0x48")]) {
var e = ""["concat"](this[_0x177b("0x48")][_0x177b("0x7a")], "/")[_0x177b("0x2d")](this[_0x177b("0x48")][_0x177b("0x4f")]);
return _0x177b("0x183")[_0x177b("0x2d")](e, _0x177b("0x184"))[_0x177b("0x2d")](x, _0x177b("0x185"))
}, {
key: _0x177b("0x17f"),
value: function(x) {
this[_0x177b("0xc4")] || x % 2 === 0 || x--,
x < 1 && (x = 1),
"" === this[_0x177b("0x186")] && this["pageTurn"](),
}, {
key: _0x177b("0x17b"),
value: function() {
var x, e = document["getElementById"](_0x177b("0x17c"));
this[_0x177b("0x181")] ? (this["thumbnailsOpen"] = !1,
x = this[_0x177b("0xc4")] ? {
x: _0x177b("0x18a"),
onComplete: function() {
e[_0x177b("0xad")]["display"] = _0x177b("0x18b")
} : {
y: "100%",
onComplete: function() {
e["style"]["display"] = _0x177b("0x18b")
}) : (this["thumbnailsOpen"] = !0,
e[_0x177b("0xad")][_0x177b("0x18c")] = _0x177b("0x18d"),
x = this[_0x177b("0xc4")] ? {
x: "0%"
} : {
y: "0%"
U["a"]["to"](this[_0x177b("0x188")], .4, x),
this[_0x177b("0x170")]("open", this[_0x177b("0x181")])
}, {
key: "watchSinglePage",
value: function() {
U["a"]["to"](this[_0x177b("0x188")], 0, {
x: "0%",
y: "0%"
this[_0x177b("0x181")] && this["toggleThumbnails"]()
}, {
key: _0x177b("0x18e"),
value: function() {
if (this[_0x177b("0x99")] > 0) {
var x = this[_0x177b("0x188")][_0x177b("0x18f")](_0x177b("0x190")[_0x177b("0x2d")](this[_0x177b("0x99")]))
, e = this[_0x177b("0x188")][_0x177b("0x18f")](_0x177b("0x191"));
if (x)
if (this[_0x177b("0xc4")]) {
var t = this[_0x177b("0x188")]["clientHeight"];
x[_0x177b("0x192")] > t / 2 && (e["scrollTop"] = x["offsetTop"] - t / 2 + x[_0x177b("0x193")] / 2 - 22)
} else {
var b = this[_0x177b("0x188")][_0x177b("0x194")];
x[_0x177b("0x195")] > b / 2 && (e[_0x177b("0x196")] = x[_0x177b("0x195")] - b / 2 + x[_0x177b("0x194")] + 10)
m["a"]([Object(y["d"])(_0x177b("0xc4"))], D[_0x177b("0x2")], _0x177b("0xc4"), void 0),
m["a"]([Object(y["d"])("listPages")], D[_0x177b("0x2")], _0x177b("0xc6"), void 0),
m["a"]([Object(y["d"])(_0x177b("0x99"))], D["prototype"], "currentPage", void 0),
m["a"]([Object(y["d"])(_0x177b("0x48"))], D[_0x177b("0x2")], "issueRef", void 0),
m["a"]([Object(y["d"])(_0x177b("0x186"))], D[_0x177b("0x2")], "pageTurnedDate", void 0),
m["a"]([Object(y["c"])("UPDATE_CURRENT_PAGE")], D["prototype"], _0x177b("0x187"), void 0),
m["a"]([Object(y["a"])(_0x177b("0x197"))], D[_0x177b("0x2")], _0x177b("0x197"), void 0),
m["a"]([Object(g["d"])(_0x177b("0xc4"))], D["prototype"], "watchSinglePage", null),
m["a"]([Object(g["d"])(_0x177b("0x99"))], D[_0x177b("0x2")], _0x177b("0x18e"), null),
D = m["a"]([Object(g["a"])({})], D);
var L = D
, N = L
, M = (t("06fd"),
Object(T["a"])(N, I, R, !1, null, "543848fc", null))
, V = M[_0x177b("0x6")]
, z = t("b1b9")
, B = function(x) {
function e() {
var x;
return Object(f["a"])(this, e),
x = Object(h["a"])(this, Object(v["a"])(e)[_0x177b("0x4")](this, arguments)),
x["loading"] = !0,
x[_0x177b("0x137")] = !1,
x[_0x177b("0x141")] = !0,
x[_0x177b("0x198")] = !1,
x["isNativMicrosoftEdge"] = !1,
x[_0x177b("0x138")] = !1,
x[_0x177b("0x13e")] = !1,
x[_0x177b("0x199")] = !1,
x["doubleTapZoom"] = 3.5,
x["default"] = {
width: 0,
height: 0
x[_0x177b("0x19a")] = 0,
x[_0x177b("0x19b")] = 0,
x["thumbnailsOpen"] = !1,
x[_0x177b("0x153")] = !1,
x[_0x177b("0x19c")] = !1,
x[_0x177b("0x19d")] = 0,
x[_0x177b("0x19e")] = 0,
x["scrollLeft"] = 0,
x[_0x177b("0x19f")] = 0,
x[_0x177b("0x1a0")] = !1,
x[_0x177b("0x135")] = !1,
x[_0x177b("0x1a1")] = !1,
x[_0x177b("0x1a2")] = !1,
x[_0x177b("0x1a3")] = 0,
x[_0x177b("0x1a4")] = 0,
x["hammerScale"] = 1,
x[_0x177b("0x1a5")] = 1,
x[_0x177b("0x1a6")] = 0,
x[_0x177b("0x1a7")] = 0,
x[_0x177b("0x1a8")] = 0,
x[_0x177b("0x1a9")] = 0,
x["hammerTransform"] = "",
x[_0x177b("0x1aa")] = 0,
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a = !0,
_ = s
} finally {
try {
b || null == i[_0x177b("0xb4")] || i[_0x177b("0xb4")]()
} finally {
if (a)
throw _
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c()(i["id"][_0x177b("0x5f")](6), void 0);
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t = !0,
b = s
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e || null == _[_0x177b("0xb4")] || _["return"]()
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throw b
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null !== x))
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x === e[_0x177b("0x69")](/version\/(\d+)/i) !== null && x && t[_0x177b("0x5")](1, 1, x[1]),
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e && (this[_0x177b("0x141")] = x[1] >= e[1])
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window[_0x177b("0x1d3")](_0x177b("0x1d9"), this[_0x177b("0x1ae")]),
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t[_0x177b("0x1e0")] = function(e) {
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this[_0x177b("0x1e2")] || (this[_0x177b("0x1e3")](),
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i[_0x177b("0xab")] = 0,
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r = null
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t = !0,
b = o
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e || null == _["return"] || _[_0x177b("0xb4")]()
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return c()(e, 10) === x[_0x177b("0x99")]
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f[_0x177b("0x1e8")](0, 0, u[_0x177b("0xac")], u[_0x177b("0xab")]),
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u["style"][_0x177b("0xab")] = null,
u[_0x177b("0xac")] = 0,
u[_0x177b("0xab")] = 0,
u = null,
f = null,
} catch (h) {
a = !0,
_ = h
} finally {
try {
b || null == i[_0x177b("0xb4")] || i[_0x177b("0xb4")]()
} finally {
if (a)
throw _
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} while (e["children"][_0x177b("0x0")] > 0)
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opacity: 0
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opacity: 1
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x[_0x177b("0x181")] || x[_0x177b("0x1de")]()
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(e || x) && this[_0x177b("0x14d")](_0x177b("0x97"))
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for (var _, n = d()(x[_0x177b("0x1b4")]); !(t = (_ = n[_0x177b("0x97")]())[_0x177b("0xb7")]); t = !0) {
var i = _["value"]
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var o = i[_0x177b("0x1b4")][0]
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var c = s[_0x177b("0x1f0")](0, 0, o[_0x177b("0xac")], o[_0x177b("0xab")])
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u[_0x177b("0xad")][_0x177b("0xac")] = "100%",
u[_0x177b("0xad")][_0x177b("0xab")] = _0x177b("0xae");
var f = u[_0x177b("0xaf")]("2d");
f && (f[_0x177b("0x1f1")](c, 0, 0),
} catch (l) {
b = !0,
a = l
} finally {
try {
t || null == n[_0x177b("0xb4")] || n[_0x177b("0xb4")]()
} finally {
if (b)
throw a
setTimeout(function() {
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e && x[_0x177b("0x1f7")]()
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return !!x && c()(x["id"][_0x177b("0x5f")](6), void 0) === e["currentPage"] + 1
x && (t = !0)) : t = !0,
t && 0 === b[_0x177b("0x1b4")][_0x177b("0x0")] && this["displayPages"]()
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t[_0x177b("0x153")] = "" === t["readingDate"] && t[_0x177b("0x92")]
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x[_0x177b("0xad")][_0x177b("0x1fa")] = _0x177b("0x1fb"),
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x[_0x177b("0x19e")] = t[_0x177b("0x201")] - e[_0x177b("0x1e6")]()[_0x177b("0x1fd")])
e[_0x177b("0x1d3")](_0x177b("0x202"), function() {
x[_0x177b("0x1a0")] = !1,
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x[_0x177b("0xa9")] > 1 && x[_0x177b("0x1a0")] && (t[_0x177b("0x205")](),
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window[_0x177b("0x1d3")](_0x177b("0x1fe"), function(t) {
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direction: P["a"][_0x177b("0x20d")]
this[_0x177b("0x1c0")] = new P["a"]["Pan"]({
direction: P["a"]["DIRECTION_ALL"]
this[_0x177b("0x1c1")] = new P["a"]["Pinch"]({
event: _0x177b("0x20e")
this[_0x177b("0x1bf")][_0x177b("0xb2")](new P["a"]["Tap"]({
event: _0x177b("0x20f"),
taps: 2
this[_0x177b("0x1bf")][_0x177b("0xb2")](new P["a"]["Tap"]({
event: _0x177b("0x210")
var b = e;
this[_0x177b("0x213")](!0, b),
this["hammer"]["on"]("doubletap", function(a) {
x[_0x177b("0x1a2")] ? (x[_0x177b("0x214")](),
x[_0x177b("0x1f4")](!0)) : x["ZoomInWithResizing"](a, e, t),
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value: function(x, e) {
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this[_0x177b("0x1bf")]["on"](_0x177b("0x216"), function(x) {
t[_0x177b("0x217")] = !0,
t[_0x177b("0x1a3")] = 0,
t[_0x177b("0x1a4")] = 0,
t["hammerLastPosX"] = 0,
t[_0x177b("0x1a7")] = 0
this[_0x177b("0x1bf")]["on"](_0x177b("0x20e"), function(x) {
e && (t[_0x177b("0x218")](x),
this["hammer"]["on"]("pinchend", function(x) {
t[_0x177b("0x1a5")] = t[_0x177b("0x219")],
t[_0x177b("0x1a3")] = x[_0x177b("0x21a")],
t[_0x177b("0x1a4")] = x[_0x177b("0x21b")],
t[_0x177b("0x217")] = !1
})) : this["hammer"]["remove"](this[_0x177b("0x1c1")])
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key: _0x177b("0x21c"),
value: function(x, e) {
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x ? (this[_0x177b("0x1bf")][_0x177b("0xb2")](this[_0x177b("0x1c0")]),
this[_0x177b("0x1bf")]["on"](_0x177b("0x21d"), function(x) {
e && (t["managePan"](x, e),
this[_0x177b("0x1bf")]["on"](_0x177b("0x21e"), function(x) {
t[_0x177b("0x1a6")] = t["hammerPosX"] < t[_0x177b("0x1a8")] ? t[_0x177b("0x1a3")] : t["hammerMaxPosX"],
t[_0x177b("0x1a7")] = t[_0x177b("0x1a4")] < t[_0x177b("0x1a9")] ? t[_0x177b("0x1a4")] : t["hammerMaxPosY"]
})) : (this["hammer"][_0x177b("0x121")](this[_0x177b("0x1c0")]),
this["hammer"][_0x177b("0x101")]("pan panend"))
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this["hammer"]["on"](_0x177b("0x21f"), this[_0x177b("0x1ed")]),
this[_0x177b("0x1bf")]["on"](_0x177b("0x220"), this[_0x177b("0x1ee")]),
this[_0x177b("0x1bf")]["on"]("swipe", this[_0x177b("0x1ef")])) : (window[_0x177b("0x221")](_0x177b("0x1ae"), this[_0x177b("0x1ae")]),
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x["style"][_0x177b("0x224")] = _0x177b("0x225")
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top: i,
left: o
this[_0x177b("0x1a2")] = !1;
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this[_0x177b("0x213")](s, e),
s && !this[_0x177b("0x1e2")] && this[_0x177b("0x1b3")]()
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value: function(x, e) {
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this["hammerPosY"] = this["hammerLastPosY"] + x[_0x177b("0x21b")],
this["hammerMaxPosX"] = Math[_0x177b("0x22e")]((this[_0x177b("0x219")] - 1) * t[_0x177b("0x194")] / 2),
this[_0x177b("0x1a9")] = Math["ceil"]((this["hammerScale"] - 1) * t[_0x177b("0x193")] / 2),
this[_0x177b("0x1a3")] > this[_0x177b("0x1a8")] && (this["hammerPosX"] = this["hammerMaxPosX"]),
this[_0x177b("0x1a3")] < -this[_0x177b("0x1a8")] && (this[_0x177b("0x1a3")] = -this[_0x177b("0x1a8")]),
this["hammerPosY"] > this[_0x177b("0x1a9")] && (this["hammerPosY"] = this[_0x177b("0x1a9")]),
this[_0x177b("0x1a4")] < -this[_0x177b("0x1a9")] && (this[_0x177b("0x1a4")] = -this[_0x177b("0x1a9")])),
this["isPinchin"] && (this[_0x177b("0x1a3")] = x["deltaX"],
this[_0x177b("0x1a4")] = x["deltaY"],
this[_0x177b("0x1a6")] = x[_0x177b("0x21a")],
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value: function(x) {
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this["hammerScale"] = Math[_0x177b("0x22f")](.999, Math["min"](this[_0x177b("0x1a5")] * x[_0x177b("0xa9")], 4)),
this[_0x177b("0x219")] > 1 ? this[_0x177b("0x1a2")] || (this["onPinch"] = !0,
this[_0x177b("0x21c")](!0, b),
t["style"]["visibility"] = _0x177b("0x230")) : (this[_0x177b("0x1a2")] && (this[_0x177b("0x1a2")] = !1,
setTimeout(function() {
t[_0x177b("0xad")][_0x177b("0x224")] = _0x177b("0x225")
}, 500)),
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500))
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key: "manageTransform",
value: function(x) {
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value: function() {
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components: {
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Object(T["a"])(F, _, n, !1, null, null, null))
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, $ = t(_0x177b("0x247"))
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path: ""["concat"](H, "/:publicationId/:issueId"),
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component: Y
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x[_0x177b("0x39")][_0x177b("0xde")] && q["a"][_0x177b("0x8c")](_0x177b("0x24a"), x["params"][_0x177b("0xde")]);
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$["a"]["locale"] = "uk" === x[_0x177b("0x39")]["country"] ? "en" : x["params"]["country"],
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W(x, e, t)
}, function() {
console[_0x177b("0x65")]("config partners error")
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"837f": function(x, e, t) {},
"898f": function(x, e, t) {
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t["d"](e, "a", function() {
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t["d"](e, "c", function() {
return n
var b = t(_0x177b("0xef"))
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setCookie: function(x, e) {
var t = arguments[_0x177b("0x0")] > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 7;
b[_0x177b("0x257")](x, e, {
expires: t,
path: "/",
domain: ""
getCookie: function(x) {
var e = b[_0x177b("0x56")](x);
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bca1: function(x, e, t) {
x[_0x177b("0x6")] = t["p"] + _0x177b("0x25e")
cd49: function(x, e, t) {
"use strict";
var b = t(_0x177b("0x15"))
, a = t(_0x177b("0x247"))
, _ = function() {
var x = this
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id: "app"
}, [t(_0x177b("0x25f")), x[_0x177b("0xe0")] ? t(_0x177b("0x260")) : x["_e"]()], 1)
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, r = t(_0x177b("0x1f"))
, o = t(_0x177b("0x15d"))
, s = t(_0x177b("0x261"))
, c = t(_0x177b("0x262"))
, u = t(_0x177b("0x15e"))
, d = t(_0x177b("0x263"))
, f = t(_0x177b("0x15f"))
, l = function() {
var x = this
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attrs: {
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}, [x["_v"](x["_s"](x["$t"]("cookies.strip")))]), t(_0x177b("0x126"), [t(_0x177b("0x14a"), {
staticClass: "btn btn-full-width btn-large btn-outline-black",
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staticClass: _0x177b("0x14f")
, h = []
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function e() {
return Object(i["a"])(this, e),
Object(o["a"])(this, Object(s["a"])(e)[_0x177b("0x4")](this, arguments))
return Object(c["a"])(e, x),
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value: function() {
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get: function() {
return ""[_0x177b("0x2d")](_0x177b("0x11e"))[_0x177b("0x2d")](this[_0x177b("0x1ba")][_0x177b("0x39")][_0x177b("0xde")], "/newsstand?cookies=true")
u["a"]([Object(f["d"])(_0x177b("0xe0"))], p[_0x177b("0x2")], _0x177b("0xe0"), void 0),
u["a"]([Object(f["c"])(_0x177b("0x26b"))], p[_0x177b("0x2")], "toggleCookiesSettings", void 0),
u["a"]([Object(f["c"])(_0x177b("0x26c"))], p[_0x177b("0x2")], _0x177b("0x26a"), void 0),
p = u["a"]([Object(d["a"])({})], p);
var m = p
, g = m
, y = (t(_0x177b("0x26d")),
, w = Object(y["a"])(g, l, h, !1, null, _0x177b("0x26e"), null)
, P = w["exports"]
, k = t(_0x177b("0x269"))
, E = function(x) {
function e() {
return Object(i["a"])(this, e),
Object(o["a"])(this, Object(s["a"])(e)[_0x177b("0x4")](this, arguments))
return Object(c["a"])(e, x),
Object(r["a"])(e, [{
key: _0x177b("0x1d2"),
value: function() {
var x = k[_0x177b("0x11d")]();
x || this[_0x177b("0x26a")](!0)
u["a"]([Object(f["d"])(_0x177b("0xe0"))], E[_0x177b("0x2")], _0x177b("0xe0"), void 0),
u["a"]([Object(f["c"])(_0x177b("0x26c"))], E[_0x177b("0x2")], _0x177b("0x26a"), void 0),
E = u["a"]([Object(d["a"])({
components: {
CookiesStrip: P
})], E);
var O = E
, S = O
, C = (t(_0x177b("0x26f")),
Object(y["a"])(S, _, n, !1, null, null, null))
, T = C["exports"]
, j = t("5f86")
, A = t(_0x177b("0xf0"));
b["default"]["config"][_0x177b("0x270")] = !1,
new (b[_0x177b("0xd")])({
i18n: a["a"],
router: j["a"],
store: A["a"],
render: function(x) {
return x(T)
de59: function(x, e, t) {
x[_0x177b("0x6")] = t["p"] + _0x177b("0x272")
ed0c: function(x, e, t) {
"use strict";
var b = t(_0x177b("0x273"))
, a = t["n"](b);
f06a: function(x, e, t) {
"use strict";
var b = t(_0x177b("0x274"))
, a = t["n"](b);
f68f: function(x) {
x[_0x177b("0x6")] = {
loading: _0x177b("0x275"),
loadingError: "Une erreur est survenue. Veuillez changer de page ou recharger votre navigateur",
pdfVersionError: _0x177b("0x276"),
browserVersionError: _0x177b("0x277"),
internetExplorer: "Votre navigateur n'est pas supporté par Cafeyn. Nous vous conseillons de télécharger l'un des navigateurs suivants.",
microsoftEdge: _0x177b("0x278"),
hackMessage: _0x177b("0x279"),
header: {
buttonPrint: _0x177b("0x27a"),
buttonfullScreen: _0x177b("0x27b")
cookies: {
strip: _0x177b("0x27c"),
buttonAccept: _0x177b("0x27d"),
buttonCustomize: "Personnaliser et en savoir plus"
f9fb: function(x, e, t) {
"use strict";
var b = t("f68f")
, a = t(_0x177b("0x27e"))
, _ = t("b3a6")
, n = {
fr: b,
en: a,
it: _
, i = t("a925")
, r = t(_0x177b("0x15"));
var o = new i["a"]({
fallbackLocale: "fr",
messages: n
e["a"] = o
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