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### Markdown | |
https://packetlife.net/media/library/16/Markdown.pdf | |
### GIT | |
https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/atlassian-git-cheatsheet | |
### Bash | |
https://devhints.io/bash.html (really nice) | |
### Python CheatSheet | |
https://perso.limsi.fr/pointal/_media/python:cours:mementopython3-english.pdf | |
### Python libraries for visualizing data | |
https://pyviz.org/tools.html | |
### Python: Pandas instead SQL | |
https://gist.github.com/serjee/b0e856e86efd28e49af287d768b990af | |
### Regular Expressions in Python | |
https://habr.com/ru/post/349860/ | |
### Jupyter Cheatsheet | |
http://get.treasuredata.com/rs/714-XIJ-402/images/TD_Jupyter%20Notebook%20Cheatsheet_V1%281%29%20%281%29.pdf | |
### MySQL Cheat Sheet | |
https://gist.github.com/serjee/628fabbf1190eacf11d0e9f378270870 | |
### PostgreSQL | |
http://www.postgresonline.com/downloads/special_feature/postgresql90_cheatsheet_A4.pdf | |
### C# Cheatsheet | |
https://github.com/jwill9999/C-Sharp-Cheatsheet | |
### Javascript Cheatsheet | |
https://gist.github.com/chrisbrocklesby/ad841957edce360987a8e913430a3560 | |
### Online sequence diagram editor | |
https://www.websequencediagrams.com/ | |
### Post Test Server Online | |
https://ptsv2.com/ |
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docker run - run a container from an image | |
docker pull - pull an image from a registry | |
docker push - push an image to a registry | |
docker build - build an image from a Dockerfile | |
docker ps - list running containers | |
docker stop - stop a running container | |
docker start - start a stopped container | |
docker restart - restart a container | |
docker logs - show the logs of a container | |
docker exec - execute a command inside a running container | |
docker images - list available images | |
docker rm - remove a container | |
docker rmi - remove an image | |
docker inspect - show information about a container | |
docker network create - create a network for containers to communicate | |
docker network connect - connect a container to a network | |
docker network disconnect - disconnect a container from a network | |
docker port - show the mapped ports of a container | |
docker cp - copy files between a container and the host | |
docker commit - create a new image from a container's changes | |
docker login - log in to a registry | |
docker logout - log out of a registry | |
docker tag - tag an image with a new name | |
docker export - export the contents of a container as a tar archive | |
docker import - create a new image from a tar archive | |
docker save - save an image as a tar archive | |
docker load - load an image from a tar archive | |
docker top - show the processes running inside a container | |
docker stats - show resource usage statistics of containers | |
docker diff - show the changes made to a container's filesystem | |
docker events - show the events generated by Docker | |
docker history - show the history of an image | |
docker pause - pause a running container | |
docker unpause - unpause a paused container | |
docker kill - send a signal to a container to stop it abruptly | |
docker wait - wait for a container to exit and return its exit code | |
docker attach - attach to a running container's console | |
docker buildx - build and push multi-platform images | |
docker compose - manage multi-container applications with Docker Compose | |
docker swarm - create and manage a cluster of Docker nodes | |
docker volume create - create a named volume for persistent data storage | |
docker volume ls - list available volumes | |
docker volume rm - remove a named volume | |
docker system prune - remove all unused objects from Docker | |
docker system df - show the usage of Docker objects | |
docker system events - show the events generated by Docker on the system | |
docker system info - show the system-wide information about Docker | |
docker system inspect - show detailed information about Docker objects | |
docker system logs - show the system logs of Docker | |
docker system version - show the version of Docker installed on the system | |
#get network ips from network $1 | |
docker network inspect -f '{{range .Containers}}{{println .Name .IPv4Address}}{{end}}' mibb |
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#Installation and Setting Parameters: | |
yum install git # Install git | |
git config --global user.name "<user_name>" # Git global conf | |
git config --global user.email "<email>" # Git global conf | |
git config --global system.name "server1.example.com" # Git global conf | |
git config --global core.editor vim # Set editor to be vim | |
git config --global core.page 'more' # Git global conf | |
git config --global core.excludefile ~/.gitignore_global # Ignore files - add lists of the files to be excluded | |
git config --list | |
#Basics_Repository: | |
#[1] Example- Basic git repo work flow | |
mkdir -p local_repo ; cd local_repo | |
git init | |
echo "Hello World" >> hello_world.txt | |
git add hello_world.txt | |
git commit -m "Hello World Commit" | |
git status | |
#[2] Example - Ignore by .gitignore | |
mkdir -p local_repo1 ; cd local_repo1 | |
git init | |
echo "*.conf" >> .gitignore # Ignore all the files with "*.conf" | |
echo ".gitignore" >> .gitignore | |
cp /etc/* . | |
git add <add_individaully> # git add * will not work for this case | |
git commit | |
git status | |
#[2.1] Delete files and folders and commit changes to repo | |
git checkout infra2 # change to infra2 branch | |
rm -f Folder1/ Folder2/FolderZ/ file.txt | |
git add -u :/ # indicate delete files & folders on repo | |
git commit -m "clean: Delete PRE2 and test files" # save and comment thi step | |
git push -u origin infra2 # upload changes | |
#[2.2] Set previous commit from "master" branch to Undo changes whitout commit | |
git status | |
git fetch --all | |
git reset --hard origin/master | |
git pull | |
git status | |
# 2.3 git merge | |
git checkout master | |
git merge hotfix | |
# 2.4 git discard changes from current path | |
git checkout -- . | |
#[3] Example - Bad Example Cloning Local Repo | |
mkdir -p local_repo_original | |
cd local_repo_original/ | |
git init | |
echo ".gitignore" >> .gitignore | |
echo "*.conf" >> .gitignore | |
cp /etc/* . | |
for i in `ls * | grep -v conf `; do git add $i; done | |
git commit -m "This is a simple commit" | |
git status | |
cp -rf local_repo_original/ local_repo_clone_01 # Synchronization with master branch or original repo will not be possible | |
cd local_repo_clone_01/ | |
git status | |
#[4] Example - Cloning Local Repo | |
mkdir -p local_repo_original | |
cd local_repo_original/ | |
git init | |
echo ".gitignore" >> .gitignore | |
echo "*.conf" >> .gitignore | |
cp /etc/* . | |
for i in `ls * | grep -v conf `; do git add $i; done | |
git commit -m "This is a simple commit" | |
git status | |
git clone local_repo_original/ local_repo_clone/ | |
cd local_repo_clone/ | |
git status | |
#[5] Example Synchronization of two repo | |
mkdir -p local_repo_original | |
cd local_repo_original/ | |
git init | |
echo ".gitignore" >> .gitignore | |
echo "*.conf" >> .gitignore | |
cp /etc/* . | |
for i in `ls * | grep -v conf `; do git add $i; done | |
git commit -m "This is a simple commit" | |
git status | |
git clone local_repo_original/ local_repo_clone/ | |
cd local_repo_clone/ | |
touch index.html | |
echo "Hello World Website" >> index.html | |
git add index.html | |
git commit -m "Index HTML Commit"3 | |
git status | |
Output: # On branch master | |
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. | |
# (use "git push" to publish your local commits) | |
cd /root/sandbox/local_repo_original/ # Synchronization process | |
git pull /root/sandbox/local_repo_clone/ | |
git status | |
cd /root/sandbox/local_repo_clone/ | |
git config --global push.default matching # warning: push.default is unset;.. If encountered | |
git push | |
#[6] Exmaple: Remote Repository Clone and Sync | |
Git remote repo: server1.example.com | |
Local repo: station1.example.com | |
Remote repo: server1.example.com:/sandbox/gitrepo | |
Local repo: station1.example.com:/sandbox/localRepo | |
setup bi-directiobnal ssh password less authetication | |
#From station1.example.com, | |
git clone root@storage-gitlab-00-ah:/sandbox/gitrepo /sandbox/localRepo | |
cd /sandbox/localRepo | |
vim hello_world.sh # Simple bash script | |
vim hello_world.py # Simple python script | |
git add hello_world.py | |
git add hello_world.sh | |
git commit | |
git status # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. .. Need to sync with the remote repo | |
#From server1.example.com, | |
cd /sandbox/gitrepo | |
git pull root@storage-gitlab-01-ah:/sandbox/localRepo | |
git status | |
#From station1.example.com, | |
git push | |
#[7] Example git log | |
git log -a # All logs | |
git log -p -2 # Latest two log | |
git log --stat | |
git log --pretty=oneline | |
git log --pretty=format:"%h: %an, %ae, %cn, %cd, - %s" --graph # an = author name; ae = author email; cn = commit name; cd = commit date; | |
#[8] Example git branching, merging and tag | |
mkdir -p /sandbox/ansible-development ; cd /sandbox/ansible-development/ | |
git init # Copy some files to /sandbox/ansible-development | |
echo ".gitignore" >> .gitignore | |
echo "*.md" >> .gitignore | |
git add * # Follow example 5 | |
git status # On branch master - nothing to commit, working directory clean | |
git checkout -b development # Create development branch | |
git checkout -b quality_testing # Create quality_testing brnach | |
git checkout -b sandbox # Create sandbox branch | |
git branch -a # List all branch | |
git checkout development # Switch to development branch | |
touch development_test.yaml # Create, add and commit in development branch, then switch to master branch, check whether master branch has the file created in development branch | |
git add development_test.yaml | |
git commit -m "Development Branch Commit" | |
git checkout master | |
ls -ltr # Check for file created in the development branch | |
git merge development --no-ff # Git merge, --no-ff = Retain all the commit messages prior to commmit | |
git tag -a Version-0.1 -m "Ansible Release -0.0.1" # Git tag - Similar like "zfs hold" - Annotatted tag | |
git tag Version1 # Git non-annotated tag | |
git tag # Git tag (immutable reference) - annotated & non-annotated | |
git show | |
git describe --tags | |
git branch -d <branch_name> # Delete a branch | |
#[8] Example pushing chages to remote repository | |
git push origin master | |
#[9] Example: diff between branches | |
git diff --name-status master..development # Diff between master and development branch | |
#[10] Example: Remote Repo Add | |
git remote add origin <remote repository> | |
git push origin master # Pushes the changes in local repository up to the remote repository | |
Important Files: | |
/etc/gitconfig # System config | |
/root/.gitconfig # Global config |
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# GET LOGS from POD | |
kubectl logs -n monitoring <pod> | |
# Get output from running 'date' command from pod mypod, using the first container by default | |
kubectl exec mypod date | |
# Get output from running 'date' command in ruby-container from pod mypod | |
kubectl exec mypod -c ruby-container date | |
# Switch to raw terminal mode, sends stdin to 'bash' in ruby-container from pod mypod | |
# and sends stdout/stderr from 'bash' back to the client | |
kubectl exec mypod -c ruby-container -i -t -- bash -il | |
# List contents of /usr from the first container of pod mypod and sort by modification time. | |
# If the command you want to execute in the pod has any flags in common (e.g. -i), | |
# you must use two dashes (--) to separate your command's flags/arguments. | |
# Also note, do not surround your command and its flags/arguments with quotes | |
# unless that is how you would execute it normally (i.e., do ls -t /usr, not "ls -t /usr"). | |
kubectl exec mypod -i -t -- ls -t /usr | |
# Get output from running 'date' command from the first pod of the deployment mydeployment, using the first container by default | |
kubectl exec deploy/mydeployment date | |
# Get output from running 'date' command from the first pod of the service myservice, using the first container by default | |
kubectl exec svc/myservice date | |
kubectl cp ./uploads.tgz rumboaloeste/rumboaloeste-wordpress-7cf556f48d-4w697:/var/www/html/wp-content/uploads | |
# Requires that the 'tar' binary is present in your container | |
# image. If 'tar' is not present, 'kubectl cp' will fail. | |
# Copy /tmp/foo_dir local directory to /tmp/bar_dir in a remote pod in the default namespace | |
kubectl cp /tmp/foo_dir <some-pod>:/tmp/bar_dir | |
# Copy /tmp/foo local file to /tmp/bar in a remote pod in a specific container | |
kubectl cp /tmp/foo <some-pod>:/tmp/bar -c <specific-container> | |
# Copy /tmp/foo local file to /tmp/bar in a remote pod in namespace <some-namespace> | |
kubectl cp /tmp/foo <some-namespace>/<some-pod>:/tmp/bar | |
# Copy /tmp/foo from a remote pod to /tmp/bar locally | |
kubectl cp <some-namespace>/<some-pod>:/tmp/foo /tmp/bar |
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lxc sub-commands: | |
config Change container or server configuration options | |
console Interact with the container's console device and log | |
copy Copy containers within or in between LXD instances | |
delete Delete containers and snapshots | |
exec Execute commands in containers | |
file Manage files in containers | |
image Manipulate container images | |
info Show container or server information | |
launch Create and start containers from images | |
list List the existing containers | |
move Move containers within or in between LXD instances | |
network Manage and attach containers to networks | |
operation List, show and delete background operations | |
profile Manage container configuration profiles | |
publish Publish containers as images | |
remote Manage the list of remote LXD servers | |
rename Rename a container or snapshot | |
restart Restart containers | |
restore Restore containers from snapshots | |
snapshot Create container snapshots | |
start Start containers | |
stop Stop containers | |
storage Manage storage pools and volumes | |
#version lxc | |
lxc -v | |
#full info lxc | |
lxc info | |
#log info container | |
lxc info --show-log miguel-test | |
##### IMAGES LXC ###### | |
#list images containers | |
lxc image list | |
#list image by column (size,description,fingerprint) | |
lxc image list -c sdf | |
lxc image copy ab48da5497de nova102 | |
#alias of image | |
Lxc image alias [create/rename/delete] | |
#export images to tar | |
lxc image export ab48da5497de c7.tar | |
lxc image import <tarball>|<dir> [<rootfs tarball>|<URL>] [<remote>:] [--public] [--created-at=ISO-8601] [--expires-at=ISO-8601] [--fingerprint=FINGERPRINT] [--alias=ALIAS...] [prop=value] | |
Import an image tarball (or tarballs) or an image directory into the LXD image store. | |
Directory import is only available on Linux and must be performed as root. | |
lxc image copy [<remote>:]<image> <remote>: [--alias=ALIAS...] [--copy-aliases] [--public] [--auto-update] | |
Copy an image from one LXD daemon to another over the network. | |
The auto-update flag instructs the server to keep this image up to | |
date. It requires the source to be an alias and for it to be public. | |
lxc image delete [<remote>:]<image> [[<remote>:]<image>...] | |
Delete one or more images from the LXD image store. | |
lxc image refresh [<remote>:]<image> [[<remote>:]<image>...] | |
Refresh one or more images from its parent remote. | |
lxc image export [<remote>:]<image> [target] | |
Export an image from the LXD image store into a distributable tarball. | |
#### CONTAINERS LXC ####### | |
# list containers | |
lxc list | |
#lxc info container | |
lxc info [container] | |
#create new container from other without snapshots | |
lxc copy mvtv-base miguel-test --container-only | |
#Move a container between two hosts, renaming it if destination name differs. | |
lxc move [<remote>:]<source container> [<remote>:][<destination container>] [--container-only] | |
#Rename a local container. | |
lxc move <old name> <new name> [--container-only] | |
#Rename a snapshot. | |
lxc move <container>/<old snapshot name> <container>/<new snapshot name> | |
#Manage container configuration profiles | |
lxc profile list [<remote>:] | |
List available profiles. | |
lxc profile show [<remote>:]<profile> | |
Show details of a profile. | |
lxc profile create [<remote>:]<profile> | |
Create a profile. | |
lxc profile copy [<remote>:]<profile> [<remote>:]<profile> | |
Copy the profile. | |
lxc profile get [<remote>:]<profile> <key> | |
Get profile configuration. | |
lxc profile set [<remote>:]<profile> <key> <value> | |
Set profile configuration. | |
lxc profile unset [<remote>:]<profile> <key> | |
Unset profile configuration. | |
lxc profile delete [<remote>:]<profile> | |
Delete a profile. | |
lxc profile edit [<remote>:]<profile> | |
Edit profile, either by launching external editor or reading STDIN. | |
lxc profile rename [<remote>:]<profile> <new-name> | |
Rename a profile. | |
#####Profile assignment##### | |
lxc profile assign [<remote>:]<container> <profiles> | |
Replace the current set of profiles for the container by the one provided. | |
lxc profile add [<remote>:]<container> <profile> | |
Add a profile to a container | |
lxc profile remove [<remote>:]<container> <profile> | |
Remove the profile from a container | |
#### Device management #### | |
lxc profile device list [<remote>:]<profile> | |
List devices in the given profile. | |
lxc profile device show [<remote>:]<profile> | |
Show full device details in the given profile. | |
lxc profile device remove [<remote>:]<profile> <name> | |
Remove a device from a profile. | |
lxc profile device get [<remote>:]<profile> <name> <key> | |
Get a device property. | |
lxc profile device set [<remote>:]<profile> <name> <key> <value> | |
Set a device property. | |
lxc profile device unset [<remote>:]<profile> <name> <key> | |
Unset a device property. | |
lxc profile device add [<remote>:]<profile> <device> <type> [key=value...] | |
Add a profile device, such as a disk or a nic, to the containers using the specified profile. | |
#Manage Config & files containers | |
# show config container | |
lxc config show miguel-test | |
#Edit config of container | |
lxc config edit miguel-test | |
#####Container configuration###### | |
lxc config get [<remote>:][container] <key> | |
Get container or server configuration key. | |
lxc config set [<remote>:][container] <key> <value> | |
Set container or server configuration key. | |
#LIMITS :CPU - RAM …. | |
#https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/master/doc/containers.md | |
lab@nova101:~$ lxc config set miguel-test limits.cpu 1 | |
lab@nova101:~$ lxc config set miguel-test limits.memory 512 | |
#order boot on container list | |
lxc config set miguel-test boot.autostart.priority 1 | |
#Seconds to wait for container to shutdown before it is force stopped | |
lxc config set miguel-test boot.host_shutdown_timeout 1 | |
lxc config unset [<remote>:][container] <key> | |
Unset container or server configuration key. | |
lxc config show [<remote>:][container] [--expanded] | |
Show container or server configuration. | |
lxc config edit [<remote>:][container] | |
Edit configuration, either by launching external editor or reading STDIN. | |
*Container metadata* | |
lxc config metadata show [<remote>:][container] | |
Show the container metadata.yaml content. | |
lxc config metadata edit [<remote>:][container] | |
Edit the container metadata.yaml, either by launching external editor or reading STDIN. | |
*Container templates* | |
lxc config template list [<remote>:][container] | |
List the names of template files for a container. | |
lxc config template show [<remote>:][container] [template] | |
Show the content of a template file for a container. | |
lxc config template create [<remote>:][container] [template] | |
Add an empty template file for a container. | |
lxc config template edit [<remote>:][container] [template] | |
Edit the content of a template file for a container, either by launching external editor or reading STDIN. | |
lxc config template delete [<remote>:][container] [template] | |
Delete a template file for a container. | |
*Device management* | |
lxc config device add [<remote>:]<container> <device> <type> [key=value...] | |
Add a device to a container. | |
lxc config device get [<remote>:]<container> <device> <key> | |
Get a device property. | |
lxc config device set [<remote>:]<container> <device> <key> <value> | |
Set a device property. | |
lxc config device unset [<remote>:]<container> <device> <key> | |
Unset a device property. | |
lxc config device list [<remote>:]<container> | |
List devices for container. | |
lxc config device list miguel-test | |
lxc config device show [<remote>:]<container> | |
Show full device details for container. | |
lxc config device remove [<remote>:]<container> <name>... | |
Remove device from container. | |
*Client trust store management* | |
lxc config trust list [<remote>:] | |
List all trusted certs. | |
lxc config trust add [<remote>:] <certfile.crt> | |
Add certfile.crt to trusted hosts. | |
lxc config trust remove [<remote>:] [hostname|fingerprint] | |
Remove the cert from trusted hosts. | |
Manage and attach containers to networks. | |
lxc network list [<remote>:] | |
List available networks. | |
lxc network show [<remote>:]<network> | |
Show details of a network. | |
lxc network create [<remote>:]<network> [key=value...] | |
Create a network. | |
lxc network get [<remote>:]<network> <key> | |
Get network configuration. | |
lxc network set [<remote>:]<network> <key> <value> | |
Set network configuration. | |
lxc network unset [<remote>:]<network> <key> | |
Unset network configuration. | |
lxc network delete [<remote>:]<network> | |
Delete a network. | |
lxc network edit [<remote>:]<network> | |
Edit network, either by launching external editor or reading STDIN. | |
lxc network rename [<remote>:]<network> <new-name> | |
Rename a network. | |
lxc network attach [<remote>:]<network> <container> [device name] [interface name] | |
Attach a network interface connecting the network to a specified container. | |
lxc network attach-profile [<remote>:]<network> <profile> [device name] [interface name] | |
Attach a network interface connecting the network to a specified profile. | |
lxc network detach [<remote>:]<network> <container> [device name] | |
Remove a network interface connecting the network to a specified container. | |
lxc network detach-profile [<remote>:]<network> <container> [device name] | |
Remove a network interface connecting the network to a specified profile. | |
#Delete files in containers. | |
lxc file delete [<remote>:]<container>/<path> [[<remote>:]<container>/<path>...] | |
Manage files in containers. | |
lxc file pull [-r|--recursive] [<remote>:]<container>/<path> [[<remote>:]<container>/<path>...] <target path> | |
Pull files from containers. | |
lxc file push [-r|--recursive] [-p|--create-dirs] [--uid=UID] [--gid=GID] [--mode=MODE] <source path> [<source path>...] [<remote>:]<container>/<path> | |
Push files into containers. | |
lxc file delete [<remote>:]<container>/<path> [[<remote>:]<container>/<path>...] | |
Delete files in containers. | |
lxc file edit [<remote>:]<container>/<path> | |
Edit files in containers using the default text editor. | |
#attach network to containers | |
lxc network attach shitake-mgmt miguel-test eth0 | |
lxc network attach shitake-be miguel-test eth1 | |
Multiple hosts | |
The "lxc" command line tool can talk to multiple LXD servers and defaults to talking to the local one. | |
Remote operations require the following two commands having been run on the remote server: | |
lxc config set core.https_address "[::]" | |
lxc config set core.trust_password some-password | |
# lxc config set core.trust_password N0k1117. | |
The former tells LXD to bind all addresses on port 8443. The latter sets a trust password to be used by new clients. | |
Now to talk to that remote LXD, you can simply add it with: | |
lxc remote add host-a <ip address or DNS> | |
# lxc remote add nova102 --accept-certificate --password=N0k1117. | |
#montar algún directorio por NFS en un contenedor, tenéis que cargarle la siguiente configuración: | |
printf 'mount fstype=rpc_pipefs,\nmount fstype=nfs,' | lxc config set rebollon-asfoa-1b raw.apparmor – | |
lxc config set rebollon-asfoa-1b security.privileged true |
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