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Created September 14, 2012 08:29
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# Definition: pound::listener
# This class installs Pound listeners
# Parameters:
# - The $listen_ip to configure the ip that the listener will listen on
# - The $listen_port to configure the port that the listener will listen on
# - The $listen_protocol to configure the protocol that the listener accepts (currently http or https)
# - The $ssl_cert_path to set the location of the SSL certificate if the listen_protocol is https
# - The $head_require to set the required header to allow connections through to the backend
# - The $backend_ip to set the address of the backend server that will receive traffic
# - The $backend_port to set the port of the backend server that will receive traffic
# Actions:
# - Install Pound listeners
# Requires:
# - The pound class
# Sample Usage:
# pound::listener { :
# listen_ip => '',
# listen_port => '80',
# listen_protocol => 'ListenHTTP',
# head_require => 'Host: .**',
# backend_ip => '',
# backend_port => '80',
# }
define pound::listener (
$template = 'pound/pound.cfg.erb',
$listen_protocol = 'ListenHTTP',
) {
include pound
file {
"/etc/pound/pound.cfg" :
content => template('pound/pound.cfg.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '755',
require => Package['pound'],
notify => Service['pound'],
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