A heavily-commented, partly modified version of the stripped-down Reflex todo list from reflex-examples.
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo, OverloadedLists, ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings #-}
- A heavily-commented, partly modified version of the stripped-down Reflex todo list from reflex-examples
module MiniTodo where
import Reflex
import Reflex.Dom
import Control.Lens
import Data.Functor
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
type IMap a = M.Map Int a
-- Add a new value to a map, automatically choosing an unused key.
new :: a -> IMap a -> IMap a
new v m = case M.maxViewWithKey m of
Nothing -> [(0, v)] -- overloadedlists
Just ((k, _), _) -> M.insert (succ k) v m
-- | Create an input text widget with auto reset on return and return an event
-- firing on return containing the string before reset.
:: forall t m
. MonadWidget t m
=> m (Event t Text)
inputW = do
-- Fire a signal on a *return* key press.
sendE = input ^. textInput_keypress
& ffilter (== 13)
-- Dynamic CSS attributes, inspired by the calculator in
-- the reflex-platform tutorial.
emptyColor = "style" =: "border-color: red"
okColor = "style" =: "border-color: green"
color = input ^. textInput_value
<&> (\txt -> if txt == "" then emptyColor else okColor)
-- Create a textInput whose contents are reset when the @send@
-- signal fires.
input <- textInput $ def
& setValue .~ (sendE $> "")
& textInputConfig_attributes .~ color
-- Tag the send signal with the contents of the input field
-- *before* resetting the contents.
let todoText = sendE
& tag (current (input ^. textInput_value))
pure todoText
type UserAction = IMap Text -> IMap Text
-- | Given an input signal, create text labels for todo items with contents
-- given by the input. Listen for deletion events on those text labels, and
-- create a reactive todo list that always reflects the current state based
-- on these two signals (todo creation and deletion).
listW :: forall t m
. MonadWidget t m
=> Event t Text -> m ()
listW evt = do
let initialState = M.empty
-- Starting with the initial map of todo items, arrive at the current
-- state by applying all the insertions and deletions made by the user.
-- Instead of applying them one after the other, we compose them all and
-- then create a @Dynamic@ map by executing this combined modification
-- upon the initial state.
items <- [ insertActions
, deleteActions
] & mergeWith (.)
& foldDyn ($) initialState
-- Generate an unordered list of items from the map of todo item contents.
-- @itemsUlOf@ gives us a @Dynamic@ map of deletion @Event@s which
-- trigger on the deletion of the corresponding todo items.
deleteSignals <- itemsUlOf items
insertActions, deleteActions :: Event t UserAction
-- When @evt@ fires, convert it to a function that, given a map,
-- inserts the text of @evt@ (which is the todo item) into the map.
insertActions = evt <&> new
-- Convert the deletion signals into a function that applies all the
-- deletion actions to our state.
deleteActions = current deleter -- Behavior t (Event t UserAction)
& switch
-- Create a Dynamic t (Event t (IMap a -> IMap a)), in stages
-- involving types of the form Dynamic t (f (Event t a)). I will
-- write this as Dynamic (f (Event a)).
-- That is, I'm suppressing the @t@ type parameter for clarity.
deleter :: Dynamic t (Event t UserAction)
deleter = deleteSignals -- Dynamic (IMap (Event Int))
-- our map of deletion signals
<&> M.elems -- Dynamic [Event Int]
-- list of values
<&> map (<&> M.delete) -- Dynamic [Event (IMap a -> IMap a)]
-- turn each v into a function that deletes
-- elements with key v from a map
<&> mergeWith (.) -- Dynamic (Event (IMap a -> IMap a))
-- combine all those endomorphisms
pure ()
-- Output the ul of the elements of the given map and return the delete event
-- for each key.
:: forall t m
. MonadWidget t m
=> Dynamic t (IMap Text)
-> m (Dynamic t (IMap (Event t Int)))
itemsUlOf xs =
elClass "ul" "list"
(listWithKey xs todoItem)
:: forall t m
. MonadWidget t m
=> Int -> Dynamic t Text -> m (Event t Int)
todoItem key txt =
elClass "li" "element" $ do
-- Create a dynamic text label.
dynText txt
-- When the delete button is pressed, tag the onClick signal
-- with the key @k@ of this label.
elClass "div" "delete" (button "delete") <&> ($> key)
main :: IO ()
main =
(el "div"
(inputW >>= listW))