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Created December 7, 2017 12:07
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#include "Time.H"
#include "argList.H"
#include "fvMesh.H"
#include "volFields.H"
#include "pointFields.H"
#include "dimensionedScalar.H"
#include "constants.H"
#include "interpolatePointToCell.H"
using namespace Foam;
using Foam::constant::mathematical::pi;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
argList args(argc, argv);
if (not args.checkRootCase()) FatalError.exit();
Time run_time(Time::controlDictName, args);
fvMesh mesh(IOobject(fvMesh::defaultRegion, run_time.timeName(), run_time,
const pointMesh& pmesh = pointMesh::New(mesh);
pointScalarField pf(IOobject("pf", run_time.timeName(), mesh,
IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE),
pmesh, dimensionedScalar("0", dimless, 0.0));
volScalarField vf(IOobject("vf", run_time.timeName(), mesh,
IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE),
mesh, dimensionedScalar("0", dimless, 0.0));
const auto& bb = mesh.bounds();
const auto& c = bb.midpoint();
const scalar cx = c.x();
const scalar cy = c.y();
forAll(pf, i) {
const auto& p = mesh.points()[i];
const scalar r = Foam::sqrt(sqr(p.x() - cx) + sqr(p.y() - cy));
pf[i] = 2*Foam::j1(pi*r)/(pi*r + SMALL);
forAll(vf, i) {
vf[i] = interpolatePointToCell(pf, i);
return 0;
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