(Inspired by https://medium.com/@icanhazedit/clean-up-unused-github-rpositories-c2549294ee45#.3hwv4nxv5)
Open in a new tab all to-be-deleted github repositores (Use the mouse’s middle click or Ctrl + Click) https://github.com/username?tab=repositories
Use one tab https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onetab/chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall to shorten them to a list.
Save that list to some path
The list should be in the form of “ur_username\repo_name” per line. Use regex search (Sublime text could help). Search for ' |.*' and replace by empty.
Register a new personal access token with a 'delete_repo perm' https://github.com/settings/tokens/new
Copy the access_token and run the following line replacing xxx with your access token.
Linux and OS X :
while read r;do curl -XDELETE -H 'Authorization: token xxx' "https://api.github.com/repos/$r ";done < repos
get-content D:\repolist.txt | ForEach-Object { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://api.github.com/repos/$_ -Method “DELETE” -Headers @{"Authorization"="token xxx"} }
I have only tested this script on Linux.
Have fun :)
Worked percfetly on Windows, thank you!