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Mark Zhou mrmarktyy

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React.js Github Repo Spammed


React's official website makes a banner, which offers visitors a way to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine.


Then, many people went to the React.js Github repository and opened lots of spam issues with anti-US and anti-Ukrainian comments in an apparent form of digital protest. The messages are in English and Mandarin.
然后,很多人到React.js Github 仓库中开了很多带有反美国和反乌克兰 issue,进行一种数字化的抗议。这些信息是用英语和普通话写的。

n1k0 / gist:1501173
Created December 20, 2011 10:44 — forked from fbuchinger/gist:1501115
PhantomJS: Capturing single dom elements as png files
var page = new WebPage(),
address, output, size;
//capture and captureSelector functions adapted from CasperJS -
capture = function(targetFile, clipRect) {
var previousClipRect;
var clipRect = {top: 0, left:0, width: 40, height: 40};
if (clipRect) {
if (!isType(clipRect, "object")) {
throw new Error("clipRect must be an Object instance.");