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Browser ES2017 ES5 runtime polyfills
Chrome 64+
Firefox 57+
Opera 42+
Edge 15+
iOS/Safari 11+
Chrome 54-63
Firefox 48-56
Opera 41
// Module A
window.globalState = { 'foo': 'bar' };
// Module B
module.exports = function() {
module.exports = function baz() {
const foo = require('foo');
const bar = require('bar');
module.exports = function baz() {
const config = {
transformer: {
getTransformOptions: () => {
return {
transform: { inlineRequires: true },
function fetchAndStageFeed() {
return stagingAction(
(async () => {
const {data} = await fetchFeedTimeline();
return {
function stagingAction(
key: string,
promise: Promise<Action>,
): AsyncAction<State, Action>
function stagingCommit(key: string): AsyncAction<State, Action>
function queryAPI(path) {
const cacheEntry = window.__data[path];
if (!cacheEntry) {
// issue a normal XHR API request
return fetch(path);
} else if ( {
// the server has pushed us the data already
return Promise.resolve(;
} else {
// the server is still pushing the data
<script type="text/javascript">
window.__dataLoaded('/my/api/path', {
// API json response, wrapped in the function call to
// add it to the JSON cache...
<script type="text/javascript">
// the server will write out the paths of any API calls it plans to
// run server-side so the client knows to wait for the server, rather
// than doing its own XHR request for the data
window.__data = {
'/my/api/path': {
waiting: [],