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Created January 30, 2011 18:08
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Save mrts/803066 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GitHub API with descriptors
# coding: utf-8
To my great disappointment, Dustin Sallings's otherwise excellent py-github
does not work with repositories that have / in branch names, as this breaks
the XML-based parser. Unfortunately, many projects use / for simulating
directory structure. See e.g.
for the error.
What follows is a comprehensive interface to the GitHub JSON API that does not
suffer from the above limitation and strives to be even more Pythonic than its
Another notable addition is caching. By default, everything is cached to avoid
unneccessary roundtrips to GitHub (otherwise one could stumble upon GitHub API
call limits during intensive usage besides wasting bandwidth pointlessly). Of
course, the cache can be both cleared and disabled if required.
Currently, the module is user-centered, i.e. general searching is not
implemented (as I haven't encountered a useful use-case for that yet). Please
let me know if you would want to see the search API wrapped as well (or just
fork on GitHub, implement it and send me a pull request).
Invoke `python` to run the following usage examples.
* cache lives with the main user object and can be cleared.
* review py-github for good ideas
>>> u = GitHubUser('691a79ee3da706')
Traceback (most recent call last):
GitHubUser.DoesNotExist: the user '691a79ee3da706' does not exist.
>>> u = GitHubUser('mrts')
>>> u.details
<<UserDetails for mrts>>
>>>'ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
'Mart S&#245;mermaa'
u'mrts.pydev at gmail dot com'
>>> u.repositories
{u'cve_tracker': <<Repository cve_tracker>>, u'qparams': <<Repository qparams>>, u'django-commands': <<Repository django-commands>>, u'dotfiles': <<Repository dotfiles>>, u'OpenSC': <<Repository OpenSC>>, u'django': <<Repository django>>, u'plugit': <<Repository plugit>>}
>>> u.repositories['django'].fork
>>> u.repositories['django'].branches
set([u'soc2009/i18n-improvements', u'soc2009/multidb', u'formset_refactor', u'soc2009/model-validation', u'ticket11967-1.1.X', u'raw_sql_override', u'1.0.X', u'1.1.X-mergequeue', u'ticket12769', u'releases/1.0.X', u'ticket12780-1.1.X', u'ticket12780', u'master', u'soc2009/http-wsgi-improvements', u'ticket6422-1.1.X', u'ticket7028-1.1.X', u'soc2009/admin-ui', u'soc2009/test-improvements', u'ticket7028', u'1.1.X'])
import json, httplib, warnings
from contextlib import closing
class GitHubProxy(object):
HOST = ''
URL_BASE = '/api/v2/json/'
def __init__(self):
self._cache = {}
def _fetch(self, **kwargs):
assert kwargs, "Provide at least one argument"
full_url = (self.URL_BASE + self.path) % kwargs
with closing(httplib.HTTPConnection(self.HOST)) as conn:
conn.request("GET", full_url)
resp = conn.getresponse()
if resp.status == httplib.OK:
return json.loads(
elif resp.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:
return False
raise httplib.HTTPException("Unexpected response status: %s" %
def __set__(self, obj, value):
raise AttributeError("Setting properties is not supported")
class NickBasedDescriptor(GitHubProxy):
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
if obj.nick not in self._cache:
resp = self._fetch(user=obj.nick)
self._cache[obj.nick] = self._handle_response(resp)
return self._cache[obj.nick]
class UserDetailsDescriptor(NickBasedDescriptor):
path = "user/show/%(user)s"
def _handle_response(self, resp):
return (UserDetails(resp['user']) if resp else False)
class RepositoryDescriptor(NickBasedDescriptor):
path = "repos/show/%(user)s"
def _handle_response(self, resp):
if resp:
return dict((repo['name'], Repository(repo)) for repo in
return {}
class BranchDescriptor(GitHubProxy):
path = "repos/show/%(user)s/%(repo)s/branches"
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
if not in self._cache:
resp = self._fetch(user=obj.owner,
self._cache[] = self._handle_response(resp)
return self._cache[]
def _handle_response(self, resp):
if resp:
return set(resp['branches'].keys())
return set()
class DictBased(object):
def __init__(self, dct):
class UserDetails(DictBased):
login = None
name = ''
email = ''
def __repr__(self):
return u'<<UserDetails for %s>>' % self.login
class Repository(DictBased):
branches = BranchDescriptor()
def __repr__(self):
return u'<<Repository %s>>' %
class GitHubUser(object):
details = UserDetailsDescriptor()
repositories = RepositoryDescriptor()
def __init__(self, nick, token=None, secure=False, disable_cache=False):
self.nick = nick # TODO: escape nick? pointlessish...
self.token = token = secure
if token and not secure:
warnings.warn("Authentication token should not be transmitted "
"in clear, enabling secure mode (HTTPS). "
"Always use 'secure=True' when using the token.") = True
self.disable_cache = disable_cache
def exists(self):
return bool(self.details)
def __repr__(self):
return u'<<GitHubUser %s>>' % self.nick
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
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