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Created March 23, 2018 07:40
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let doYouLikeProgramming = function () {
return 'No, I love programming';
let getReasonsBehindIt = function () {
return {
'1':'Controlling things',
'2':'Computer do whatever we say by writing code',
'3':'It make us think more creative',
'4':'and so on...'
doWeHaveAnyChallenges = function () {
return "I would say yes but it depends";
const veera = require('veera');
let suggestions=veera.ask('suggestions');
suggestions='\n\n 1.Learn concepts deeply\n\n 2.Enjoy the programming \n\n 3.Not only assignments \n \t do your own stuff \
to learn more and which gives you dopamine \n\n 4.Learning has no end \n\n Go forward let\'s do it now'
let conclusion = 'I saw the power of programming';
audience.forEach(function (individual) {
//let's assume Person is built in rich object to construct new Persons
let veera = new Person('veera',19);
veera.on('breath',function (programming) {
veera.on('dream',function (programming) {
//dreams are completely filled with programming
veera.on('wakeUp',function (code) {
veera.on('everySecondOfHisLife',function (programming) {
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