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Created July 10, 2024 11:34
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--- /root/ 2024-07-10 13:29:01.699918327 +0200
+++ /root/ 2024-07-10 13:23:10.717345032 +0200
@@ -73,88 +73,6 @@
# Default reload commands accumulated as we auto-detect environments:
- # Unifi Controller environment (self hosted or any Cloud Key) --
- # auto-detect by file /usr/lib/unifi/data/keystore:
- _unifi_keystore="${DEPLOY_UNIFI_KEYSTORE:-/usr/lib/unifi/data/keystore}"
- if [ -f "$_unifi_keystore" ]; then
- _info "Installing certificate for Unifi Controller (Java keystore)"
- _debug _unifi_keystore "$_unifi_keystore"
- if ! _exists keytool; then
- _err "keytool not found"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ ! -w "$_unifi_keystore" ]; then
- _err "The file $_unifi_keystore is not writable, please change the permission."
- return 1
- fi
- _unifi_keypass="${DEPLOY_UNIFI_KEYPASS:-aircontrolenterprise}"
- _debug "Generate import pkcs12"
- _import_pkcs12="$(_mktemp)"
- _toPkcs "$_import_pkcs12" "$_ckey" "$_ccert" "$_cca" "$_unifi_keypass" unifi root
- # shellcheck disable=SC2181
- if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
- _err "Error generating pkcs12. Please re-run with --debug and report a bug."
- return 1
- fi
- _debug "Import into keystore: $_unifi_keystore"
- if keytool -importkeystore \
- -deststorepass "$_unifi_keypass" -destkeypass "$_unifi_keypass" -destkeystore "$_unifi_keystore" \
- -srckeystore "$_import_pkcs12" -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass "$_unifi_keypass" \
- -alias unifi -noprompt; then
- _debug "Import keystore success!"
- rm "$_import_pkcs12"
- else
- _err "Error importing into Unifi Java keystore."
- _err "Please re-run with --debug and report a bug."
- rm "$_import_pkcs12"
- return 1
- fi
- if systemctl -q is-active unifi; then
- _reload_cmd="${_reload_cmd:+$_reload_cmd && }service unifi restart"
- fi
- _services_updated="${_services_updated} unifi"
- _info "Install Unifi Controller certificate success!"
- elif [ "$DEPLOY_UNIFI_KEYSTORE" ]; then
- _err "The specified DEPLOY_UNIFI_KEYSTORE='$DEPLOY_UNIFI_KEYSTORE' is not valid, please check."
- return 1
- fi
- # Cloud Key environment (non-UnifiOS -- nginx serves admin pages) --
- # auto-detect by file /etc/ssl/private/cloudkey.key:
- _cloudkey_certdir="${DEPLOY_UNIFI_CLOUDKEY_CERTDIR:-/etc/ssl/private}"
- if [ -f "${_cloudkey_certdir}/cloudkey.key" ]; then
- _info "Installing certificate for Cloud Key Gen1 (nginx admin pages)"
- _debug _cloudkey_certdir "$_cloudkey_certdir"
- if [ ! -w "$_cloudkey_certdir" ]; then
- _err "The directory $_cloudkey_certdir is not writable; please check permissions."
- return 1
- fi
- # Cloud Key expects to load the keystore from /etc/ssl/private/unifi.keystore.jks.
- # Normally /usr/lib/unifi/data/keystore is a symlink there (so the keystore was
- # updated above), but if not, we don't know how to handle this installation:
- if ! cmp -s "$_unifi_keystore" "${_cloudkey_certdir}/unifi.keystore.jks"; then
- _err "Unsupported Cloud Key configuration: keystore not found at '${_cloudkey_certdir}/unifi.keystore.jks'"
- return 1
- fi
- cat "$_cfullchain" >"${_cloudkey_certdir}/cloudkey.crt"
- cat "$_ckey" >"${_cloudkey_certdir}/cloudkey.key"
- (cd "$_cloudkey_certdir" && tar -cf cert.tar cloudkey.crt cloudkey.key unifi.keystore.jks)
- if systemctl -q is-active nginx; then
- _reload_cmd="${_reload_cmd:+$_reload_cmd && }service nginx restart"
- fi
- _info "Install Cloud Key Gen1 certificate success!"
- _services_updated="${_services_updated} nginx"
- _err "The specified DEPLOY_UNIFI_CLOUDKEY_CERTDIR='$DEPLOY_UNIFI_CLOUDKEY_CERTDIR' is not valid, please check."
- return 1
- fi
# UnifiOS environment -- auto-detect by /data/unifi-core/config/unifi-core.key:
if [ -f "${_unifi_core_config}/unifi-core.key" ]; then
@@ -165,6 +83,9 @@
return 1
+ cat "$_cfullchain" >"${_unifi_core_config}/unifi-core-direct.crt"
+ cat "$_ckey" >"${_unifi_core_config}/unifi-core-direct.key"
cat "$_cfullchain" >"${_unifi_core_config}/unifi-core.crt"
cat "$_ckey" >"${_unifi_core_config}/unifi-core.key"
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petrus9 commented Jul 25, 2024

This patch works great, but only adds an SSL cert to the admin portal and not to the guest captive portal at domain.tld:8843/guest/s/default/#
Would you be willing to add a fix for this?

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