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Last active October 3, 2016 23:14
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Diff of changes in conda_build/ from 1.21.14 to 2.0.2
diff --git a/conda_build/ b/conda_build/
index c12fc44..a134205 100644
--- a/conda_build/
+++ b/conda_build/
@@ -1,70 +1,118 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+from collections import defaultdict
+import contextlib
+from difflib import get_close_matches
+from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
import fnmatch
+from glob import glob
from locale import getpreferredencoding
import logging
+import operator
import os
+from os.path import dirname, getmtime, getsize, isdir, join, isfile, abspath
+import re
+import subprocess
import sys
import shutil
import tarfile
+import tempfile
import zipfile
-import subprocess
-import operator
-from os.path import dirname, getmtime, getsize, isdir, isfile, join
-from collections import defaultdict
-from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
-from .conda_interface import md5_file, unix_path_to_win
+import filelock
+from .conda_interface import md5_file, unix_path_to_win, win_path_to_unix
from .conda_interface import PY3, iteritems
+from .conda_interface import linked
+from .conda_interface import bits, root_dir
-from conda_build import external
+from conda_build.os_utils import external
-from difflib import get_close_matches
+if PY3:
+ import urllib.parse as urlparse
+ import urllib.request as urllib
+ import urlparse
+ import urllib
+log = logging.getLogger(__file__)
-# Backwards compatibility import. Do not remove.
+# elsewhere, kept here for reduced duplication. NOQA because it is not used in this file.
from .conda_interface import rm_rf # NOQA
+on_win = (sys.platform == 'win32')
codec = getpreferredencoding() or 'utf-8'
on_win = sys.platform == "win32"
log = logging.getLogger(__file__)
+root_script_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'Scripts' if on_win else 'bin')
+PY_TMPL = """\
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ import %(module)s
+ sys.exit(%(module)s.%(func)s())
-def find_recipe(path):
- """recurse through a folder, locating meta.yaml. Raises error if more than one is found.
- Returns folder containing meta.yaml, to be built.
+def get_recipe_abspath(recipe):
+ """resolve recipe dir as absolute path. If recipe is a tarball rather than a folder,
+ extract it and return the extracted directory.
- If we have a base level meta.yaml and other supplemental ones, use that first"""
- results = rec_glob(path, ["meta.yaml", "conda.yaml"])
- if len(results) > 1:
- base_recipe = os.path.join(path, "meta.yaml")
- if base_recipe in results:
- return os.path.dirname(base_recipe)
+ Returns the absolute path, and a boolean flag that is true if a tarball has been extracted
+ and needs cleanup.
+ """
+ # Don't use byte literals for paths in Python 2
+ if not PY3:
+ recipe = recipe.decode(getpreferredencoding() or 'utf-8')
+ if isfile(recipe):
+ if recipe.endswith(('.tar', '.tar.gz', '.tgz', '.tar.bz2')):
+ recipe_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ t =, 'r:*')
+ t.extractall(path=recipe_dir)
+ t.close()
+ need_cleanup = True
- raise IOError("More than one meta.yaml files found in %s" % path)
- elif not results:
- raise IOError("No meta.yaml files found in %s" % path)
- return os.path.dirname(results[0])
+ print("Ignoring non-recipe: %s" % recipe)
+ return (None, None)
+ else:
+ recipe_dir = abspath(recipe)
+ need_cleanup = False
+ return recipe_dir, need_cleanup
-def copy_into(src, dst):
+def copy_into(src, dst, timeout=90, symlinks=False):
"Copy all the files and directories in src to the directory dst"
+ if isdir(src):
+ merge_tree(src, dst, symlinks, timeout=timeout)
- if not isdir(src):
- tocopy = [src]
- tocopy = os.listdir(src)
- for afile in tocopy:
- srcname = os.path.join(src, afile)
- dstname = os.path.join(dst, afile)
- if os.path.isdir(srcname):
- merge_tree(srcname, dstname)
+ if isdir(dst):
+ dst_fn = os.path.join(dst, os.path.basename(src))
- shutil.copy2(srcname, dstname)
-def merge_tree(src, dst):
+ dst_fn = dst
+ lock = None
+ if os.path.isabs(src):
+ src_folder = os.path.dirname(src)
+ lock = filelock.SoftFileLock(join(src_folder, ".conda_lock"))
+ try:
+ if os.path.sep in dst_fn and not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dst_fn)):
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst_fn))
+ if lock:
+ lock.acquire(timeout=timeout)
+ shutil.copy2(src, dst_fn)
+ except shutil.Error:
+ log.debug("skipping %s - already exists in %s", os.path.basename(src), dst)
+ finally:
+ if lock:
+ lock.release()
+def merge_tree(src, dst, symlinks=False, timeout=90):
Merge src into dst recursively by copying all files from src into dst.
Return a list of all files copied.
@@ -72,14 +120,27 @@ def merge_tree(src, dst):
Like copy_tree(src, dst), but raises an error if merging the two trees
would overwrite any files.
- new_files = copy_tree(src, dst, dry_run=True)
+ assert src not in dst, ("Can't merge/copy source into subdirectory of itself. Please create "
+ "separate spaces for these things.")
+ new_files = copy_tree(src, dst, preserve_symlinks=symlinks, dry_run=True)
+ # do not copy lock files
+ new_files = [f for f in new_files if not f.endswith('.conda_lock')]
existing = [f for f in new_files if isfile(f)]
if existing:
raise IOError("Can't merge {0} into {1}: file exists: "
"{2}".format(src, dst, existing[0]))
- return copy_tree(src, dst)
+ lock = filelock.SoftFileLock(join(src, ".conda_lock"))
+ lock.acquire(timeout=timeout)
+ try:
+ copy_tree(src, dst, preserve_symlinks=symlinks)
+ except:
+ raise
+ finally:
+ lock.release()
+ rm_rf(os.path.join(dst, '.conda_lock'))
def relative(f, d='lib'):
@@ -255,6 +316,25 @@ def convert_unix_path_to_win(path):
return path
+def convert_win_path_to_unix(path):
+ if external.find_executable('cygpath'):
+ cmd = "cygpath -u {0}".format(path)
+ if PY3:
+ path = subprocess.getoutput(cmd)
+ else:
+ path = subprocess.check_output(cmd.split()).rstrip().rstrip("\\")
+ else:
+ path = win_path_to_unix(path)
+ return path
+# Used for translating local paths into url (file://) paths
+def path2url(path):
+ return urlparse.urljoin('file:', urllib.pathname2url(path))
def get_site_packages(prefix):
if sys.platform == 'win32':
sp = os.path.join(prefix, 'Lib', 'site-packages')
@@ -263,15 +343,164 @@ def get_site_packages(prefix):
return sp
-def move_to_trash(path, placeholder=""):
- from .conda_interface import move_path_to_trash as trash
- return trash(path)
+def get_build_folders(croot):
+ # remember, glob is not a regex.
+ return glob(os.path.join(croot, "*" + "[0-9]" * 10 + "*"))
+def silence_loggers(show_warnings_and_errors=True):
+ if show_warnings_and_errors:
+ log_level = logging.WARN
+ else:
+ log_level = logging.CRITICAL + 1
+ logging.getLogger(os.path.dirname(__file__)).setLevel(log_level)
+ # This squelches a ton of conda output that is not hugely relevant
+ logging.getLogger("conda").setLevel(log_level)
+ logging.getLogger("binstar").setLevel(log_level)
+ logging.getLogger("install").setLevel(log_level + 10)
+ logging.getLogger("conda.install").setLevel(log_level + 10)
+ logging.getLogger("fetch").setLevel(log_level)
+ logging.getLogger("print").setLevel(log_level)
+ logging.getLogger("progress").setLevel(log_level)
+ logging.getLogger("dotupdate").setLevel(log_level)
+ logging.getLogger("stdoutlog").setLevel(log_level)
+ logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(log_level)
+def prepend_bin_path(env, prefix, prepend_prefix=False):
+ # bin_dirname takes care of bin on *nix, Scripts on win
+ env['PATH'] = join(prefix, bin_dirname) + os.pathsep + env['PATH']
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ env['PATH'] = join(prefix, "Library", "mingw-w64", "bin") + os.pathsep + \
+ join(prefix, "Library", "usr", "bin") + os.pathsep + os.pathsep + \
+ join(prefix, "Library", "bin") + os.pathsep + \
+ join(prefix, "Scripts") + os.pathsep + \
+ env['PATH']
+ prepend_prefix = True # windows has Python in the prefix. Use it.
+ if prepend_prefix:
+ env['PATH'] = prefix + os.pathsep + env['PATH']
+ return env
[email protected]
+def path_prepended(prefix):
+ old_path = os.environ['PATH']
+ os.environ['PATH'] = prepend_bin_path(os.environ.copy(), prefix, True)['PATH']
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ os.environ['PATH'] = old_path
+bin_dirname = 'Scripts' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'bin'
+entry_pat = re.compile('\s*([\w\-\.]+)\s*=\s*([\w.]+):([\w.]+)\s*$')
+def iter_entry_points(items):
+ for item in items:
+ m = entry_pat.match(item)
+ if m is None:
+ sys.exit("Error cound not match entry point: %r" % item)
+ yield m.groups()
-def guess_license_family(license, allowed_license_families):
+def create_entry_point(path, module, func, config):
+ pyscript = PY_TMPL % {'module': module, 'func': func}
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ with open(path + '', 'w') as fo:
+ packages = linked(config.build_prefix)
+ packages_names = (pkg.split('-')[0] for pkg in packages)
+ if 'debug' in packages_names:
+ fo.write('#!python_d\n')
+ fo.write(pyscript)
+ copy_into(join(dirname(__file__), 'cli-%d.exe' % bits), path + '.exe', config.timeout)
+ else:
+ with open(path, 'w') as fo:
+ fo.write('#!%s\n' % config.build_python)
+ fo.write(pyscript)
+ os.chmod(path, int('755', 8))
+def create_entry_points(items, config):
+ if not items:
+ return
+ bin_dir = join(config.build_prefix, bin_dirname)
+ if not isdir(bin_dir):
+ os.mkdir(bin_dir)
+ for cmd, module, func in iter_entry_points(items):
+ create_entry_point(join(bin_dir, cmd), module, func, config)
+def guess_license_family(license_name, allowed_license_families):
# Tend towards the more clear GPL3 and away from the ambiguity of GPL2.
- if 'GPL (>= 2)' in license or license == 'GPL':
+ if 'GPL (>= 2)' in license_name or license_name == 'GPL':
return 'GPL3'
+ elif 'LGPL' in license_name:
+ return 'LGPL'
- return get_close_matches(license,
+ return get_close_matches(license_name,
allowed_license_families, 1, 0.0)[0]
+# Return all files in dir, and all its subdirectories, ending in pattern
+def get_ext_files(start_path, pattern):
+ for _, _, files in os.walk(start_path):
+ for f in files:
+ if f.endswith(pattern):
+ yield os.path.join(dirname, f)
+def _func_defaulting_env_to_os_environ(func, *popenargs, **kwargs):
+ if 'env' not in kwargs:
+ kwargs = kwargs.copy()
+ env_copy = os.environ.copy()
+ kwargs.update({'env': env_copy})
+ return func(*popenargs, **kwargs)
+def check_call_env(*popenargs, **kwargs):
+ return _func_defaulting_env_to_os_environ(subprocess.check_call, *popenargs, **kwargs)
+def check_output_env(*popenargs, **kwargs):
+ return _func_defaulting_env_to_os_environ(subprocess.check_output, *popenargs, **kwargs)
+_posix_exes_cache = {}
+def convert_path_for_cygwin_or_msys2(exe, path):
+ "If exe is a Cygwin or MSYS2 executable then filters it through `cygpath -u`"
+ if sys.platform != 'win32':
+ return path
+ if exe not in _posix_exes_cache:
+ with open(exe, "rb") as exe_file:
+ exe_binary =
+ msys2_cygwin = re.findall(b'(cygwin1.dll|msys-2.0.dll)', exe_binary)
+ _posix_exes_cache[exe] = True if msys2_cygwin else False
+ if _posix_exes_cache[exe]:
+ return check_output_env(['cygpath', '-u',
+ path]).splitlines()[0].decode(getpreferredencoding())
+ return path
+def print_skip_message(metadata):
+ print("Skipped: {} defines build/skip for this "
+ "configuration.".format(metadata.path))
+def package_has_file(package_path, file_path):
+ try:
+ with as t:
+ try:
+ # internal paths are always forward slashed on all platforms
+ file_path = file_path.replace('\\', '/')
+ text = t.extractfile(file_path).read()
+ return text
+ except KeyError:
+ return False
+ except OSError as e:
+ raise RuntimeError("Could not extract %s (%s)" % (package_path, e))
+ except tarfile.ReadError:
+ raise RuntimeError("Could not extract metadata from %s. "
+ "File probably corrupt." % package_path)
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