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Created October 4, 2015 21:46
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import Data.List
import qualified Data.List.Key as K
import Data.Map ((!), fromList, fromListWith, adjust, keys, Map)
buildGraph :: Ord a => [(a, a, Float)] -> Map a [(a, Float)]
buildGraph g = fromListWith (++) $ g >>=
\(a,b,d) -> [(a,[(b,d)]), (b,[(a,d)])]
dijkstra :: Ord a => a -> Map a [(a, Float)] -> Map a (Float, Maybe a)
dijkstra source graph =
f (fromList [(v, (if v == source then 0 else 1/0, Nothing))
| v <- keys graph]) (keys graph) where
f ds [] = ds
f ds q = f (foldr relax ds $ graph ! m) (delete m q) where
m = K.minimum (fst . (ds !)) q
relax (e,d) = adjust (min (fst (ds ! m) + d, Just m)) e
shortestPath :: Ord a => a -> a -> Map a [(a, Float)] -> [a]
shortestPath from to graph = reverse $ f to where
f x = x : maybe [] f (snd $ dijkstra from graph ! x)
main :: IO ()
main = do let g = buildGraph [('a','c',2), ('a','d',6), ('b','a',3),
('b','d',8), ('c','d',7), ('c','e',5),
print $ shortestPath 'a' 'e' g == "ace"
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