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Last active January 19, 2022 02:45
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Example of using JavaScript generators in ReasonML.
/* Note, this is only for library interop code. This is *not* a good way to do things in pure Reason code. */
module type GeneratorType {
type value('a);
type t('a);
type fn('a) = unit => t('a);
let valueGet: value('a) => option('a);
let doneGet: value('a) => bool;
let next: t('a) => unit => value('a);
let return: t('a) => Js.Undefined.t('a) => value('a);
let throw: t('a) => exn => unit;
let fromNext: (unit => option(option('a))) => t('a);
module Generator: GeneratorType {
[@bs.deriving abstract]
type value('a) = {
[ "done"] done_: bool,
[ "value"] value_: Js.Undefined.t('a),
let valueGet = v => v->value_Get->Js.Undefined.toOption;
let doneGet = done_Get;
[@bs.deriving abstract]
type t('a) = {
next: unit => value('a),
return: Js.Undefined.t('a) => value('a),
throw: exn => unit,
/* fn(int) is the type of the following javascript: function* () { yield 1; } */
type fn('a) = unit => t('a);
external next: t('a) => unit => value('a) = "";
external return: t('a) => Js.Undefined.t('a) => value('a) = "";
external throw: t('a) => exn => unit = "";
let simple = next => {
let iterator = t(
~return = v => value(~done_=true, ~value_=v),
~throw = exn => raise(exn),
/* Necessary, to flag to JS land that this is iterable. */
/* @see */
[%raw "iterator[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return iterator }"] |> ignore;
let fromNext = next => simple(_ =>
switch(next()) {
| Some(v) => value(~done_=false, ~value_=Js.Undefined.fromOption(v))
| None => value(~done_=true, ~value_=Js.undefined)
open Generator;
let jsGen: Generator.fn(int) = [%raw "function *() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3 }"];
let gen = jsGen();
Js.log("Running the JavaScript generator:");
let i = ref(gen->next());
while (! (i^)->doneGet) {
i := gen->next();
let reGen: Generator.fn(int) = _ => Generator.fromNext({
let i = ref(0);
() => {
if (i^ < 3) {
i := i^ + 1;
else {
Js.log("Running the Reason generator:");
[%%raw "for (var x of reGen()) { console.log(x); }"];
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