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Moritz Schauer mschauer

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jiahao / llama2.jl
Last active August 2, 2023 08:35
NOTE 2023-07-30: This gist is deprecated in favor of . llama2.jl is a port of @karpathy's llama2.c to Julia.
# A port of
# to Julia.
# Jiahao Chen <[email protected]> 2023-07-29
# MIT License: see full text at
using LinearAlgebra
using LogExpFunctions
RaphaelS1 / Documentation.yml
Last active September 19, 2022 05:35
Workflow to check if all objects in Julia package documented as expected.
name: Documentation
- main
- master
tags: '*'
mschauer / gist:517b1b3d8eb8301823864ba67bd67f4d
Last active October 22, 2022 22:16
Precision Brownian motion
d = 100
ts_ = range(0, 1, length=d+1)[2:end]
Γ = SymTridiagonal([2.0ones(d-1); 1.0], -ones(d-1))/ts_[1]
# Note the covariance matrix of B.M is
ts = range(0, 1, length=d+1)[2:end]
Γ0 = inv([min(i,j) for i in ts_, j in ts_])
@test norm(Γ0 - Γ) < 1e-7
mschauer / georgia.jl
Last active May 20, 2022 16:03
Will Georgia become blue (Brownian semimartingale model for vote difference vs percentage)
# Fit a Brownian motion with drift to and scale to
# Georgia election data:
# fraction of total count of votes vs difference in votes
data = [0.9222672139181572 103896.10389610389
0.9267802009311443 87662.33766233765
0.9277217593727027 85714.28571428571
0.9285683655966674 83116.88311688312
0.9299797843665768 79220.77922077922
0.9310169076206811 78571.42857142857
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mschauer / bffg.jl
Last active April 13, 2020 14:36
Reference implementation of backwards filtering, forward guiding with
using LinearAlgebra
using Random
using GaussianDistributions
using GaussianDistributions: logpdf
pair(u) = u[1], u[2]
pair(p::Gaussian) = p.μ, p.Σ
skiplast(r) = r[1:end-1]
# time grid
vankesteren / Adamopt.jl
Last active June 22, 2024 08:00
Julia implementation of Adam optimizer
module Adamopt
# This is a module implementing vanilla Adam (
export Adam, step!
# Struct containing all necessary info
mutable struct Adam
theta::AbstractArray{Float64} # Parameter array
loss::Function # Loss function
grad::Function # Gradient function
cormullion / animated-hypotrochoids.jl
Created May 11, 2017 09:14
Animated hypotrochoids
#!/usr/bin/env julia
using Luxor
function makerandomepitrochoid(n)
hlist = []
plist = []
for i in 1:n
R = 20
r = rand(30:3:91)
0xjac /
Last active March 14, 2025 10:01
Create a private fork of a public repository

The repository for the assignment is public and Github does not allow the creation of private forks for public repositories.

The correct way of creating a private frok by duplicating the repo is documented here.

For this assignment the commands are:

  1. Create a bare clone of the repository. (This is temporary and will be removed so just do it wherever.)

git clone --bare [email protected]:usi-systems/easytrace.git

rasmusab / significance_test.R
Last active June 10, 2020 21:01
A Significantly Improved Significance Test! Not! (More context in this blogpost:
# Test of Significance, takes the same arguments as t.test() .
signif.test <- function(x, ...) {
p <- t.test(x, ...)$p.value
# List of p excuses retrieved from
p_excuses <- c(
"(barely) not statistically significant <p>",
"a barely detectable statistically significant difference <p>",
"a borderline significant trend <p>",
"a certain trend toward significance <p>",