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Last active May 27, 2024 02:58
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using Dalamud.Game.Command;
using Dalamud.IoC;
using Dalamud.Plugin;
using Dalamud.Plugin.Services;
using ImGuiNET;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects.SubKinds;
using Lumina;
using Lumina.Excel.GeneratedSheets;
using System;
using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Component.GUI;
using System.Numerics;
using Lumina.Extensions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace MountPlugin;
public sealed class MountPlugin : IDalamudPlugin
public string Name => "Mount Plugin";
private DalamudPluginInterface PluginInterface { get; init; }
private ICommandManager CommandManager { get; init; }
private IClientState ClientState { get; init; }
private ITargetManager TargetManager { get; init; }
private IObjectTable ObjectTable { get; init; }
private IGameGui GameGui { get; init; }
private GameData GameData { get; init; }
private bool showWindow;
// Dictionary to cache mount icons
private Dictionary<uint, IntPtr> mountIconCache = new Dictionary<uint, IntPtr>();
private const int MaxCacheSize = 100;
private bool previousTargetBarVisibleState = false;
public MountPlugin(
[RequiredVersion("1.0")] DalamudPluginInterface pluginInterface,
[RequiredVersion("1.0")] IClientState clientState,
[RequiredVersion("1.0")] ICommandManager commandManager,
[RequiredVersion("1.0")] ITargetManager targetManager,
[RequiredVersion("1.0")] IObjectTable objectTable,
[RequiredVersion("1.0")] IGameGui gameGui) {
PluginInterface = pluginInterface;
CommandManager = commandManager;
ClientState = clientState;
TargetManager = targetManager;
ObjectTable = objectTable;
GameGui = gameGui;
var sqPackPath = "D:\\Games\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE\\game\\sqpack";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqPackPath))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to find sqpack path for FFXIV");
GameData = new GameData(sqPackPath);
CommandManager.AddHandler("/mountinfo", new CommandInfo(OnCommand)
HelpMessage = "Show mount information of nearby players"
PluginInterface.UiBuilder.Draw += DrawUI;
PluginInterface.UiBuilder.OpenConfigUi += DrawUI;
public void Dispose()
PluginInterface.UiBuilder.Draw -= DrawUI;
// Free cached textures
foreach (var icon in mountIconCache.Values)
private void OnCommand(string command, string arguments)
showWindow = !showWindow;
private unsafe void DrawUI()
if (!showWindow) return;
var target = TargetManager.Target;
if (target != null && target is PlayerCharacter playerCharacter)
var isFocused = GetTargetHealthBarFocused(playerCharacter);
// Only show the mount icon when the target bar is visible
// Only render state changes
if (!isFocused)
previousTargetBarVisibleState = false;
if (previousTargetBarVisibleState && isFocused)
previousTargetBarVisibleState = true;
var mountID = GetMountID(playerCharacter);
if (mountID > 0)
var mountName = GetMountNameById(mountID);
var mountIconTexture = GetMountIconTexture(mountID);
if (mountIconTexture == IntPtr.Zero)
ImGui.Text("Mount icon not found");
var nameplatePosition = GetTargetHealthBarPosition(playerCharacter);
if (nameplatePosition.HasValue)
var iconSize = new Vector2(32, 32); // Adjust icon size as needed
var iconPosition = nameplatePosition.Value + new Vector2(0, 20); // Adjust position as needed
ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(iconPosition, ImGuiCond.Always);
if (ImGui.Begin("MountIcon", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove))
ImGui.Image(mountIconTexture, iconSize);
//// Show tooltip with mount name on hover
//if (ImGui.IsItemHovered())
// ImGui.SetTooltip(mountName);
Console.WriteLine("Failed to create window");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"THE THING BROKE DUDE: {ex}");
private IntPtr GetMountIconTexture(uint mountObjectID)
if (!mountIconCache.TryGetValue(mountObjectID, out var texture))
var mountRow = GameData.GetExcelSheet<Mount>()?.GetRow(mountObjectID);
if (mountRow != null)
var icon = GameData.GetIcon(mountRow.Icon);
if (icon != null)
texture = PluginInterface.UiBuilder.LoadImageRaw(icon.Data, icon.Header.Width, icon.Header.Height, 4).ImGuiHandle;
mountIconCache[mountObjectID] = texture;
if(mountIconCache.Count > MaxCacheSize)
// Free the oldest texture
var oldestKey = mountIconCache.Keys.First();
var oldestTexture = mountIconCache[oldestKey];
return texture;
private unsafe uint GetMountID(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter)
var characterPtr = (FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.Game.Character.Character*)playerCharacter.Address;
if (characterPtr == null) return 0;
var mountContainer = characterPtr->Mount;
var mountObjectID = mountContainer.MountId;
if (mountObjectID == 0) return 0;
return mountObjectID;
private unsafe string GetMountNameById(uint mountObjectID)
if (GameData != null)
var mountRow = GameData.GetExcelSheet<Mount>().GetRow(mountObjectID);
if (mountRow != null)
return mountRow.Singular;
return "Unknown Mount";
private unsafe Vector2? GetTargetHealthBarPosition(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter)
var targetInfoHud = (AtkUnitBase*)GameGui.GetAddonByName("_TargetInfo");
if (targetInfoHud == null) return null;
var healthBarNode = (AtkResNode*)targetInfoHud->RootNode->ChildNode;
if (healthBarNode == null) return null;
// Get screen coordinates from the node
var x = healthBarNode->ScreenX;
var y = healthBarNode->ScreenY;
return new Vector2(x, y);
private unsafe bool GetTargetHealthBarFocused(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter)
var targetInfoHud = (AtkUnitBase*)GameGui.GetAddonByName("_TargetInfo");
if (targetInfoHud == null) return false;
var healthBarNode = (AtkResNode*)targetInfoHud->RootNode->ChildNode;
if (healthBarNode == null) return false;
return healthBarNode->IsVisible;
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