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Created January 7, 2013 01:46
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Set Card Game ( helper.
import qualified Data.List as List
data Shape = Oval | Squiggle | Diamond deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum, Ord)
data Color = Red | Purple | Green deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum, Ord)
data Number = One | Two | Three deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum, Ord)
data Shading = Solid | Striped | Outlined deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum, Ord)
data Card = Card Shape Color Number Shading deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
isSet :: Card -> Card -> Card -> Bool
isSet (Card s1 c1 n1 h1) (Card s2 c2 n2 h2) (Card s3 c3 n3 h3) = isSetFeature s1 s2 s3 && isSetFeature c1 c2 c3 && isSetFeature n1 n2 n3 && isSetFeature h1 h2 h3
isSetFeature :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool
isSetFeature a b c
| a == b && b == c = True
| a /= b && b /= c && a /= c = True
| otherwise = False
completeSet :: Card -> Card -> Card
completeSet (Card s1 c1 n1 h1) (Card s2 c2 n2 h2) = Card (completeSetFeature s1 s2) (completeSetFeature c1 c2) (completeSetFeature n1 n2) (completeSetFeature h1 h2)
completeSetFeature :: (Enum a, Bounded a, Eq a) => a -> a -> a
completeSetFeature a b
| a == b = a
| otherwise = head [c | c <- [minBound..maxBound], c /= a && c /= b]
findSets :: [Card] -> [(Card, Card, Card)]
findSets cs = filter (\(c1, c2, c3) -> isSet c1 c2 c3) [(c1, c2, c3) | c1 <- cs, c2 <- cs, c3 <- cs, c2 > c1, c3 > c2]
cardFromString :: String -> Card
cardFromString s = Card (shapeFromString s) (colorFromString s) (numberFromString s) (shadingFromString s)
shapeFromString :: String -> Shape
shapeFromString s
| elem 'O' s = Oval
| elem 'S' s = Squiggle
| elem 'D' s = Diamond
colorFromString :: String -> Color
colorFromString s
| elem 'r' s = Red
| elem 'p' s = Purple
| elem 'g' s = Green
numberFromString :: String -> Number
numberFromString s
| elem '1' s = One
| elem '2' s = Two
| elem '3' s = Three
shadingFromString :: String -> Shading
shadingFromString s
| elem '#' s = Solid
| elem '=' s = Striped
| elem '@' s = Outlined
exampleSets = [
(Card Oval Red Two Outlined, Card Oval Red Two Striped, Card Oval Red Two Solid),
(Card Squiggle Green One Striped, Card Oval Purple Two Striped, Card Diamond Red Three Striped),
(Card Oval Purple One Striped, Card Diamond Green Two Solid, Card Squiggle Red Three Outlined) ]
testExampleSets :: Bool
testExampleSets = List.all (\(c1, c2, c3) -> isSet c1 c2 c3) exampleSets
exampleNotSets :: [(Card, Card, Card)]
exampleNotSets = [
(Card Diamond Green One Solid, Card Diamond Purple One Outlined, Card Diamond Red One Outlined),
(Card Squiggle Red Two Solid, Card Squiggle Red Two Striped, Card Squiggle Green Two Outlined) ]
testExampleNotSets :: Bool
testExampleNotSets = not $ List.all (\(c1, c2, c3) -> isSet c1 c2 c3) exampleNotSets
testAll :: Bool
testAll = testExampleSets && testExampleNotSets
puzzle20121229 :: [String]
puzzle20121229 = ["Op1#", "Sp1#", "Or3@", "Or1#",
"Dg1#", "Or2=", "Or1=", "Dr1#",
"Dg2@", "Sp1@", "Sg2=", "Sr1#"]
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mzero commented Jan 7, 2013

See my fork: comments are in-line.

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