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Created June 15, 2014 22:38
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Save mscuthbert/278acbd0180600ff45bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Doctest runner compatible between Python 2 & 3 -- deals with some major differences.
def mainTest(*testClasses, **kwargs):
Takes as its arguments modules (or a string 'noDocTest' or 'verbose')
and runs all of these modules through a unittest suite
Unless 'noDocTest' is passed as a module, a docTest
is also performed on `__main__`, hence the name "mainTest".
If 'moduleRelative' (a string) is passed as a module, then
global variables are preserved.
Run example (put at end of your modules):
import unittest
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def testHello(self):
hello = "Hello"
self.assertEqual("Hello", hello)
import music21
if __name__ == '__main__':
This module tries to fix up some differences between python2 and python3 so
that the same doctests can work.
#environLocal.printDebug(['mainTest()', testClasses])
runAllTests = True
# start with doc tests, then add unit tests
if ('noDocTest' in testClasses or 'noDocTest' in sys.argv
or 'nodoctest' in sys.argv):
# create a test suite for storage
s1 = unittest.TestSuite()
# create test suite derived from doc tests
# here we use '__main__' instead of a module
failFast = bool(kwargs.get('failFast', True))
if failFast:
optionflags = (
doctest.ELLIPSIS |
optionflags = (
doctest.ELLIPSIS |
if 'moduleRelative' in testClasses or 'moduleRelative' in sys.argv:
s1 = doctest.DocTestSuite(
globs = __import__('music21').__dict__.copy()
s1 = doctest.DocTestSuite(
verbosity = 1
if 'verbose' in testClasses or 'verbose' in sys.argv:
verbosity = 2 # this seems to hide most display
displayNames = False
if 'list' in sys.argv or 'display' in sys.argv:
displayNames = True
runAllTests = False
runThisTest = None
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
arg = sys.argv[1].lower()
if arg not in ['list', 'display', 'verbose', 'nodoctest']:
# run a test directly named in this module
runThisTest = sys.argv[1]
# -f, --failfast
if 'onlyDocTest' in sys.argv or 'onlyDocTest' in testClasses:
testClasses = [] # remove cases
for t in testClasses:
if not isinstance(t, basestring):
if displayNames is True:
for tName in unittest.defaultTestLoader.getTestCaseNames(t):
print('Unit Test Method: %s' % tName)
if runThisTest is not None:
tObj = t() # call class
# search all names for case-insensitive match
for name in dir(tObj):
if name.lower() == runThisTest.lower() or \
name.lower() == ('test' + runThisTest.lower()) or \
name.lower() == ('xtest' + runThisTest.lower()):
runThisTest = name
if hasattr(tObj, runThisTest):
print('Running Named Test Method: %s' % runThisTest)
getattr(tObj, runThisTest)()
runAllTests = False
print('Could not find named test method: %s, running all tests' % runThisTest)
# normally operation collects all tests
s2 = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(t)
if runAllTests is True:
if six.PY3: # correct "M21Exception" to "...M21Exception"
for dtc in s1: # Suite to DocTestCase
if hasattr(dtc, '_dt_test'):
dt = dtc._dt_test # DocTest
for example in dt.examples: # fix Traceback exception differences Py2 to Py3
if example.exc_msg is not None and len(example.exc_msg) > 0:
example.exc_msg = "..." + example.exc_msg[1:]
elif (example.want is not None and
# probably a unicode example:
# simplistic, since (u'hi', u'bye')
# won't be caught, but saves a lot of anguish
example.want = example.want[1:]
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
runner.verbosity = verbosity
unused_testResult =
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