"Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes" - Dijkstra
Ideas, not technology
It's about tomorrow's jobs, not today's
Understanding the world, not just about jobs
Ideas, not technology Every child, not just geeks Educational not instrumental Discipline, not skill
2008 Computing at school 2010 CAS curriculum 2011 Shut down or restart report by Royal Society 2012 BCS invited to create a working group to draft the new Computing curriculu 2014 New curriculum launches
"You can say what you like, but it has to fit on two sides of A4"
Other subjects have centuries of experience; we have 5 years. Current practice is "gut feel". This is stupid. We should study what works and then do that.
Every teacher must come to an opinion about their students' understanding. They may do this informally, through project or programming work, or through asking them questions.
Where do they get these questions from? Often they just make them up.
Good questions are hard to write if you are an expert.
Project quantum
A corpus of high quality computing questions would be fantastically useful - to every teacher, year, and country.
A problem that has caused him a great amount of anxiety
Program |?| Proof
ASIL - automotive safety integrity level (lowest A, highest D)
Sensor input -> AI -> actuation
ASIL D requires that mathematical modelling or proof is done.
Program |extraction| Proof
Proof assistant Coq Agda Haskell
None of these are an option - Extraction target is C/C++
Could we extract the C program from a proof? There is some work on that. Generated code is terrifying, but "not to be inspected". Supposed to trust the extracting/generating code.
Programs, syntax (formalized, its structure and contents) vs semantics (modeled, what it means to run the program)
Denotational semantics - glue syntax to some meaning
u8 -> {x|x E N ^ x <= 255}
tableau - turnstile
A simple type theory isn't rich enough for reasoning about our programs
=> Dependent types
"realize a continuum of precision up to a complete specification of a programs behaviour" - Why Dependent Types Matter
CH correspondence
"Dependently typed programs are by their nature, proof carrying code"
Agda, or Idris
Lazily evaluated, non-deterministic memory management
=> Rust
defining nats inductively in Rust types
traits allow types to be treated like terms
example of the vector of size N in Rust
Rust doesn't have dependent types, we're wedging them in to through the type system. We don't trust the Rust compiler to enforce this.
Should use Coq, Agda, or Isabelle. So they wrote Agda <=> Rust.
Map the semantics of our Rust program into Agda, and use that to verify
Why do we care about this? Because we need UIs for ourselves. Data driven company. UIs that can dynamically transform and allow us to interact with the data.
Table, lots of data (~100k rows). Data is changing.
Jane Street use OCaml for everything! Including UIs.
A nice way of expressing UIs.
Not that different to that used in React or Elm.
... -> Action -> Model -> Virtual DOM -> ...
Lots of data in the initial render, but when things change they change in small ways. These small changes should be cheap to apply.
Model -> Virtual DOM -> DOM
Compute a diff between previous virtual DOM and the new one. Map that to changes to the DOM.
If the virtual DOM or model is big then it doesn't work so well.
Your computation as a dependency graph Based on Acar's Self Adjusting Computations
val map : 'a Incr.t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b Incr.t
Apply map once to build the incrementals for each sub part. Apply it again to convert it to the virtual DOM.
Map can fan out, but not fan in. Hence we use Map2, which takes two incrementals. Merge the two virtual DOMs.
val map2 : 'a Incr.t -> 'b Incr.t -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'c Incr.t
Static graphs/structure.
A page that shows one or the other.
val bind : 'a Incr.t -> ('a -> 'b Incr.t) -> 'b Incr.t
Dynamic graphs. But somewhat limited.
- Map works for static structures
- Bind adds (limited) dynamism - whole new computations on the right, compromising incrementality.
How about incrementality sorting 10,000 things? It's not clear how you would do that.
How can we be dynamic and incremental?
val incr_map : ('k, 'v1, 'cmp) Map.t Incr.t -> ('v1 -> 'v2) -> ('k, 'v2, cmp) Map.t Incr.t
Overloading here:
Map the structure map the operation
let incr_map m f = let%map m = m in m f
is sugar from
Symmetric diff function on two maps, produces a sequence of Left
, Right
, or Unequal
(both, but with different values)
Take this idea and embed it in an incremental computation
Previous value
val diff_map : 'a Incr.t -> (('a * 'b) option -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b Incr.t
- big implementation *
val incr_map' : ('k, 'v1, 'cmp) Map.t Incr.t -> ('v1 Incr.t -> 'v2 Incr.t) -> ('k, 'v2, 'cmp) Map.t Incr.t
Not going to implement this with diff_map, this is much more complicated.
Split by key, process, and merge.
var split :
('k, 'v, 'cmp) Map.t Incr.t -> ('k, 'v Incr.t, 'cmp) Map.t Incr.t
var join : ('k, 'v Incr.t, 'cmp) Map.t Incr.t -> ('k, 'v, 'cmp) Map.t Incr.t
works on any diffable data structure- Split and Join on top of Incremental
provides map speicific primativesincr_select
for range and focus operations
- UI design is an optimization problem - building efficient algorithms that make it possible
- SAC is a powerful optimization tool
- Diff and patch are incremental functional glue
Works at Atomic Object
When I hear people say "but most logic bugs aren't type errors" I just want to show them how to make bugs into type errors @mattoflambda
Typescript has structure not nominal types
Nominal type is like a secret club whereas a structural type is a minimal set of requirements that you need to be able get in
Structural typing feels light
But it's not enough
Modelling invariants with type sets
Sum Types (F#)
type Shape =
| Square of size : int
| Rectangle of width : int * height: int
Pattern matching
& operator to intersect types
type NamedPoint = Point & Named
Type Narrowing
const x: number | string
Discriminated Union
add a kind field
Complex derivations
communicate to the type system that there's a relationship between the first argument and the second argument
a little function that pulls apart the first type and reconstructs it into the second type where the arguments are optional
normally referred to as type-level programming
Generics are functions
const ident = x => x; // value level type Ident = T; // type-level
const pair = (x,y) => [x,Y] type Pair<T,U> = [T, U];
Type transformations
Partial is built in
Like a list comprehension, but more like an object type comprehension
Hammond organ simulator