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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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Migration script for vcrpy pull request #73
from contextlib import closing
import os
import re
import tempfile
import json
def build_uri(**parts):
return "{protocol}://{host}:{port}{path}".format(**parts)
def migrate_json(in_fp, out):
data = json.load(in_fp)
for item in data:
req = item['request']
uri = {k: req.pop(k) for k in PARTS}
req['uri'] = build_uri(**uri)
json.dump(data, out, indent=4)
def migrate_yml(in_f, out):
uri = dict.fromkeys(PARTS, None)
for line in in_f:
for part in uri:
match = re.match('\s+{}:\s(.*)'.format(part), line)
if match:
uri[part] =
if None not in uri.values():
out.write(" uri: {}\n".format(build_uri(**uri)))
uri = dict.fromkeys(PARTS, None) # reset dict
def migrate(file_path, migration_fn):
tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
with closing(tmp_file) as out:
with open(file_path) as in_f:
migration_fn(in_f, out)
os.rename(, file_path)
# Usage example
migrate('/tmp/in.yml', migrate_yml)
migrate('/tmp/in.json', migrate_json)
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