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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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def int_to_tuple(num, base=4):
result = ((),) * (num % base)
if num >= base:
result = (int_to_tuple(num // base, base),) + result
return result
def tuple_to_int(tup, base=4):
if len(tup) == 0:
return 0
return tuple_to_int(tup[0], base)*base + tup.count(())
def string_to_tuples(s, base=4):
return tuple(int_to_tuple(ord(c), base) for c in s)
def tuples_to_string(tups, base=4):
return ''.join(chr(tuple_to_int(t, base)) for t in tups)
# short lambda versions
i2t=lambda n,b=4:((i2t(n//b,b),)if n>=b else())+((),)*(n%b)
t2i=lambda t,b=4:0 if len(t)==0 else t2i(t[0],b)*b+t.count(())
s2t=lambda s,b=4:tuple(i2t(ord(c),b)for c in s)
t2s=lambda a,b=4:''.join(chr(t2i(t,b))for t in a)
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