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Last active October 28, 2023 05:14
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the fixed point of a lax double endofunctor on Span ought to be a category. I can't figure it out though as I get trapped in setoid hell and stuff.
Set Primitive Projections.
Require Import Coq.Unicode.Utf8.
Reserved Infix "∈" (at level 90, right associativity).
Variant fiber {A B} (f: A → B): B → Type :=
| fiber_intro x: fiber f (f x).
Arguments fiber_intro {A B f}.
Notation "x ∈ X" := (fiber X x).
Definition witness {A B} {X: A → B} {x} (p: x ∈ X): A :=
match p with
| fiber_intro w => w
Definition p2 {A B} {X: A → B} {x} (p: x ∈ X): X (witness p) = x :=
match p with
| fiber_intro _ => eq_refl
Module Span.
Record t (A B: Type) := {
s: Type ;
π1: s → A ;
π2: s → B ;
Arguments s {A B}.
Arguments π1 {A B}.
Arguments π2 {A B}.
Variant ext {A B} (P: t A B): A → B → Type :=
| ext_intro x: ext P (π1 P x) (π2 P x).
Definition id A: t A A :=
s := A ;
π1 x := x ;
π2 x := x ;
Definition compose {A B C} (P: t B C) (Q: t A B): t A C :=
s := { x & π1 P x ∈ π2 Q } ;
π2 xy := π2 P (projT1 xy) ;
π1 xy := π1 Q (witness (projT2 xy)) ;
End Span.
Module Data.
Module Poly.
Record t := {
s: Type ;
π: s → Type ;
End Poly.
Module μ.
Inductive t (P: Poly.t) :=
| sup (g: Poly.s P) (f: Poly.π P g → t P).
Definition tag {P} (x: t P): Poly.s P :=
match x with
| sup _ t _ => t
Definition field {P} (x: t P): Poly.π P (tag x) → t P :=
match x with
| sup _ _ f => f
End μ.
End Data.
Module Category.
Class t (Obj: Type) := {
Mor: Obj → Obj → Type ;
id A: Mor A A ;
compose {A B C} (f: Mor B C) (g: Mor A B): Mor A C ;
compose_id_l {A B} (f: Mor A B): compose (id _) f = f ;
compose_id_r {A B} (f: Mor A B): compose f (id _) = f ;
compose_assoc {A B C D} (f: Mor C D) (g: Mor B C) (h: Mor A B): compose f (compose g h) = compose (compose f g) h ;
Module Import CategoryNotations.
Infix "∘" := compose (at level 30).
End CategoryNotations.
Module Poly.
Record t := {
data: Data.Poly.t ;
Category :> Category.t (Data.Poly.s data) ;
map {A B: Data.Poly.s data}: Mor A B → Span.t (Data.Poly.π data A) (Data.Poly.π data B) ;
map_id {A} x: Span.π1 (map (id A)) x = Span.π2 (map (id A)) x ;
map_compose {A B C} (f: Mor B C) (g: Mor A B): Span.s (Span.compose (map f) (map g)) ;
map_compose_π1 {A B C} (f: Mor B C) (g: Mor A B) x:
Span.π1 (map (f ∘ g)) x = Span.π1 _ (map_compose f g) ;
map_compose_π2 {A B C} (f: Mor B C) (g: Mor A B) x:
Span.π2 (map (f ∘ g)) x = Span.π2 _ (map_compose f g) ;
Arguments map {_ A B}.
Arguments map_id {_ _}.
Arguments map_compose {_ _ _ _}.
Arguments map_compose_π1 {_ _ _ _}.
Arguments map_compose_π2 {_ _ _ _}.
End Poly.
Module μ.
Inductive t {P: Poly.t} (A B: Data.μ.t ( P)) :=
| sup
(g: @Mor _ (Poly.Category P) (Data.μ.tag A) (Data.μ.tag B))
(f: ∀ x, t (Data.μ.field A (Span.π1 ( g) x))
(Data.μ.field B (Span.π2 ( g) x))).
Arguments sup {P A B}.
Definition tag {P} {A B: Data.μ.t ( P)} (x: t A B): Mor _ _ :=
match x with
| sup g _ => g
Definition field {P} {A B: Data.μ.t ( P)}
(x: t A B): ∀ y,
(Data.μ.field A (Span.π1 ( (tag x)) y))
(Data.μ.field B (Span.π2 ( (tag x)) y)) :=
match x with
| sup _ f => f
Arguments field {P A B}.
Notation "s ▹ x , P" := (sup s (fun x => P)) (at level 100).
Fixpoint id {P} (A: Data.μ.t ( P)) {struct A}: t A A := _ ▹ x,
match Poly.map_id x with
| eq_refl => id _
Definition compose_π1 {P} {A B C: Data.μ.t ( P)} (f: t B C) (g: t A B)
(x : Span.s ( (tag f ∘ tag g))):
t (Data.μ.field B (Span.π1 ( (tag f)) (projT1 (Poly.map_compose (tag f) (tag g)))))
(Data.μ.field C (Span.π2 ( (tag f ∘ tag g)) x)).
rewrite (Poly.map_compose_π2 (tag f) (tag g) x).
exact (field f (projT1 (Poly.map_compose (tag f) (tag g)))).
Definition compose_π2 {P} {A B C: Data.μ.t ( P)} (f: t B C) (g: t A B)
(x : Span.s ( (tag f ∘ tag g))):
t (Data.μ.field A (Span.π1 ( (tag f ∘ tag g)) x))
(Data.μ.field B (Span.π2 ( (tag g)) (witness (projT2 (Poly.map_compose (tag f) (tag g)))))).
rewrite (Poly.map_compose_π1 (tag f) (tag g) x).
exact (field g (witness (projT2 (Poly.map_compose (tag f) (tag g))))).
Definition compose_π2' {P} {A B C: Data.μ.t ( P)} (f: t B C) (g: t A B)
(x : Span.s ( (tag f ∘ tag g))):
t (Data.μ.field A (Span.π1 ( (tag f ∘ tag g)) x))
(Data.μ.field B (Span.π1 ( (tag f)) (projT1 (Poly.map_compose (tag f) (tag g))))).
assert (g' := compose_π2 f g x).
cbn in *.
destruct (Poly.map_compose (tag f) (tag g)).
cbn in *.
destruct f0.
exact g'.
Fixpoint compose {P} {A B C: Data.μ.t ( P)} (f: t B C) (g: t A B) {struct B}: t A C :=
tag f ∘ tag g ▹ x,
compose (compose_π1 f g x) (compose_π2' f g x).
Fixpoint compose_id_l {P A B} {f: @μ.t P A B} {struct B}: μ.compose (μ.id _) f = f.
destruct B, f.
cbn in *.
Lemma compose_id_r {P A B} {f: @μ.t P A B}: μ.compose f (μ.id _) = f.
Lemma compose_assoc {P A B C D} {f: @μ.t P C D} (g: @μ.t P B C) (h: @μ.t P A B): μ.compose f (μ.compose g h) = μ.compose (μ.compose f g) h.
End μ.
Instance μ (P: Poly.t): Category.t (Data.μ.t ( P)) := {
Mor := @μ.t P ;
id := @μ.id P ;
compose := @μ.compose P ;
compose_assoc := @μ.compose_assoc P ;
compose_id_l := @μ.compose_id_l P ;
compose_id_r := @μ.compose_id_r P ;
End Category.
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