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Created February 20, 2021 19:51
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(* mostly cribbing from and nlab *)
A topos has has finite limits, is cartesian closed, and has a subobject classifier. I guess ? *)
(* FIXME cleanup notation levels *)
Inductive object : Set :=
| terminal
| tuple (_ : object) (_: object)
| fn (_ : object) (_: object)
| Z
| typ
| Ω .
Notation "*" := terminal.
Infix "×" := tuple (at level 80).
Infix "⇒" := fn (at level 90).
Section topos.
(* I know I should use type classes or modules but I couldn't bother *)
Variable hom : object -> object -> Set.
Variable id : forall a, hom a a.
Variable compose : forall a b c, hom b c -> hom a b -> hom a c.
(* Cartesian category stuff but in a higher order style, not related to the paper *)
Variable bang : forall a, hom a *.
Variable kappa : forall a b c, (hom * a -> hom b c) -> hom (a × b) c.
Variable lift: forall a b c, hom (a × b) c -> hom * a -> hom b c.
Variable zeta : forall a b c, (hom * a -> hom b c) -> hom b (a ⇒ c).
Variable pass : forall a b c, hom b (a ⇒ c) -> hom * a -> hom b c.
(* I don't get subobject classifier stuff *)
Variable true : hom * Ω.
Variable subset : forall u x, hom u x -> hom x Ω.
Infix "∘" := (compose _ _ _) (at level 50).
Notation "'ζ' x . e" := (zeta _ _ _ (fun x => e)) (x ident, at level 100).
Notation "'κ' x . e" := (kappa _ _ _ (fun x => e)) (x ident, at level 100).
(* A slice object I think ?
mostly working from
Inductive slice := | mkslice a (_ : hom a Ω).
Notation "f ∈ a" := (mkslice a f) (at level 90).
Definition slice_hom (x : slice) (y : slice) :=
match x with
| mkslice a f =>
match y with
| mkslice b f' =>
(* FIXME make setoid *)
{ g : hom a b | (f' ∘ g) = f }
Infix "⊢" := slice_hom (at level 100).
Definition map {a b x} (f : hom a b) : (x ∘ f) ∈ a ⊢ x ∈ b.
eexists f.
(* I think I fell off the right track somewhere but I'm not really sure *)
Variable num : nat -> hom Z Ω.
Variable banger : hom * Ω.
Variable succ : forall a, hom Z a -> hom Z a.
(* Not sure about terminals *)
Variable constant_rule : forall n, (banger ∈ *) ⊢ (num n ∈ Z).
Variable succ_rule : forall n, (n ∈ Z) ⊢ (succ _ n ∈ Z).
Variable is_unit : hom typ Ω.
Variable is_prod : forall a, hom (typ × typ) a -> hom typ a.
Variable unit_rule : forall a x, x ∈ a ⊢ is_unit ∈ typ.
Variable prod_rule : forall x, x ∈ (typ × typ) ⊢ is_prod _ x ∈ typ.
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