MacでNintendo Switch用のSDカードをマウントしてしまうと不要な隠しファイルやフラグが立ってしまいNintendo Switchで使えなくなるのを解消する。
MacにNintendo SwitchのSDカードをマウントしてバックアップを取ったが、Switchに刺しても認識されなくなった。 任天堂ではWindowsでのみ扱うことを推奨している。 一度Macにマウントして使ってしまうと、Windowsで扱ったりしてももう戻せない。
- MacにSDカードをマウント
- このとき、Finderを絶対開かない。
- 次のコマンドでSDカードの内容をNintendo Switchが想定している状態に戻す。
sudo chflags -R arch /Volumes/Untitled/ sudo chflags -R noarch /Volumes/Untitled/Nintendo/ sudo mdutil -i off /Volumes/Untitled/ sudo mdutil -E /Volumes/Untitled/ dot_clean -m /Volumes/Untitled/
- (このステップは不要またはMacでもできるかも)Windowsに挿して、隠しファイルになっているFinderの以下のフォルダを削除
※Spotlightのキャッシュrm -rf .Trashes .Spotlight-V*
- Nintendo Switchに刺すと認識される。
以下、この記事の内容をアーカイブしたいので持ってきただけ。 from:
If you're using windows, just follow Nintendo's advice, but if you're using macOS / OSX you end up with annoying error messages telling you your card is corrupt. It took me ages to figure this out, so I thought I'd share. I read this post and was convinced it might not be possible, but I just upgraded my 128GB card to a 256GB without losing (or having to re-download) any content. Hope this helps someone here.
Steps are as follows:
- Backup the Nintendo folder from your original SD card. You can just drag and drop it to your Desktop, but just to be on the safe side I ran Disk Utility and selected File -> New Image -> Image from "disk2s1". Your SD card may be named differently.
- Format the new SD card in the Switch
- Eject the old SD card and insert the new SD card into your mac
- Copy contents of the Nintendo folder from your copy onto the new SD card (if you did it via an image, then double-click on your image file to mount it, then copy from there). Select Replace all files if prompted.
- Wait for ages for the data to copy...
- Close all Finder windows then run Terminal
- From the Terminal, run the following commands (After formatting my SD card was called "Untitled", if yours isn't called then, then adjust accordingly). These commands will require your admin password.
sudo chflags -R arch /Volumes/Untitled/
sudo chflags -R noarch /Volumes/Untitled/Nintendo/
sudo mdutil -i off /Volumes/Untitled/
sudo mdutil -E /Volumes/Untitled/
dot_clean -m /Volumes/Untitled/
You're now done, eject the SD card and it should work in the Switch.
If you want to know what the commands do, in order they:
- Set the archive bit ON for the SD Card
- Set the archive bit OFF for the Nintendo folder
- Stop macOS from indexing the SD Card
- Removes hidden files added by Finder
- Another way to remove hidden files added by Finder - running both won't cause any harm