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Forked from gj84/
Created November 24, 2013 02:30
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Save msund/7622558 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Example
#This example plot
import plotly
import os
def collatzDropTime(n):
c = 0
while n != 1:
if n % 2 == 0: n /= 2
else: n = ( 3 * n ) + 1
c += 1
return c
def average(l):
return sum(l)/len(l)
limit = 2000
#Collatz algorithm droping times-------------------------------------
collatzTrace = {
'x': range( 1, limit ),
'y': [collatzDropTime( n ) for n in range(1,limit)]
collatzTraceStyles = {
"name":"Collatz droping times",
#Collatz algorithm droping times averages-----------------------------------
rang = limit/100
la = [collatzTrace['y'][x:x+rang] for x in range(0, len(collatzTrace['y']), rang)]
xs = range(1,limit+2,rang)
ys = [average(l) for l in la]
collatzAverages = {
'x': xs,
'y': ys,
collatzAveragesStyles = {
"name":"Droping times averages (%s)" % rang,
"line":{"opacity": 0.3,
#response = plotly.signup(username, email) #Signup
username = 'MyUserName'
key = 'MyKey'
py = plotly.plotly(username, key)
response = py.plot(collatzTrace,collatzAverages),collatzAveragesStyles)
url = response['url']
filename = response['filename']
if url:
#os.system('firefox %s' % url)
os.system('explorer %s' % url)
#os.system('google-chrome %s' % url)
#This example plot
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