Save msurguy/5138788 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CREATE TABLE `makers` ( | |
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, | |
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, | |
`description` varchar(255) NOT NULL, | |
`created_at` datetime NOT NULL, | |
`updated_at` datetime NOT NULL, | |
PRIMARY KEY (`id`) | |
-- | |
-- Dumping data for table `makers` | |
-- | |
INSERT INTO `makers` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES | |
(1, 'Toyota', 'Toyota cars', '2013-03-11 00:00:00', '2013-03-11 00:00:00'), | |
(2, 'Honda', 'Honda cars', '2013-03-11 00:00:00', '2013-03-11 00:00:00'), | |
(3, 'Mercedes', 'Mercedes cars', '2013-03-11 00:00:00', '2013-03-11 00:00:00'); | |
-- -------------------------------------------------------- | |
-- | |
-- Table structure for table `models` | |
-- | |
CREATE TABLE `models` ( | |
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, | |
`maker_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, | |
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, | |
`description` varchar(255) NOT NULL, | |
`created_at` datetime NOT NULL, | |
`updated_at` datetime NOT NULL, | |
PRIMARY KEY (`id`) | |
INSERT INTO `models` (`id`, `maker_id`, `name`, `description`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES | |
(1, 2, 'Honda S2000', '', '2013-03-11 22:32:07', '2013-03-11 22:32:07'), | |
(2, 2, 'Civic', '', '2013-03-11 22:32:46', '2013-03-11 22:32:46'), | |
(3, 2, 'Fit', '', '2013-03-11 22:34:35', '2013-03-11 22:34:35'), | |
(4, 1, 'asdf asdf', '', '2013-03-11 22:35:31', '2013-03-11 22:35:31'), | |
(5, 1, 'Yaris', '', '2013-03-11 22:36:01', '2013-03-11 22:36:01'), | |
(6, 1, 'Corolla', '', '2013-03-11 22:36:23', '2013-03-11 22:36:23'), | |
(7, 1, 'Camry', '', '2013-03-11 22:36:31', '2013-03-11 22:36:31'), | |
(8, 3, 'SLK 500', '', '2013-03-11 22:36:47', '2013-03-11 22:36:47'), | |
(9, 3, 'C300', '', '2013-03-11 22:36:50', '2013-03-11 22:36:50'), | |
(10, 2, 'another item', '', '2013-03-11 22:36:52', '2013-03-11 22:36:52'); |
<?php | |
class Maker extends Eloquent { | |
public function models(){ | |
return $this->has_many('Model'); | |
} | |
} | |
?> |
<?php | |
class Model extends Eloquent { | |
public function maker(){ | |
return $this->belongs_to('Maker'); | |
} | |
} | |
?> |
Route::get('api/dropdown', function(){ | |
$input = Input::get('option'); | |
$maker = Maker::find($input); | |
$models = $maker->models(); | |
return Response::eloquent($models->get(['id','name'])); | |
}); |
jQuery(document).ready(function($){ | |
$('#make').change(function(){ | |
$.get("{{ url('api/dropdown')}}", | |
{ option: $(this).val() }, | |
function(data) { | |
var model = $('#model'); | |
model.empty(); | |
$.each(data, function(index, element) { | |
model.append("<option value='"+ element.id +"'>" + element.name + "</option>"); | |
}); | |
}); | |
}); | |
}); |
<h1>Dropdown demo</h1> | |
{{ Form::open() }} | |
<select id="make" name="make"> | |
<option>Select Car Make</option> | |
<option value="1">Toyota</option> | |
<option value="2">Honda</option> | |
<option value="3">Mercedes</option> | |
</select> | |
<br> | |
<select id="model" name="model"> | |
<option>Please choose car make first</option> | |
</select> | |
{{ Form::close();}} |
Oh that's awesome Sir . It rocked ! Laravel is nothing without its freaking awesome community ! !!
Js script
$.get("{{ url('/api/dropdown')}}",
{ option: $(this).val() },
function(data) {
$.each(data, function(key, element) {
$('#state').append("" + element + "");
And this is the route :
{Route::get('/api/dropdown', function(){
$id = Input::get('option');
$id_num = DB::table('countries')->where('iso',$id)->pluck('id');
$states = DB::table('states')->where('country_id',$id_num)->lists('name', 'id');
return $states;
Hi Msurguy,
I am noob to laravel and i was following the above code but can't figure out what do you mean by api/dropdown, where does it come from? what's in the dropdown, or what shall i put in there?
Any assistance would be much appreciated
thank you, i customize functions reload datatables good.
var oTable;
function myFunction(dept) {
// Example call to load a new department
oTable.fnReloadAjax( "{{ url('/asset/department')}}"+"?option="+dept );
// Example call to reload from original file
oTable = $('#example').dataTable({"fnRowCallback": function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex ) {
var status = aData[6];
switch (status) {
case 0:
$('td:eq(6)', nRow).html( '<span class="label label-success">ยกเลิก</span>' );
case 1:
$('td:eq(6)', nRow).html( '<span class="label label-success">ปกติ</span>' );
case 2:
$('td:eq(6)', nRow).html( '<span class="label label-success">หยุดซ่อมบำรุง</span>' );
case 3:
$('td:eq(6)', nRow).html( '<span class="label label-success">ซ่อมบำรุงเฉิงป้องกัน</span>' );
var dept;
dept = $(this).val();
/*$.get("{{ url('/asset/department')}}",
{ option: dept },
function(data) {
var model = $('#model');
$.each(data, function(index, element) {
model.append("<option value='"+ element.id +"'>" + element.name + "</option>");
I modified this a little bit and got it to work well:
Route::get('/myurl/', ['as' => 'items.duplicate', 'uses' => 'ItemsController@duplicate']);
public function duplicate()
$user = Input::get('option');
$items = Items::where('user_id', '=', $user)->lists('name', 'id');
return Response::make($items);
<select id="userselect" name="userselect">
<option>Select User</option>
@foreach ($users as $user)
<option value="{{ $user->id }}">{{ $user->name}}</option>
<select id="itemselect" name="itemselect">
<option>Please choose user first</option>
$.get("{{ url('myurl')}}",
{ option: $(this).val() },
function(data) {
var item = $('#itemselect');
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
item.append("<option value='"+ key +"'>" + value + "</option>");
I've done everything as suggested, and I get this error: Call to a member function models() on a non-object.
Anybody might have an idea, what the that I'm facing is about ?
I don't understand how Laravel would't have a Form::selectdb(field.id) where field.id is the key relationship, to generate the drop down select box without relay on jq??? I mean "Kumbiaphp" is a more more less developed framework, but already has it since years!!!!
I keep having this error.. Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception \ NotFoundHttpException
when I look at the console I see this $others = $this->checkForAlternateVerbs($request);
if (count($others) > 0)
return $this->getOtherMethodsRoute($request, $others);
throw new NotFoundHttpException;
from the url.. Apprently, my route is wrong...
For those that keep having an issue with this, I have simplified it in step 3 of the article here http://josephrex.me/implementing-dynamic-drop-down-or-dependent-list-in-laravel4/
Can anyone send the me the full code with the api please.
i keep having this error:
ErrorException in helpers.php line 686:
Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string
how can i solve it
I got an error 500 Internal Server Error
i put all changes, please suggest if you have solution
Is it possible to keep (or refill) the dropdown options and the dropdown value when the page reloads, say after a validation that didn't pass?
For L5.2 users remember to add 'Input' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input::class,
in your config/app.php it was removed! And run php artisan ide-helper:generate
Here I avail a practical example of this on Laravel 5.2 fresh installation, as a package!
i have a question here if i have four table like as users,repo,remote,cake. and user_id is relationship with rest of all table.when i want to add a new entry in any of rest three table then user_id show in dropdown and it show the total number of user _id here.
ex. in my cake table i have 5 column like as id,title,status,user_id,created_at,updated_at
and now i want to add,edit any entry in cake table .then here user_id showin dropdown and when i click any one then it save in database table.Please tell me here for controller,view
please help editing selected value using ajax request.
please help editing selected value using ajax request.
Hi this code is not working, when we click on the city dropdown it doesn't display anything but the country dropdown is working fine. Can you explain Please help
How can i save the result in database
I had to make these changes to make it work (I'm using Laravel 4).
Changed the route to:
And the script: