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Created January 28, 2019 09:38
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NER Python
import os
import string
import collections
import pickle
from collections import Iterable
from nltk.tag import ClassifierBasedTagger
from nltk.chunk import ChunkParserI, conlltags2tree, tree2conlltags
from nltk import pos_tag, word_tokenize
from nltk.stem import SnowballStemmer
ner_tags = collections.Counter()
corpus_root = "gmb-2.2.0" # Make sure you set the proper path to the unzipped corpus
def to_conll_iob(annotated_sentence):
`annotated_sentence` = list of triplets [(w1, t1, iob1), ...]
Transform a pseudo-IOB notation: O, PERSON, PERSON, O, O, LOCATION, O
to proper IOB notation: O, B-PERSON, I-PERSON, O, O, B-LOCATION, O
proper_iob_tokens = []
for idx, annotated_token in enumerate(annotated_sentence):
tag, word, ner = annotated_token
if ner != 'O':
if idx == 0:
ner = "B-" + ner
elif annotated_sentence[idx - 1][2] == ner:
ner = "I-" + ner
ner = "B-" + ner
proper_iob_tokens.append((tag, word, ner))
return proper_iob_tokens
def features(tokens, index, history):
`tokens` = a POS-tagged sentence [(w1, t1), ...]
`index` = the index of the token we want to extract features for
`history` = the previous predicted IOB tags
# init the stemmer
stemmer = SnowballStemmer('english')
# Pad the sequence with placeholders
tokens = [('[START2]', '[START2]'), ('[START1]', '[START1]')] + list(tokens) + [('[END1]', '[END1]'), ('[END2]', '[END2]')]
history = ['[START2]', '[START1]'] + list(history)
# shift the index with 2, to accommodate the padding
index += 2
word, pos = tokens[index]
prevword, prevpos = tokens[index - 1]
prevprevword, prevprevpos = tokens[index - 2]
nextword, nextpos = tokens[index + 1]
nextnextword, nextnextpos = tokens[index + 2]
previob = history[index - 1]
contains_dash = '-' in word
contains_dot = '.' in word
allascii = all([True for c in word if c in string.ascii_lowercase])
allcaps = word == word.capitalize()
capitalized = word[0] in string.ascii_uppercase
prevallcaps = prevword == prevword.capitalize()
prevcapitalized = prevword[0] in string.ascii_uppercase
nextallcaps = prevword == prevword.capitalize()
nextcapitalized = prevword[0] in string.ascii_uppercase
return {
'word': word,
'lemma': stemmer.stem(word),
'pos': pos,
'all-ascii': allascii,
'next-word': nextword,
'next-lemma': stemmer.stem(nextword),
'next-pos': nextpos,
'next-next-word': nextnextword,
'nextnextpos': nextnextpos,
'prev-word': prevword,
'prev-lemma': stemmer.stem(prevword),
'prev-pos': prevpos,
'prev-prev-word': prevprevword,
'prev-prev-pos': prevprevpos,
'prev-iob': previob,
'contains-dash': contains_dash,
'contains-dot': contains_dot,
'all-caps': allcaps,
'capitalized': capitalized,
'prev-all-caps': prevallcaps,
'prev-capitalized': prevcapitalized,
'next-all-caps': nextallcaps,
'next-capitalized': nextcapitalized,
def read_gmb(corpus_root):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(corpus_root):
for filename in files:
if filename.endswith(".tags"):
with open(os.path.join(root, filename), 'rb') as file_handle:
file_content ='utf-8').strip()
annotated_sentences = file_content.split('\n\n')
for annotated_sentence in annotated_sentences:
annotated_tokens = [seq for seq in annotated_sentence.split('\n') if seq]
standard_form_tokens = []
for idx, annotated_token in enumerate(annotated_tokens):
annotations = annotated_token.split('\t')
word, tag, ner = annotations[0], annotations[1], annotations[3]
if ner != 'O':
ner = ner.split('-')[0]
if tag in ('LQU', 'RQU'): # Make it NLTK compatible
tag = "``"
standard_form_tokens.append((word, tag, ner))
conll_tokens = to_conll_iob(standard_form_tokens)
# Make it NLTK Classifier compatible - [(w1, t1, iob1), ...] to [((w1, t1), iob1), ...]
# Because the classfier expects a tuple as input, first item input, second the class
yield [((w, t), iob) for w, t, iob in conll_tokens]
class NamedEntityChunker(ChunkParserI):
def __init__(self, train_sents, **kwargs):
assert isinstance(train_sents, Iterable)
self.feature_detector = features
self.tagger = ClassifierBasedTagger(
def parse(self, tagged_sent):
chunks = self.tagger.tag(tagged_sent)
# Transform the result from [((w1, t1), iob1), ...]
# to the preferred list of triplets format [(w1, t1, iob1), ...]
iob_triplets = [(w, t, c) for ((w, t), c) in chunks]
# Transform the list of triplets to nltk.Tree format
return conlltags2tree(iob_triplets)
reader = read_gmb(corpus_root)
data = list(reader)
training_samples = data[:int(len(data) * 0.9)]
test_samples = data[int(len(data) * 0.9):]
chunker = NamedEntityChunker(training_samples[:2000])
print(chunker.parse(pos_tag(word_tokenize("I'm going to Germany this Monday."))))
print("#training samples = %s" % len(training_samples)) # training samples = 55809
print("#test samples = %s" % len(test_samples)) # test samples = 6201
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