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experimental c# atomiclock
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
namespace Extendlocked
public class AtomicBenchmark
#region Increment
public void IncrementByte()
byte counter = 0;
InterlockedEx.Increment(ref counter);
public void IncrementInt()
int counter = 0;
InterlockedEx.Increment(ref counter);
public void IncrementLong()
long counter = 0;
InterlockedEx.Increment(ref counter);
public void IncrementSByte()
sbyte counter = 0;
InterlockedEx.Increment(ref counter);
public void IncrementShort()
short counter = 0;
InterlockedEx.Increment(ref counter);
public void IncrementUInt()
uint counter = 0;
InterlockedEx.Increment(ref counter);
public void IncrementULong()
ulong counter = 0;
InterlockedEx.Increment(ref counter);
public void IncrementUShort()
ushort counter = 0;
InterlockedEx.Increment(ref counter);
#endregion Increment
#region Decrement
public void DecrementByte()
byte counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Decrement(ref counter);
public void DecrementInt()
int counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Decrement(ref counter);
public void DecrementLong()
long counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Decrement(ref counter);
public void DecrementSByte()
sbyte counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Decrement(ref counter);
public void DecrementShort()
short counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Decrement(ref counter);
public void DecrementUInt()
uint counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Decrement(ref counter);
public void DecrementULong()
ulong counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Decrement(ref counter);
public void DecrementUShort()
ushort counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Decrement(ref counter);
#endregion Decrement
#region Read
public void ReadByte()
byte counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Read(ref counter);
public void ReadDouble()
double counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Read(ref counter);
public void ReadFloat()
float counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Read(ref counter);
public void ReadInt()
int counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Read(ref counter);
public void ReadLong()
long counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Read(ref counter);
public void ReadSByte()
sbyte counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Read(ref counter);
public void ReadShort()
short counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Read(ref counter);
public void ReadUInt()
uint counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Read(ref counter);
public void ReadULong()
ulong counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Read(ref counter);
public void ReadUShort()
ushort counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Read(ref counter);
#endregion Read
#region Write
public void WriteByte()
byte counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Write(ref counter, 3);
public void WriteDouble()
double counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Write(ref counter, 3);
public void WriteFloat()
float counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Write(ref counter, 3);
public void WriteInt()
int counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Write(ref counter, 3);
public void WriteLong()
long counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Write(ref counter, 3);
public void WriteSByte()
sbyte counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Write(ref counter, 3);
public void WriteShort()
short counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Write(ref counter, 3);
public void WriteUInt()
uint counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Write(ref counter, 3);
public void WriteULong()
ulong counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Write(ref counter, 3);
public void WriteUShort()
ushort counter = 1;
InterlockedEx.Write(ref counter, 3);
#endregion Write
using System;
using System.Threading;
namespace Extendlocked
public static class InterlockedEx
#region Exchange
public static T Exchange<T>(ref T obj, Func<T, T> func)
if (func == null)
throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(func));
obj = func(obj);
return obj;
#endregion Exchange
#region CompareExchange
public static T CompareExchange<T>(ref T obj, T val, T compared)
return CompareExchange<T>(ref obj, (oldv) => val, compared);
#endregion CompareExchange
#region Decrement 2
public static ulong Decrement(ref ulong obj, int decrementBy)
ulong result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < decrementBy; i++)
result = Interlocked.Decrement(ref obj);
return result;
public static long Decrement(ref long obj, int decrementBy)
long result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < decrementBy; i++)
result = Interlocked.Decrement(ref obj);
return result;
public static uint Decrement(ref uint obj, int decrementBy)
uint result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < decrementBy; i++)
result = Interlocked.Decrement(ref obj);
return result;
public static int Decrement(ref int obj, int decrementBy)
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < decrementBy; i++)
result = Interlocked.Decrement(ref obj);
return result;
public static sbyte Decrement(ref sbyte obj, byte decrementBy)
return _InternalDecrementBy(ref obj, decrementBy);
public static byte Decrement(ref byte obj, byte decrementBy)
return _InternalDecrementBy(ref obj, decrementBy);
public static ushort Decrement(ref ushort obj, ushort decrementBy)
return _InternalDecrementBy(ref obj, decrementBy);
public static short Decrement(ref short obj, short decrementBy)
return _InternalDecrementBy(ref obj, decrementBy);
#endregion Decrement 2
#region Decrement 1
public static ulong Decrement(ref ulong obj)
return Decrement(ref obj, 1);
public static long Decrement(ref long obj)
return Decrement(ref obj, 1);
public static uint Decrement(ref uint obj)
return Decrement(ref obj, 1);
public static int Decrement(ref int obj)
return Decrement(ref obj, 1);
public static sbyte Decrement(ref sbyte obj)
return Decrement(ref obj, 1);
public static byte Decrement(ref byte obj)
return Decrement(ref obj, 1);
public static ushort Decrement(ref ushort obj)
return Decrement(ref obj, 1);
public static short Decrement(ref short obj)
return Decrement(ref obj, 1);
#endregion Decrement 1
#region Increment 2
public static ulong Increment(ref ulong obj, int incrementBy)
ulong result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < incrementBy; i++)
result = Interlocked.Increment(ref obj);
return result;
public static long Increment(ref long obj, int incrementBy)
long result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < incrementBy; i++)
result = Interlocked.Increment(ref obj);
return result;
public static uint Increment(ref uint obj, int incrementBy)
uint result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < incrementBy; i++)
result = Interlocked.Increment(ref obj);
return result;
public static int Increment(ref int obj, int incrementBy)
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < incrementBy; i++)
result = Interlocked.Increment(ref obj);
return result;
public static sbyte Increment(ref sbyte obj, sbyte incrementBy)
return _InternalIncrementBy(ref obj, incrementBy);
public static byte Increment(ref byte obj, byte incrementBy)
return _InternalIncrementBy(ref obj, incrementBy);
public static ushort Increment(ref ushort obj, int incrementBy)
return _InternalIncrementBy(ref obj, incrementBy);
public static short Increment(ref short obj, int incrementBy)
return _InternalIncrementBy(ref obj, incrementBy);
#endregion Increment 2
#region Increment 1
public static ulong Increment(ref ulong obj)
return Increment(ref obj, 1);
public static long Increment(ref long obj)
return Increment(ref obj, 1);
public static uint Increment(ref uint obj)
return Increment(ref obj, 1);
public static int Increment(ref int obj)
return Increment(ref obj, 1);
public static sbyte Increment(ref sbyte obj)
return Increment(ref obj, 1);
public static byte Increment(ref byte obj)
return Increment(ref obj, 1);
public static ushort Increment(ref ushort obj)
return Increment(ref obj, 1);
public static short Increment(ref short obj)
return Increment(ref obj, 1);
#endregion Increment 1
#region Read
public static object Read(ref object obj)
return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref obj, 0, 0);
public static double Read(ref double obj)
return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref obj, 0, 0);
public static float Read(ref float obj)
return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref obj, 0, 0);
public static IntPtr Read(ref IntPtr obj)
return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref obj, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
public static uint Read(ref uint obj)
return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref obj, 0, 0);
public static ulong Read(ref ulong obj)
return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref obj, 0, 0);
public static int Read(ref int obj)
return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref obj, 0, 0);
public static long Read(ref long obj)
return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref obj, 0, 0);
public static byte Read(ref byte obj)
return Read<byte>(ref obj);
public static sbyte Read(ref sbyte obj)
return Read<sbyte>(ref obj);
public static ushort Read(ref ushort obj)
return Read<ushort>(ref obj);
public static short Read(ref short obj)
return Read<short>(ref obj);
public static bool Read(ref bool obj)
return Read<bool>(ref obj);
#endregion Read
#region Write
public static void Write(ref ulong obj, ulong val)
Interlocked.Exchange(ref obj, val);
public static void Write(ref long obj, long val)
Interlocked.Exchange(ref obj, val);
public static void Write(ref uint obj, uint val)
Interlocked.Exchange(ref obj, val);
public static void Write(ref int obj, int val)
Interlocked.Exchange(ref obj, val);
public static void Write(ref IntPtr obj, IntPtr val)
Interlocked.Exchange(ref obj, val);
public static void Write(ref double obj, double val)
Write<double>(ref obj, val);
public static void Write(ref float obj, float val)
Write<float>(ref obj, val);
public static void Write(ref byte obj, byte val)
Write<byte>(ref obj, val);
public static void Write(ref sbyte obj, sbyte val)
Write<sbyte>(ref obj, val);
public static void Write(ref ushort obj, ushort val)
Write<ushort>(ref obj, val);
public static void Write(ref short obj, short val)
Write<short>(ref obj, val);
public static void Write(ref bool obj, bool val)
Write<bool>(ref obj, val);
public static void Write(ref object obj, object val)
Write<object>(ref obj, val);
#endregion Write
#region Generic Methods
public static T CompareExchange<T>(ref T obj, Func<T, T> func, T compared)
if (obj == null)
throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(obj));
T returnVal = obj;
if (returnVal.Equals(compared))
obj = Exchange<T>(ref obj, func);
return returnVal;
public static T Read<T>(ref T obj)
T returnVal = obj;
return returnVal;
public static T Write<T>(ref T obj, T value)
obj = value;
return obj;
#endregion Generic Methods
#region Internal IncrementDecrement
private static T _Internal_IncrementDecrement<T>(ref T obj, int decision, int val) where T : unmanaged
if (decision != 1 && decision != -1)
throw new ArgumentException("decision must be -1 or 1 to do increment, decrement");
if (typeof(T) == typeof(byte))
return (T)(object)(byte)(Interlocked.Add(ref Unsafe.As<T, int>(ref obj), decision * val));
if (typeof(T) == typeof(sbyte))
return (T)(object)(sbyte)(Interlocked.Add(ref Unsafe.As<T, int>(ref obj), decision * val));
if (typeof(T) == typeof(short))
return (T)(object)(short)(Interlocked.Add(ref Unsafe.As<T, int>(ref obj), decision * val));
if (typeof(T) == typeof(ushort))
return (T)(object)(ushort)(Interlocked.Add(ref Unsafe.As<T, int>(ref obj), decision * val));
throw new ArgumentException($"Unsupported type: {typeof(T).Name}");
private static T _InternalDecrementBy<T>(ref T obj, int decrementBy) where T : unmanaged
return _Internal_IncrementDecrement(ref obj, -1, decrementBy);
private static T _InternalIncrementBy<T>(ref T obj, int incrementBy) where T : unmanaged
return _Internal_IncrementDecrement(ref obj, 1, incrementBy);
#endregion Internal IncrementDecrement
namespace Extendlocked
using Extendlocked;
using System;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run(typeof(Program).Assembly);
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