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Created June 6, 2011 15:52
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Save mtholder/1010511 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Uses dendropy to traverse a tree and modifies the length of each edge
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import dendropy
if __name__ == '__main__':
from optparse import OptionParser
from optparse import OptionGroup
import sys, os
_script_name = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1]
_program_version = 0.1
description = '''A script for altering the edge lengths of a tree in predictable ways.
In 'epsilon' weighting:
epsilon should be a float.
If `orig` is the original edge length then the resulting
edge length will be orig/(orig + epsilon)
In 'scale' weighting:
scale should be a float
If `orig` is the original edge length then the resulting
edge length will be orig*scale
parser = OptionParser(usage="%(script_name)s [options] focal-tree-filepath" % {'script_name' : _script_name},
parser.add_option("-f","--format", dest="format", default="newick", help="newick or NEXUS")
parser.add_option("-i","--internal", dest="internals", default=False, action="store_true", help="modify internal edges")
parser.add_option("-t","--terminal", dest="terminals", default=False, action="store_true", help="modify terminal edges")
parser.add_option("--epsilon", dest="epsilon", default=None, type='float', help="The amount to add to the denominator (to reduce the branch length)")
parser.add_option("--scale", dest="scale", default=None, type='float', help="The multiplier for each branch")
parser.add_option("--cap", dest="cap", default=None, type='float', help="The maximum value for each branch")
parser.add_option("--min", dest="min", default=None, type='float', help="The minimum value for each branch")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
mod_terminals = opts.terminals
mod_internals = opts.internals
if not (mod_terminals or mod_internals):
sys.exit('Modification of internals (-i) and/or terminals (-t) must requested')
focal_tree_format = opts.format
if len(args) == 0:
stream = sys.stdin
focal_tree_file = args[0]
stream=open(focal_tree_file, 'rU')
if opts.epsilon is None:
if opts.scale is None:
sys.exit('--epsilon or --scale option must be used')
transform_func = lambda x: x*opts.scale
if opts.scale is not None:
sys.exit('--epsilon and --scale options cannot both be used')
transform_func = lambda x: x/(x + opts.epsilon)
if opts.cap is not None:
if opts.min is not None:
bound_func = lambda x: max(opts.min, min(opts.cap, transform_func(x)))
bound_func = lambda x: min(opts.cap, transform_func(x))
if opts.min is not None:
bound_func = lambda x: max(opts.min, transform_func(x))
bound_func = transform_func
tree_set = dendropy.TreeList(stream=stream, schema=focal_tree_format)
for tree in tree_set:
for edge in tree.preorder_edge_iter():
if edge.tail_node:
is_term = edge.is_terminal()
modify = ((not is_term) and mod_internals) or (is_term and mod_terminals)
if modify:
edge.length = bound_func(edge.length)
print tree, ';'
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