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Created June 3, 2019 10:21
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/*This code is automatically generated
*/pub mod endpoints { use super :: http :: * ; use super :: params :: * ;
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatFielddataUrlParams < 'a > { None , Fields ( Fields < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > CatFielddataUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatFielddataUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/fielddata" ) } CatFielddataUrlParams :: Fields ( ref fields ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 16usize + fields . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cat/fielddata/" ) ; url . push_str ( fields . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/fielddata`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatFielddataRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatFielddataRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/fielddata`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatFielddataRequest { url : CatFielddataUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/fielddata/{fields}`" ] pub fn for_fields < IFields > ( fields : IFields ) -> Self where IFields : Into < Fields < 'a > > { CatFielddataRequest { url : CatFielddataUrlParams :: Fields ( fields . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatFielddataRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum MsearchUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > MsearchUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { MsearchUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_msearch" ) } MsearchUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 10usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_msearch" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } MsearchUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_msearch" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_msearch`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct MsearchRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > MsearchRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_msearch`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { MsearchRequest { url : MsearchUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_msearch`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { MsearchRequest { url : MsearchUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/_msearch`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { MsearchRequest { url : MsearchUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for MsearchRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatPluginsUrlParams { None , } impl CatPluginsUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatPluginsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/plugins" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/plugins`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatPluginsRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatPluginsRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/plugins`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatPluginsRequest { url : CatPluginsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatPluginsRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesFlushSyncedUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesFlushSyncedUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesFlushSyncedUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_flush/synced" ) } IndicesFlushSyncedUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 15usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_flush/synced" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_flush/synced`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesFlushSyncedRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesFlushSyncedRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_flush/synced`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { IndicesFlushSyncedRequest { url : IndicesFlushSyncedUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_flush/synced`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesFlushSyncedRequest { url : IndicesFlushSyncedUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesFlushSyncedRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum SearchTemplateUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > SearchTemplateUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { SearchTemplateUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_search/template" ) } SearchTemplateUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 18usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_search/template" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } SearchTemplateUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 19usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_search/template" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_search/template`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct SearchTemplateRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > SearchTemplateRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_search/template`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { SearchTemplateRequest { url : SearchTemplateUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_search/template`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { SearchTemplateRequest { url : SearchTemplateUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/_search/template`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { SearchTemplateRequest { url : SearchTemplateUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for SearchTemplateRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesGetTemplateUrlParams < 'a > { None , Name ( Name < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesGetTemplateUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesGetTemplateUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_template" ) } IndicesGetTemplateUrlParams :: Name ( ref name ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + name . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_template/" ) ; url . push_str ( name . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_template/{name}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesGetTemplateRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesGetTemplateRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_template`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { IndicesGetTemplateRequest { url : IndicesGetTemplateUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_template/{name}`" ] pub fn for_name < IName > ( name : IName ) -> Self where IName : Into < Name < 'a > > { IndicesGetTemplateRequest { url : IndicesGetTemplateUrlParams :: Name ( name . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesGetTemplateRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ClusterRerouteUrlParams { None , } impl ClusterRerouteUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ClusterRerouteUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cluster/reroute" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_cluster/reroute`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ClusterRerouteRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > ClusterRerouteRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cluster/reroute`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { ClusterRerouteRequest { url : ClusterRerouteUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for ClusterRerouteRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatAllocationUrlParams < 'a > { None , NodeId ( NodeId < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > CatAllocationUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatAllocationUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/allocation" ) } CatAllocationUrlParams :: NodeId ( ref node_id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 17usize + node_id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cat/allocation/" ) ; url . push_str ( node_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/allocation`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatAllocationRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatAllocationRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/allocation`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatAllocationRequest { url : CatAllocationUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/allocation/{node_id}`" ] pub fn for_node_id < INodeId > ( node_id : INodeId ) -> Self where INodeId : Into < NodeId < 'a > > { CatAllocationRequest { url : CatAllocationUrlParams :: NodeId ( node_id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatAllocationRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ClusterHealthUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > ClusterHealthUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ClusterHealthUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cluster/health" ) } ClusterHealthUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 17usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cluster/health/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cluster/health`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ClusterHealthRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > ClusterHealthRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cluster/health`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { ClusterHealthRequest { url : ClusterHealthUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cluster/health/{index}`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { ClusterHealthRequest { url : ClusterHealthUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for ClusterHealthRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IngestGetPipelineUrlParams < 'a > { None , Id ( Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IngestGetPipelineUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IngestGetPipelineUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_ingest/pipeline" ) } IngestGetPipelineUrlParams :: Id ( ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 18usize + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_ingest/pipeline/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_ingest/pipeline/{id}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IngestGetPipelineRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IngestGetPipelineRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_ingest/pipeline`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { IngestGetPipelineRequest { url : IngestGetPipelineUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_ingest/pipeline/{id}`" ] pub fn for_id < IId > ( id : IId ) -> Self where IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { IngestGetPipelineRequest { url : IngestGetPipelineUrlParams :: Id ( id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IngestGetPipelineRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesCloseUrlParams < 'a > { Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesCloseUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesCloseUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 8usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_close" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{index}/_close`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesCloseRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesCloseRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_close`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesCloseRequest { url : IndicesCloseUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesCloseRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ClusterPendingTasksUrlParams { None , } impl ClusterPendingTasksUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ClusterPendingTasksUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cluster/pending_tasks" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cluster/pending_tasks`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ClusterPendingTasksRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > ClusterPendingTasksRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cluster/pending_tasks`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { ClusterPendingTasksRequest { url : ClusterPendingTasksUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for ClusterPendingTasksRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ClusterPutSettingsUrlParams { None , } impl ClusterPutSettingsUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ClusterPutSettingsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cluster/settings" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Put: /_cluster/settings`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ClusterPutSettingsRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > ClusterPutSettingsRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cluster/settings`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { ClusterPutSettingsRequest { url : ClusterPutSettingsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for ClusterPutSettingsRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: PUT , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum RenderSearchTemplateUrlParams < 'a > { None , Id ( Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > RenderSearchTemplateUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { RenderSearchTemplateUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_render/template" ) } RenderSearchTemplateUrlParams :: Id ( ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 18usize + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_render/template/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_render/template`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct RenderSearchTemplateRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > RenderSearchTemplateRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_render/template`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { RenderSearchTemplateRequest { url : RenderSearchTemplateUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_render/template/{id}`" ] pub fn for_id < IId > ( id : IId , body : B ) -> Self where IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { RenderSearchTemplateRequest { url : RenderSearchTemplateUrlParams :: Id ( id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for RenderSearchTemplateRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum NodesHotThreadsUrlParams < 'a > { None , NodeId ( NodeId < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > NodesHotThreadsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { NodesHotThreadsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_nodes/hot_threads" ) } NodesHotThreadsUrlParams :: NodeId ( ref node_id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 20usize + node_id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_nodes/" ) ; url . push_str ( node_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/hot_threads" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_nodes/hot_threads`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct NodesHotThreadsRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > NodesHotThreadsRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/hot_threads`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { NodesHotThreadsRequest { url : NodesHotThreadsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/{node_id}/hot_threads`" ] pub fn for_node_id < INodeId > ( node_id : INodeId ) -> Self where INodeId : Into < NodeId < 'a > > { NodesHotThreadsRequest { url : NodesHotThreadsUrlParams :: NodeId ( node_id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for NodesHotThreadsRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatThreadPoolUrlParams < 'a > { None , ThreadPoolPatterns ( ThreadPoolPatterns < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > CatThreadPoolUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatThreadPoolUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/thread_pool" ) } CatThreadPoolUrlParams :: ThreadPoolPatterns ( ref thread_pool_patterns ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 18usize + thread_pool_patterns . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cat/thread_pool/" ) ; url . push_str ( thread_pool_patterns . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/thread_pool`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatThreadPoolRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatThreadPoolRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/thread_pool`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatThreadPoolRequest { url : CatThreadPoolUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/thread_pool/{thread_pool_patterns}`" ] pub fn for_thread_pool_patterns < IThreadPoolPatterns > ( thread_pool_patterns : IThreadPoolPatterns ) -> Self where IThreadPoolPatterns : Into < ThreadPoolPatterns < 'a > > { CatThreadPoolRequest { url : CatThreadPoolUrlParams :: ThreadPoolPatterns ( thread_pool_patterns . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatThreadPoolRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ClearScrollUrlParams < 'a > { None , ScrollId ( ScrollId < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > ClearScrollUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ClearScrollUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_search/scroll" ) } ClearScrollUrlParams :: ScrollId ( ref scroll_id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 16usize + scroll_id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_search/scroll/" ) ; url . push_str ( scroll_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Delete: /_search/scroll/{scroll_id}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ClearScrollRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > ClearScrollRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_search/scroll`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { ClearScrollRequest { url : ClearScrollUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_search/scroll/{scroll_id}`" ] pub fn for_scroll_id < IScrollId > ( scroll_id : IScrollId , body : B ) -> Self where IScrollId : Into < ScrollId < 'a > > { ClearScrollRequest { url : ClearScrollUrlParams :: ScrollId ( scroll_id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for ClearScrollRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: DELETE , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatIndicesUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > CatIndicesUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatIndicesUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/indices" ) } CatIndicesUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 14usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cat/indices/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/indices`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatIndicesRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatIndicesRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/indices`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatIndicesRequest { url : CatIndicesUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/indices/{index}`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { CatIndicesRequest { url : CatIndicesUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatIndicesRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatNodeattrsUrlParams { None , } impl CatNodeattrsUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatNodeattrsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/nodeattrs" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/nodeattrs`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatNodeattrsRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatNodeattrsRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/nodeattrs`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatNodeattrsRequest { url : CatNodeattrsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatNodeattrsRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum SnapshotStatusUrlParams < 'a > { None , Repository ( Repository < 'a > ) , RepositorySnapshot ( Repository < 'a > , Snapshot < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > SnapshotStatusUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { SnapshotStatusUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_snapshot/_status" ) } SnapshotStatusUrlParams :: Repository ( ref repository ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 19usize + repository . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_snapshot/" ) ; url . push_str ( repository . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_status" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } SnapshotStatusUrlParams :: RepositorySnapshot ( ref repository , ref snapshot ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 20usize + repository . len ( ) + snapshot . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_snapshot/" ) ; url . push_str ( repository . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( snapshot . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_status" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_snapshot/_status`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct SnapshotStatusRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > SnapshotStatusRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_snapshot/_status`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { SnapshotStatusRequest { url : SnapshotStatusUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_snapshot/{repository}/_status`" ] pub fn for_repository < IRepository > ( repository : IRepository ) -> Self where IRepository : Into < Repository < 'a > > { SnapshotStatusRequest { url : SnapshotStatusUrlParams :: Repository ( repository . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}/_status`" ] pub fn for_repository_snapshot < IRepository , ISnapshot > ( repository : IRepository , snapshot : ISnapshot ) -> Self where IRepository : Into < Repository < 'a > > , ISnapshot : Into < Snapshot < 'a > > { SnapshotStatusRequest { url : SnapshotStatusUrlParams :: RepositorySnapshot ( repository . into ( ) , snapshot . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for SnapshotStatusRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IngestProcessorGrokUrlParams { None , } impl IngestProcessorGrokUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IngestProcessorGrokUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_ingest/processor/grok" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_ingest/processor/grok`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IngestProcessorGrokRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IngestProcessorGrokRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_ingest/processor/grok`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { IngestProcessorGrokRequest { url : IngestProcessorGrokUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IngestProcessorGrokRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum RankEvalUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > RankEvalUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { RankEvalUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_rank_eval" ) } RankEvalUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 12usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_rank_eval" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_rank_eval`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct RankEvalRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > RankEvalRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_rank_eval`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { RankEvalRequest { url : RankEvalUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_rank_eval`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { RankEvalRequest { url : RankEvalUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for RankEvalRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatRepositoriesUrlParams { None , } impl CatRepositoriesUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatRepositoriesUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/repositories" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/repositories`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatRepositoriesRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatRepositoriesRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/repositories`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatRepositoriesRequest { url : CatRepositoriesUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatRepositoriesRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum UpdateByQueryRethrottleUrlParams < 'a > { TaskId ( TaskId < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > UpdateByQueryRethrottleUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { UpdateByQueryRethrottleUrlParams :: TaskId ( ref task_id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 30usize + task_id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_update_by_query/" ) ; url . push_str ( task_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_rethrottle" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_update_by_query/{task_id}/_rethrottle`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct UpdateByQueryRethrottleRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > UpdateByQueryRethrottleRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_update_by_query/{task_id}/_rethrottle`" ] pub fn for_task_id < ITaskId > ( task_id : ITaskId , body : B ) -> Self where ITaskId : Into < TaskId < 'a > > { UpdateByQueryRethrottleRequest { url : UpdateByQueryRethrottleUrlParams :: TaskId ( task_id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for UpdateByQueryRethrottleRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesOpenUrlParams < 'a > { Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesOpenUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesOpenUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 7usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_open" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{index}/_open`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesOpenRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesOpenRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_open`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesOpenRequest { url : IndicesOpenUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesOpenRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesUpgradeUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesUpgradeUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesUpgradeUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_upgrade" ) } IndicesUpgradeUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 10usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_upgrade" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_upgrade`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesUpgradeRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesUpgradeRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_upgrade`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { IndicesUpgradeRequest { url : IndicesUpgradeUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_upgrade`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesUpgradeRequest { url : IndicesUpgradeUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesUpgradeRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesExistsTemplateUrlParams < 'a > { Name ( Name < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesExistsTemplateUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesExistsTemplateUrlParams :: Name ( ref name ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + name . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_template/" ) ; url . push_str ( name . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Head: /_template/{name}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesExistsTemplateRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesExistsTemplateRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_template/{name}`" ] pub fn for_name < IName > ( name : IName ) -> Self where IName : Into < Name < 'a > > { IndicesExistsTemplateRequest { url : IndicesExistsTemplateUrlParams :: Name ( name . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesExistsTemplateRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: HEAD , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum NodesUsageUrlParams < 'a > { None , Metric ( Metric < 'a > ) , NodeId ( NodeId < 'a > ) , NodeIdMetric ( NodeId < 'a > , Metric < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > NodesUsageUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { NodesUsageUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_nodes/usage" ) } NodesUsageUrlParams :: Metric ( ref metric ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 14usize + metric . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_nodes/usage/" ) ; url . push_str ( metric . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } NodesUsageUrlParams :: NodeId ( ref node_id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 14usize + node_id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_nodes/" ) ; url . push_str ( node_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/usage" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } NodesUsageUrlParams :: NodeIdMetric ( ref node_id , ref metric ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 15usize + node_id . len ( ) + metric . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_nodes/" ) ; url . push_str ( node_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/usage/" ) ; url . push_str ( metric . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_nodes/usage`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct NodesUsageRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > NodesUsageRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/usage`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { NodesUsageRequest { url : NodesUsageUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/usage/{metric}`" ] pub fn for_metric < IMetric > ( metric : IMetric ) -> Self where IMetric : Into < Metric < 'a > > { NodesUsageRequest { url : NodesUsageUrlParams :: Metric ( metric . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/{node_id}/usage`" ] pub fn for_node_id < INodeId > ( node_id : INodeId ) -> Self where INodeId : Into < NodeId < 'a > > { NodesUsageRequest { url : NodesUsageUrlParams :: NodeId ( node_id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/{node_id}/usage/{metric}`" ] pub fn for_node_id_metric < INodeId , IMetric > ( node_id : INodeId , metric : IMetric ) -> Self where INodeId : Into < NodeId < 'a > > , IMetric : Into < Metric < 'a > > { NodesUsageRequest { url : NodesUsageUrlParams :: NodeIdMetric ( node_id . into ( ) , metric . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for NodesUsageRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum NodesStatsUrlParams < 'a > { None , Metric ( Metric < 'a > ) , MetricIndexMetric ( Metric < 'a > , IndexMetric < 'a > ) , NodeId ( NodeId < 'a > ) , NodeIdMetric ( NodeId < 'a > , Metric < 'a > ) , NodeIdMetricIndexMetric ( NodeId < 'a > , Metric < 'a > , IndexMetric < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > NodesStatsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { NodesStatsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_nodes/stats" ) } NodesStatsUrlParams :: Metric ( ref metric ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 14usize + metric . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_nodes/stats/" ) ; url . push_str ( metric . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } NodesStatsUrlParams :: MetricIndexMetric ( ref metric , ref index_metric ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 15usize + metric . len ( ) + index_metric . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_nodes/stats/" ) ; url . push_str ( metric . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index_metric . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } NodesStatsUrlParams :: NodeId ( ref node_id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 14usize + node_id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_nodes/" ) ; url . push_str ( node_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/stats" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } NodesStatsUrlParams :: NodeIdMetric ( ref node_id , ref metric ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 15usize + node_id . len ( ) + metric . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_nodes/" ) ; url . push_str ( node_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/stats/" ) ; url . push_str ( metric . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } NodesStatsUrlParams :: NodeIdMetricIndexMetric ( ref node_id , ref metric , ref index_metric ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 16usize + node_id . len ( ) + metric . len ( ) + index_metric . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_nodes/" ) ; url . push_str ( node_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/stats/" ) ; url . push_str ( metric . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index_metric . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_nodes/stats`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct NodesStatsRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > NodesStatsRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/stats`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { NodesStatsRequest { url : NodesStatsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/stats/{metric}`" ] pub fn for_metric < IMetric > ( metric : IMetric ) -> Self where IMetric : Into < Metric < 'a > > { NodesStatsRequest { url : NodesStatsUrlParams :: Metric ( metric . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/stats/{metric}/{index_metric}`" ] pub fn for_metric_index_metric < IMetric , IIndexMetric > ( metric : IMetric , index_metric : IIndexMetric ) -> Self where IMetric : Into < Metric < 'a > > , IIndexMetric : Into < IndexMetric < 'a > > { NodesStatsRequest { url : NodesStatsUrlParams :: MetricIndexMetric ( metric . into ( ) , index_metric . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/{node_id}/stats`" ] pub fn for_node_id < INodeId > ( node_id : INodeId ) -> Self where INodeId : Into < NodeId < 'a > > { NodesStatsRequest { url : NodesStatsUrlParams :: NodeId ( node_id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/{node_id}/stats/{metric}`" ] pub fn for_node_id_metric < INodeId , IMetric > ( node_id : INodeId , metric : IMetric ) -> Self where INodeId : Into < NodeId < 'a > > , IMetric : Into < Metric < 'a > > { NodesStatsRequest { url : NodesStatsUrlParams :: NodeIdMetric ( node_id . into ( ) , metric . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/{node_id}/stats/{metric}/{index_metric}`" ] pub fn for_node_id_metric_index_metric < INodeId , IMetric , IIndexMetric > ( node_id : INodeId , metric : IMetric , index_metric : IIndexMetric ) -> Self where INodeId : Into < NodeId < 'a > > , IMetric : Into < Metric < 'a > > , IIndexMetric : Into < IndexMetric < 'a > > { NodesStatsRequest { url : NodesStatsUrlParams :: NodeIdMetricIndexMetric ( node_id . into ( ) , metric . into ( ) , index_metric . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for NodesStatsRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesGetFieldMappingUrlParams < 'a > { Fields ( Fields < 'a > ) , IndexFields ( Index < 'a > , Fields < 'a > ) , IndexTypeFields ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > , Fields < 'a > ) , TypeFields ( Type < 'a > , Fields < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesGetFieldMappingUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesGetFieldMappingUrlParams :: Fields ( ref fields ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 16usize + fields . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_mapping/field/" ) ; url . push_str ( fields . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesGetFieldMappingUrlParams :: IndexFields ( ref index , ref fields ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 17usize + index . len ( ) + fields . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_mapping/field/" ) ; url . push_str ( fields . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesGetFieldMappingUrlParams :: IndexTypeFields ( ref index , ref ty , ref fields ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 18usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) + fields . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_mapping/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/field/" ) ; url . push_str ( fields . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesGetFieldMappingUrlParams :: TypeFields ( ref ty , ref fields ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 17usize + ty . len ( ) + fields . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_mapping/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/field/" ) ; url . push_str ( fields . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_mapping/field/{fields}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_mapping/field/{fields}`" ] pub fn for_fields < IFields > ( fields : IFields ) -> Self where IFields : Into < Fields < 'a > > { IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest { url : IndicesGetFieldMappingUrlParams :: Fields ( fields . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_mapping/field/{fields}`" ] pub fn for_index_fields < IIndex , IFields > ( index : IIndex , fields : IFields ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IFields : Into < Fields < 'a > > { IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest { url : IndicesGetFieldMappingUrlParams :: IndexFields ( index . into ( ) , fields . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_mapping/{type}/field/{fields}`" ] pub fn for_index_ty_fields < IIndex , IType , IFields > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , fields : IFields ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > , IFields : Into < Fields < 'a > > { IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest { url : IndicesGetFieldMappingUrlParams :: IndexTypeFields ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) , fields . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_mapping/{type}/field/{fields}`" ] pub fn for_ty_fields < IType , IFields > ( ty : IType , fields : IFields ) -> Self where IType : Into < Type < 'a > > , IFields : Into < Fields < 'a > > { IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest { url : IndicesGetFieldMappingUrlParams :: TypeFields ( ty . into ( ) , fields . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesRolloverUrlParams < 'a > { Alias ( Alias < 'a > ) , AliasNewIndex ( Alias < 'a > , NewIndex < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesRolloverUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesRolloverUrlParams :: Alias ( ref alias ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + alias . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( alias . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_rollover" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesRolloverUrlParams :: AliasNewIndex ( ref alias , ref new_index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 12usize + alias . len ( ) + new_index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( alias . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_rollover/" ) ; url . push_str ( new_index . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{alias}/_rollover`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesRolloverRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesRolloverRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{alias}/_rollover`" ] pub fn for_alias < IAlias > ( alias : IAlias , body : B ) -> Self where IAlias : Into < Alias < 'a > > { IndicesRolloverRequest { url : IndicesRolloverUrlParams :: Alias ( alias . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{alias}/_rollover/{new_index}`" ] pub fn for_alias_new_index < IAlias , INewIndex > ( alias : IAlias , new_index : INewIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IAlias : Into < Alias < 'a > > , INewIndex : Into < NewIndex < 'a > > { IndicesRolloverRequest { url : IndicesRolloverUrlParams :: AliasNewIndex ( alias . into ( ) , new_index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesRolloverRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum NodesInfoUrlParams < 'a > { None , Metric ( Metric < 'a > ) , NodeId ( NodeId < 'a > ) , NodeIdMetric ( NodeId < 'a > , Metric < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > NodesInfoUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { NodesInfoUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_nodes" ) } NodesInfoUrlParams :: Metric ( ref metric ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 8usize + metric . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_nodes/" ) ; url . push_str ( metric . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } NodesInfoUrlParams :: NodeId ( ref node_id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 8usize + node_id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_nodes/" ) ; url . push_str ( node_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } NodesInfoUrlParams :: NodeIdMetric ( ref node_id , ref metric ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 9usize + node_id . len ( ) + metric . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_nodes/" ) ; url . push_str ( node_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( metric . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_nodes`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct NodesInfoRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > NodesInfoRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { NodesInfoRequest { url : NodesInfoUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/{metric}`" ] pub fn for_metric < IMetric > ( metric : IMetric ) -> Self where IMetric : Into < Metric < 'a > > { NodesInfoRequest { url : NodesInfoUrlParams :: Metric ( metric . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/{node_id}`" ] pub fn for_node_id < INodeId > ( node_id : INodeId ) -> Self where INodeId : Into < NodeId < 'a > > { NodesInfoRequest { url : NodesInfoUrlParams :: NodeId ( node_id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/{node_id}/{metric}`" ] pub fn for_node_id_metric < INodeId , IMetric > ( node_id : INodeId , metric : IMetric ) -> Self where INodeId : Into < NodeId < 'a > > , IMetric : Into < Metric < 'a > > { NodesInfoRequest { url : NodesInfoUrlParams :: NodeIdMetric ( node_id . into ( ) , metric . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for NodesInfoRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum MsearchTemplateUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > MsearchTemplateUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { MsearchTemplateUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_msearch/template" ) } MsearchTemplateUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 19usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_msearch/template" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } MsearchTemplateUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 20usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_msearch/template" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_msearch/template`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct MsearchTemplateRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > MsearchTemplateRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_msearch/template`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { MsearchTemplateRequest { url : MsearchTemplateUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_msearch/template`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { MsearchTemplateRequest { url : MsearchTemplateUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/_msearch/template`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { MsearchTemplateRequest { url : MsearchTemplateUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for MsearchTemplateRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum DeleteUrlParams < 'a > { IndexTypeId ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > , Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > DeleteUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { DeleteUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( ref index , ref ty , ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 3usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Delete: /{index}/{type}/{id}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct DeleteRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > DeleteRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/{id}`" ] pub fn for_index_ty_id < IIndex , IType , IId > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , id : IId ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > , IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { DeleteRequest { url : DeleteUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) , id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for DeleteRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: DELETE , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ExistsUrlParams < 'a > { IndexTypeId ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > , Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > ExistsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ExistsUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( ref index , ref ty , ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 3usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Head: /{index}/{type}/{id}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ExistsRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > ExistsRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/{id}`" ] pub fn for_index_ty_id < IIndex , IType , IId > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , id : IId ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > , IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { ExistsRequest { url : ExistsUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) , id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for ExistsRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: HEAD , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesSplitUrlParams < 'a > { IndexTarget ( Index < 'a > , Target < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesSplitUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesSplitUrlParams :: IndexTarget ( ref index , ref target ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 9usize + index . len ( ) + target . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_split/" ) ; url . push_str ( target . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{index}/_split/{target}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesSplitRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesSplitRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_split/{target}`" ] pub fn for_index_target < IIndex , ITarget > ( index : IIndex , target : ITarget , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , ITarget : Into < Target < 'a > > { IndicesSplitRequest { url : IndicesSplitUrlParams :: IndexTarget ( index . into ( ) , target . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesSplitRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum SnapshotCreateUrlParams < 'a > { RepositorySnapshot ( Repository < 'a > , Snapshot < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > SnapshotCreateUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { SnapshotCreateUrlParams :: RepositorySnapshot ( ref repository , ref snapshot ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 12usize + repository . len ( ) + snapshot . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_snapshot/" ) ; url . push_str ( repository . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( snapshot . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct SnapshotCreateRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > SnapshotCreateRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}`" ] pub fn for_repository_snapshot < IRepository , ISnapshot > ( repository : IRepository , snapshot : ISnapshot , body : B ) -> Self where IRepository : Into < Repository < 'a > > , ISnapshot : Into < Snapshot < 'a > > { SnapshotCreateRequest { url : SnapshotCreateUrlParams :: RepositorySnapshot ( repository . into ( ) , snapshot . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for SnapshotCreateRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CreateUrlParams < 'a > { IndexTypeId ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > , Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > CreateUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CreateUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( ref index , ref ty , ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_create" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{index}/{type}/{id}/_create`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CreateRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > CreateRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/{id}/_create`" ] pub fn for_index_ty_id < IIndex , IType , IId > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , id : IId , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > , IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { CreateRequest { url : CreateUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) , id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for CreateRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum MgetUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > MgetUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { MgetUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_mget" ) } MgetUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 7usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_mget" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } MgetUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 8usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_mget" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_mget`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct MgetRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > MgetRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_mget`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { MgetRequest { url : MgetUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_mget`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { MgetRequest { url : MgetUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/_mget`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { MgetRequest { url : MgetUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for MgetRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum PutScriptUrlParams < 'a > { Id ( Id < 'a > ) , IdContext ( Id < 'a > , Context < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > PutScriptUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { PutScriptUrlParams :: Id ( ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 10usize + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_scripts/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } PutScriptUrlParams :: IdContext ( ref id , ref context ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + id . len ( ) + context . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_scripts/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( context . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_scripts/{id}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct PutScriptRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > PutScriptRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_scripts/{id}`" ] pub fn for_id < IId > ( id : IId , body : B ) -> Self where IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { PutScriptRequest { url : PutScriptUrlParams :: Id ( id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_scripts/{id}/{context}`" ] pub fn for_id_context < IId , IContext > ( id : IId , context : IContext , body : B ) -> Self where IId : Into < Id < 'a > > , IContext : Into < Context < 'a > > { PutScriptRequest { url : PutScriptUrlParams :: IdContext ( id . into ( ) , context . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for PutScriptRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesGetSettingsUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexName ( Index < 'a > , Name < 'a > ) , Name ( Name < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesGetSettingsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesGetSettingsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_settings" ) } IndicesGetSettingsUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_settings" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesGetSettingsUrlParams :: IndexName ( ref index , ref name ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 12usize + index . len ( ) + name . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_settings/" ) ; url . push_str ( name . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesGetSettingsUrlParams :: Name ( ref name ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + name . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_settings/" ) ; url . push_str ( name . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_settings`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesGetSettingsRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesGetSettingsRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_settings`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { IndicesGetSettingsRequest { url : IndicesGetSettingsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_settings`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesGetSettingsRequest { url : IndicesGetSettingsUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_settings/{name}`" ] pub fn for_index_name < IIndex , IName > ( index : IIndex , name : IName ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IName : Into < Name < 'a > > { IndicesGetSettingsRequest { url : IndicesGetSettingsUrlParams :: IndexName ( index . into ( ) , name . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_settings/{name}`" ] pub fn for_name < IName > ( name : IName ) -> Self where IName : Into < Name < 'a > > { IndicesGetSettingsRequest { url : IndicesGetSettingsUrlParams :: Name ( name . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesGetSettingsRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum GetUrlParams < 'a > { IndexTypeId ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > , Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > GetUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { GetUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( ref index , ref ty , ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 3usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /{index}/{type}/{id}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct GetRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > GetRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/{id}`" ] pub fn for_index_ty_id < IIndex , IType , IId > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , id : IId ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > , IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { GetRequest { url : GetUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) , id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for GetRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesCreateUrlParams < 'a > { Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesCreateUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesCreateUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 1usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Put: /{index}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesCreateRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesCreateRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesCreateRequest { url : IndicesCreateUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesCreateRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: PUT , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatHealthUrlParams { None , } impl CatHealthUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatHealthUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/health" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/health`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatHealthRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatHealthRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/health`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatHealthRequest { url : CatHealthUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatHealthRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum FieldCapsUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > FieldCapsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { FieldCapsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_field_caps" ) } FieldCapsUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 13usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_field_caps" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_field_caps`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct FieldCapsRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > FieldCapsRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_field_caps`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { FieldCapsRequest { url : FieldCapsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_field_caps`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { FieldCapsRequest { url : FieldCapsUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for FieldCapsRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesRefreshUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesRefreshUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesRefreshUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_refresh" ) } IndicesRefreshUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 10usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_refresh" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_refresh`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesRefreshRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesRefreshRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_refresh`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { IndicesRefreshRequest { url : IndicesRefreshUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_refresh`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesRefreshRequest { url : IndicesRefreshUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesRefreshRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesDeleteTemplateUrlParams < 'a > { Name ( Name < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesDeleteTemplateUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesDeleteTemplateUrlParams :: Name ( ref name ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + name . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_template/" ) ; url . push_str ( name . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Delete: /_template/{name}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesDeleteTemplateRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesDeleteTemplateRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_template/{name}`" ] pub fn for_name < IName > ( name : IName ) -> Self where IName : Into < Name < 'a > > { IndicesDeleteTemplateRequest { url : IndicesDeleteTemplateUrlParams :: Name ( name . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesDeleteTemplateRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: DELETE , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesClearCacheUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesClearCacheUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesClearCacheUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cache/clear" ) } IndicesClearCacheUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 14usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cache/clear" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_cache/clear`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesClearCacheRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesClearCacheRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cache/clear`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { IndicesClearCacheRequest { url : IndicesClearCacheUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_cache/clear`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesClearCacheRequest { url : IndicesClearCacheUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesClearCacheRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesGetMappingUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , Type ( Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesGetMappingUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesGetMappingUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_mapping" ) } IndicesGetMappingUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 10usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_mapping" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesGetMappingUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_mapping/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesGetMappingUrlParams :: Type ( ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 10usize + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_mapping/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_mapping`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesGetMappingRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesGetMappingRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_mapping`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { IndicesGetMappingRequest { url : IndicesGetMappingUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_mapping`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesGetMappingRequest { url : IndicesGetMappingUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_mapping/{type}`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { IndicesGetMappingRequest { url : IndicesGetMappingUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_mapping/{type}`" ] pub fn for_ty < IType > ( ty : IType ) -> Self where IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { IndicesGetMappingRequest { url : IndicesGetMappingUrlParams :: Type ( ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesGetMappingRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum TermvectorsUrlParams < 'a > { IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , IndexTypeId ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > , Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > TermvectorsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { TermvectorsUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 15usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_termvectors" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } TermvectorsUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( ref index , ref ty , ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 16usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_termvectors" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{index}/{type}/_termvectors`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct TermvectorsRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > TermvectorsRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/_termvectors`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { TermvectorsRequest { url : TermvectorsUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/{id}/_termvectors`" ] pub fn for_index_ty_id < IIndex , IType , IId > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , id : IId , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > , IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { TermvectorsRequest { url : TermvectorsUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) , id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for TermvectorsRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum PingUrlParams { None , } impl PingUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { PingUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct PingRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > PingRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { PingRequest { url : PingUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for PingRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum PingHeadUrlParams { None , } impl PingHeadUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { PingHeadUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Head: /`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct PingHeadRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > PingHeadRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { PingHeadRequest { url : PingHeadUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for PingHeadRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: HEAD , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesForcemergeUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesForcemergeUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesForcemergeUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_forcemerge" ) } IndicesForcemergeUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 13usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_forcemerge" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_forcemerge`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesForcemergeRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesForcemergeRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_forcemerge`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { IndicesForcemergeRequest { url : IndicesForcemergeUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_forcemerge`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesForcemergeRequest { url : IndicesForcemergeUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesForcemergeRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ExistsSourceUrlParams < 'a > { IndexTypeId ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > , Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > ExistsSourceUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ExistsSourceUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( ref index , ref ty , ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_source" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Head: /{index}/{type}/{id}/_source`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ExistsSourceRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > ExistsSourceRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/{id}/_source`" ] pub fn for_index_ty_id < IIndex , IType , IId > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , id : IId ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > , IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { ExistsSourceRequest { url : ExistsSourceUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) , id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for ExistsSourceRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: HEAD , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum SnapshotDeleteUrlParams < 'a > { RepositorySnapshot ( Repository < 'a > , Snapshot < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > SnapshotDeleteUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { SnapshotDeleteUrlParams :: RepositorySnapshot ( ref repository , ref snapshot ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 12usize + repository . len ( ) + snapshot . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_snapshot/" ) ; url . push_str ( repository . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( snapshot . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Delete: /_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct SnapshotDeleteRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > SnapshotDeleteRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}`" ] pub fn for_repository_snapshot < IRepository , ISnapshot > ( repository : IRepository , snapshot : ISnapshot ) -> Self where IRepository : Into < Repository < 'a > > , ISnapshot : Into < Snapshot < 'a > > { SnapshotDeleteRequest { url : SnapshotDeleteUrlParams :: RepositorySnapshot ( repository . into ( ) , snapshot . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for SnapshotDeleteRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: DELETE , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum BulkUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > BulkUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { BulkUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_bulk" ) } BulkUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 7usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_bulk" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } BulkUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 8usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_bulk" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_bulk`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct BulkRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > BulkRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_bulk`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { BulkRequest { url : BulkUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_bulk`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { BulkRequest { url : BulkUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/_bulk`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { BulkRequest { url : BulkUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for BulkRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum SnapshotGetRepositoryUrlParams < 'a > { None , Repository ( Repository < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > SnapshotGetRepositoryUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { SnapshotGetRepositoryUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_snapshot" ) } SnapshotGetRepositoryUrlParams :: Repository ( ref repository ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + repository . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_snapshot/" ) ; url . push_str ( repository . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_snapshot`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_snapshot`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest { url : SnapshotGetRepositoryUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_snapshot/{repository}`" ] pub fn for_repository < IRepository > ( repository : IRepository ) -> Self where IRepository : Into < Repository < 'a > > { SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest { url : SnapshotGetRepositoryUrlParams :: Repository ( repository . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatRecoveryUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > CatRecoveryUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatRecoveryUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/recovery" ) } CatRecoveryUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 15usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cat/recovery/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/recovery`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatRecoveryRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatRecoveryRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/recovery`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatRecoveryRequest { url : CatRecoveryUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/recovery/{index}`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { CatRecoveryRequest { url : CatRecoveryUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatRecoveryRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum DeleteByQueryUrlParams < 'a > { Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > DeleteByQueryUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { DeleteByQueryUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 18usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_delete_by_query" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } DeleteByQueryUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 19usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_delete_by_query" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{index}/_delete_by_query`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct DeleteByQueryRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > DeleteByQueryRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_delete_by_query`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { DeleteByQueryRequest { url : DeleteByQueryUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/_delete_by_query`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { DeleteByQueryRequest { url : DeleteByQueryUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for DeleteByQueryRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum UpdateByQueryUrlParams < 'a > { Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > UpdateByQueryUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { UpdateByQueryUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 18usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_update_by_query" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } UpdateByQueryUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 19usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_update_by_query" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{index}/_update_by_query`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct UpdateByQueryRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > UpdateByQueryRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_update_by_query`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { UpdateByQueryRequest { url : UpdateByQueryUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/_update_by_query`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { UpdateByQueryRequest { url : UpdateByQueryUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for UpdateByQueryRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IngestPutPipelineUrlParams < 'a > { Id ( Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IngestPutPipelineUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IngestPutPipelineUrlParams :: Id ( ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 18usize + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_ingest/pipeline/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Put: /_ingest/pipeline/{id}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IngestPutPipelineRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IngestPutPipelineRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_ingest/pipeline/{id}`" ] pub fn for_id < IId > ( id : IId , body : B ) -> Self where IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { IngestPutPipelineRequest { url : IngestPutPipelineUrlParams :: Id ( id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IngestPutPipelineRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: PUT , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IngestSimulateUrlParams < 'a > { None , Id ( Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IngestSimulateUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IngestSimulateUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_ingest/pipeline/_simulate" ) } IngestSimulateUrlParams :: Id ( ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 28usize + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_ingest/pipeline/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_simulate" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_ingest/pipeline/_simulate`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IngestSimulateRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IngestSimulateRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_ingest/pipeline/_simulate`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { IngestSimulateRequest { url : IngestSimulateUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_ingest/pipeline/{id}/_simulate`" ] pub fn for_id < IId > ( id : IId , body : B ) -> Self where IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { IngestSimulateRequest { url : IngestSimulateUrlParams :: Id ( id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IngestSimulateRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum NodesReloadSecureSettingsUrlParams < 'a > { None , NodeId ( NodeId < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > NodesReloadSecureSettingsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { NodesReloadSecureSettingsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_nodes/reload_secure_settings" ) } NodesReloadSecureSettingsUrlParams :: NodeId ( ref node_id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 31usize + node_id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_nodes/" ) ; url . push_str ( node_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/reload_secure_settings" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_nodes/reload_secure_settings`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct NodesReloadSecureSettingsRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > NodesReloadSecureSettingsRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/reload_secure_settings`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { NodesReloadSecureSettingsRequest { url : NodesReloadSecureSettingsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_nodes/{node_id}/reload_secure_settings`" ] pub fn for_node_id < INodeId > ( node_id : INodeId , body : B ) -> Self where INodeId : Into < NodeId < 'a > > { NodesReloadSecureSettingsRequest { url : NodesReloadSecureSettingsUrlParams :: NodeId ( node_id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for NodesReloadSecureSettingsRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatSnapshotsUrlParams < 'a > { None , Repository ( Repository < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > CatSnapshotsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatSnapshotsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/snapshots" ) } CatSnapshotsUrlParams :: Repository ( ref repository ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 16usize + repository . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cat/snapshots/" ) ; url . push_str ( repository . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/snapshots`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatSnapshotsRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatSnapshotsRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/snapshots`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatSnapshotsRequest { url : CatSnapshotsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/snapshots/{repository}`" ] pub fn for_repository < IRepository > ( repository : IRepository ) -> Self where IRepository : Into < Repository < 'a > > { CatSnapshotsRequest { url : CatSnapshotsUrlParams :: Repository ( repository . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatSnapshotsRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesPutMappingUrlParams < 'a > { IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , Type ( Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesPutMappingUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesPutMappingUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 12usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_mappings/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesPutMappingUrlParams :: Type ( ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_mappings/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{index}/{type}/_mapping`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesPutMappingRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesPutMappingRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_mappings/{type}`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { IndicesPutMappingRequest { url : IndicesPutMappingUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_mappings/{type}`" ] pub fn for_ty < IType > ( ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { IndicesPutMappingRequest { url : IndicesPutMappingUrlParams :: Type ( ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesPutMappingRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum InfoUrlParams { None , } impl InfoUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { InfoUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct InfoRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > InfoRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { InfoRequest { url : InfoUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for InfoRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ExplainUrlParams < 'a > { IndexTypeId ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > , Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > ExplainUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ExplainUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( ref index , ref ty , ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 12usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_explain" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{index}/{type}/{id}/_explain`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ExplainRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > ExplainRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/{id}/_explain`" ] pub fn for_index_ty_id < IIndex , IType , IId > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , id : IId , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > , IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { ExplainRequest { url : ExplainUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) , id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for ExplainRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ClusterAllocationExplainUrlParams { None , } impl ClusterAllocationExplainUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ClusterAllocationExplainUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cluster/allocation/explain" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_cluster/allocation/explain`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ClusterAllocationExplainRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > ClusterAllocationExplainRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cluster/allocation/explain`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { ClusterAllocationExplainRequest { url : ClusterAllocationExplainUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for ClusterAllocationExplainRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesFlushUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesFlushUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesFlushUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_flush" ) } IndicesFlushUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 8usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_flush" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_flush`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesFlushRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesFlushRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_flush`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { IndicesFlushRequest { url : IndicesFlushUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_flush`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesFlushRequest { url : IndicesFlushUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesFlushRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ClusterRemoteInfoUrlParams { None , } impl ClusterRemoteInfoUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ClusterRemoteInfoUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_remote/info" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_remote/info`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ClusterRemoteInfoRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > ClusterRemoteInfoRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_remote/info`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { ClusterRemoteInfoRequest { url : ClusterRemoteInfoUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for ClusterRemoteInfoRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesGetUrlParams < 'a > { Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesGetUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesGetUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 1usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /{index}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesGetRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesGetRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesGetRequest { url : IndicesGetUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesGetRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum SnapshotRestoreUrlParams < 'a > { RepositorySnapshot ( Repository < 'a > , Snapshot < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > SnapshotRestoreUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { SnapshotRestoreUrlParams :: RepositorySnapshot ( ref repository , ref snapshot ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 21usize + repository . len ( ) + snapshot . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_snapshot/" ) ; url . push_str ( repository . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( snapshot . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_restore" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}/_restore`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct SnapshotRestoreRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > SnapshotRestoreRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}/_restore`" ] pub fn for_repository_snapshot < IRepository , ISnapshot > ( repository : IRepository , snapshot : ISnapshot , body : B ) -> Self where IRepository : Into < Repository < 'a > > , ISnapshot : Into < Snapshot < 'a > > { SnapshotRestoreRequest { url : SnapshotRestoreUrlParams :: RepositorySnapshot ( repository . into ( ) , snapshot . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for SnapshotRestoreRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum SnapshotCreateRepositoryUrlParams < 'a > { Repository ( Repository < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > SnapshotCreateRepositoryUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { SnapshotCreateRepositoryUrlParams :: Repository ( ref repository ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + repository . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_snapshot/" ) ; url . push_str ( repository . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_snapshot/{repository}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct SnapshotCreateRepositoryRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > SnapshotCreateRepositoryRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_snapshot/{repository}`" ] pub fn for_repository < IRepository > ( repository : IRepository , body : B ) -> Self where IRepository : Into < Repository < 'a > > { SnapshotCreateRepositoryRequest { url : SnapshotCreateRepositoryUrlParams :: Repository ( repository . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for SnapshotCreateRepositoryRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatSegmentsUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > CatSegmentsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatSegmentsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/segments" ) } CatSegmentsUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 15usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cat/segments/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/segments`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatSegmentsRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatSegmentsRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/segments`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatSegmentsRequest { url : CatSegmentsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/segments/{index}`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { CatSegmentsRequest { url : CatSegmentsUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatSegmentsRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesUpdateAliasesUrlParams { None , } impl IndicesUpdateAliasesUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesUpdateAliasesUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_aliases" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_aliases`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesUpdateAliasesRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesUpdateAliasesRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_aliases`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { IndicesUpdateAliasesRequest { url : IndicesUpdateAliasesUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesUpdateAliasesRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum SqlQueryUrlParams { None , } impl SqlQueryUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { SqlQueryUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_xpack/sql" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_xpack/sql`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](Execute SQL)" ] pub struct SqlQueryRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > SqlQueryRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_xpack/sql`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { SqlQueryRequest { url : SqlQueryUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for SqlQueryRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum UpdateUrlParams < 'a > { IndexTypeId ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > , Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > UpdateUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { UpdateUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( ref index , ref ty , ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_update" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{index}/{type}/{id}/_update`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct UpdateRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > UpdateRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/{id}/_update`" ] pub fn for_index_ty_id < IIndex , IType , IId > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , id : IId , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > , IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { UpdateRequest { url : UpdateUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) , id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for UpdateRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatCountUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > CatCountUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatCountUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/count" ) } CatCountUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 12usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cat/count/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/count`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatCountRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatCountRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/count`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatCountRequest { url : CatCountUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/count/{index}`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { CatCountRequest { url : CatCountUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatCountRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesShrinkUrlParams < 'a > { IndexTarget ( Index < 'a > , Target < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesShrinkUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesShrinkUrlParams :: IndexTarget ( ref index , ref target ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 10usize + index . len ( ) + target . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_shrink/" ) ; url . push_str ( target . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{index}/_shrink/{target}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesShrinkRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesShrinkRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_shrink/{target}`" ] pub fn for_index_target < IIndex , ITarget > ( index : IIndex , target : ITarget , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , ITarget : Into < Target < 'a > > { IndicesShrinkRequest { url : IndicesShrinkUrlParams :: IndexTarget ( index . into ( ) , target . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesShrinkRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ScrollUrlParams < 'a > { None , ScrollId ( ScrollId < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > ScrollUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ScrollUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_search/scroll" ) } ScrollUrlParams :: ScrollId ( ref scroll_id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 16usize + scroll_id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_search/scroll/" ) ; url . push_str ( scroll_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_search/scroll`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ScrollRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > ScrollRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_search/scroll`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { ScrollRequest { url : ScrollUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_search/scroll/{scroll_id}`" ] pub fn for_scroll_id < IScrollId > ( scroll_id : IScrollId , body : B ) -> Self where IScrollId : Into < ScrollId < 'a > > { ScrollRequest { url : ScrollUrlParams :: ScrollId ( scroll_id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for ScrollRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesExistsAliasUrlParams < 'a > { IndexName ( Index < 'a > , Name < 'a > ) , Name ( Name < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesExistsAliasUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesExistsAliasUrlParams :: IndexName ( ref index , ref name ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 9usize + index . len ( ) + name . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_alias/" ) ; url . push_str ( name . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesExistsAliasUrlParams :: Name ( ref name ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 8usize + name . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_alias/" ) ; url . push_str ( name . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Head: /_alias/{name}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesExistsAliasRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesExistsAliasRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_alias/{name}`" ] pub fn for_index_name < IIndex , IName > ( index : IIndex , name : IName ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IName : Into < Name < 'a > > { IndicesExistsAliasRequest { url : IndicesExistsAliasUrlParams :: IndexName ( index . into ( ) , name . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_alias/{name}`" ] pub fn for_name < IName > ( name : IName ) -> Self where IName : Into < Name < 'a > > { IndicesExistsAliasRequest { url : IndicesExistsAliasUrlParams :: Name ( name . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesExistsAliasRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: HEAD , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum GetScriptUrlParams < 'a > { Id ( Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > GetScriptUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { GetScriptUrlParams :: Id ( ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 10usize + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_scripts/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_scripts/{id}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct GetScriptRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > GetScriptRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_scripts/{id}`" ] pub fn for_id < IId > ( id : IId ) -> Self where IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { GetScriptRequest { url : GetScriptUrlParams :: Id ( id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for GetScriptRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatTasksUrlParams { None , } impl CatTasksUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatTasksUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/tasks" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/tasks`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatTasksRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatTasksRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/tasks`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatTasksRequest { url : CatTasksUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatTasksRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum GetSourceUrlParams < 'a > { IndexTypeId ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > , Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > GetSourceUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { GetSourceUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( ref index , ref ty , ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_source" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /{index}/{type}/{id}/_source`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct GetSourceRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > GetSourceRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/{id}/_source`" ] pub fn for_index_ty_id < IIndex , IType , IId > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , id : IId ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > , IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { GetSourceRequest { url : GetSourceUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) , id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for GetSourceRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ReindexUrlParams { None , } impl ReindexUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ReindexUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_reindex" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_reindex`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ReindexRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > ReindexRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_reindex`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { ReindexRequest { url : ReindexUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for ReindexRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesDeleteUrlParams < 'a > { Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesDeleteUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesDeleteUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 1usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Delete: /{index}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesDeleteRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesDeleteRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesDeleteRequest { url : IndicesDeleteUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesDeleteRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: DELETE , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesPutTemplateUrlParams < 'a > { Name ( Name < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesPutTemplateUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesPutTemplateUrlParams :: Name ( ref name ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + name . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_template/" ) ; url . push_str ( name . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_template/{name}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesPutTemplateRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesPutTemplateRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_template/{name}`" ] pub fn for_name < IName > ( name : IName , body : B ) -> Self where IName : Into < Name < 'a > > { IndicesPutTemplateRequest { url : IndicesPutTemplateUrlParams :: Name ( name . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesPutTemplateRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatMasterUrlParams { None , } impl CatMasterUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatMasterUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/master" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/master`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatMasterRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatMasterRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/master`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatMasterRequest { url : CatMasterUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatMasterRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ScriptsPainlessExecuteUrlParams { None , } impl ScriptsPainlessExecuteUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ScriptsPainlessExecuteUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_scripts/painless/_execute" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_scripts/painless/_execute`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ScriptsPainlessExecuteRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > ScriptsPainlessExecuteRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_scripts/painless/_execute`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { ScriptsPainlessExecuteRequest { url : ScriptsPainlessExecuteUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for ScriptsPainlessExecuteRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum SnapshotDeleteRepositoryUrlParams < 'a > { Repository ( Repository < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > SnapshotDeleteRepositoryUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { SnapshotDeleteRepositoryUrlParams :: Repository ( ref repository ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + repository . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_snapshot/" ) ; url . push_str ( repository . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Delete: /_snapshot/{repository}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct SnapshotDeleteRepositoryRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > SnapshotDeleteRepositoryRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_snapshot/{repository}`" ] pub fn for_repository < IRepository > ( repository : IRepository ) -> Self where IRepository : Into < Repository < 'a > > { SnapshotDeleteRepositoryRequest { url : SnapshotDeleteRepositoryUrlParams :: Repository ( repository . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for SnapshotDeleteRepositoryRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: DELETE , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesStatsUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexMetric ( Index < 'a > , Metric < 'a > ) , Metric ( Metric < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesStatsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesStatsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_stats" ) } IndicesStatsUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 8usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_stats" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesStatsUrlParams :: IndexMetric ( ref index , ref metric ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 9usize + index . len ( ) + metric . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_stats/" ) ; url . push_str ( metric . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesStatsUrlParams :: Metric ( ref metric ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 8usize + metric . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_stats/" ) ; url . push_str ( metric . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_stats`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesStatsRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesStatsRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_stats`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { IndicesStatsRequest { url : IndicesStatsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_stats`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesStatsRequest { url : IndicesStatsUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_stats/{metric}`" ] pub fn for_index_metric < IIndex , IMetric > ( index : IIndex , metric : IMetric ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IMetric : Into < Metric < 'a > > { IndicesStatsRequest { url : IndicesStatsUrlParams :: IndexMetric ( index . into ( ) , metric . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_stats/{metric}`" ] pub fn for_metric < IMetric > ( metric : IMetric ) -> Self where IMetric : Into < Metric < 'a > > { IndicesStatsRequest { url : IndicesStatsUrlParams :: Metric ( metric . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesStatsRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndexUrlParams < 'a > { IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , IndexTypeId ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > , Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndexUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndexUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 2usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndexUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( ref index , ref ty , ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 3usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{index}/{type}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndexRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndexRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { IndexRequest { url : IndexUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/{id}`" ] pub fn for_index_ty_id < IIndex , IType , IId > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , id : IId , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > , IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { IndexRequest { url : IndexUrlParams :: IndexTypeId ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) , id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndexRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatShardsUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > CatShardsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatShardsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/shards" ) } CatShardsUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 13usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cat/shards/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/shards`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatShardsRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatShardsRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/shards`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatShardsRequest { url : CatShardsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/shards/{index}`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { CatShardsRequest { url : CatShardsUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatShardsRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CountUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > CountUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CountUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_count" ) } CountUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 8usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_count" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } CountUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 9usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_count" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_count`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CountRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > CountRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_count`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { CountRequest { url : CountUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_count`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { CountRequest { url : CountUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/_count`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { CountRequest { url : CountUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for CountRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum MtermvectorsUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > MtermvectorsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { MtermvectorsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_mtermvectors" ) } MtermvectorsUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 15usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_mtermvectors" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } MtermvectorsUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 16usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_mtermvectors" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_mtermvectors`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct MtermvectorsRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > MtermvectorsRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_mtermvectors`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { MtermvectorsRequest { url : MtermvectorsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_mtermvectors`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { MtermvectorsRequest { url : MtermvectorsUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/_mtermvectors`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { MtermvectorsRequest { url : MtermvectorsUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for MtermvectorsRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IngestDeletePipelineUrlParams < 'a > { Id ( Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IngestDeletePipelineUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IngestDeletePipelineUrlParams :: Id ( ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 18usize + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_ingest/pipeline/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Delete: /_ingest/pipeline/{id}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IngestDeletePipelineRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IngestDeletePipelineRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_ingest/pipeline/{id}`" ] pub fn for_id < IId > ( id : IId ) -> Self where IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { IngestDeletePipelineRequest { url : IngestDeletePipelineUrlParams :: Id ( id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IngestDeletePipelineRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: DELETE , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesPutAliasUrlParams < 'a > { IndexName ( Index < 'a > , Name < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesPutAliasUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesPutAliasUrlParams :: IndexName ( ref index , ref name ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + index . len ( ) + name . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_aliases/" ) ; url . push_str ( name . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{index}/_alias/{name}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesPutAliasRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesPutAliasRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_aliases/{name}`" ] pub fn for_index_name < IIndex , IName > ( index : IIndex , name : IName , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IName : Into < Name < 'a > > { IndicesPutAliasRequest { url : IndicesPutAliasUrlParams :: IndexName ( index . into ( ) , name . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesPutAliasRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum DeleteScriptUrlParams < 'a > { Id ( Id < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > DeleteScriptUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { DeleteScriptUrlParams :: Id ( ref id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 10usize + id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_scripts/" ) ; url . push_str ( id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Delete: /_scripts/{id}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct DeleteScriptRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > DeleteScriptRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_scripts/{id}`" ] pub fn for_id < IId > ( id : IId ) -> Self where IId : Into < Id < 'a > > { DeleteScriptRequest { url : DeleteScriptUrlParams :: Id ( id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for DeleteScriptRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: DELETE , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatNodesUrlParams { None , } impl CatNodesUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatNodesUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/nodes" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/nodes`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatNodesRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatNodesRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/nodes`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatNodesRequest { url : CatNodesUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatNodesRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum TasksCancelUrlParams < 'a > { None , TaskId ( TaskId < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > TasksCancelUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { TasksCancelUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_tasks/_cancel" ) } TasksCancelUrlParams :: TaskId ( ref task_id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 16usize + task_id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_tasks/" ) ; url . push_str ( task_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cancel" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_tasks`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct TasksCancelRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > TasksCancelRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_tasks/_cancel`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { TasksCancelRequest { url : TasksCancelUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_tasks/{task_id}/_cancel`" ] pub fn for_task_id < ITaskId > ( task_id : ITaskId , body : B ) -> Self where ITaskId : Into < TaskId < 'a > > { TasksCancelRequest { url : TasksCancelUrlParams :: TaskId ( task_id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for TasksCancelRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesSegmentsUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesSegmentsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesSegmentsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_segments" ) } IndicesSegmentsUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_segments" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_segments`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesSegmentsRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesSegmentsRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_segments`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { IndicesSegmentsRequest { url : IndicesSegmentsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_segments`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesSegmentsRequest { url : IndicesSegmentsUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesSegmentsRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum SimpleSearchUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > SimpleSearchUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { SimpleSearchUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_search" ) } SimpleSearchUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 9usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_search" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } SimpleSearchUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 10usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_search" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_search`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct SimpleSearchRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > SimpleSearchRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_search`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { SimpleSearchRequest { url : SimpleSearchUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_search`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { SimpleSearchRequest { url : SimpleSearchUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/_search`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { SimpleSearchRequest { url : SimpleSearchUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for SimpleSearchRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum SearchUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > SearchUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { SearchUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_search" ) } SearchUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 9usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_search" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } SearchUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 10usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_search" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_search`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct SearchRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > SearchRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_search`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { SearchRequest { url : SearchUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_search`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { SearchRequest { url : SearchUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/_search`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { SearchRequest { url : SearchUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for SearchRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesGetUpgradeUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesGetUpgradeUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesGetUpgradeUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_upgrade" ) } IndicesGetUpgradeUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 10usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_upgrade" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_upgrade`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesGetUpgradeRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesGetUpgradeRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_upgrade`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { IndicesGetUpgradeRequest { url : IndicesGetUpgradeUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_upgrade`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesGetUpgradeRequest { url : IndicesGetUpgradeUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesGetUpgradeRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum DeleteByQueryRethrottleUrlParams < 'a > { TaskId ( TaskId < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > DeleteByQueryRethrottleUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { DeleteByQueryRethrottleUrlParams :: TaskId ( ref task_id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 30usize + task_id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_delete_by_query/" ) ; url . push_str ( task_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_rethrottle" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_delete_by_query/{task_id}/_rethrottle`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct DeleteByQueryRethrottleRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > DeleteByQueryRethrottleRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_delete_by_query/{task_id}/_rethrottle`" ] pub fn for_task_id < ITaskId > ( task_id : ITaskId , body : B ) -> Self where ITaskId : Into < TaskId < 'a > > { DeleteByQueryRethrottleRequest { url : DeleteByQueryRethrottleUrlParams :: TaskId ( task_id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for DeleteByQueryRethrottleRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesGetAliasUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexName ( Index < 'a > , Name < 'a > ) , Name ( Name < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesGetAliasUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesGetAliasUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_alias" ) } IndicesGetAliasUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 8usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_alias" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesGetAliasUrlParams :: IndexName ( ref index , ref name ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 9usize + index . len ( ) + name . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_alias/" ) ; url . push_str ( name . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesGetAliasUrlParams :: Name ( ref name ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 8usize + name . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_alias/" ) ; url . push_str ( name . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_alias/`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesGetAliasRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesGetAliasRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_alias`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { IndicesGetAliasRequest { url : IndicesGetAliasUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_alias`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesGetAliasRequest { url : IndicesGetAliasUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_alias/{name}`" ] pub fn for_index_name < IIndex , IName > ( index : IIndex , name : IName ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IName : Into < Name < 'a > > { IndicesGetAliasRequest { url : IndicesGetAliasUrlParams :: IndexName ( index . into ( ) , name . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_alias/{name}`" ] pub fn for_name < IName > ( name : IName ) -> Self where IName : Into < Name < 'a > > { IndicesGetAliasRequest { url : IndicesGetAliasUrlParams :: Name ( name . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesGetAliasRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum TasksGetUrlParams < 'a > { TaskId ( TaskId < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > TasksGetUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { TasksGetUrlParams :: TaskId ( ref task_id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 8usize + task_id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_tasks/" ) ; url . push_str ( task_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_tasks/{task_id}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct TasksGetRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > TasksGetRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_tasks/{task_id}`" ] pub fn for_task_id < ITaskId > ( task_id : ITaskId ) -> Self where ITaskId : Into < TaskId < 'a > > { TasksGetRequest { url : TasksGetUrlParams :: TaskId ( task_id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for TasksGetRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesValidateQueryUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesValidateQueryUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesValidateQueryUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_validate/query" ) } IndicesValidateQueryUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 17usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_validate/query" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } IndicesValidateQueryUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 18usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_validate/query" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_validate/query`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesValidateQueryRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesValidateQueryRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_validate/query`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { IndicesValidateQueryRequest { url : IndicesValidateQueryUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_validate/query`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesValidateQueryRequest { url : IndicesValidateQueryUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/{type}/_validate/query`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { IndicesValidateQueryRequest { url : IndicesValidateQueryUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesValidateQueryRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesPutSettingsUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesPutSettingsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesPutSettingsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_settings" ) } IndicesPutSettingsUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_settings" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Put: /_settings`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesPutSettingsRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesPutSettingsRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_settings`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { IndicesPutSettingsRequest { url : IndicesPutSettingsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_settings`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesPutSettingsRequest { url : IndicesPutSettingsUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesPutSettingsRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: PUT , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ClusterStatsUrlParams < 'a > { None , NodeId ( NodeId < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > ClusterStatsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ClusterStatsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cluster/stats" ) } ClusterStatsUrlParams :: NodeId ( ref node_id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 22usize + node_id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cluster/stats/nodes/" ) ; url . push_str ( node_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cluster/stats`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ClusterStatsRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > ClusterStatsRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cluster/stats`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { ClusterStatsRequest { url : ClusterStatsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cluster/stats/nodes/{node_id}`" ] pub fn for_node_id < INodeId > ( node_id : INodeId ) -> Self where INodeId : Into < NodeId < 'a > > { ClusterStatsRequest { url : ClusterStatsUrlParams :: NodeId ( node_id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for ClusterStatsRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatHelpUrlParams { None , } impl CatHelpUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatHelpUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatHelpRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatHelpRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatHelpRequest { url : CatHelpUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatHelpRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ClusterGetSettingsUrlParams { None , } impl ClusterGetSettingsUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ClusterGetSettingsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cluster/settings" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cluster/settings`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ClusterGetSettingsRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > ClusterGetSettingsRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cluster/settings`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { ClusterGetSettingsRequest { url : ClusterGetSettingsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for ClusterGetSettingsRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatTemplatesUrlParams < 'a > { None , Name ( Name < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > CatTemplatesUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatTemplatesUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/templates" ) } CatTemplatesUrlParams :: Name ( ref name ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 16usize + name . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cat/templates/" ) ; url . push_str ( name . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/templates`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatTemplatesRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatTemplatesRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/templates`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatTemplatesRequest { url : CatTemplatesUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/templates/{name}`" ] pub fn for_name < IName > ( name : IName ) -> Self where IName : Into < Name < 'a > > { CatTemplatesRequest { url : CatTemplatesUrlParams :: Name ( name . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatTemplatesRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatAliasesUrlParams < 'a > { None , Name ( Name < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > CatAliasesUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatAliasesUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/aliases" ) } CatAliasesUrlParams :: Name ( ref name ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 14usize + name . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cat/aliases/" ) ; url . push_str ( name . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/aliases`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatAliasesRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatAliasesRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/aliases`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatAliasesRequest { url : CatAliasesUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/aliases/{name}`" ] pub fn for_name < IName > ( name : IName ) -> Self where IName : Into < Name < 'a > > { CatAliasesRequest { url : CatAliasesUrlParams :: Name ( name . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatAliasesRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesExistsUrlParams < 'a > { Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesExistsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesExistsUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 1usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Head: /{index}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesExistsRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesExistsRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesExistsRequest { url : IndicesExistsUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesExistsRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: HEAD , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesAnalyzeUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesAnalyzeUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesAnalyzeUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_analyze" ) } IndicesAnalyzeUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 10usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_analyze" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_analyze`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesAnalyzeRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > IndicesAnalyzeRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_analyze`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { IndicesAnalyzeRequest { url : IndicesAnalyzeUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_analyze`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesAnalyzeRequest { url : IndicesAnalyzeUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for IndicesAnalyzeRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum SnapshotGetUrlParams < 'a > { RepositorySnapshot ( Repository < 'a > , Snapshot < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > SnapshotGetUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { SnapshotGetUrlParams :: RepositorySnapshot ( ref repository , ref snapshot ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 12usize + repository . len ( ) + snapshot . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_snapshot/" ) ; url . push_str ( repository . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( snapshot . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct SnapshotGetRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > SnapshotGetRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}`" ] pub fn for_repository_snapshot < IRepository , ISnapshot > ( repository : IRepository , snapshot : ISnapshot ) -> Self where IRepository : Into < Repository < 'a > > , ISnapshot : Into < Snapshot < 'a > > { SnapshotGetRequest { url : SnapshotGetUrlParams :: RepositorySnapshot ( repository . into ( ) , snapshot . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for SnapshotGetRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ClusterStateUrlParams < 'a > { None , Metric ( Metric < 'a > ) , MetricIndex ( Metric < 'a > , Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > ClusterStateUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ClusterStateUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cluster/state" ) } ClusterStateUrlParams :: Metric ( ref metric ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 16usize + metric . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cluster/state/" ) ; url . push_str ( metric . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } ClusterStateUrlParams :: MetricIndex ( ref metric , ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 17usize + metric . len ( ) + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_cluster/state/" ) ; url . push_str ( metric . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cluster/state`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ClusterStateRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > ClusterStateRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cluster/state`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { ClusterStateRequest { url : ClusterStateUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cluster/state/{metric}`" ] pub fn for_metric < IMetric > ( metric : IMetric ) -> Self where IMetric : Into < Metric < 'a > > { ClusterStateRequest { url : ClusterStateUrlParams :: Metric ( metric . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cluster/state/{metric}/{index}`" ] pub fn for_metric_index < IMetric , IIndex > ( metric : IMetric , index : IIndex ) -> Self where IMetric : Into < Metric < 'a > > , IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { ClusterStateRequest { url : ClusterStateUrlParams :: MetricIndex ( metric . into ( ) , index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for ClusterStateRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesDeleteAliasUrlParams < 'a > { IndexName ( Index < 'a > , Name < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesDeleteAliasUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesDeleteAliasUrlParams :: IndexName ( ref index , ref name ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + index . len ( ) + name . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_aliases/" ) ; url . push_str ( name . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Delete: /{index}/_alias/{name}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesDeleteAliasRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesDeleteAliasRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_aliases/{name}`" ] pub fn for_index_name < IIndex , IName > ( index : IIndex , name : IName ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IName : Into < Name < 'a > > { IndicesDeleteAliasRequest { url : IndicesDeleteAliasUrlParams :: IndexName ( index . into ( ) , name . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesDeleteAliasRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: DELETE , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesExistsTypeUrlParams < 'a > { IndexType ( Index < 'a > , Type < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesExistsTypeUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesExistsTypeUrlParams :: IndexType ( ref index , ref ty ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + index . len ( ) + ty . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_mapping/" ) ; url . push_str ( ty . as_ref ( ) ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Head: /{index}/_mapping/{type}`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesExistsTypeRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesExistsTypeRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_mapping/{type}`" ] pub fn for_index_ty < IIndex , IType > ( index : IIndex , ty : IType ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > , IType : Into < Type < 'a > > { IndicesExistsTypeRequest { url : IndicesExistsTypeUrlParams :: IndexType ( index . into ( ) , ty . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesExistsTypeRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: HEAD , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum SearchShardsUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > SearchShardsUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { SearchShardsUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_search_shards" ) } SearchShardsUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 16usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_search_shards" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /{index}/_search_shards`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct SearchShardsRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > SearchShardsRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_search_shards`" ] pub fn new ( body : B ) -> Self { SearchShardsRequest { url : SearchShardsUrlParams :: None . url ( ) , body : body } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_search_shards`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex , body : B ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { SearchShardsRequest { url : SearchShardsUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for SearchShardsRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum SnapshotVerifyRepositoryUrlParams < 'a > { Repository ( Repository < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > SnapshotVerifyRepositoryUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { SnapshotVerifyRepositoryUrlParams :: Repository ( ref repository ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 19usize + repository . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_snapshot/" ) ; url . push_str ( repository . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_verify" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_snapshot/{repository}/_verify`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct SnapshotVerifyRepositoryRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > SnapshotVerifyRepositoryRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_snapshot/{repository}/_verify`" ] pub fn for_repository < IRepository > ( repository : IRepository , body : B ) -> Self where IRepository : Into < Repository < 'a > > { SnapshotVerifyRepositoryRequest { url : SnapshotVerifyRepositoryUrlParams :: Repository ( repository . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for SnapshotVerifyRepositoryRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum ReindexRethrottleUrlParams < 'a > { TaskId ( TaskId < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > ReindexRethrottleUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { ReindexRethrottleUrlParams :: TaskId ( ref task_id ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 22usize + task_id . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_reindex/" ) ; url . push_str ( task_id . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_rethrottle" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Post: /_reindex/{task_id}/_rethrottle`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct ReindexRethrottleRequest < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub body : B } impl < 'a , B > ReindexRethrottleRequest < 'a , B > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_reindex/{task_id}/_rethrottle`" ] pub fn for_task_id < ITaskId > ( task_id : ITaskId , body : B ) -> Self where ITaskId : Into < TaskId < 'a > > { ReindexRethrottleRequest { url : ReindexRethrottleUrlParams :: TaskId ( task_id . into ( ) ) . url ( ) , body : body } } } impl < 'a , B > Into < Endpoint < 'a , B > > for ReindexRethrottleRequest < 'a , B > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , B > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: POST , body : Some ( self . body ) } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum TasksListUrlParams { None , } impl TasksListUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { TasksListUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_tasks" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_tasks`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct TasksListRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > TasksListRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_tasks`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { TasksListRequest { url : TasksListUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for TasksListRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesRecoveryUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesRecoveryUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesRecoveryUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_recovery" ) } IndicesRecoveryUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 11usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_recovery" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_recovery`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesRecoveryRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesRecoveryRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_recovery`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { IndicesRecoveryRequest { url : IndicesRecoveryUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_recovery`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesRecoveryRequest { url : IndicesRecoveryUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesRecoveryRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum IndicesShardStoresUrlParams < 'a > { None , Index ( Index < 'a > ) , } impl < 'a > IndicesShardStoresUrlParams < 'a > { pub fn url ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { IndicesShardStoresUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_shard_stores" ) } IndicesShardStoresUrlParams :: Index ( ref index ) => { let mut url = String :: with_capacity ( 15usize + index . len ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/" ) ; url . push_str ( index . as_ref ( ) ) ; url . push_str ( "/_shard_stores" ) ; UrlPath :: from ( url ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_shard_stores`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct IndicesShardStoresRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > IndicesShardStoresRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_shard_stores`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { IndicesShardStoresRequest { url : IndicesShardStoresUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } # [ doc = "Request to: `/{index}/_shard_stores`" ] pub fn for_index < IIndex > ( index : IIndex ) -> Self where IIndex : Into < Index < 'a > > { IndicesShardStoresRequest { url : IndicesShardStoresUrlParams :: Index ( index . into ( ) ) . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for IndicesShardStoresRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] enum CatPendingTasksUrlParams { None , } impl CatPendingTasksUrlParams { pub fn url < 'a > ( self ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { match self { CatPendingTasksUrlParams :: None => { UrlPath :: from ( "/_cat/pending_tasks" ) } } } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = "`Get: /_cat/pending_tasks`\n\n[Elasticsearch Documentation](" ] pub struct CatPendingTasksRequest < 'a > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > } impl < 'a > CatPendingTasksRequest < 'a > { # [ doc = "Request to: `/_cat/pending_tasks`" ] pub fn new ( ) -> Self { CatPendingTasksRequest { url : CatPendingTasksUrlParams :: None . url ( ) } } } impl < 'a > Into < Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > > for CatPendingTasksRequest < 'a > { fn into ( self ) -> Endpoint < 'a , DefaultBody > { Endpoint { url : self . url , method : Method :: GET , body : None } } } }
pub mod http { use std :: borrow :: Cow ; use std :: ops :: Deref ; extern crate http ; pub use self :: http :: Method ;
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = r" A wrapper around an owned or borrowed url path." ] pub struct UrlPath < 'a > ( Cow < 'a , str > ) ; impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for UrlPath < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { UrlPath ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for UrlPath < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> UrlPath < 'a > { UrlPath ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > Deref for UrlPath < 'a > { type Target = Cow < 'a , str > ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & Cow < 'a , str > { & self . 0 } } # [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] # [ doc = r" A general request type that all endpoints can be converted into." ] pub struct Endpoint < 'a , B > { pub url : UrlPath < 'a > , pub method : Method , pub body : Option < B > } # [ doc = r" A default body type." ] pub type DefaultBody = & 'static [ u8 ] ; # [ doc = r" A convenience method for a default, empty body." ] # [ doc = r" This method doesn't allocate." ] pub fn empty_body ( ) -> DefaultBody { & [ ] } }
pub mod params { use std :: borrow :: Cow ;
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct Alias < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn alias < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> Alias < 'a > where I : Into < Alias < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for Alias < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> Alias < 'a > { Alias ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for Alias < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> Alias < 'a > { Alias ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < Alias < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : Alias < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for Alias < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct Context < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn context < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> Context < 'a > where I : Into < Context < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for Context < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> Context < 'a > { Context ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for Context < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> Context < 'a > { Context ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < Context < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : Context < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for Context < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct Fields < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn fields < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> Fields < 'a > where I : Into < Fields < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for Fields < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> Fields < 'a > { Fields ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for Fields < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> Fields < 'a > { Fields ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < Fields < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : Fields < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for Fields < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct Id < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn id < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> Id < 'a > where I : Into < Id < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for Id < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> Id < 'a > { Id ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for Id < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> Id < 'a > { Id ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < Id < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : Id < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for Id < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct Index < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn index < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> Index < 'a > where I : Into < Index < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for Index < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> Index < 'a > { Index ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for Index < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> Index < 'a > { Index ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < Index < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : Index < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for Index < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct IndexMetric < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn index_metric < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> IndexMetric < 'a > where I : Into < IndexMetric < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for IndexMetric < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> IndexMetric < 'a > { IndexMetric ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for IndexMetric < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> IndexMetric < 'a > { IndexMetric ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < IndexMetric < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : IndexMetric < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for IndexMetric < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct Metric < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn metric < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> Metric < 'a > where I : Into < Metric < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for Metric < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> Metric < 'a > { Metric ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for Metric < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> Metric < 'a > { Metric ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < Metric < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : Metric < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for Metric < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct Name < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn name < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> Name < 'a > where I : Into < Name < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for Name < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> Name < 'a > { Name ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for Name < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> Name < 'a > { Name ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < Name < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : Name < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for Name < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct NewIndex < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn new_index < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> NewIndex < 'a > where I : Into < NewIndex < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for NewIndex < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> NewIndex < 'a > { NewIndex ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for NewIndex < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> NewIndex < 'a > { NewIndex ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < NewIndex < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : NewIndex < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for NewIndex < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct NodeId < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn node_id < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> NodeId < 'a > where I : Into < NodeId < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for NodeId < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> NodeId < 'a > { NodeId ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for NodeId < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> NodeId < 'a > { NodeId ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < NodeId < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : NodeId < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for NodeId < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct Repository < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn repository < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> Repository < 'a > where I : Into < Repository < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for Repository < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> Repository < 'a > { Repository ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for Repository < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> Repository < 'a > { Repository ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < Repository < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : Repository < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for Repository < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct ScrollId < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn scroll_id < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> ScrollId < 'a > where I : Into < ScrollId < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for ScrollId < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> ScrollId < 'a > { ScrollId ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for ScrollId < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> ScrollId < 'a > { ScrollId ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < ScrollId < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : ScrollId < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for ScrollId < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct Snapshot < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn snapshot < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> Snapshot < 'a > where I : Into < Snapshot < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for Snapshot < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> Snapshot < 'a > { Snapshot ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for Snapshot < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> Snapshot < 'a > { Snapshot ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < Snapshot < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : Snapshot < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for Snapshot < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct Target < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn target < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> Target < 'a > where I : Into < Target < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for Target < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> Target < 'a > { Target ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for Target < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> Target < 'a > { Target ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < Target < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : Target < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for Target < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct TaskId < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn task_id < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> TaskId < 'a > where I : Into < TaskId < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for TaskId < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> TaskId < 'a > { TaskId ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for TaskId < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> TaskId < 'a > { TaskId ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < TaskId < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : TaskId < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for TaskId < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct ThreadPoolPatterns < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn thread_pool_patterns < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> ThreadPoolPatterns < 'a > where I : Into < ThreadPoolPatterns < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for ThreadPoolPatterns < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> ThreadPoolPatterns < 'a > { ThreadPoolPatterns ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for ThreadPoolPatterns < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> ThreadPoolPatterns < 'a > { ThreadPoolPatterns ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < ThreadPoolPatterns < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : ThreadPoolPatterns < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for ThreadPoolPatterns < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
# [ derive ( Debug , PartialEq , Clone ) ] pub struct Type < 'a > ( pub Cow < 'a , str > ) ; pub fn ty < 'a , I > ( value : I ) -> Type < 'a > where I : Into < Type < 'a > > { value . into ( ) } impl < 'a > From < & 'a str > for Type < 'a > { fn from ( value : & 'a str ) -> Type < 'a > { Type ( Cow :: Borrowed ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < String > for Type < 'a > { fn from ( value : String ) -> Type < 'a > { Type ( Cow :: Owned ( value ) ) } } impl < 'a > From < Type < 'a > > for Cow < 'a , str > { fn from ( value : Type < 'a > ) -> Cow < 'a , str > { value . 0 } } impl < 'a > :: std :: ops :: Deref for Type < 'a > { type Target = str ; fn deref ( & self ) -> & str { & self . 0 } }
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