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Created March 18, 2024 05:12
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Pretty Print for Slurm `sinfo`. It uses [rich]( You can install it globally via `sudo pip install rich`.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This script displays sinfo in a pretty table.
import platform
import subprocess
import sys
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table
except ImportError:
sys.exit("Please install rich: pip install rich")
def run_command(args):
# Command construction
command = ['sinfo', '-N'] + args
result =, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
return result.stdout
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"Error running sinfo: {e}")
def parse_output(output):
# Splitting the output into lines
lines = output.strip().split('\n')
# Assuming first line is header
headers = lines[0].split()
# Parsing each row
rows = [line.split() for line in lines[1:]]
return headers, rows
def display_table(headers, rows, title="sinfo"):
console = Console()
table = Table(title=title, show_header=True, highlight=True)
# Renaming the headers
rename_map = {
headers = [rename_map.get(h, h) for h in headers]
# Adding columns to the table
for header in headers:
table.add_column(header, no_wrap=True)
# Get the current user's name to highlight it
current_node = platform.node()
# Get the index of the "USER" column
node_index = headers.index("NODE") if "NODE" in headers else None
gpus_index = headers.index("GPUS") if "GPUS" in headers else None
gpusused_index = headers.index("GPUS_USED") if "GPUS_USED" in headers else None
reason_index = headers.index("REASON") if "REASON" in headers else None
cpuload_index = headers.index("CPU_LOAD") if "CPU_LOAD" in headers else None
memused_index = headers.index("MEM_USED") if "MEM_USED" in headers else None
mem_index = headers.index("MEMORY") if "MEMORY" in headers else None
# Adding rows to the table
for row in rows:
# Replace "gpu:" with ""
if gpus_index is not None:
row[gpus_index] = row[gpus_index].replace("gpu:", "")
if gpusused_index is not None:
row[gpusused_index] = row[gpusused_index].replace("gpu:", "")
# Replace "None" with empty string
if reason_index is not None and row[reason_index].lower() == "none":
row[reason_index] = ""
# Add % symbol with 2 decimal points to CPU_LOAD
if cpuload_index is not None:
row[cpuload_index] = f"{row[cpuload_index]}%"
# Convert FREE_MEM and MEMORY to GB and display GB, and convert FREE_MEM to MEM_USED
if memused_index is not None and mem_index is not None:
y = int(row[mem_index]) / 1024
x = (int(row[mem_index]) - int(row[memused_index])) / 1024
row[memused_index] = f"{x:.2f} GB"
if mem_index is not None:
y = int(row[mem_index]) / 1024
row[mem_index] = f"{y:.2f} GB"
# Highlight the current node's name
style = None
if node_index is not None and row[node_index] == current_node:
style = "bold"
table.add_row(*row, style=style)
# Displaying the table
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Getting additional arguments passed to the script
additional_args = sys.argv[1:]
# If no specific format is provided, use the default format
args_str = ' '.join(additional_args)
if '--Format' not in args_str and '-O' not in args_str:
additional_args += ["--Format=NodeList,GresUsed,Gres,FreeMem,Memory,CPUsLoad,CPUs,StateLong,Reason"] # noqa
output = run_command(additional_args)
headers, rows = parse_output(output)
display_table(headers, rows, title="sinfo "+args_str)
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Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 18 27 05

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