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OpenShift Console Dynamic Plugin SDK - Docs for console-extensions.json as of v0.0.3

This is copied from[email protected]/doc/ Pasted here to render the markdown for easier reference before it is published somewhere official.

OpenShift Console Extension Types

  1. console.action/filter
  2. console.action/group
  3. console.action/provider
  4. console.action/resource-provider
  5. console.alert-action
  6. console.catalog/item-filter
  7. console.catalog/item-provider
  8. console.catalog/item-type
  9. console.context-provider
  10. console.dashboards/card
  11. console.dashboards/overview/activity/resource
  12. console.dashboards/overview/health/operator
  13. console.dashboards/overview/health/prometheus
  14. console.dashboards/overview/health/resource
  15. console.dashboards/overview/health/url
  16. console.dashboards/overview/inventory/item
  17. console.dashboards/overview/inventory/item/group
  18. console.dashboards/tab
  19. console.file-upload
  20. console.flag
  21. console.flag/model
  23. console.navigation/href
  24. console.navigation/resource-cluster
  25. console.navigation/resource-ns
  26. console.navigation/section
  27. console.navigation/separator
  33. console.perspective
  34. console.pvc/alert
  35. console.pvc/create-prop
  36. console.pvc/delete
  37. console.pvc/status
  38. console.redux-reducer
  39. console.resource-metadata
  40. console.resource/create
  43. console.telemetry/listener
  44. console.topology/adapter/build
  45. console.topology/adapter/network
  46. console.topology/adapter/pod
  47. console.topology/component/factory
  48. console.topology/create/connector
  49. console.topology/data/factory
  50. console.topology/decorator/provider
  51. console.topology/details/resource-alert
  52. console.topology/details/resource-link
  53. console.topology/details/tab
  54. console.topology/details/tab-section
  55. console.topology/display/filters
  56. console.topology/relationship/provider
  57. console.user-preference/group
  58. console.user-preference/item
  59. console.yaml-template
  60. dev-console.add/action
  61. dev-console.add/action-group



ActionFilter can be used to filter an action


Name Value Type Optional Description
contextId string no The context ID helps to narrow the scope of contributed actions to a particular area of the application. Ex - topology, helm
filter CodeRef<(scope: any, action: Action) => boolean> no A function which will filter actions based on some conditions.
scope: The scope in which actions should be provided for.
Note: hook may be required if we want to remove the ModifyCount action from a deployment with HPA



ActionGroup contributes an action group that can also be a submenu


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no ID used to identify the action section.
label string yes The label to display in the UI.
Required for submenus.
submenu boolean yes Whether this group should be displayed as submenu
insertBefore string | string[] yes Insert this item before the item referenced here.
For arrays, the first one found in order is used.
insertAfter string | string[] yes Insert this item after the item referenced here.
For arrays, the first one found in order is used.
insertBefore takes precedence.



ActionProvider contributes a hook that returns list of actions for specific context


Name Value Type Optional Description
contextId string no The context ID helps to narrow the scope of contributed actions to a particular area of the application. Ex - topology, helm
provider CodeRef<ExtensionHook<Action[], any>> no A react hook which returns actions for the given scope.
If contextId = resource then the scope will always be a K8s resource object



ResourceActionProvider contributes a hook that returns list of actions for specific resource model


Name Value Type Optional Description
model ExtensionK8sKindVersionModel no The model for which this provider provides actions for.
provider CodeRef<ExtensionHook<Action[], any>> no A react hook which returns actions for the given resource model



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
alert string no
text string no
action CodeRef<(alert: any) => void> no



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
catalogId string | string[] no The unique identifier for the catalog this provider contributes to.
type string no Type ID for the catalog item type.
filter CodeRef<(item: CatalogItem) => boolean> no Filters items of a specific type. Value is a function that takes CatalogItem[] and returns a subset based on the filter criteria.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
catalogId string | string[] no The unique identifier for the catalog this provider contributes to.
type string no Type ID for the catalog item type.
provider CodeRef<ExtensionHook<CatalogItem<any>[], CatalogExtensionHookOptions>> no Fetch items and normalize it for the catalog. Value is a react effect hook.
priority number yes Priority for this provider. Defaults to 0. Higher priority providers may override catalog
items provided by other providers.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
type string no Type for the catalog item.
title string no Title for the catalog item.
catalogDescription string yes Description for the type specific catalog.
typeDescription string yes Description for the catalog item type.
filters CatalogItemAttribute[] yes Custom filters specific to the catalog item.
groupings CatalogItemAttribute[] yes Custom groupings specific to the catalog item.



Adds new React context provider to Console application root.


Name Value Type Optional Description
provider CodeRef<Provider<T>> no Context Provider component.
useValueHook CodeRef<() => T> no Hook for the Context value.



Adds a new dashboard card.


Name Value Type Optional Description
tab string no The id of the dashboard tab to which the card will be added.
position 'LEFT' | 'RIGHT' | 'MAIN' no The grid position of the card on the dashboard.
component CodeRef<React.ComponentType<{}>> no Dashboard card component.
span DashboardCardSpan yes Card's vertical span in the column. Ignored for small screens, defaults to 12.



Adds an activity to the Activity Card of Overview Dashboard where the triggering of activity is based on watching a K8s resource.


Name Value Type Optional Description
k8sResource CodeRef<FirehoseResource & { isList: true; }> no The utilization item to be replaced.
component CodeRef<React.ComponentType<K8sActivityProps<T>>> no The action component.
isActivity CodeRef<(resource: T) => boolean> yes Function which determines if the given resource represents the action. If not defined, every resource represents activity.
getTimestamp CodeRef<(resource: T) => Date> yes Timestamp for the given action, which will be used for ordering.



Adds a health subsystem to the status card of Overview dashboard where the source of status is a K8s REST API.


Name Value Type Optional Description
title string no Title of operators section in the popup.
resources CodeRef<FirehoseResource[]> no Kubernetes resources which will be fetched and passed to healthHandler.
getOperatorsWithStatuses CodeRef<GetOperatorsWithStatuses<T>> yes Resolves status for the operators.
operatorRowLoader CodeRef<React.ComponentType<OperatorRowProps<T>>> yes Loader for popup row component.
viewAllLink string yes Links to all resources page. If not provided then a list page of the first resource from resources prop is used.



Adds a health subsystem to the status card of Overview dashboard where the source of status is Prometheus.


Name Value Type Optional Description
title string no The display name of the subsystem.
queries string[] no The Prometheus queries
healthHandler CodeRef<PrometheusHealthHandler> no Resolve the subsystem's health.
additionalResource CodeRef<FirehoseResource> yes Additional resource which will be fetched and passed to healthHandler.
popupComponent CodeRef<React.ComponentType<PrometheusHealthPopupProps>> yes Loader for popup content. If defined, a health item will be represented as a link which opens popup with given content.
popupTitle string yes The title of the popover.
disallowedProviders string[] yes Cloud providers which for which the subsystem should be hidden.



Adds a health subsystem to the status card of Overview dashboard where the source of status is a K8s Resource.


Name Value Type Optional Description
title string no The display name of the subsystem.
resources CodeRef<WatchK8sResources<T>> no Kubernetes resources which will be fetched and passed to healthHandler.
healthHandler CodeRef<ResourceHealthHandler<T>> no Resolve the subsystem's health.
popupComponent CodeRef<WatchK8sResults<T>> yes Loader for popup content. If defined, a health item will be represented as a link which opens popup with given content.
popupTitle string yes The title of the popover.



Adds a health subsystem to the status card of Overview dashboard where the source of status is a K8s REST API.


Name Value Type Optional Description
title string no The display name of the subsystem.
url string no The URL to fetch data from. It will be prefixed with base k8s URL.
healthHandler CodeRef<URLHealthHandler<T, K8sResourceCommon | K8sResourceCommon[]>> no Resolve the subsystem's health.
additionalResource CodeRef<FirehoseResource> yes Additional resource which will be fetched and passed to healthHandler.
popupComponent CodeRef<React.ComponentType<{ healthResult?: T; healthResultError?: any; k8sResult?: FirehoseResult<R>; }>> yes Loader for popup content. If defined, a health item will be represented as a link which opens popup with given content.
popupTitle string yes The title of the popover.



Adds a resource tile to the overview inventory card.


Name Value Type Optional Description
model CodeRef<T> no The model for resource which will be fetched. Used to get the model's label or abbr.
mapper CodeRef<StatusGroupMapper<T, R>> yes Function which maps various statuses to groups.
additionalResources CodeRef<WatchK8sResources<R>> yes Additional resources which will be fetched and passed to the mapper function.



Adds an inventory status group.


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no The id of the status group.
icon CodeRef<React.ReactElement<any, string | React.JSXElementConstructor<any>>> no React component representing the status group icon.



Adds a new dashboard tab, placed after the Overview tab.


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no A unique tab identifier, used as tab link href and when adding cards to this tab.
navSection 'home' | 'storage' no NavSection to which the tab belongs to
title string no The title of the tab.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
fileExtensions string[] no Supported file extensions.
handler CodeRef<FileUploadHandler> no Function which handles the file drop action.



Gives full control over Console feature flags.


Name Value Type Optional Description
handler CodeRef<(callback: SetFeatureFlag) => void> no Used to set/unset arbitrary feature flags.



Adds new Console feature flag driven by the presence of a CRD on the cluster.


Name Value Type Optional Description
flag string no The name of the flag to set once the CRD is detected.
model ExtensionK8sModel no The model which refers to a CustomResourceDefinition.


(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no Unique identifier for the cluster config resource instance.
name string no The name of the cluster config resource instance.
model ExtensionK8sModel no The model which refers to a cluster config resource.
namespace string no The namespace of the cluster config resource instance.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no A unique identifier for this item.
name string no The name of this item.
href string no The link href value.
perspective string yes The perspective ID to which this item belongs to. If not specified, contributes to the default perspective.
section string yes Navigation section to which this item belongs to. If not specified, render this item as a top level link.
dataAttributes { [key: string]: string; } yes Adds data attributes to the DOM.
startsWith string[] yes Mark this item as active when the URL starts with one of these paths.
insertBefore string | string[] yes Insert this item before the item referenced here. For arrays, the first one found in order is used.
insertAfter string | string[] yes Insert this item after the item referenced here. For arrays, the first one found in order is used. insertBefore takes precedence.
namespaced boolean yes if true, adds /ns/active-namespace to the end
prefixNamespaced boolean yes if true, adds /k8s/ns/active-namespace to the begining



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no A unique identifier for this item.
model ExtensionK8sModel no The model for which this nav item links to.
perspective string yes The perspective ID to which this item belongs to. If not specified, contributes to the default perspective.
section string yes Navigation section to which this item belongs to. If not specified, render this item as a top level link.
dataAttributes { [key: string]: string; } yes Adds data attributes to the DOM.
startsWith string[] yes Mark this item as active when the URL starts with one of these paths.
insertBefore string | string[] yes Insert this item before the item referenced here. For arrays, the first one found in order is used.
insertAfter string | string[] yes Insert this item after the item referenced here. For arrays, the first one found in order is used. insertBefore takes precedence.
name string yes Overrides the default name. If not supplied the name of the link will equal the plural value of the model.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no A unique identifier for this item.
model ExtensionK8sModel no The model for which this nav item links to.
perspective string yes The perspective ID to which this item belongs to. If not specified, contributes to the default perspective.
section string yes Navigation section to which this item belongs to. If not specified, render this item as a top level link.
dataAttributes { [key: string]: string; } yes Adds data attributes to the DOM.
startsWith string[] yes Mark this item as active when the URL starts with one of these paths.
insertBefore string | string[] yes Insert this item before the item referenced here. For arrays, the first one found in order is used.
insertAfter string | string[] yes Insert this item after the item referenced here. For arrays, the first one found in order is used. insertBefore takes precedence.
name string yes Overrides the default name. If not supplied the name of the link will equal the plural value of the model.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no A unique identifier for this item.
perspective string yes The perspective ID to which this item belongs to. If not specified, contributes to the default perspective.
dataAttributes { [key: string]: string; } yes Adds data attributes to the DOM.
insertBefore string | string[] yes Insert this item before the item referenced here. For arrays, the first one found in order is used.
insertAfter string | string[] yes Insert this item after the item referenced here. For arrays, the first one found in order is used. insertBefore takes precedence.
name string yes Name of this section. If not supplied, only a separator will be shown above the section.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no A unique identifier for this item.
perspective string yes The perspective ID to which this item belongs to. If not specified, contributes to the default perspective.
section string yes Navigation section to which this item belongs to. If not specified, render this item as a top level link.
dataAttributes { [key: string]: string; } yes Adds data attributes to the DOM.
insertBefore string | string[] yes Insert this item before the item referenced here. For arrays, the first one found in order is used.
insertAfter string | string[] yes Insert this item after the item referenced here. For arrays, the first one found in order is used. insertBefore takes precedence.


Adds new resource details page to Console router.


Name Value Type Optional Description
model ExtensionK8sGroupKindModel no The model for which this resource page links to.
component CodeRef<React.ComponentType<{ match: match<{}>; namespace: string; model: ExtensionK8sModel; }>> no The component to be rendered when the route matches.


Adds new resource list page to Console router.


Name Value Type Optional Description
model ExtensionK8sGroupKindModel no The model for which this resource page links to.
component CodeRef<React.ComponentType<{ match: match<{}>; namespace: string; model: ExtensionK8sModel; }>> no The component to be rendered when the route matches.


Adds new resource tab page to Console router.


Name Value Type Optional Description
model ExtensionK8sGroupKindModel no The model for which this resource page links to.
component CodeRef<React.ComponentType<RouteComponentProps<{}, StaticContext, any>>> no The component to be rendered when the route matches.
name string no The name of the tab.
href string yes The optional href for the tab link. If not provided, the first path is used.
exact boolean yes When true, will only match if the path matches the location.pathname exactly.


Adds new page to Console router.


Name Value Type Optional Description
component CodeRef<React.ComponentType<RouteComponentProps<{}, StaticContext, any>>> no The component to be rendered when the route matches.
path string | string[] no Valid URL path or array of paths that path-to-regexp@^1.7.0 understands.
perspective string yes The perspective to which this page belongs to. If not specified, contributes to all perspectives.
exact boolean yes When true, will only match if the path matches the location.pathname exactly.


Adds new standalone page (rendered outside the common page layout) to Console router.


Name Value Type Optional Description
component CodeRef<React.ComponentType<RouteComponentProps<{}, StaticContext, any>>> no The component to be rendered when the route matches.
path string | string[] no Valid URL path or array of paths that path-to-regexp@^1.7.0 understands.
exact boolean yes When true, will only match if the path matches the location.pathname exactly.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no The perspective identifier.
name string no The perspective display name.
icon CodeRef<LazyComponent> no The perspective display icon.
landingPageURL CodeRef<(flags: { [key: string]: boolean; }, isFirstVisit: boolean) => string> no The function to get perspective landing page URL.
importRedirectURL CodeRef<(namespace: string) => string> no The function to get redirect URL for import flow.
default boolean yes Whether the perspective is the default. There can only be one default.
defaultPins ExtensionK8sModel[] yes Default pinned resources on the nav
usePerspectiveDetection CodeRef<() => [boolean, boolean]> yes The hook to detect default perspective



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
alert CodeRef<React.ComponentType<{ pvc: K8sResourceCommon; }>> no The alert component.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
label string no Label for the create prop action.
path string no Path for the create prop action.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
predicate CodeRef<(pvc: K8sResourceCommon) => boolean> no Predicate that tells whether to use the extension or not.
onPVCKill CodeRef<(pvc: K8sResourceCommon) => Promise<void>> no Method for the PVC delete operation.
alert CodeRef<React.ComponentType<{ pvc: K8sResourceCommon; }>> no Alert component to show additional information.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
priority number no Priority for the status component. Bigger value means higher priority.
status CodeRef<React.ComponentType<{ pvc: K8sResourceCommon; }>> no The status component.
predicate CodeRef<(pvc: K8sResourceCommon) => boolean> no Predicate that tells whether to render the status component or not.



Adds new reducer to Console Redux store which operates on plugins.<scope> substate.


Name Value Type Optional Description
scope string no The key to represent the reducer-managed substate within the Redux state object.
reducer CodeRef<Reducer<any, AnyAction>> no The reducer function, operating on the reducer-managed substate.



Customize the display of models by overriding values retrieved and generated through API discovery.


Name Value Type Optional Description
model ExtensionK8sGroupModel no The model to customize. May specify only a group, or optional version and kind.
badge 'tech' | 'dev' yes Whether to consider this model reference as tech preview or dev preview.
color string yes The color to associate to this model.
label string yes Override the label. Requires kind be provided.
labelPlural string yes Override the plural label. Requires kind be provided.
abbr string yes Customize the abbreviation. Defaults to All uppercase chars in the kind up to 4 characters long. Requires kind be provided.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
model ExtensionK8sModel no The model for which this create resource page will be rendered.
component CodeRef<React.ComponentType<CreateResourceComponentProps>> no The component to be rendered when the model matches


(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
name string no
Component CodeRef<React.ComponentType<Partial<RouteComponentProps<{}, StaticContext, any>>>> no


(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
model ExtensionK8sKindVersionModel no The model for which this provider show tab.
page { name: string; href: string; } no The page to be show in horizontal tab. It takes tab name as name and href of the tab
component CodeRef<React.ComponentType<PageComponentProps<K8sResourceCommon>>> no The component to be rendered when the route matches.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
listener CodeRef<TelemetryEventListener> no Listen for telemetry events



BuildAdapter contributes an adapter to adapt element to data that can be used by Build component


Name Value Type Optional Description
adapt CodeRef<(element: GraphElement) => AdapterDataType<BuildConfigData> | undefined> no



NetworkAdpater contributes an adapter to adapt element to data that can be used by Networking component


Name Value Type Optional Description
adapt CodeRef<(element: GraphElement) => NetworkAdapterType | undefined> no



PodAdapter contributes an adapter to adapt element to data that can be used by Pod component


Name Value Type Optional Description
adapt CodeRef<(element: GraphElement) => AdapterDataType<PodsAdapterDataType> | undefined> no



Getter for a ViewComponentFactory


Name Value Type Optional Description
getFactory CodeRef<ViewComponentFactory> no Getter for a ViewComponentFactory



Getter for the create connector function


Name Value Type Optional Description
getCreateConnector CodeRef<CreateConnectionGetter> no Getter for the create connector function



Topology Data Model Factory Extension


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no Unique ID for the factory.
priority number no Priority for the factory
resources WatchK8sResourcesGeneric yes Resources to be fetched from useK8sWatchResources hook.
workloadKeys string[] yes Keys in resources containing workloads.
getDataModel CodeRef<TopologyDataModelGetter> yes Getter for the data model factory
isResourceDepicted CodeRef<TopologyDataModelDepicted> yes Getter for function to determine if a resource is depicted by this model factory
getDataModelReconciler CodeRef<TopologyDataModelReconciler> yes Getter for function to reconcile data model after all extensions' models have loaded



Topology Decorator Provider Extension


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no
priority number no
quadrant TopologyDecoratorQuadrant no
decorator CodeRef<TopologyDecoratorGetter> no



DetailsResourceAlert contributes an alert for specific topology context or graph element.


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no The ID of this alert. Used to save state if the alert shouldn't be shown after dismissed.
contentProvider CodeRef<(element: GraphElement) => DetailsResourceAlertContent | null> no Hook to return the contents of the Alert.



DetailsResourceLink contributes a link for specific topology context or graph element.


Name Value Type Optional Description
link CodeRef<(element: GraphElement) => React.Component | undefined> no Return the resource link if provided, otherwise undefined.
Use ResourceIcon and ResourceLink for styles.
priority number yes A higher priority factory will get the first chance to create the link.



DetailsTab contributes a tab for the topology details panel.


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no A unique identifier for this details tab.
label string no The tab label to display in the UI.
insertBefore string | string[] yes Insert this item before the item referenced here.
For arrays, the first one found in order is used.
insertAfter string | string[] yes Insert this item after the item referenced here.
For arrays, the first one found in order is used.
insertBefore takes precedence.



DetailsTabSection contributes a section for a specific tab in topology details panel.


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no A unique identifier for this details tab section.
tab string no The parent tab ID that this section should contribute to.
section CodeRef<(element: GraphElement, renderNull?: () => null) => React.Component | undefined> no Returns a section for the graph element or undefined if not provided.
SDK component: <Section title={}>... padded area
insertBefore string | string[] yes Insert this item before the item referenced here.
For arrays, the first one found in order is used.
insertAfter string | string[] yes Insert this item after the item referenced here.
For arrays, the first one found in order is used.
insertBefore takes precedence.



Topology Display Filters Extension


Name Value Type Optional Description
getTopologyFilters CodeRef<() => TopologyDisplayOption[]> no
applyDisplayOptions CodeRef<TopologyApplyDisplayOptions> no



Topology relationship provider connector extension


Name Value Type Optional Description
provides CodeRef<RelationshipProviderProvides> no
tooltip string no
create CodeRef<RelationshipProviderCreate> no
priority number no



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no ID used to identify the user preference group.
label string no The label of the user preference group
insertBefore string yes ID of user preference group before which this group should be placed
insertAfter string yes ID of user preference group after which this group should be placed



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no ID used to identify the user preference item and referenced in insertAfter and insertBefore to define the item order.
label string no The label of the user preference
description string no The description of the user preference.
field UserPreferenceField no The input field options used to render the values to set the user preference.
groupId string yes IDs used to identify the user preference groups the item would belong to.
insertBefore string yes ID of user preference item before which this item should be placed
insertAfter string yes ID of user preference item after which this item should be placed



YAML templates for editing resources via the yaml editor.


Name Value Type Optional Description
model ExtensionK8sModel no Model associated with the template.
template CodeRef<string> no The YAML template.
name string no The name of the template. Use the name default to mark this as the default template.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no ID used to identify the action.
label string no The label of the action
description string no The description of the action.
href string no The href to navigate to.
groupId string yes IDs used to identify the action groups the action would belong to.
icon CodeRef<React.ReactNode> yes The perspective display icon.
accessReview AccessReviewResourceAttributes[] yes Optional access review to control visibility / enablement of the action.



(not available)


Name Value Type Optional Description
id string no ID used to identify the action group.
name string no The title of the action group
insertBefore string yes ID of action group before which this group should be placed
insertAfter string yes ID of action group after which this group should be placed
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