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Last active January 16, 2025 16:15
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Wordpress 5.4 Bootstrap 4.4 pagination (with custom WP_Query() and global $wp_query support) (UPDATED for Bootstrap 5:
* @param WP_Query|null $wp_query
* @param bool $echo
* @param array $params
* @return string|null
* UPDATE for Bootstrap 5.0:
* Accepts a WP_Query instance to build pagination (for custom wp_query()),
* or nothing to use the current global $wp_query (eg: taxonomy term page)
* - Tested on WP 5.7.1
* - Tested with Bootstrap 4.4
* - Tested on Sage 9.0.9
* add this file content to your theme function.php or equivalent
* <?php echo bootstrap_pagination(); ?> //uses global $wp_query
* or with custom WP_Query():
* <?php
* $query = new \WP_Query($args);
* ... while(have_posts()), $query->posts stuff ... endwhile() ...
* echo bootstrap_pagination($query);
* ?>
function bootstrap_pagination( \WP_Query $wp_query = null, $echo = true, $params = [] ) {
if ( null === $wp_query ) {
global $wp_query;
$add_args = [];
//add query (GET) parameters to generated page URLs
/*if (isset($_GET[ 'sort' ])) {
$add_args[ 'sort' ] = (string)$_GET[ 'sort' ];
$pages = paginate_links( array_merge( [
'base' => str_replace( 999999999, '%#%', esc_url( get_pagenum_link( 999999999 ) ) ),
'format' => '?paged=%#%',
'current' => max( 1, get_query_var( 'paged' ) ),
'total' => $wp_query->max_num_pages,
'type' => 'array',
'show_all' => false,
'end_size' => 3,
'mid_size' => 1,
'prev_next' => true,
'prev_text' => __( '« Prev' ),
'next_text' => __( 'Next »' ),
'add_args' => $add_args,
'add_fragment' => ''
], $params )
if ( is_array( $pages ) ) {
//$current_page = ( get_query_var( 'paged' ) == 0 ) ? 1 : get_query_var( 'paged' );
$pagination = '<div class="pagination"><ul class="pagination">';
foreach ( $pages as $page ) {
$pagination .= '<li class="page-item' . (strpos($page, 'current') !== false ? ' active' : '') . '"> ' . str_replace('page-numbers', 'page-link', $page) . '</li>';
$pagination .= '</ul></div>';
if ( $echo ) {
echo $pagination;
} else {
return $pagination;
return null;
* Notes:
* - When used with wp_ajax (generate pagination HTML from ajax) you'll need to provide base URL (or it'll be admin-ajax URL)
* - Example for a term page: bootstrap_pagination( $query, false, ['base' => get_term_link($term) . '?paged=%#%'] )
* Images as next/prev:
* - You can use image as next/prev buttons
* - Example: 'prev_text' => '<img src="' . get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/prev-arrow.svg">',
* Add query parameters to page URLs
* - If you need custom URL parameters on your page URLS, use the "add_args" attribute
* - Example (before paginate_links() call):
* $arg = [];
* if (isset($_GET[ 'sort' ])) {
* $args[ 'sort' ] = (string)$_GET[ 'sort' ];
* }
* ...
* 'add_args' => $args,
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thomi137 commented May 1, 2021

Thanks a lot for this! Just minor adaptations needed for Bootstrap 5 (no div outside, just a nav) and using kses to output just because I am paranoid, but this saved me a ton of time!

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mtx-z commented May 1, 2021

Hi @thomi137, thanks for the input. I created another gist for Bootstrap 5 support.
kses (wp_kses) are cool! But I admit rarely using them.

In this case, the only user input we rely on is max( 1, get_query_var( 'paged' ) ). As per PHP documentation examples about max(), doing something like this: echo max(0, 'hello'); will return 0. So I don't think it can be exploited. Changing page number will only result in changing the pagination SQL query, but no the rest of your query (and potential restriction). Anyway, it's cool to make it safer :) If you have any time, please post an example here or on the Bootstrap 5 Gist for any next developer looking for it.

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diogui commented May 18, 2021

Great work. Thanks !

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I'm using this on my search.php results page and the paginated links it's giving me the url like this:;lang=en&paged=2

can anyone help?

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mtx-z commented May 21, 2021

@mmoser-markl I need more details to try to help you:

  • are you implementing a post text search?
  • are you handling yourself the wp_query for this search?
  • is the form on a page, and then should redirect to a specific result page? Or search.php contains the form, and the form will post and redirect to search.php again?

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Great job! Thanks!

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Great Job, Deeply Thanks

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wagjim commented Aug 14, 2021

Excellent, thanks

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Thanks, man! randomly found on google search and save my headache

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Hi,not working for me. It update the page url (page/2) but I'm still on the first page.

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mtx-z commented Dec 15, 2022

Hi @Jonnas123, does it work when you are using the classic WP pagination?

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