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Created March 1, 2018 16:27
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ArcPy - Create an empty clone of a File Geodatabase (with all Feature Classes and Tables) and set a new Coordinate Reference System
import arcpy, os, shutil
origFgdbLocation = r"\\Server\Share"
origFgdbNames = ["myFileGeodatabase"] # DON'T append the suffix ".gdb"
newFgdbLocation = r"\\OtherServer\OtherShare"
resolution = "0.00005 Meters"
tolerance = "0.0001 Meters"
newCrs = arcpy.SpatialReference(2056) # EPSG code of "CH1903+ LV95"
ignoreList = [] # Feature Classes and Tables to ignore
def CopyFcl(fcl, path, crs = None):
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(fcl, path, fcl)
print "Copied feature class '" + fcl + "'"
newFclPath = path + os.path.sep + fcl
print "Truncated feature class '" + fcl + "'"
if crs is not None:
arcpy.DefineProjection_management(newFclPath, crs)
print "Set CRS of feature class '" + fcl + "' to '" + + "'"
def CopyTable(table, path):
arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(table, path, table)
print "Copied table '" + table + "'"
arcpy.DeleteRows_management(path + os.path.sep + table)
print "Truncated table '" + table + "'"
def CopyFcl2(fcl, path, template, crs = None):
desc = arcpy.Describe(fcl)
shapeType = desc.shapeType.upper()
arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(path, fcl, shapeType, template, "SAME_AS_TEMPLATE", "SAME_AS_TEMPLATE", crs)
print "Copied feature class '" + fcl + "'"
def CopyTable2(table, path):
arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(table, path, table)
print "Copied table '" + table + "'"
arcpy.DeleteRows_management(path + os.path.sep + table)
print "Truncated table '" + table + "'"
for fgdbName in origFgdbNames:
print "Start FGDB '" + fgdbName + "'"
newFgdb = fgdbName + ".gdb"
newFgdbPath = newFgdbLocation + os.path.sep + newFgdb
origFgdbPath = origFgdbLocation + os.path.sep + fgdbName + ".gdb"
if os.path.exists(newFgdbPath):
# looks weird, but look here:
tempPath = newFgdbPath + "2"
os.rename(newFgdbPath, tempPath)
print "FGDB '" + newFgdbPath + "' deleted"
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(newFgdbLocation, newFgdb)
print "FGDB '" + newFgdbPath + "' created"
arcpy.env.workspace = origFgdbPath
arcpy.env.XYResolution = resolution
arcpy.env.XYTolerance = tolerance
for fds in arcpy.ListDatasets():
print "Start feature dataset '" + fds + "'"
arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management(newFgdbPath, fds, newCrs)
arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(origFgdbPath, fds)
fcls = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
tables = arcpy.ListTables()
for fcl in fcls:
if os.path.join(fds, fcl) in ignoreList:
template = os.path.join(origFgdbPath, fds, fcl)
CopyFcl2(fcl, os.path.join(newFgdbPath, fds), template, newCrs)
for table in tables:
if os.path.join(fds, table) in ignoreList:
CopyTable2(fcl, os.path.join(newFgdbPath, fds))
arcpy.env.workspace = origFgdbPath
print "Finish feature dataset '" + fds + "'"
print "Start copying root feature classes"
arcpy.env.workspace = origFgdbPath
fcls = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
for fcl in fcls:
if fcl in ignoreList:
template = os.path.join(origFgdbPath, fcl)
CopyFcl2(fcl, newFgdbPath, template, newCrs)
print "Finish copying root feature classes"
print "Start copying root tables"
tables = arcpy.ListTables()
for table in tables:
if table in ignoreList:
CopyTable2(table, newFgdbPath)
print "Finish copying root tables"
print "Finish FGDB '" + fgdbName + "'"
print "Finish all"
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