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Created March 1, 2018 16:19
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ArcPy - Compare two File Geodatabases
import arcpy, logging, math, os, shutil, sys
def GetCharDigitSum(s):
if s is None:
return 0
sum = 0
for c in s:
sum = sum + ord(c)
return sum
def CompareSpatially(fcl, gdb1, gdb2):
logging.debug("Doing spatial comparison of FCL '" + fcl + "' between '" + gdb1 + "' and '" + gdb2 + "'")
epsilon = 0.00001
# check if comparison FGDB exists and create it if not present
comparisonFGDBName = "Comparison.gdb"
comparisonFGDB = comparisonPath + "/" + comparisonFGDBName
if not os.path.exists(comparisonFGDB):
logging.debug("FGDB '" + comparisonFGDB + "' does not exist and will be created")
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(comparisonPath, comparisonFGDBName)
previousWorkspace = arcpy.env.workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = comparisonFGDB
# preparations for spatial join
fcl1 = gdb1 + "/" + fcl
fcl2 = gdb2 + "/" + fcl
joinFeatureClass = comparisonFGDB + "/" + fcl
join_operation = "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE"
join_type = "KEEP_ALL"
match_option = "ARE_IDENTICAL_TO"
# in case the current FCL has been compared before, the former comparison will be discarded
if arcpy.Exists(joinFeatureClass):
logging.debug("FCL '" + fcl + "' does already exist and will be deleted from comparison FGDB")
# do the spatial join
arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(fcl1, fcl2, joinFeatureClass, join_operation=join_operation, join_type=join_type, match_option=match_option)
logging.debug("Join FCL '" + joinFeatureClass + "' has been created")
# get the distinct fields (because of joining, some of them obtain the suffix "_1" or have a special meaning for ESRI)
# floating point numbers have to be treated in a special manner
fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(joinFeatureClass)
distinctFields = []
distinctFloatingFields = []
for field in fieldList:
fieldName =
fieldType = field.type
if not fieldName.endswith("_1") and not fieldName.endswith("1") and fieldName not in ['OBJECTID', 'GEOMETRIE', 'TARGET_FID', 'Join_Count', 'Shape', 'Shape_Length', 'Shape_Area', 'SHAPE_Length', 'SHAPE_Area']:
if fieldType in ['Double', 'Single']:
# build up the WHERE clause => for floating point numbers, a numerical comparison with a delta will be done, otherwise pure value comparison
selectView = fcl + "_select"
whereClause = '"Join_Count" <> 1'
for field in distinctFields:
fieldName =
whereClause = whereClause + ' OR "' + fieldName + '" <> "'
# when doing a spatial join, there is a different suffix for columns ending with an underscore
# typical/normal naming: original column name + "_1"
# naming for columns ending with an underscore: original column name - underscore + "1"
if fieldName.endswith("_"):
whereClause = whereClause + fieldName[0:(len(fieldName) - 1)] + '1"'
whereClause = whereClause + fieldName + '_1"'
for field in distinctFloatingFields:
fieldName =
whereClause = whereClause + ' OR ABS("' + fieldName + '" - "'
# when doing a spatial join, there is a different suffix for columns ending with an underscore
# typical/normal naming: original column name + "_1"
# naming for columns ending with an underscore: original column name - underscore + "1"
if fieldName.endswith("_"):
whereClause = whereClause + fieldName[0:(len(fieldName) - 1)] + '1"'
whereClause = whereClause + fieldName + '_1"'
whereClause = whereClause + ') > ' + str(epsilon)
# check whether there are not equal fields with the generated WHERE clause
logging.debug("Where clause: '" + whereClause + "'")
arcpy.MakeTableView_management(joinFeatureClass, selectView, whereClause)
count = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(selectView).getOutput(0))
logMessage = "Number of not matching features: " + str(count)
arcpy.env.workspace = previousWorkspace
if count == 0:
return True
# specific situation for project OEREB => URLs within a column of type String where mixed-up, but textual equal
# to handle this, it needs a detailed check treating each found feature
returnValue = True
innerAbort = False
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(selectView)
for row in rows:
logging.debug("Doing detail check")
# do a delta comparison for the floating point numbers
for field in distinctFloatingFields:
fieldName =
val1 = row.getValue(fieldName)
# when doing a spatial join, there is a different suffix for columns ending with an underscore
# typical/normal naming: original column name + "_1"
# naming for columns ending with an underscore: original column name - underscore + "1"
if fieldName.endswith("_"):
val2 = row.getValue(fieldName[0:(len(fieldName) - 1)] + '1')
val2 = row.getValue(fieldName + "_1")
if abs(val1 - val2) > epsilon:
innerAbort = True
# compare the other fields in case no error has been encountered before
if innerAbort == False:
for field in distinctFields:
fieldName =
val1 = row.getValue(fieldName)
# when doing a spatial join, there is a different suffix for columns ending with an underscore
# typical/normal naming: original column name + "_1"
# naming for columns ending with an underscore: original column name - underscore + "1"
if fieldName.endswith("_"):
val2 = row.getValue(fieldName[0:(len(fieldName) - 1)] + '1')
val2 = row.getValue(fieldName + "_1")
if val1 <> val2:
# in case the field is of type String, the digit sum of the two values will compared
# => if they are equal, the fields are assumed equal as well
if field.type == "String":
s1 = GetCharDigitSum(val1)
s2 = GetCharDigitSum(val2)
if s1 <> s2:
logging.debug("CharDigitSum: " + str(s1) + " <> " + str(s2))
innerAbort = True
innerAbort = True
if innerAbort == True:
returnValue = False
del row, rows
return returnValue
def CompareOcls(ocls1, ocls2, mode):
ocls1NotInOcl2 = []
ocls2NotInOcl1 = []
commonOcls = []
# OCL1 not in OCLS2
for ocl1 in ocls1:
if ocl1 not in ocls2:
logging.warn(mode + " '" + ocl1 + "' is not in GDB2")
logging.debug(mode + " '" + ocl1 + "' exists in both GDBs")
# OCL2 not in OCLS1
for ocl2 in ocls2:
if ocl2 not in ocls1:
logging.warn(mode + " '" + ocl1 + "' is not in GDB1")
# compare the object classes that exist in both GDBs
oclsEqual = []
oclsNotEqual = []
for ocl in commonOcls:
ocl1 = gdb1 + "/" + ocl
ocl2 = gdb2 + "/" + ocl
sort_field = "OBJECTID"
compare_type = "ALL"
ignore_option = ""
xy_tolerance = "0.001 METERS"
m_tolerance = 0
z_tolerance = 0
attribute_tolerance = ""
omit_field = ""
continue_compare = "CONTINUE_COMPARE"
compare_file = comparisonPath + "/" + ocl + ".txt"
if mode == "FCL":
compare_result = arcpy.FeatureCompare_management(ocl1, ocl2, sort_field, compare_type, ignore_option, xy_tolerance, m_tolerance, z_tolerance, attribute_tolerance, omit_field, continue_compare, compare_file)
elif mode == "TBL":
compare_result = arcpy.TableCompare_management(ocl1, ocl2, sort_field, compare_type, ignore_option, attribute_tolerance, omit_field, continue_compare, compare_file)
sys.exit("Invalid mode, leaving application")
if compare_result[1] == "true":
logging.debug(mode + " '" + ocl + "' is equal in both GDBs")
spatialCompareResult = CompareSpatially(ocl, gdb1, gdb2)
if spatialCompareResult == True:
logging.debug(mode + " '" + ocl + "' is equal in both GDBs")
logging.warn(mode + " '" + ocl + "' is NOT equal in both GDBs")
oclsNotEqual.append(ocl)"################################################################")"############### RESULT #########################")"### Number of equal " + mode + "s: " + str(len(oclsEqual)))"### Number of NOT equal " + mode + "s: " + str(len(oclsNotEqual)))"### Number of " + mode + "s that exist in GDB1 but not in GDB2: " + str(len(ocls1NotInOcl2)))"### Number of " + mode + "s that exist in GDB2 but not in GDB1: " + str(len(ocls2NotInOcl1)))"################################################################")
def listFclsInGDB(gdb):
logging.debug("Provided GDB: '" + gdb + "'")
arcpy.env.workspace = gdb
fcls = []
datasets = arcpy.ListDatasets('', 'All')
if datasets is not None:
for fds in datasets + ['']:
logging.debug("Iterating FDS: '" + fds + "'")
for fcl in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses('', '', fds):
logging.debug("Iterating FCL: '" + fcl + "'")
fcls.append(os.path.join(fds, fcl))
for fcl in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses():
logging.debug("Iterating FCL: '" + fcl + "'")
return fcls
def listTblsInGDB(gdb):
logging.debug("Provided GDB: '" + gdb + "'")
arcpy.env.workspace = gdb
tbls = []
for fds in arcpy.ListDatasets('', 'All') + ['']:
logging.debug("Iterating FDS: '" + fds + "'")
for tbl in arcpy.ListTables('', fds):
logging.debug("Iterating Table: '" + tbl + "'")
tbls.append(os.path.join(fds, tbl))
return tbls
gdb1 = sys.argv[1]
gdb2 = sys.argv[2]
comparisonPath = sys.argv[3] + "/Comparison"
loglevel = sys.argv[4]
# set LogLevel
numeric_level = getattr(logging, loglevel.upper(), None)
if not isinstance(numeric_level, int):
raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % loglevel)
print "Logging in level '" + loglevel + "'"
# truncate the directory where the comparison files will be placed
if os.path.exists(comparisonPath):
if os.listdir(comparisonPath) != "":
output = "Directory '" + comparisonPath + "' is not empty. Truncate? [y, n] "
truncate = raw_input(output)
if truncate == 'y':
# looks weird, but look here:
tempPath = comparisonPath + "2"
os.rename(comparisonPath, tempPath)
elif truncate == "n":
sys.exit("Good bye")
sys.exit("Invalid argument, leaving application")
logging.debug("Directory '" + comparisonPath + "' has been created")
# get all feature classes and tables of the GDB
fcls1 = listFclsInGDB(gdb1)
fcls2 = listFclsInGDB(gdb2)
tbls1 = listTblsInGDB(gdb1)
tbls2 = listTblsInGDB(gdb2)
if len(fcls1) > 0 or len(fcl2) > 0:
CompareOcls(fcls1, fcls2, "FCL")
if len(tbls1) > 0 or len(tbls2) > 0:
CompareOcls(tbls1, tbls2, "TBL")
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