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Last active July 22, 2023 11:31
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Dynamic A-Record DNS Updater for (OpenWRT/LEDE)
# requires: wget, ca-certificates, grep
#rm /tmp/cookies.txt
#domain should contain "domain_id-record_id"
domain_id=$(echo $domain | tr "-" "\n" | sed -n "1p")
record_id=$(echo $domain | tr "-" "\n" | sed -n "2p")
#csrf tokens for login + language xmlhttprequest required to login (nice try blocking my API access, UD)
loginpage=$(/usr/bin/wget --save-cookies $cookiefile --keep-session-cookies --delete-after -qO- "")
csrf=$(echo "$loginpage" | /bin/grep -oP -m 2 "(?<=<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"csrf\" value=\")[^\"]*(?=\"( /)?>)" | tail -1)
csrfmeta=$(echo "$loginpage" | /bin/grep -oP -m 1 "(?<=<meta name=\"csrf\" content=\")[^\"]*(?=\"( /)?>)")
csrfscript=$(echo "$loginpage" | /bin/grep -oP -m 1 "(?<=\"CSRF_TOKEN\":\")[^\"]*(?=\")")
/usr/bin/wget --load-cookies $cookiefile --save-cookies $cookiefile --keep-session-cookies --delete-after --post-data "language=en-US" --header="HTTP-X-CSRF-TOKEN: $csrfmeta" --header="X-Csrf-Token: $csrfscript" --header="X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" -qO- ""
echo 'login'
loginresp=$(/usr/bin/wget --load-cookies $cookiefile --save-cookies $cookiefile --keep-session-cookies --post-data "csrf=$csrf&email=$username&pwd=$password&selector=login&loginBtn=Login" -qO- "")
#get current dns record json object & modify ip
record=$(/usr/bin/wget --load-cookies $cookiefile --save-cookies $cookiefile --keep-session-cookies -qO- "$domain_id/records" | jsonfilter -e "$[\"data\"][\"A\"][$record_id]" | sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/\"address\":\"[0-9.]\+\"/\"address\":\"$ipv4\"/g")
#send changes
output=$(/usr/bin/wget --load-cookies $cookiefile --method=PUT --header=Content-Type:application/json --header="Http-X-Csrf-Token: $csrf" --body-data=$payload -qO- $url 2>&1)
echo "UD answered: $output"
write_log 7 "UD answered:\n$output"
echo $output | /usr/grep "$ipv4" >/dev/null 2>&1
#write_log 7 "Retval: $success"
echo "Retval: $success"
return $success
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izphi78 commented Jul 22, 2023

@rapkin61 I went to cloudflare. No need to transfer your Domain. Just add it to the Dashboard and set the NS records. If you want to keep mail functionality, set it accordingly in the UD settings and set the MX records as shown in the instructions.

Never had any trouble with it after going that route. And much stuff has integration for Cloudflare like certbot.

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