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Created June 10, 2021 20:29
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XCTestCase wrapper for asserting equatable structs with formatted error diff message
import XCTest
// Credits:
//swiftlint:disable empty_string force_cast force_unwrapping unused_closure_parameter function_body_length
class MyCustomTestCase: XCTestCase {
func assertEqual<T: Equatable>(
expected: T,
actual: T
) {
if expected != actual {
let diff =
debugDiff(expected, actual)
.map { "\($0.indent(by: 4))\n\n(Expected: −, Actual: +)" }
?? """
\(String(describing: expected).indent(by: 2))
\(String(describing: actual).indent(by: 2))
State change does not match expectation: …
func debugOutput(_ value: Any, indent: Int = 0) -> String {
var visitedItems: Set<ObjectIdentifier> = []
func debugOutputHelp(_ value: Any, indent: Int = 0) -> String {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: value)
switch (value, mirror.displayStyle) {
case let (value as CustomDebugOutputConvertible, _):
return value.debugOutput.indent(by: indent)
case (_, .collection?):
return """
\( { "\(debugOutput($0.value, indent: 2)),\n" }.joined())]
.indent(by: indent)
case (_, .dictionary?):
let pairs = { label, value -> String in
let pair = value as! (key: AnyHashable, value: Any)
"\("\(debugOutputHelp(pair.key.base)): \(debugOutputHelp(pair.value)),".indent(by: 2))\n"
return """
.indent(by: indent)
case (_, .set?):
return """
\( { "\(debugOutputHelp($0.value, indent: 2)),\n" }.sorted().joined())])
.indent(by: indent)
case (_, .optional?):
return mirror.children.isEmpty
? "nil".indent(by: indent)
: debugOutputHelp(mirror.children.first!.value, indent: indent)
case (_, .enum?) where !mirror.children.isEmpty:
let child = mirror.children.first!
let childMirror = Mirror(reflecting: child.value)
let elements =
childMirror.displayStyle != .tuple
? debugOutputHelp(child.value, indent: 2)
: { child -> String in
let label = child.label!
return "\(label.hasPrefix(".") ? "" : "\(label): ")\(debugOutputHelp(child.value))"
.joined(separator: ",\n")
.indent(by: 2)
return """
.indent(by: indent)
case (_, .enum?):
return """
.indent(by: indent)
case (_, .struct?) where !mirror.children.isEmpty:
let elements = mirror.children
.map { "\($ { "\($0): " } ?? "")\(debugOutputHelp($0.value))".indent(by: 2) }
.joined(separator: ",\n")
return """
.indent(by: indent)
case let (value as AnyObject, .class?)
where !mirror.children.isEmpty && !visitedItems.contains(ObjectIdentifier(value)):
let elements = mirror.children
.map { "\($ { "\($0): " } ?? "")\(debugOutputHelp($0.value))".indent(by: 2) }
.joined(separator: ",\n")
return """
.indent(by: indent)
case let (value as AnyObject, .class?)
where !mirror.children.isEmpty && visitedItems.contains(ObjectIdentifier(value)):
return "\(mirror.subjectType)(↩︎)"
case let (value as CustomStringConvertible, .class?):
return value.description
of: #"^<([^:]+): 0x[^>]+>$"#, with: "$1()", options: .regularExpression
.indent(by: indent)
case let (value as CustomDebugStringConvertible, _):
return value.debugDescription
of: #"^<([^:]+): 0x[^>]+>$"#, with: "$1()", options: .regularExpression
.indent(by: indent)
case let (value as CustomStringConvertible, _):
return value.description
.indent(by: indent)
case (_, .struct?), (_, .class?):
return "\(mirror.subjectType)()"
.indent(by: indent)
case (_, .tuple?) where mirror.children.isEmpty:
return "()"
.indent(by: indent)
case (_, .tuple?):
let elements = { child -> String in
let label = child.label!
return "\(label.hasPrefix(".") ? "" : "\(label): ")\(debugOutputHelp(child.value))"
.indent(by: 2)
return """
\(elements.joined(separator: ",\n"))
.indent(by: indent)
case (_, nil):
return "\(value)"
.indent(by: indent)
@unknown default:
return "\(value)"
.indent(by: indent)
return debugOutputHelp(value, indent: indent)
func debugDiff<T>(_ before: T, _ after: T, printer: (T) -> String = { debugOutput($0) }) -> String? {
diff(printer(before), printer(after))
extension String {
func indent(by indent: Int) -> String {
let indentation = String(repeating: " ", count: indent)
return indentation + self.replacingOccurrences(of: "\n", with: "\n\(indentation)")
public protocol CustomDebugOutputConvertible {
var debugOutput: String { get }
extension Date: CustomDebugOutputConvertible {
public var debugOutput: String {
dateFormatter.string(from: self)
private let dateFormatter: ISO8601DateFormatter = {
let formatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
formatter.timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "UTC")!
return formatter
extension URL: CustomDebugOutputConvertible {
public var debugOutput: String {
#if canImport(Speech)
import Speech
extension SFSpeechRecognizerAuthorizationStatus: CustomDebugOutputConvertible {
public var debugOutput: String {
switch self {
case .notDetermined:
return "notDetermined"
case .denied:
return "denied"
case .restricted:
return "restricted"
case .authorized:
return "authorized"
@unknown default:
return "unknown"
func diff(_ first: String, _ second: String) -> String? {
struct Difference {
enum Which {
case both
case first
case second
var prefix: StaticString {
switch self {
case .both: return "\u{2007}"
case .first: return "−"
case .second: return "+"
let elements: ArraySlice<Substring>
let which: Which
func diffHelp(_ first: ArraySlice<Substring>, _ second: ArraySlice<Substring>) -> [Difference] {
var indicesForLine: [Substring: [Int]] = [:]
for (firstIndex, firstLine) in zip(first.indices, first) {
indicesForLine[firstLine, default: []].append(firstIndex)
var overlap: [Int: Int] = [:]
var firstIndex = first.startIndex
var secondIndex = second.startIndex
var count = 0
for (index, secondLine) in zip(second.indices, second) {
var innerOverlap: [Int: Int] = [:]
var innerFirstIndex = firstIndex
var innerSecondIndex = secondIndex
var innerCount = count
indicesForLine[secondLine]?.forEach { firstIndex in
let newCount = (overlap[firstIndex - 1] ?? 0) + 1
innerOverlap[firstIndex] = newCount
if newCount > count {
innerFirstIndex = firstIndex - newCount + 1
innerSecondIndex = index - newCount + 1
innerCount = newCount
overlap = innerOverlap
firstIndex = innerFirstIndex
secondIndex = innerSecondIndex
count = innerCount
//swiftlint:disable empty_count
if count == 0 {
var differences: [Difference] = []
if !first.isEmpty { differences.append(Difference(elements: first, which: .first)) }
if !second.isEmpty { differences.append(Difference(elements: second, which: .second)) }
return differences
} else {
var differences = diffHelp(first.prefix(upTo: firstIndex), second.prefix(upTo: secondIndex))
Difference(elements: first.suffix(from: firstIndex).prefix(count), which: .both))
contentsOf: diffHelp(
first.suffix(from: firstIndex + count), second.suffix(from: secondIndex + count)))
return differences
let differences = diffHelp(
first.split(separator: "\n", omittingEmptySubsequences: false)[...],
second.split(separator: "\n", omittingEmptySubsequences: false)[...]
if differences.count == 1, case .both = differences[0].which { return nil }
var string = differences.reduce(into: "") { string, diff in
diff.elements.forEach { line in
string += "\(diff.which.prefix) \(line)\n"
return string
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vibrazy commented Jun 15, 2021

Thanks for this. Perhaps you can match the assert equals signature so we can use at a global level.

func XCTAssertEqualDiff<T>(
	_ expression1: @autoclosure () throws -> T,
	_ expression2: @autoclosure () throws -> T,
	_ message: @autoclosure () -> String = "",
	file: StaticString = #filePath,
	line: UInt = #line
) where T: Equatable {
	let expected = try? expression1()
	let actual = try? expression2()
	if expected != actual {
		let diff =
			debugDiff(expected, actual)
			.map { "\($0.indent(by: 4))\n\n(Expected: −, Actual: +)" }
			?? """
		  \(String(describing: expected).indent(by: 2))
		  \(String(describing: actual).indent(by: 2))

		  State change does not match expectation: …
			file: file,
			line: line

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