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Last active January 29, 2020 06:37
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import tkinter
from tkinter import messagebox
main_window = tkinter.Tk()
main_window.withdraw() #remove the background window.
messagebox.showinfo('Title', "This is just a text in a message box")
messagebox.showerror('ERROR!', "Here are the details of the error that you faced right now.")
messagebox.showwarning("WARNING!", "This will only have a button with ok as text or content.")
messagebox.askyesno("Confirmation", "Do you really want to close the application.")
messagebox.askokcancel("Confirm Action", "Do you want to proceed or cancel the operation?")
messagebox.askretrycancel("Confirm Action", "Installation Failed, retry or cancel the operation?")
showerror ()
askyesno ()
askretrycancel ()
Copy link

user_choice = messagebox.askokcancel():

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